Disney with a 4 month old baby - opinions please...

We did Disney with a 4 month old several years ago - it's a great age! Breast feeding makes it super simple, but bottles could be manageable too. My kids loved Playtex Drop-ins with the disposable liners. All that needs to be cleaned and sanitized is the nipple. When mine were little, Medela made sanitizing bags that could be put in the microwave. Very useful for bottle nipples, pacifiers, and breast pump accessories when traveling. Not sure if your room will have a microwave, but the quick service location might have one as a backup.

Your little one will be able to ride everything that does not have a height requirement, which is almost everything! You'll also be able to take advantage of rider swap on rides that do have height requirements. You can be very strategic when using rider swap with fastpass to make up for time you will lose by going at a slower pace.

It is super helpful if your baby will tolerate being worn either in a sling or in a baby bjorn type carrier. Practice in the grocery store and on walks before your trip so that you're both used to it. Make your husband practice too ;)

I don't think the lack of laundry facilities will be an issue. Their clothes are so tiny, you can pack plenty of extras.

Thanks for the advice and tips! :thumbsup2 Our room won't have a microwave so I assume cold water sterilising will be our only option. I would ideally like to breast feed but can't assume that I will be able to or that she will be happy with that option :) As for clothes, my main issue is letting the dirty ones build up and then them smelling of baby sick etc.. I guess they're not all going to get that dirty but you never know right! :oops:
we were at WDW with a group of 14 with youngest 4 months in August. she was breast feed and we were in the cabins at Fort Wilderness. one problem we found was most restaurants did not have sling/infant highchairs for little ones who can not sit up yet. remember to count baby in Table Serve ressies. because of heat daughter was not able to use her sling as it was too hot for both her and the baby. baby did great in stroller that reclined beside her big sister. I have never used but have read about bag that can be used in microwave to sterilize. between daughter and me, baby and her sister had enough clothes that we did not do laundry. we packed each girls clothing in Ziploc bags for each outfit. just pack a bag or more for the parks that way had something to put dirty clothes in while in parks if needed. one funny story about clothes and our trip. we had gotten older sister her suitcase a year before trip but she had not seen it. she was with me when we picked out one for the baby. she got upset that baby had one and she didn't. keep telling her that hers was at my house. about 2 weeks before trip we stopped by her house to give cases and clothes to their parents. I was pulling 2 rolling bags up their drive when older sister saw me. she yells loud enough for half the neighborhood to hear " Mommy MomMom does have a case for me not just Sadie". we then spent an hour checking out all the clothes. one thing that we found helpful in cabin was a couple of folding hampers for dirty clothes esp helpful for keeping track small socks and clothes. one other suggestion take lots of pics of what you baby does at Disney then make a photo book for your child. have a grandson who was 4 months on his first trip. even though he has no true memories of trip but can tell what that baby did in the pictures and he was that baby. he is now 11 years old. have a great trip with your baby

What did you do with the baby at dinner if strollers can't be taken in and slings cannot be used due to heat? I assume they just have to sit on your lap if they aren't able to sit up on their own at that point?

Thanks for the tips! :)
I traveled a lot when my kids were young babies. One was breastfed for well over a year, the other I switched to bottles after a couple months of constant allergic reactions to anything I ate (he's 20 and still has food allergies).

Don't worry about sterilizing. I mean, your nipples aren't sterile! So however you feed, I just washed bottles and nipples in the bathroom sink with a sponge and some dish soap. Pretty easy!

Breast feeding when travelling is definitely easier; you don't need to bring much with you! But whatever you choose, I hope you can go and have fun!

I do think if you want to, look into a one bedroom villa for the convenience of the space, kitchen for snacks, and washer for convenience! The Boardwalk area is nice to walk to Epcot! Since it's a fairly long trip, it would be nice to put the little one down in the bedroom and have the living room to hang out.

We also never did the water parks until our kids were teenagers, and even then it was one and done for them. The pools at the resorts are fine to cool off in! I was surprised really, as I thought they'd like them much more than they did.

Thank you! :)

I would ideally like to breast feed but can't assume that I will be able to or that she will be happy with that option :confused3
Go, it'll be fine. As long as your pregnancy/recovery and baby are relatively normal (no complications,) you and baby will be fine. I've taken kids as young as 7 weeks, 3 months, 4 months and up through now 15 and yes under 6 months is much easier than 1. Yes, it would be nicer to have a DVC with dishwasher/laundry, but it's still doable without. When we took my youngest at 7 weeks, we were just in a regular hotel room and it was fine.

