Do people actually enjoy these attractions?

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Tiki room - Yes, my two year old LOVED this and we enjoyed time off our feet and the music.
Country Bears - Yes, For me it is nostaglic because my Dad truly loves it.
Hall of Presidents - I find it boring, my husband likes it because he is a history buff.
Carousel of Progress - I used to like it when I was a kid. It's a little boring now. I would miss it because of nostalgia if it were gone.
Captain EO - N/A I think it is gone now and I only saw it once in the 80's and I was scared (I was little.)
Journey with Figment - I LOVED the old one from the 80's. The new one makes me sad that it is not the same. I still like going on it because I like silly cutesy dark rides.
Ellen's Energy - I fall asleep literally every time during the movie part at the end. Fix that part and I'd be more on board.
Living with the Land - YES, I love this one.
Circle of Life - N/A never seen
movies in the World showcase - My mom and dad love these. I could take them or leave them. The theatres in the round kind of make me dizzy. I do like that they take a big chunk of guests away from the crowds for a while though :)

Also I echo what people say about it being nice to have some air conditioned breaks that aren't food or shopping and usually have short lines.
Tiki room is not for my family we have it two tries and its a no
We tried country bears for the first time on our last trip and everyone liked but me. I found it weird and very out of date. But people do love this.
HOP we have never experienced, one day we will.
COP I love, a have to for each trip for me
Captain OE never experienced and never will its gone after the first of December.
Journey with Figment never experienced
Ellens enery boring one time experience
LWTL my boys love it, I thinks its a fun ride.
Circle of life, put my two year old to sleep.
movies of Wold show case never seen some thing always came up.
LOVE Tiki room...sentimental favorite bc my dad loved it. Love Living with the land bc it is intetesting and relaxing. Carousel of progress is a like, but not a have to. We're indifferent to the rest.
Interesting responses. I think you've heard everything, but here are the results from my family.

Tiki room - We never have to do this again, but we probably will.
Country Bears - We never have to do this again, and we won't.
Hall of Presidents - Nice to see it every few visits
Carousel of Progress - We really like this--restful, sing-a-long
Captain EO - It's okay if the line isn't long.
Journey with Figment - It's okay if the line isn't long.
Ellen's Energy - We quite like this attraction.
Living with the Land - We wouldn't miss this, especially my son and me.
Circle of Life - I've never done it.
movies in the World showcase - We usually see a couple of them each trip.
I'm planning a third trip to DW. First trip my 3 year old was scared of everything so we went on very, very few rides. 2nd trip - we went on a ton and it was fun to see what everyone's favorites were. Me - Haunted Mansion, DH - food & wine festival 8-), 8-year old son - Test Trak, 6-year old son - People Mover (!!!)

Even over a week we couldn't do everything so I'm trying to include lots that we didn't do last time.
BUT... some of these attractions are really questionable. Do people actually enjoy them for what they are, or do they just do it for tradition or sentimentality??
Would kids enjoy them?

I'm thinking about:
Tiki room
Country Bears
Hall of Presidents
Carousel of Progress
Captain EO
Journey with Figment
Ellen's Energy
Living with the Land
Circle of Life
movies in the World showcase
Tiki room - PASS
Country Bears - YES
Hall of Presidents - PASS
Carousel of Progress - YES
Captain EO - YES
Journey with Figment - Umm...YES!
Ellen's Energy - YES!
Living with the Land - YES
Circle of Life - PASS
movies in the World showcase - PASS
I'm thinking about:
Tiki room - Yes, silly fun and a good break on a hot day
Country Bears - yes, at least once
Hall of Presidents - same as Country Bears
Carousel of Progress - yes, funny to see what they thought would be progress
Captain EO - No longer running; replaced with 3 shorts
Journey with Figment - Most definitely. Though not as good as the original, it is a must do for us every visit
Ellen's Energy - Maybe; if you are tired and hot and need a good rest. The dinosaur parts are good, but it is so long!
Living with the Land - Definitely
Circle of Life - Yes
movies in the World showcase - Canada is good as are others but most you have to stand so the kids might not want to do that
Tiki room --- never done but I'd like to
Country Bears ---- my husband took our then-toddler. Said it was eh.
Hall of Presidents -- we enjoyed it. We have three young kids and they also liked it.
Carousel of Progress --- totally hokey but an absolute must do for us every trip
Captain EO ---i thought it was gone
Journey with Figment ---ok to do once. No need to repeat
Ellen's Energy ---ok to do once. No need to repeat
Living with the Land ---we love it
Circle of Life ---total waste of time
movies in the World showcase ---yes! We enjoy them all!
Carousel of Progress is my favorite and I usually see it a few times when I am there. As far as the others:

