Disney Parks Pet Peeves?


Disney Darling
Feb 4, 2017
What things annoy you when you're visiting WDW?

And what do you do when you encounter them?

For example, one of my pet peeves is when people refer to ONLY Magic Kingdom as Walt Disney World. I can't tell you how many times I've been in Animal Kindgom or Epcot and a parent will say, "Oh, we're going to Disney World tomorrow". I usually smile and say excitedly, "You're already in Disney World!"
It really bothers me when people curse in line with children around. I don't normally say anything, because I'm not very confrontational, but I will try to catch their eye and show my disapproval through my facial expression. And yes, it is usually teenagers who do this (though not always).

When you're in a happy place surrounded by kids, have the bare minimum of self awareness. Please.
Oh, the usual - people who stop in the middle of the traffic flow, people who barge in front of you to get a few feet ahead of you in line, families or groups that link arms then walk slowly so you can't get around them, etc.

My real big pet peeve is people who take up tables in counter service restaurants while others need a place to eat. I know that can be a touchy subject, and Disney has massively improved this over the years by funneling people through line before allowing them to tables during the busy time.
My least favorite WDW guest is the parent with the stroller who will run you over to get to a ride. I have had my kids in strollers and never was so rude to not apologize when I 'ankled' someone. It's the happiest place in the world and ppl can be so darn rude. Get a hold of yourself and realize what you are doing- you will get to the ride, no reason to steamroll my 8 year old. GRRRRR
Looking at cell phones while walking. People with strollers or scooters who are moving forward but looking to the side or behind them thereby almost running over the people in front of them.
Also not a fan of the cursing. Or being rude to an employee who has no power to change things for you.

This last one won't make be popular, but temper tantrums. I mean, they happen. I had little kids once, too, but when your kid starts acting up, how about getting them out of there? I know...there's no quick exit from the park to go back for the nap, but come on, you can head off the worst of it. Feed the kid. Plan a nap. And if the whining melt down happens, get out of line, find a quiet place, and let the kid calm down (or fall asleep or whatever). And then there are adult temper tantrums--often those involve cursing, too.
I hate it when people run over me with strollers. It's just plain disrespectful and actually does cause bodily harm. I believe the DIS Unplugged podcast called this the Steamstrollers? I understand sometimes it can be an accident but there have been a lot of times it's just been out of lack of caring of other people around you.

I also agree with PP: I don't like cursing anywhere but I hate it even more in front of little kids.
I try not to make a big deal out of this stuff. I'd be a hypocrite if I said how much things like stopping in the middle of traffic, looking at my phone, bumping into someone with a stroller, etc...bothered me. I've done it. I've had it done to me, and yes, I've been annoyed with it at times...which has lead to a 4 letter word or two. No, that's not at all how we walk through the parks, but with a crowd like WDW has I can't honestly say I've never been on both sides of this, so I try to keep that in perspective. I try hard not to get annoyed with someone who clearly didn't mean to bump into me or just simply wasn't paying attention. Where I have gotten annoyed is with those who are literally pushing or shoving to get through with clearly no regard.

The only thing that does bug me is people being rude on attractions and ignoring rules to the point it ruins it for others.

EDIT: As a counterpoint to the post above, we spent YEARS with a double stroller, we have twins. I can't tell you how many times people were downright rude and pushed their way around us out of simple disrespect for the fact that we had a big stroller and felt we were in their way, as if it was entitled to them. It's a challenge with a wide stroller...go too slow and everyone literally steps and pushes past. Go faster and heaven forbid you bump into someone who cuts in front of you and then stops abruptly. So it's certainly a two way street.
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PP, completely agree with you. While I realize you've been on Haunted Mansion 264 times in your life, I don't want to listen to you try to be funny and do the narration in the Stretching Room.
Mine typically fall into the overarching category of not paying attention to what's going on around you, which pretty much covers everything mentioned already! What I can say, though, is that someone who picks up on my annoyance and instantly apologizes gets an immediate pass, and usually a helping hand if necessary. Like the poor couple who's toddler was stepping on my foot over and over while we waited to be called in to dinner at Akershus. Once mom realized what was happening, she apologized profusely and picked up her obviously hungry/grumpy son. At which point I shared one of our reserve Goldfish snack bags with him.
It's usually a group of 4 or 5, spaced so as to take up all or most of a WDW walkway (which are usually quite wide), walking toward you. They studiously ignore your presence, you're supposed to disappear or move to the side as they approach, self absorbed. My response is to stop to the right of the center of the walk, 'My Lane', whip out my 'Droid or a map and study it with rapt attention. They part like the Red Sea, so far no one has made contact. Good thing.

Bill From PA
1. Those that stand at the entrance to an attraction, blocking it, whilst deciding if they are all going to ride it. Also, at the end of the exit, blocking it, whilst deciding where to go next. And yes, those that suddenly stop walking.

2. Grown adults acting like self centered bullies using cutting, pushing, verbal abuse, etc. to get closer, faster, etc.
Even though some version of this thread has been posted a bajillion times, it will still get 21 pages of comments. That's my pet peeve - you all complain too much! :-)
Even though some version of this thread has been posted a bajillion times, it will still get 21 pages of comments. That's my pet peeve - you all complain too much! :-)

Sorry to bother you. I had a feeling this topic was done before so I searched for it but I couldn't find very similar ones. If you could link me to those threads, that would be super helpful. :-)
Also not a fan of the cursing. Or being rude to an employee who has no power to change things for you.

This last one won't make be popular, but temper tantrums. I mean, they happen. I had little kids once, too, but when your kid starts acting up, how about getting them out of there? I know...there's no quick exit from the park to go back for the nap, but come on, you can head off the worst of it. Feed the kid. Plan a nap. And if the whining melt down happens, get out of line, find a quiet place, and let the kid calm down (or fall asleep or whatever). And then there are adult temper tantrums--often those involve cursing, too.

Actually, my Behavioral Psychology professor gave the same advice. If you're in a public place and your kid starts acting up, take them to the side. Sometimes kids get too overwhelmed and need a breather. And I imagine if you're about to go on a ride and your kid starts having a melt down, steering them away from the ride will send the signal that temper tantrums mean no rides.
Sorry to bother you. I had a feeling this topic was done before so I searched for it but I couldn't find very similar ones. If you could link me to those threads, that would be super helpful. :-)

Nah, I wasn't giving you a hard time, really. Just poking fun.

It does seem to be people like to talk about!


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