Do you get the chills?

This is a great thread! I too get so excited when any of the Disney commercials come on:yay:
i have found myself going onto youtube and finding old commercials and and Disney info films :banana:
My family thinks it's funny but there is nothing like that feeling of excitement and anticipation that I get
Anything vaguely disney related and I get chills.....

THAT music!!!

walking by the disney store
adverts for disney films
adverts for disney holidays
disney music on the radio

sometimes I get stupidly excited, some times a cry a bit :goodvibes I love it when ever I think about disney I get a warm fuzzy feeling I can't help it even though I am 25 and really should know better!!! :lmao:

YOAMD adverts don't appear on UK TV it would seem:confused3 ....or I have never caught one :confused3

either way I chose to look it up on good old you tube and spent the next 15 mins being drawn in to clip after clip of WDW YOAMD and disney related stuff!!! it was great could highly reccomend it....heres one to get you going... the little kid who gets given a lanyard set from a dream team member then shouts I LOVE DISNEY to the camera made me burst into tears!!!

should I be concerned? or is this kinda thing normal for a disney freak like me????????????????????????
chills is the perfect word. i think about disney whenever i'm having a bad day or whenever i dread getting up early for school. i just talk to myself and say "just think...disney world soon. disney world" and a smile comes across my face instantly. the commercials give me goosebumps! :goodvibes
I think it's good just to know we're not alone..
A couple of nights ago America's Funniest Videos re-ran and episode from
WDW and we were glued to it...was it that the videos were exceptionally funny?...Nooooo, only because we were trying to grab those moments in between when we could see the parks, the rides....see, I'm getting excited all over again....:yay:
Do you or your children get the chills when a WDW commercial comes on?

2008 POFQ, 2008 ASMo, 2007 Off Site, 2007 Off Site, 2006 PC, 2005 CBR, 2005 Off Site, 2004 Off Site, 2003 WL, 2002 ASMo, 2002 Off Site, 2001 AKL, 2000 Off Site, 1999 AS Sport, 1998 POR, 1997 Off Site, 1995 ASM, 1991 Off Site, 1990 Off Site, 1988 Off Site, 1985 Off Site, 1983 Off Site, 1982 Off Site, 1981 Off Site, 1980 Off Site, 1974 FW, 1972 Off Site.:woohoo:

I get teary!
Thank you for this thread! Now I know I'm not the only one who misses WDW terribly and even gets a little teary eyed (excuse me, BAWLS) during anything Disney. :goodvibes

My supervisor is going to WDW on Tuesday and I absolutely hate her for it LOL! I want to go so bad. :sad1:

I don't graduate college until May 09, and (hopefully) will have a job starting Sept 09. I just hope they let me off for a week (Sept 19-27) for my Birthday Trip to WDW! LOL! The place I plan on working, I did an internship for. My supervisor there knows what a Disney Freak I am. (I had to leave a week during my 2-month internship there - during TAX SEASON! - to go to WDW). She had a complete understanding, because she absolutely LOVES Disney too! She even got a little misty-eyed talking about Disney....:rolleyes:


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