Tiki room - yes, love it
Country Bears - yes
Hall of Presidents - sometimes
Carousel of Progress - always
Captain EO - No
Journey with Figment - yes, love it
Ellen's Energy - did it once, once was enough
Living with the Land - yes, but wouldn't be sad without it
Circle of Life - no
movies in the World showcase - The American Adventure is wonderful- very patriotic- is a bit long if time is limited. The circle vision movie in Canada and China are my other two favorites (there are no seats in these last two- standing only).
I've only seen the Zazu and Iago version of Tiki Birds. We didn't make time for the newer one on this trip.

Did Country Bears on previous trips decades ago. Didn't see a need this time.

Carousel of Progress is a must. My granny loved it and dragged us on it as kids. She passed a few years ago and every trip I go on will require a visit because I remember her and it makes me smile.

Journey into Imagination was ok. My littles were fairly meh on the ride but loved the play area.

We all liked Living with the Land. I was surprised as my kids were 2 and 5 but they were enthralled.

One kid slept through the China movie, the other wasn't too impressed. Hubby and I liked the Canada one.

Everything else I've never done.
Do people actually enjoy them for what they are, or do they just do it for tradition or sentimentality??
Would kids enjoy them?

I'm thinking about:
Tiki room - I think this one is cute. It's not necessarily one of my favorites, but it's definitely nice for a little air conditioning and such. I think kids like this one just because the whole room is animated and there's music and it's punny. :teeth:
Country Bears - This one bores me, honestly. I think it's really outdated and I never actually liked the movie. So, I'd say pass on this one, but that's just my opinion. :confused3
Hall of Presidents - I really don't like this one much, either. I do like it in the summer when it's hot and I need air conditioning. I also like the end of it where they list off every single president because I like to test my memory. :rotfl2:Other than that, I wouldn't really recommend it if you're looking for something your kids might like.
Carousel of Progress - Again, I think this one is cute, even if the song gets stuck in my head! The kids might kinda like this one, but I wouldn't say it'd be a top favorite. It can be kinda boring for younger ones.
Captain EO - Can't comment, haven't done this one yet.
Journey with Figment - Yes, definitely yes! I think they'll love this one! This one is extremely adorable and takes you through the five different senses. If they're sensitive to smells, though, make sure they cover their nose during the scent testing...
Ellen's Energy - This one is one of my favorites. It's long, so it might not be good for them if they have trouble sitting still. But if they like dinosaurs, that's a plus. It definitely has some cool things. It's not so much as a ride as a show, but I love it. Kids... maybe not. It really just depends. If they can sit still and they're okay with the dark, then they might enjoy it.
Living with the Land - I think this one's cute. There's lots of Hidden Mickeys, so that's a way to keep the kiddos entertained. But other than that, I'd say that there's really no reason NOT to go on it. It's cute and simple and there's hardly ever a wait. :thumbsup2
Circle of Life - If they absolutely love the Lion King, go see it. There's never a wait and it only takes about ten minutes out of your day. There's no harm in going. It's not necessarily something I'd go out of my way to see, but hey, why not?
movies in the World showcase - :sad2:
Tiki room - No, gives me a headache
Country Bears - Yes, it's cute
Hall of Presidents - Yes, but my DD doesn't
Carousel of Progress - Yes, it could use updates though
Captain EO - NO! Always hated it
Journey with Figment - Love, Love Figment!
Ellen's Energy - Yes, but I don't like the pre-movie, it'd be better to just start the ride without it
Living with the Land - Yes, it's one of our favorites
Circle of Life - not really
movies in the World showcase - Yes, we really enjoy the movies
Tiki room - YES
Country Bears - YES...Don't like that they shortened it(sometime in the last year or two)
Hall of Presidents - YES...Once every few trips.
Carousel of Progress -YES...One of my all-time favorites at WDW, and I hope no matter how poorly it is attended, that it never goes away.
Captain EO - Gone, and could not care less. Much better 3D offerings at WDW(Tough to be a Bug, Philharmagic and Muppetvision).
Journey with Figment - Take it or leave it. Hate what they did to it. The Imagination Pavilion needs so much love.
Ellen's Energy - It's too long, but we still visit once a trip.
Living with the Land -YES...Could also use some love
Circle of Life - NO...Saw it once about 10 years ago, fell asleep. Will never go back
Movies in the World showcase - NO...See comments above about 3D movies at WDW.

