Disney to "Quiet the Noise" in Culture Wars

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Perhaps lacks diversity, but again not proof that race per se is the reason why.

In other words, if there is a lack of diversity, don't stop there and assume it's due to racism.

We need to be asking WHY is there a lack of diversity, instead of assuming it's due to some vague idea like "systemic racism".

I think in this specific case, a lot of it can be attributed to the destruction of the family unit that was set in motion by welfare laws that withheld money if there was an able-bodied male in the household.

If we don't find the root causes for lack of diversity, where it exists, we will never find the right solutions. In this case, I suppose your solution would be to be softer on crime for minorities.
I know taste is subjective, but it always surprises me that Lightyear is held up as an example of a movie bomb because my entire family really enjoyed it. It got several rewatches at my house, the kids asked for Lightyear toys the Christmas after it came out, and Sox is arguably their favorite Disney Character. And I have a theory on this…

My kids eat, sleep, and breathe Mario, Minecraft, and Pokémon but they aren’t really Disney fans. They know who Mickey Mouse is but I’m about positive they wouldn’t be able to name Goofy or Donald. (I know, I’m a bad DISer.) The other day my husband put on Chip ‘n Dale’s Park Life show for the 3 year old and my 6 year old made a comment about “the dog.” (Pluto :laughing: ) My oldest did go through an OG Buzz Lightyear phase when he was two (maybe that contributed to his liking Lightyear a few years later), and he likes Wall-E the character but doesn’t seem to care one way or the other about the movie. As well, The Lion King got a “meh” reaction from him. And, that’s about the extent of my kids’ Disney exposure — a bit of Pixar and absolutely no interest in classic Disney. It just doesn’t seem to appeal them, nor have I really seen much Disney influence among their friends and classmates.

Disney has a lot of competition these days and some kids, even at younger ages, are drawn to the more mature content of something like Minecraft than they are the G-rated world of talking animals. I think Lightyear probably appealed more to that crowd than it did to the traditional Disney fans.

My husband and I have already discussed how we’re going to have to work at getting our kids familiar with Disney movies and characters before our WDW trip next summer, because the exposure isn’t happening naturally. Again, Disney has a lot of competition, it’s not the default kids entertainment option anymore.

I just asked my 6 year old what his favorite movie or tv show is and he answered “YouTube.” :lmao:So there ya go…
DS (5) LOVES everything Disney & pretty much always has. He’s also been to wdw several times. But, in his kindergarten class, very few of the kids care much about Disney at all. They’re all into Minecraft, Mario, pokeman, etc.
Yeah, I’m not trying to argue that it was the greatest movie of all time, only that it wasn’t as terrible as people make it out to be. I just think it wasn’t a typical Disney movie and it appealed to a different crowd.

I’ve been giving this more thought since my last post. I had this conversation with my 6 year old:

Me: Who is your favorite Disney Character?
Him: Ummm… probably the basic one.
Me: Who’s the basic one?
Him: ….Mickey?
Me: What about Sox?
Him: Oh yeah, Sox. No, wait, Figaro! Yeah, it’s Figaro.

We have a black and white cat named Figaro, named by me. He didn’t know who Figaro was before I gave that name to the cat and told him where it came from. He’s never seen Pinocchio but he does have Sox toys and clothing. 🤷🏻‍♀️

This has made me realize that’s it the adults keeping Disney alive in our house, not the kids. My husband is the one who will throw on Disney movies, the kids usually only watch for a few minutes before losing interest and wandering off to do something else. I’m the one who buys the Disney merchandise and gives Disney themes to birthday parties, but once they’re old enough to chose their own themes, Disney falls by the wayside. Thinking of their friends’ party themes over the last year, I can remember Roblox, Paw Patrol, dinosaurs, Lego, Hello Kitty, Gabby’s Dollhouse, and The Lion Guard (Pride? Whatever that show was called). So, that’s 1 for Disney and 6 for Other.

Now I’m worried about Disney’s fate. 😭🤣
Lol! My DS could name several. But he’s doesn’t go for the “basic ones”. Maleficent is the current fav!
Lol that reminds me of the time a WDW menu had something like:

”Buttermilk” “Chicken” on “Sourdough Bread”

I forget exactly what it was but maybe a vegan sandwich? 2018 era.

Of course Josh from EasyWDW picked right up on that one :laughing: Miss him and his commentary often. Just last night I made rice and white corn as sides with chicken breast and thought about his hilarious takes on all-beige and all-yellow platters served at WDW.
I loved Josh. I miss him so much.
Parks sector on pace for its most profitable fiscal year in the history of the company. Cruise line reporting 98% occupancy for the current quarter.

The Wish delays, lacking experience in those first sailings and dislike of the layout by regular DCL cruisers likely a factor into why the MV of the Treasure hasn’t sold out, along with the high cost and the obvious issue of the Maiden Voyage dates not exactly being the most convenient.

The $$$ problems for the company aren’t currently in the parks sector.
There's no doubt the parks have made more money when it costs a family of four a hundred bucks a day for fast passes. Tickets are up in price, lack of resort discounts, and parking fees. I have spent a record amount of money on food and groceries this year and it's not because I'm eating better or driving more.

The short cruises have always been first-time cruisers, but these ships are going to be around for 30-plus years and a lot of cruisers don't like them. Another failure for Disney putting a maiden voyage Christmas week and then pricing it over the moon..... morons in charge obviously.

Like I said you are working overtime to defend Disney's bad decision. The question is why?
The high cost portion should be underlined and bolded.

We'll do a Disney cruise eventually but it's a tough sell when they are more than double the cost of their competitors. I've never looked into the numbers behind it but I'm sure their margins are healthy and they have plenty of room to move prices if they ever saw a dip in bookings.
Yeah the cost disparity between the Maiden Voyage and the other sailings of the Treasure is quite the gap.

Prior to Covid it was around 25% profit margin. Hadn’t returned to profitability as of Fiscal 22 and won’t see the Fiscal 23 data until next summer. It gets lumped in with the Domestic Parks on The Walt Disney Company reports, then files separately with the UK under Magical Cruise Company, Limited months later.
When I want my children to stop using a made up word, use it until they call it over used….. and no longer want to use it
Aren't all words made up? Sometimes new ideas and attitudes inspire new words. Like "staycation," for example. The Oxford English Dictionary keeps track of all English words in a multi-volume dictionary, and publishes a list every year of the top new words, along with their definitions.
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I’m anti-woke and I have no problem admitting the definition of woke is bigotry.
How lovely.

I edited my post b/c it made it look like Babs said it & then you responded to her/him. I was replying to that post & not sure why it did that. Should be fixed now.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, re: the etymology of woke:

The term, which has spread virally in recent years after being embraced by the Black Lives Matter movement, has been used to describe those who are aware since the early 1960s.

Definition - woke, adjective
Originally: well-informed, up-to-date
Now chiefly: alert to racial or social discrimination and injustice; frequently in stay woke

Now you know. It's really not that difficult.
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According to the Oxford English Dictionary, re: the etymology of woke:

The term, which has spread virally in recent years after being embraced by the Black Lives Matter movement, has been used to describe those who are aware since the early 1960s.

woke, adjective
Originally: well-informed, up-to-date
Now chiefly: alert to racial or social discrimination and injustice; frequently in stay woke

Now you know. It's really not that difficult.
this then begs the question, if someone proudly claims that they are anti-woke, what they're admitting to feels quite sinister...but at least there is no doubt as to where they stand.
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