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Outside of the SA information that's out now, I never cared for how Pete berated and belittled his staff during the shows. I remember him constantly calling his team members names. I always felt bad for Steve because he introduced him as Miss something or other...I can't remember the exact name but I always thought Steve looked uncomfortable.

Some of the things he did on the shows made me appreciate working for a large company with an HR department where things like that didn't happen.
On the DVC Fan show that just went up (re: Poly), Pete introduced his producer Craig by saying he doesn’t know why he even bothers to introduce him, he doesn’t contribute anything to the discussion. And everyone is just to supposed to laugh it off.

He’s still your producer and he deserves appreciation!
I see my own hypocrisy of calling for people to be kind to one another and then also saying piss off. I submit. You win.
Corey, I appreciate your participation
Yea I knew Heidi, she was an amazing person. I don’t mean to be offensive but I’m sorry if I don’t know who all the board posters are by username. If someone I did know was being pushy with me or a good friend about sensitive stuff - I’d probably tell them to piss off too.
I appreciate your
That last sentence right there? I think it applies to the team as well. I don’t think any of them were spared trauma, but I’m pretty certain these allegations have then feeling as ill as we do
I'm listening thousands of miles away to an edited podcast. They are in his kitchen, in his house, etc. You find out personal things about coworkers in that type of setting. They traveled together and when you do that, you see a side of your coworkers you never see. Craig, Ryno and the team will claim innocence and inculpability, but I just dont see it like that. If I heard/saw it, they did. It wasnt enough to get them to get out of the Disney lifestyle though.
I have been reading and following along, but an additional statement for DU clients would be much appreciated. I found the DIS relatively recently (2018-2019), became a DU client, and a Patreon member. I have a DCL placeholder with DU and literally planned to book my next cruise this weekend. However, I am incredibly uncomfortable doing so as I do not want to direct funds toward the company without knowing for certain that this reprehensible behavior was not being harbored or passively condoned. My DU agent is fantastic, so I do not want to create any punitive consequence for her, but at the end of the day I am going to make certain I am making the right choice.
I have to say I'm so glad this is all out in the open right now and not getting cut off/censored left and right. Can't join the original source of the story (capacity).

Last week I was surprised by how hard this all hit ME and I have zero to do with Pete or Dustin or any of these folks in 'real' life. But when you listen to a podcast for a decade and follow along with their charity stuff, food reviews etc you get the false sense like you know them.

Dustin and Sean have to know how much we all appreciate their courage, the risk they took telling their story, the stress they took on by revisiting some of these moments in their lives they've probably tried very hard to forget.
I'm listening thousands of miles away to an edited podcast. They are in his kitchen, in his house, etc. You find out personal things about coworkers in that type of setting. They traveled together and when you do that, you see a side of your coworkers you never see. Craig, Ryno and the team will claim innocence and inculpability, but I just dont see it like that. If I heard/saw it, they did. It wasnt enough to get them to get out of the Disney lifestyle though.
Both Dustin and Sean have said that they did not discuss the allegations with any of the team. I believe them. I certainly don’t think Pete would have said anything about them.

I for sure believe that there was whack dialogue all over that workplace and on trips. However, I don’t think the allegations would have been water cooler banter. Just a whole lot of odd behavior and customs that they were all conditioned into experiencing daily
These are complicated times. Everyone has lots of questions. Please grant the team lots of space and grace as they work through everything.

First, thanks to those who have kept this discussion attack free.

Second, do not expect others to know what goes on behind closed doors, or blame them for not fixing problems they are not involved in.

Please continue to keep the conversation civil. Understand that the team wants to be transparent with the community, and allow them time before making demands for information.
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These are complicated times. Everyone has lots of questions. Please grant the team lots of space and grace as they work through everything.

First, thanks to those you have kept this discussion attack free.

Second, do not expect others to know what goes on behind closed doors, or blame them for not fixing problems they are not involved in.

Please continue to keep the conversation civil. Understand that the team wants to be transparent with the community, and allow them time before making demands for information.
all good Kathy

I think we all have to admit considering the what's happened and who it involves, the community here on the boards is actually taking this pretty well
ohhhh....... a whole lot will not age well. especially involving Mr. Werner.

Pete was entertaining as hell. Now that I said that; did he talk down to his audience? all the time. Talk down to Disney? His employees? all the time. Holier than thou politically, socially, financially? check, check, check. He has Tiger King written all over him. his entire act will not age well.
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These are complicated times. Everyone has lots of questions. Please grant the team lots of space and grace as they work through everything.