Bottom line...First four should never be removed from the MK. The rest...fix them up or replace. I have no attachment to them.
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We enjoy Living With the Land. I like seeing all the different plants and the unique gardening techniques. the rest of the list, I don't like them and don't go one them.
Tiki room - yes, very much so.
Country Bears - i don't know. i haven't seen it since i was a child and it was in disneyland. last trip, we just didn't have time.
Hall of Presidents - yes. my then 5th grader was over the moon about this one.
Carousel of Progress - omg yes. this is same aforementioned kiddos favorite, hands down. she's now 16 but it's still her fav.
Captain EO - meh. it was a nice sit.
Journey with Figment - one of my husbands favorite. we occasionally will use the "that's how you know a skunk is not a rose" line in daily conversation.
Ellen's Energy - it's a nice sit and long enough for a quick nap. kiddo adores Nye and Ellen.
Living with the Land - totally love this one. i love everything about it. i love the waterfalls. i love the garden. i love the fish in tubes. it's the only place i've caught glimpse of a alligator in FL despite my trying. it's a cool place to sit and relax.
Circle of Life- never seen it. i can't say it interests me but on a hot day or with tired feet, any port in a storm.
movies in the World showcase - we've sat through a few. it was nice and educational. i appreciate what they are trying to do with educating people about the different parts of the world.

the only thing i think i've straight up had ZERO interest in was the american idol experience, drew carys thing, and kiddo has zero interest in stitch.
Tiki room -YES! YES! YES!! So Walt! So classic Disney! :cloud9:
Country Bears - YES!! Just good old fashioned entertainment...not the Super-sensory stimulation we call entertainment now. :charac2:
Hall of Presidents - Not til we get a new president...depending on who that is
Carousel of Progress - Fabulous classic Disney...I was there in 1964 for the World's Fair and it's just as good today :hippie:
Captain EO - I thank the powers that be that this is gone. Just horrible. :crazy2:
Journey with Figment - I respect every Figment fan for his illustrious past, but now...???
Ellen's Energy - Too long a ride and needs a new story line. :bored:
Living with the Land - LOVE! Great way to introduce people to the great agricultural past and future of this country.
Circle of Life - My son loves this more than I do. But it's fine. It's a great place to spend time on a hot day. :sunny:
movies in the World showcase - Most are very dated and need some contemporary upgrades. :car:

Obviously, these just represent my own opinions and you may not agree. I can respect that. But those Tiki Birds are just ... :love: for me.
Tiki room NO
Country Bears NO
Hall of Presidents Yes (moderately. I can miss it)
Carousel of Progress Yes
Captain EO NO
Journey with Figment Yes
Ellen's Energy Yes
Living with the Land Yes Yes Yes (can't miss)
Circle of Life NO
movies in the World showcase Yes, some more than others

I do wish they would reclaim the theater for Country Bears. I find it the second worst "attraction" at all four parks. The worst attraction is Stitch.
Tiki room - Corny, but I love it. Of course it reminds me of my grandaddy because he is the one who convinced us to see it.

Country Bears - Have only seen it once. It was ok, but I probably won't see it again.

Hall of Presidents - Naptime!! (Granted I was clearly absent the day they handed out the "Rah, rah America" genes.)

Carousel of Progress - Classic!! I only miss it if it is closed.

Captain EO - Prettt sure this has thankfully been put away. Never bothered. Never was a MJ fan.

Journey with Figment - Miss the old one - and the old play/explore area, but still will do it.

Ellen's Energy - I'm weird, but I enjoy it. It could use some updating.

Living with the Land - I will do it, but it isn't my favorite.

Circle of Life - Never saw it.

movies in the World showcase - I enjoy them.
Tiki room
Country Bears
Journey with Figment
Carousel of Progress

I'm glad not everyone likes them - no need for FP+, AC, rest my feet. I have enough lines to stand in for fur characters (his other love).
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