Do you really want to go back to WDW so soon?

This virus is so confusing in so many ways: Asymptomatic carriers, and yes, I do not understand why in some places ( NYC and New Orleans come to mind) it get so incredibly deadly. Other places, not so much. How do you know which one your community will be??
Population density. Manhattan, which is the 3rd most populated borough of NYC has like 1.7 million people, and its about 3/4 of the size of WDW - so its not that big. Also realize that that is permanent population. Add the workforce of commuters it estimates at 4 million a day. 9 of the 10 most densely populated municipalities in the US are NYC and/or its suburbs.

I'm sure Mardi Gras did not help new Orleans
Totally agree with what TraderSamWDW says. I was getting alarmed a few days ago when the headlines began to turn so scary for NYC. At that point there were 100,000 infected. My DH had me divide that by the population of NYC which is 18 million. Although 100,000 is a horribly huge number, it is only a half a percent (.5%) of NYC's population that was infected at that time.
I am also wondering whether a lot of the deaths in NYC are in poverty stricken areas.
In our house we have daily conversations with brokers/investors who work in NYC and haven't spoken to ANYONE in the last month who has REMAINED in NYC.
They have all moved out to other homes or are living with relatives in surrounding states.

They're lucky... we're lucky too, because we get to stay at home and we're not losing our income. But I have friends who work as doctors in CA and NY and they still have to go to work at their hospitals and treat patients. This is serious and it honestly baffles me how there are still those out there that think this is "just a cold virus" and that all this is unnecessary. My friends tell me that a lot of doctors are working extra and without pay, and they've been having non-ICU doctors work in the ICU at many hospitals across the country. Lack of sufficient medical resources is a real issue.
Now the "so called" experts are predicting that the number of deaths from this hideous virus will be substantially under 100,000
That is a big difference from what was originally predicted -- over 2 million

Their data might be correct, but their models are wrong.
Every death is a tragedy, but the fact is more people will die today from non-corona causes, than from corona
There are some places, like Houston, where they are scratching their heads about why it isn't spreading like wildfire. UT Health thinks it was first here in November after combing through medical records from the fall until now and has been spreading since then which is why we haven't had spikes. It would be nice if this was true.
Now the "so called" experts are predicting that the number of deaths from this hideous virus will be substantially under 100,000
That is a big difference from what was originally predicted -- over 2 million

Their data might be correct, but their models are wrong.
Every death is a tragedy, but the fact is more people will die today from non-corona causes, than from corona

Would you rather want it the other way around?

Now the "so called" experts are predicting that the number of deaths from this hideous virus will be substantially under 100,000
That is a big difference from what was originally predicted -- over 2 million

Their data might be correct, but their models are wrong.
Every death is a tragedy, but the fact is more people will die today from non-corona causes, than from corona
Well if their expertise is in doubt, why are you believing that they say now?
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There are some places, like Houston, where they are scratching their heads about why it isn't spreading like wildfire. UT Health thinks it was first here in November after combing through medical records from the fall until now and has been spreading since then which is why we haven't had spikes. It would be nice if this was true.
I could buy this. The models have been way wrong. Best case scenarios on the models had way higher death rates than the actual results in just about every place including New York. And the best case had more restrictive social distancing than has actually taken place.
There really needs to be randomized antibody testing nationwide. I suspect a lot of people have had it and never knew they had it.
I could buy this. The models have been way wrong. Best case scenarios on the models had way higher death rates than the actual results in just about every place including New York. And the best case had more restrictive social distancing than has actually taken place.
There really needs to be randomized antibody testing nationwide. I suspect a lot of people have had it and never knew they had it.

🙋🏻‍♀️ I got very sick after returning home from Vegas in February. Cough, fever, chills, body aches, fatigue, sore throat, loss of sense of smell and taste. COVID wasn’t here yet according to the experts at the time which we now know to be false. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Once that antibody test is available which tests for immunity from prior infection, I will be first in line to get one. DH and kids got sick too, but I was the sickest. I certainly didn’t need to be hospitalized, but I was really stinking sick.
I suspect a lot of people have had it and never knew they had it.
COVID wasn’t here yet according to the experts at the time which we now know to be false.

I personally know of several people (my wife was one of them) who were hospitalized in early 2019... January (January of 2019, not 2020). They were initially tested for flu and told they didn't have it. After my wife had been admitted at the hospital, she was told it was the flu. It struck us as odd at the time that the tests were somewhat inconclusive and contradictory, but now... :idea:

Perhaps this was just a new strain of flu back then that the flu shot didn't protect from (she had taken a flu shot), or maybe this was some other "corona" virus similar to COVID-19.

Heck, maybe it WAS COVID-19!

Probably not, but it shows that there have been similar "mystery" illnesses around for nearly 18 months already. That, coupled with the number of reports I've seen of possible (probable?) COVID cases this past fall, makes me think this has been around longer than we realized.