First, thanks to those you have kept this discussion attack free.

Second, do not expect others to know what goes on behind closed doors, or blame them for not fixing problems they are not involved in.

Please continue to keep the conversation civil. Understand that the team wants to be transparent with the community, and allow them time before making demands for information.
Well said, Kathy.
Kathy I’m not sure why you locked my post.

I’m asking who is profiting from these things right now? That will be known. It’s not new. That isn’t a case of when we sort it. Who profits now? I want to know who will profit from patreon if we don’t cancel before the next billing period in TWO DAYS time.

I was also clear that I posted separately so people weren’t trawling though hundreds of posts to find out where their money is going right now .
Sean mentioned in a post (which we can believe or not) that Pete makes almost 1 million a year last time Sean checked and that seems like a reasonable number. What caused Pete to "lose it" and start spending on the company dime and just what was he buying? Disney while expensive, isn't 1 million dollars in 6 months expensive. How many cruises is that? Jewelry? People more in the know then me can kind of look at the stuff he wears and see if that makes sense.
FWIW, every time I saw the $15 cupcake at 'Ulu Cafe at Aulani I'd think of how he'd take a dozen (?) family members there for ten days and pay for everything, including airfare. I remember thinking, "That's got to cost a pretty penny," and then, "Well of course all his DVC points are paid for with borrowed money." Sounds like he just kept spending and spending, and got in way over his head.
Hi Everyone! Long time no see. I miss all of you! I wasn't even sure if I'd have access to these boards anymore. but lo and behold, I do. First an foremost, thank you all for your unwavering support during all of this. If it wasn't clear before, it should be now... it's really me!" Everything I'm writing, I hope, is fair and balanced (and most assuredly true.)

You all know that I'm a pretty reasonable guy. I wouldn't just randomly make up things for the drama and spectacle. This has been an interesting 10 years or so to say the least. It's taken some therapy, courage, and willingness to break through to get me to this point. I feel my story is worth sharing and will help others come forward (no matter what the degree of their situation.)

There are so many others that have left the company before and after me that I'm sure went through something harsh regarding Pete. I don't know to what degree. But I hope they find strength in solidarity whether they come forward or not.

Regarding the two main issues going on right now... The Amex charges and lawsuit most certainly need to be addressed. But based on my knowledge of how things work. This was most certainly done without any other person in the company's knowledge. That's why it's becoming a lawsuit and an issue. But to be fair, that truly is out of my wheel house. And I'm sure it will be addressed and resolved.

Regarding the sexual assault and any other harassment, intimidation, or another form of control and abuse of power...
When it was happening to me, I knew something was off. I knew a company should not be run like this. But I also knew that this was my dream. This was my future. This was everything to me. In many ways, Pete used his power over me to isolate me and remove all options I had (or thought I had of leaving.) It took absolute scorched earth and bravery on my part to finally get out. To fight and push my way out. from what I'm reading from others, like Sean, the same had to be done.

I would imagine that the folks who are currently working at the DIS, knew something was off. They knew that Pete was hard to work for. But when I relate this man to a cult leader, I'm not joking. He will give you all your dreams and tear you down to keep them. This, undeniably in my eyes, to any varying degree has happened to every single person who has worked directly for him or with him.

Everyone I know working there currently (from LOTS of personal experience) is a kind, gentle, and loving human being. Many I have longed to reconnect with even after years of separation cause they always stood up for me or at least let me talk to them in veiled misguided therapy sessions. No one ever wanted this for me or anyone else. They didn't know the full extent.

They knew what I knew. This man controlled every second of their life. They did what they could to make a life without him in certain key times. They are fighting just as hard to get out of his shadow as I was. I don't say this lightly at all... I'm not the only victim. I'm not the only person who had a dream to work and play in the parks. I found the courage to get out. 10 years later I'm sharing my truth and exercising more courage because someone did it before me.

Maybe this is their time. They may actually have the chance to build something even better if you give them the chance. Like I said, they are all amazing and loving people. If for one second any of them truly knew what I was going through, we would've teamed up against all of this. I only wish I knew that back then.

I'll be around. Please ask questions. I'm only human, and I have my perspective, but please know that they are doing the best they can with a crappy situation.

