Do you expect comments/compliments when you change your appearance?


Sep 24, 2011
So normally at work I wear my hair up (easiest and I'm lazy) and ocassionally I'll straighten it. Last night I let it dry in a towel with some curl product and it was very curly Monday morning.

Today one of my (male) co-workers told me that he wanted to let me know that he noticed my hair was different. Not really a compliment but as soon as he said that another co-worker (also male) said he noticed as well but didn't want to say anything. I work with IT guys so it probably was compliment lol so I said thanks, but it got me thinking...I didn't care if anyone noticed or complimented my hairstyle; I styled it because I liked it that way. But the way my co-worker said it was as though I wouldn't be happy unless he said something. So my you expect anyone to compliment or comment when you change your appearance?
My DH heads an IT department for a Fortune 50 company. The company has many seminars about sexual harassment and what is/is not appropriate in the work place. Add to that the ratio of men to women in an IT department, and you will have most men be very very very very careful about complementing a woman, even if he wants to. So that may have been your co-worker's way of paying you a compliment, without offending you in any way. Believe, me, I have heard all the ways my husband has to tip-toe around things I don't even give a second thought about.
At work? No. According to our HR seminars, offering comments or compliments on appearance are forbidden, especially when the recipient is of the opposite sex. You can be fired.
Now, truth be told, it still happens, but usually quietly and out of ear range of managers.
Same with a hug. A no no. Trust me, the hugs I got when I returned to work after my mom passed away we very comforting.
I don't expect it, I work for an IT company and my honey owns his own IT consulting company. I'd be surprised if my boss noticed if I cut off an arm. I wore prescription reading glasses from day one when I came here to work 26 years ago. About 10 years in, I was off one morning at the eye doctor, my boss asked where I was and a co-worker said at the eye doctor getting new glasses. He looked at her and said I didn't know she wore glasses. Now I have another co-worker (man) who always comments on the clothes I wear, not sure if he's complimenting me so much a just noticing. I don't mind if he does it but find it a little weird that he even notices. We are a small company and there is no such thing as sexual harassment here, we do have a policy but seriously, unless someone reaches out and grabs something they shouldn't be grabbing it's no big deal, I'm o.k. with a compliment.
I don't expect it really, but nowadays I don't really change much about about my appearance.

A few years ago when I worked in education was doing different hairstyles and just generally being silly about it, kids would comment every day.

Now that I think about it, maybe only ONE male coworker ever commented. He was a really young guy. I didn't see it as sexual harassment because I had a mad crush on him and shamelessly flirted with him. :rotfl2:
I usually wear my hair up to work and wear jeans and a Hoodie or a sweater. If I deviate from that everyone makes comments about how I'm dressed up and I don't like it at all.
Of course I expect it. That's why I don't change my appearance much. Don't want everyone to make a big stink about it.
No, I don't expect it. Usually only the women comment about the clothes,hair style, or jewelry of other women in the office. I never hear the men say anything and it's probably because they don't want it taken the wrong way.
So normally at work I wear my hair up (easiest and I'm lazy) and ocassionally I'll straighten it. Last night I let it dry in a towel with some curl product and it was very curly Monday morning.

Today one of my (male) co-workers told me that he wanted to let me know that he noticed my hair was different. Not really a compliment but as soon as he said that another co-worker (also male) said he noticed as well but didn't want to say anything. I work with IT guys so it probably was compliment lol so I said thanks, but it got me thinking...I didn't care if anyone noticed or complimented my hairstyle; I styled it because I liked it that way. But the way my co-worker said it was as though I wouldn't be happy unless he said something. So my you expect anyone to compliment or comment when you change your appearance?

I kind of expect it. Not in the sense that I feel anyone has an obligation, but every time I do change my hair, most of my coworkers will compliment it.
I recently lost a bit of weight. Most people haven't said anything. And I really didn't expect anyone to comment.

In fact, I was surprised when people did comment.
I don't expect it, but it is nice if someone notices. I don't take offence if someone says 'hey, I like your haircut' or 'that's a nice shirt'
Generally, no I don't expect it. However, if I did something drastic with my hair (cut it super short or made it really curly when it was straight), I guess I do expect a comment (not necessarily a compliment). If you totally change your look, someone's going to notice.
I used to get comments when I did a "drastic change" but the other day I was an old lady with shoulder length hair and after last Friday I was an old lady with just past the ears length of hair.......nobody has said anything so I'm thinking it didn't do anything for a posiive or negative comment. I'm just old. :rotfl:


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