If that turns out to be the case, I think it will be a good thing in the long run... we might have already flattened the curve without realizing it (whether by herd immunity or just because cases were already spread out so the projected overwhelming of hospitals didn't happen), and many people already had it and recovered rather than being destined to catch it in the coming months. I'm not claiming this is a fact. But we're starting to see some indications that it's in the realm of possibility.

I hope we continue to see improving numbers everywhere.
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Now the "so called" experts are predicting that the number of deaths from this hideous virus will be substantially under 100,000
That is a big difference from what was originally predicted -- over 2 million

Their data might be correct, but their models are wrong.
Every death is a tragedy, but the fact is more people will die today from non-corona causes, than from corona
This will jump back up for 2 million if we stop the precautions we are taking now before widespread testing is available. The death projections are only “low” because of the precautions we are taking. Not because it’s not a deadly virus.

With social distancing deaths will be on par with a very bad Flu year. Of course no social distancing required with the Flu deaths.
🙋🏻‍♀️ I got very sick after returning home from Vegas in February. Cough, fever, chills, body aches, fatigue, sore throat, loss of sense of smell and taste. COVID wasn’t here yet according to the experts at the time which we now know to be false. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Once that antibody test is available which tests for immunity from prior infection, I will be first in line to get one. DH and kids got sick too, but I was the sickest. I certainly didn’t need to be hospitalized, but I was really stinking sick.
Our whole house got sick in February as well, with the flu??? Only our oldest daughter got tested and was positive, but now I question that. I was so sick that I was in bed for almost 2 days with a constant migraine type headache, it's the sickest I've been in over 15 years. One of my coworkers had the exact same thing, along with variations throughout my office.

Really wish we had ramp up up testing back in January, could of saved us all this trouble. Maybe now people will realize how important the WHO & CDC are.
Now the "so called" experts are predicting that the number of deaths from this hideous virus will be substantially under 100,000
That is a big difference from what was originally predicted -- over 2 million

Their data might be correct, but their models are wrong.
Every death is a tragedy, but the fact is more people will die today from non-corona causes, than from corona
Not in NYC:
Yes don't forget a nasty strain of the Flu was running around the US about those same times so MOST LIKELY it was Flu. But I'll be the first in line for an antibody test as well. I was sick for three weeks with fatigue, loss of appetite, mild chills, and chest pain after a February trip to WDW with a flight through ATL. I never had sore throat or fever though, so Im guessing it was just a mean upper respiratory infection.
Yes, we want to live. Please open up Disney now!!!! We are healthy and not afraid of what amounts to an upper respiratory infection. We think we have probably already been exposed anyway and if not, we want to be in order to gain the immunity. We have talked to our doctor about this btw and he even has on his website that it is a cold virus and that in the vast majority of people who have any symptoms at all, it presents itself as a mild upper respiratory infection. If you look at the numbers of people who have died, he is right. Less people have died in Italy than died in a heat wave in 2016. 18,000 people died in Italy in a heat wave in 2016. The media and some in government are blowing this virus way out of proportion. Look at the actual numbers and compare them to how many people die on a regular basis of other things. Do your own research. It isn’t easy to find all these numbers because they don’t want you to realize how minor this thing is. But they are out there.
I am a Respiratory Therapist in a large medical center in Philadelphia. this is NOT just an URI as you put it. Our acuity is 3x's what it normally is. We have people dying every day from this. We are stretched out to the max with 48 beds in our ICU and having to use other areas in the hospital as COVID units. I believe you should also do your own research that is objective and use the data because this is deadly right now and we do need to flatten the curve . Now is not the time to "Get On With Normalcy"
It doesn’t matter. The issue is the death rate. And the death rate is LOW, far lower than the flu, far lower than heat waves. A very small number of people have died from the virus in the US. Most hospitals in the us are completely empty right now.
Only in rural area where people live far apart is that true.
The number of COVID deaths is a lagging indicator and will decease every day

As I am typing, 3,179 folks passed away today from non-COVID related causes
The US averages 2.8 million non-COVID deaths annually and due to genetics and/or our lifestyle choices, I do not see a big change in this number
I know there are those who feel that this is nothing but another strain of a flu like syndrome and I won't be changing their minds to the contrary. I wish that you could spend one day in the ICU with me and see how devastating this pandemic really is. I will not post anything on this subject again on this thread.Stay safe and healthy.
Funny thing, I'm from the Midwest and almost every friend/family unit I have spoken to have said something like, "Well, we think we already had it...." At first, I was believing that as well, thinking we might already have a "herd immunity." However, the more I'm reading of cases/data, I doubt it, because I believe there would have been a few who were hospitalized. (None of my friends/family required hospitalizations with their illnesses.)
This morning I read in the news that there was some testing done in Colorado where they did the rapid tests for antibodies of approx. 800 people; only 8-9 tested positive!!
My gut is that I don't think this has really infiltrated middle America, but I am sure hoping I'm wrong.


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