Happy to be back on the Boards.
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I'm listening thousands of miles away to an edited podcast. They are in his kitchen, in his house, etc. You find out personal things about coworkers in that type of setting. They traveled together and when you do that, you see a side of your coworkers you never see. Craig, Ryno and the team will claim innocence and inculpability, but I just dont see it like that. If I heard/saw it, they did. It wasnt enough to get them to get out of the Disney lifestyle though.
I don't agree with you JP. We've had the luxury of distance from the situation. It's easy to see from the outside when something looks sketchy. It's far harder when you are on the inside experiencing the nuances of the environment. Obviously, this individual has some very charming and persuasive characteristics. He breaks down on camera, exposing his own vulnerability, he appears to have been generous with his *wealth, he has remained friends with his former partner and another former partner's sibling, and he has created an online presence where people worship at his alter and get mad when he is not on the show. This is exactly the situation where the people living in the day-to-day might not be able to see the forest for the trees. And if they do, might question themselves instead of making waves. It isn't as simple as you say.
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It took absolute scorched earth and bravery on my part to finally get out.

That’s DAMN right, sir!! You did it and you deserve all the credit in the world for getting out!

All the praise I gave Pete over the years for his strength and openness… I wish I could erase it and give it to you (and Sean as well). You’re an incredibly brave and strong human being and I wish you nothing but the best.

Also - I’m sure you know it, but I highly recommend the book The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk. It’s essential reading for overcoming trauma.
Hi Everyone! Long time no see. I miss all of you! I wasn't even sure if I'd have access to these boards anymore. but lo and behold, I do. First an foremost, thank you all for your unwavering support during all of this. If it wasn't clear before, it should be now. I'm most certainly posting on Tattle as "justthisonce." Everything I'm writing, I hope, is fair and balanced (and most assuredly true.)

You all know that I'm a pretty reasonable guy. I wouldn't just randomly make up things for the drama and spectacle. This has been an interesting 10 years or so to say the least. It's taken some therapy, courage, and willingness to break through to get me to this point. I feel my story is worth sharing and will help others come forward (no matter what the degree of their situation.)

There are so many others that have left the company before and after me that I'm sure went through something harsh regarding Pete. I don't know to what degree. But I hope they find strength in solidarity whether they come forward or not.

Regarding the two main issues going on right now... The Amex charges and lawsuit most certainly need to be addressed. But based on my knowledge of how things work. This was most certainly done without any other person in the company's knowledge. That's why it's becoming a lawsuit and an issue. But to be fair, that truly is out of my wheel house. And I'm sure it will be addressed and resolved.

Regarding the sexual assault and any other harassment, intimidation, or another form of control and abuse of power...
When it was happening to me, I knew something was off. I knew a company should not be run like this. But I also knew that this was my dream. This was my future. This was everything to me. In many ways, Pete used his power over me to isolate me and remove all options I had (or thought I had of leaving.) It took absolute scorched earth and bravery on my part to finally get out. To fight and push my way out. from what I'm reading from others, like Sean, the same had to be done.

I would imagine that the folks who are currently working at the DIS, knew something was off. They knew that Pete was hard to work for. But when I relate this man to a cult leader, I'm not joking. He will give you all your dreams and tear you down to keep them. This, undeniably in my eyes, to any varying degree has happened to every single person who has worked directly for him or with him.

Everyone I know working there currently (from LOTS of personal experience) is a kind, gentle, and loving human being. Many I have longed to reconnect with even after years of separation cause they always stood up for me or at least let me talk to them in veiled misguided therapy sessions. No one ever wanted this for me or anyone else. They didn't know the full extent.

They knew what I knew. This man controlled every second of their life. They did what they could to make a life without him in certain key times. They are fighting just as hard to get out of his shadow as I was. I don't say this lightly at all... I'm not the only victim. I'm not the only person who had a dream to work and play in the parks. I found the courage to get out. 10 years later I'm sharing my truth and exercising more courage because someone did it before me.

Maybe this is their time. They may actually have the chance to build something even better if you give them the chance. Like I said, they are all amazing and loving people. If for one second any of them truly knew what I was going through, we would've teamed up against all of this. I only wish I knew that back then.

I'll be around. Please ask questions. I'm only human, and I have my perspective, but please know that they are doing the best they can with a crappy situation.

Happy to be back on the Boards.
@Dustin i wanted to reach out to you on the TL boards but couldn’t register. I just want to thank you for sharing your story and for being so candid. We had a great time with you in Italy many years ago, and now knowing everything that was going on at that time it makes me sick. I’m so glad you’re in a better place mentally and have found your soulmate!! Wishing you all the best!!!!
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