ETA: We never had to do laundry and the youngest we've done water parks with was 1. I don't think I'd attempt taking a baby under 1ish to the water parks....there's just literally nothing they can do and it's just not really set up well for that young. Having said that I will say that last year while we were in the lazy river at one of them a lady had a baby, def. no more than 5 months old in their own tube (the kind with the bottom) she had him laying on it and it was so nerve-racking for me. She was in a tube next to him, holding on to his tube, but for goodness sakes, so many things could have gone wrong. The top of his head was past the tube so he could have easily hit his head, someone could have ran into him, he could have tipped etc... it was really ridiculous.

Also, we never worried about sterilizing with any of our kids and our oldest is now 15, youngest 2 and they all survived just fine.

Your biggest issue will most likely be table service restaurants. Some (not many) of them have slings for babies who can't sit up, but most don't. I will say when we took the one at 7 weeks and the one at 4 months, we were almost always asked if we wanted to bring the stroller in and we did, so while it's def. not guaranteed, it is an option and I'd ask if they don't offer. Off the top of my head, the following places we took our stroller in:

Crystal Palace
Rainforest Cafe
1900 Park Fare
Tusker House

And we took it in to all counter service restaurants we ate at.

I was not asked/didn't ask at Beaches-n-Cream or Plaze (they're just way too small)

Thanks for all the info! I didn't know that some restaurants have slings for babies that can't sit up yet. Ive never actually heard of this, I thought it was a highchair or nothing! :oops: I also though strollers weren't allowed in the restaurants but maybe they're more strict of the child is older?
I've heard they can go on quite a lot of rides, thats really good. I assume you need to take them in a baby carrier for safety purposes? I have bought a Baby Jogger for the lie flat and big hood for shade. Plus the fold mechanism is so easy!

Thanks for all the tips, very helpful! :)

On rides LO can go, you just hold LO on your lap. Carriers actually are not allowed.

Thanks for the advice and tips! :thumbsup2 Our room won't have a microwave so I assume cold water sterilising will be our only option. I would ideally like to breast feed but can't assume that I will be able to or that she will be happy with that option :) As for clothes, my main issue is letting the dirty ones build up and then them smelling of baby sick etc.. I guess they're not all going to get that dirty but you never know right! :oops:

Well, you won't be sterilizing anything while breast feeding! Water and soap is all you need. And, look into drop ins for bottles. Less things to wash, and less burping will be needed.

Hand wash baby things in the sink that could get stinky and hang them to dry. It'll be fine until you get home, just pack enough for the week.

What did you do with the baby at dinner if strollers can't be taken in and slings cannot be used due to heat? I assume they just have to sit on your lap if they aren't able to sit up on their own at that point?

Thanks for the tips! :)

Take turns holding LO. You'll learn how to eat while holding the baby!

Everything will be fine. You'll be at Disney. It will be a FANTASTIC time for family bonding with the new addition!
You've got a lot of good advice here! Congratulations!! Is this your first?

I would say: GO. If it's your dream to stay at the Poly, then stay at the Poly. We traveled extensively internationally when DD1 was 6-12 weeks. In fact, we traveled for 6 weeks straight, never spending more than a week in one place, always in hotel rooms. She was EBF, so we didn't bring any bottles and I also didn't bring a pump. With DD2, we went to WDW twice during maternity leave. When she was 3mo we stayed at BLT thinking that having the kitchen and w/d would be more convenient. We didn't use the kitchen at all for anything baby-related, though we did use the w/d for a few blowouts. But the second trip, when DD2 was 4.5 months, all 4 of us were in 1 hotel room at GF. We did 1 load of laundry while we were there (blowouts) but mostly just took her around in the baby carrier (boba) and a stroller. The easy thing is that they're not on solids yet, so there isn't much you have to bring, and we did no sterilizing either time.

We went to a fair number of table service restaurants, and one or the other of us would wear her and eat. It was no problem! Enjoy!

Also happy to PM if you have more questions as you get closer to your trip. But yes, go in with low, relaxed expectations. I wouldn't suggest the water parks - our kids are now 5 and 15 months and we still haven't gone to any water parks. The pool is plenty.

