Does anyone have their child's school vacation dates yet for 2003-2004??

D L and K's Mom

<font color=blue>D, L and now baby Kennedy's mom!<
Mar 17, 2001
We have a bit of a dilemma...we are booked aboard the Disney Cruise for Dec.21st. I am a teacher and I am assured by my principal that we will have the week of Dec. 22nd off (it is a Catholic School) Hubby is a High School teacher (first tenure yet) and he can't seem to get a straight answer yet. All he is told is the schedule has not been approved yet and will not be until March. I am going nuts!!!!I have checked other school districts and I get the same answer. He can't take days off before a vacation per contract. We made the reservations before he had the job. I can hold the cruise but we need to book airplines as DS is a special needs child and needs front row seating in the plane not to mention the prices go up and it is gettting harder to get 5 seats on a plane in Dec close to christmas......I am just curious to see how many people already know the dates of their child's vac. and what the dates are. This is driving me nuts and I know I have no-one to blame but Myself!!!!!:crazy:
Our school has a tenative 2003-2004 posted on their website. I was happy since I am trying to plan an Oct trip and they boys actually get off 2 days in Oct.
Our district isn't official until April 1st usually.

As for airline seats, they are usually very accomodating. They have moved ticketed passengers for me in the past for medical needs.

Good luck
We got the new schedule last week (I'm on Long Island, NY). My district has off the last 2 weeks of Dec. (Dec. 20 - Jan. 4th, to be exact).
Originally posted by MrsMud
We got the new schedule last week (I'm on Long Island, NY). My district has off the last 2 weeks of Dec. (Dec. 20 - Jan. 4th, to be exact).

I hope The Department of Education using the same schedule for NYC schools.

The way Bloomberg and Klein are changing things we may only get Christmas and New Years day off.;)
I just saw our proposed schedule for next year but it won't be finalized for at least a month yet. Good luck.
Nothing posted yet for Saratoga Springs (upstate NY, not the new DVC resort ;) )

The '02-'03 calendar says: adopted March 28, 2002 so I expect it will be the same this year. Mrs. Mud, it would be great to get 2 full weeks off, I hope we do too. Of course, I'll be tempted to go you know where. :D
We won't know until May what the school schedule is for next year. They usually give us a calendar for the upcoming year the day school is out, and it's not available until then. Maybe the teachers, principals and administrators know before then, but the parents don't.
Last day of the marking period is Friday, December 19th. Winter break starts on Monday, December 22nd, so cruising on the 21st will be fine.
Our calendar is already set for 2003-04. Our last day is December 19th and we return January 5, 2004. I know most public schools in the Cincinnati area usually have the same calendar.

Good Luck with yours!

I am a teacher and we have always had two weeks for Christmas break. I am sure most school systems do. If you figure that up, it means that most schools will be out by December 22.

I wouldn't stress over it- go ahead and book the plane. School's usually have to allow for travel days for people to get to their holiday destinations before the 24th, and that means they will at least be out by the 23rd! So I would venture a safe guess and say that they will be out by the 22nd.


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