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I have no idea what the intervention was about as I missed it, but even still I offer my thanks. You and the rest of the Board Moderators, Webmasters and Administrators are to be commended to the highest degree for the amount of content you all have permitted here. It is refreshing, cathartic and has not gone unnoticed. Thank you. Now, given all that, whatever I missed must have been a doozy!:-)
They did a great job shutting down a troll who posted to stir things up. Had nothing to do with the current situation.
I know this is off topic, but whatever happened to Pete's up-coming wedding? Haven't heard sqaut for a couple months.
I know this is off topic, but whatever happened to Pete's up-coming wedding? Haven't heard sqaut for a couple months.
It's been mentioned elsewhere (which is the only reason I know this) but apparently Gio broke it off.

Sean said that he heard from someone in the know that they broke up before Pete went to rehab. I’m guessing Pete didn’t want to mention it on camera because he bragged about it so much when they got engaged.
I just rewatched part of the very awkward episode when Pete talks about his honeymoon cruise and reminds John about the engagement ring he gave Gio. It was so uncomfortable for everyone.
Someone mentioned sharing resources in our varied threads about the topics. So - here are some:

If you have experienced sexual assault, please bookmark this resource for survivors of sexual assault. (edited to fix grammar)

If you are faced with "why didn't you say something" (or feel the need to ask that question), please visit any of these sites (that's not one long link but 6 different options).

If you're wondering how to talk about (or whether to) an experience, please visit this site (though note that this is from a generally religious site and I have my qualms about it but it does a decent job talking about the issue).

And, if you have committed an act of violence or assault towards someone, please visit this page to think about some of the ways to move forward.

Here are some links that ask hard questions to help discern:
A) Am I being abused? (Link 1, Link 2, Link 3)
B) Am I being abusive? (Link 1, Link 2, Link 3)

And, of course, the ever-helpful Power and Control Wheel:
I did extend the grace that I would want in return. I’d hope someone would question someone not telling this when they heard about it, but at worst, not in 2019 when they quit the job and lost the reason they claimed in keeping it secret.

‘Perhaps’ you shouldn’t say what ‘seems’ and you should say what is.
You all suffered. Is that better? I sent love to all and you sent attitude back. Not necessary. I will bow out gracefully and continue to wish you well.
You all suffered. Is that better? I sent love to all and you sent attitude back. Not necessary. I will bow out gracefully and continue to wish you well.

You’re right, your tone wasn’t rude or dismissive at all and mine didn’t match your energy. Disney might have Hercules but DIS has you and nobody can stop a true hero!

If you ever need a suggestion for great Chinese food, I know a place.
I don't know much about Florida laws, but is use of hidden cameras considered criminal there?
I wonder how that works with cameras in one’s own home. I understand business was handled there but I’m curious laws around this as well. I also have cameras both hidden and unbidden in my home.
Since 2019, he has accumulated around 2100 DVC points, at a cost of around $270,000. ($200,000 of that was done in 2022 - with 1000 points at RIV alone) And I think most of that was financed via Monera or Disney financing. His last DVC purchase was for about $90k back in July via direct (500 RIV points). I'm still baffled how he could have possible racked up that much debt in such a short time. Only thing that makes sense is cash advances and gambling...b/c DVC by itself certainly didn't do it.
He should just sell his DVC and boom! He could pay off his American Express
I wonder how that works with cameras in one’s own home. I understand business was handled there but I’m curious laws around this as well. I also have cameras both hidden and unbidden in my home.
It’s unlawful to have cameras hidden in an area that has “ a reasonable expectation of privacy” like a bathroom or in a bedroom of an Air BnB where you would be disrobing, regardless if it is private property.
It’s unlawful to have cameras hidden in an area that has “ a reasonable expectation of privacy” like a bathroom or in a bedroom of an Air BnB where you would be disrobing, regardless if it is private property.
That seems to vary state to state. I’m certainly no lawyer on the issue, regardless it’s very sketchy
They are all financed. Because he could never actually afford them.
I guess if you wanted to be really nosy, you could search on the Orange county comptroller site. It's well known that when someone buys DVC resale, they can search to see if the deed was recorded. Then they know their points are almost available.
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