Thank you! :) Yes this will be my first baby. Thank you for all the advice, much appreciated!
Thanks for all the info! I didn't know that some restaurants have slings for babies that can't sit up yet. Ive never actually heard of this, I thought it was a highchair or nothing! :oops: I also though strollers weren't allowed in the restaurants but maybe they're more strict of the child is older?

In general, strollers are never allowed. In some, like Garden Grill, they are EXTREMELY strict (no strollers in the Land at all). But, some restaurants will let you take strollers in if the baby is sleeping.

Rule of thumb; if LO is sleeping, ask if you can bring the stroller in (point out the sleeping baby) before waking LO up.
On rides LO can go, you just hold LO on your lap. Carriers actually are not allowed.

Well, you won't be sterilizing anything while breast feeding! Water and soap is all you need. And, look into drop ins for bottles. Less things to wash, and less burping will be needed.

Hand wash baby things in the sink that could get stinky and hang them to dry. It'll be fine until you get home, just pack enough for the week.

Take turns holding LO. You'll learn how to eat while holding the baby!

Everything will be fine. You'll be at Disney. It will be a FANTASTIC time for family bonding with the new addition!

Thank you for the reassurance! I'm sure I'm just over thinking it all :oops: Good to know about the rides, I assumed a baby carriers would be required so thats helpful to know, thanks! :-) What are drop ins for bottles?
In general, strollers are never allowed. In some, like Garden Grill, they are EXTREMELY strict (no strollers in the Land at all). But, some restaurants will let you take strollers in if the baby is sleeping.

Rule of thumb; if LO is sleeping, ask if you can bring the stroller in (point out the sleeping baby) before waking LO up.

Thank you!
Carriers are most definitely allowed - I used either a Moby, Mei Tei, or a ring sling on tons of rides. I felt more secure that way in case my littles got squirmy.

Thats how I would feel too. What if the ride breaks down and comes to a sharp halt or something :worried: Maybe it's down to each Cast Members discretion?
Thats how I would feel too. What if the ride breaks down and comes to a sharp halt or something :worried: Maybe it's down to each Cast Members discretion?
I suppose it could be, but after multiple trips I would think I would have run into one that had an issue with it, and I haven't. Nor have I ever seen anyone on here have an issue, except pp. I hope he comes back with more details. I baby wear all the time, not just at the parks, but we never would have survived Disney without a carrier. My kids did okay in strollers, but wouldn't stay in one all day. I walked many miles wearing a baby. Also, I took several carriers and switched them out in different days, as each one hits different pressure points. That helped with any soreness from wearing them - and I have huge babies!
Thanks for all the info! I didn't know that some restaurants have slings for babies that can't sit up yet. Ive never actually heard of this, I thought it was a highchair or nothing! :oops: I also though strollers weren't allowed in the restaurants but maybe they're more strict of the child is older?

There are VERY few that have the slings (I know Chef Mickey's does for sure, not sure of others). As far as the strollers, it's def. not something to count on, but like I said the last couple times we've been with young babies (last time being Sept. 2014) they often offered without me even saying anything, so I'd def. ask, because it's def. much easier. Also, I don't think once was our little one sleeping when we were checking in for our ADR when she was 7 weeks and even then, we were almost always allowed, so ask either way.

I will say this past trip (DD was 2) she was sleeping for our ADR at Hollywood & Vine and I didn't really think about asking, but the lady at the podium just automatically said not to worry about waking her and we'd be allowed to bring the stroller in, so I think for older kids, the sleeping thing probably applies, but for ones not old enough to lift their heads....ask. Like I said def. isn't a guarantee, but depending on where you dine, you have a decent shot of it being allowed.

Also, if you end up not breast feeding, I'd seriously try to get your little one used to drinking formula at room temp. - It makes like much easier. I did this with mine and all I did was prefill her bottles with room temp. water in the morning and then I had little formula holders (you can measure out and they usually have 3-4 different compartments) so when it was time for her to eat, it didn't matter where we were, I could just dump the formula in and we were good to go.

As far as baby-wearing on rides, I've had it both ways. Many times I rode with her in the carrier, but a couple times I had CM's tell me she had to be out and I had to just carry her, so I think it just depends.
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Thank you for the reassurance! I'm sure I'm just over thinking it all :oops: Good to know about the rides, I assumed a baby carriers would be required so thats helpful to know, thanks! :-) What are drop ins for bottles?


Carriers are most definitely allowed - I used either a Moby, Mei Tei, or a ring sling on tons of rides. I felt more secure that way in case my littles got squirmy.

This was a few years ago, so maybe policies changed? We were always told to take the baby out to hold while on the rides. They said that while in the carriers, the babies could get hit by the bars and such, and that is why we were told it was safer to hold DS on the ride. None of the rides that allow babies go fast enough that a sudden stop would be a problem.

While walking around the park, us and DS were all happier with him in a carriage, as opposed to a carrier. So, we only used the carrier for waiting in lines, and places (like the Land) where strollers weren't allowed.
There are VERY few that have the slings (I know Chef Mickey's does for sure, not sure of others). As far as the strollers, it's def. not something to count on, but like I said the last couple times we've been with young babies (last time being Sept. 2014) they often offered without me even saying anything, so I'd def. ask, because it's def. much easier. Also, I don't think once was our little one sleeping when we were checking in for our ADR when she was 7 weeks and even then, we were almost always allowed, so ask either way.

I will say this past trip (DD was 2) she was sleeping for our ADR at Hollywood & Vine and I didn't really think about asking, but the lady at the podium just automatically said not to worry about waking her and we'd be allowed to bring the stroller in, so I think for older kids, the sleeping thing probably applies, but for ones not old enough to lift their heads....ask. Like I said def. isn't a guarantee, but depending on where you dine, you have a decent shot of it being allowed.

Also, if you end up not breast feeding, I'd seriously try to get your little one used to drinking formula at room temp. - It makes like much easier. I did this with mine and all I did was prefill her bottles with room temp. water in the morning and then I had little formula holders (you can measure out and they usually have 3-4 different compartments) so when it was time for her to eat, it didn't matter where we were, I could just dump the formula in and we were good to go.

As far as baby-wearing on rides, I've had it both ways. Many times I rode with her in the carrier, but a couple times I had CM's tell me she had to be out and I had to just carry her, so I think it just depends.

Thanks! Can you send a ling to these slings please? I don't think we have them in the UK and I'm keen to know a bit more about them.Thanks again for all the info! :)
http://www.playtexbaby.com/products/playtex-drop-ins-liners?utm_source=bing&utm_term=playtex drop in bottles&utm_campaign=PPC_PB_Bottles-Product-Br&utm_medium=cpc&sekw=35317654492&sadid=44700004942026235

This was a few years ago, so maybe policies changed? We were always told to take the baby out to hold while on the rides. They said that while in the carriers, the babies could get hit by the bars and such, and that is why we were told it was safer to hold DS on the ride. None of the rides that allow babies go fast enough that a sudden stop would be a problem.

While walking around the park, us and DS were all happier with him in a carriage, as opposed to a carrier. So, we only used the carrier for waiting in lines, and places (like the Land) where strollers weren't allowed.

Ah ha! Know I know what you mean regarding the bottle liners, its not something we really have in the UK but I have just found I can buy them. Bonus! :)
Does anyone know if I can use the Playtex Drop-In's with Tommee Tippee bottles? Thanks!
I bottlefed 5 babies. With my first, I asked the pediatrician how long I needed to sterilize for. I was told babies need clean, not sterile, so that was that. My first would've been a great traveler at 4 months, the next baby not so much. It really depends on the baby.
For meals - we used a Boba carrier, and if she was awake, we would take turns holding her in our laps while we ate. otherwise, one of us would put her in the carrier and stand up and rock until she fell asleep, and then sit down and eat. We'd alrternate nights whose turn it was to have the sleeping baby. It was actually really easy, because we could stay out later since she had already gone to sleep "for the night" and we even took DD1 to fireworks! DD2 slept through Wishes and Star Wars fireworks with Baby Banz headhpones (ear protection). I actually highly suggest getting those, too, as they will muffle sounds while baby is sleeping.

Most rides except Toy Story Midway Mania required us to take the baby out of the carrier. But really there's nothing that goes so fast or so hard that it would really matter to have her in the carrier anyway.

I know it sounds overwhelming right now, but by the time your baby is 4mo old you'll either be a breast feeding pro or you'll be a bottle feeding pro, either way, it won't be too hard to manage. Really!
I bottlefed 5 babies. With my first, I asked the pediatrician how long I needed to sterilize for. I was told babies need clean, not sterile, so that was that. My first would've been a great traveler at 4 months, the next baby not so much. It really depends on the baby.
wow, that's interesting! I gave my babies bottles occasionally and I always felt like such a guilty mother for only sterilizing every few months....


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