DISappearing Peeps...A fastpass to THIN!

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OMG, you all were so flippin' funny last night!! Many thanks for the morning laughs :rotfl:

Accountabillity time:
Yesterday - 25 minutes on the TM and I actually got up to a jog!! Only 1 minute at a time for a total of 5, but without using my inhaler, I'm quite proud! Just think what I could do if I medicate first :rotfl: AND, I followed it with 80 crunches :cool1:
Food: Cereal w/skim milk, BIG chef salad, 15 peanuts, Lean Cuisine Veg. Eggroll, 1 whole wheat waffle, loads of hot lemon water and decaf green tea.

And yet... I seem to have GAINED a pound overnight. :sad2: So frustrating. But I'm going to start with measurements this Fri. and see if that's decreasing any.

Oh, and I figured out I'm currently at a 16 minute mile, so I think I'll shoot for shaving 30 seconds off each week and see how far I can get.

Have a skinnie Wednesday Peeps! :yay:

Word to the wise.....as most of you probably already know....There is one piece of advice I can give you from my strength training days.

1. Muscle weighs more than fat so all of the exercise you are doing will have a tendency to cause you to occaisionally gain weight.
(well ok a couple pieces)

2. You have to eat. Starving yourself until you have the munchies is bad. It will cause you to have the munchies popcorn:: and at the least favorable time usually night time. Focus on a few simple rules.
a: Eat your largest meal early in the day(Breakfast or Lunch)
b: Keep your focus on Transfat grams, Carbs, and Sodium. (These are the things that cause you to retain water and convert sugars).
c: Exercise 30 minutes at a time 3 days a week. You have to give your body time to recover.
d: Don't drink water 30 minutes before or 30 minutes after a meal. Once 30 minutes has passed drink as much as your stomach can hold (or until you get sick :rotfl2: j/k.).
e: Try to eat 5 small meals a day and 2 snacks. (This prevents you from getting hungry...If you are concerned about left over skin from weight loss focus on snacks that are primarily protein.)
f: When you are not eating keep water available to sip on at all times.
g: Don't get down on yourself. ( repeat after me: I am beautiful, smart, attentive, valued and gosh darn it people like me !!! In all seriousness, look around at all the suport you are getting. I love this board !!!!.

Peace peeps
OK, I got my totals...

3 pretzel sticks (yes, I ate 1 more when I went back to read the calorie info) to test the dip (37)
2 strawberries and 1 kiwi slice (15)
part of a broken cracker w/this cheeseball stuff on it (just enough to taste) (55)
2"x1" brownie (70)

So, 177 calories for a morning snack. That's not too bad, right? :)
BEE they are calling me a putz !!!!! I think I will take my Inet and go home.....:headache:

dang foiled again(I am already home ....heeeheeeee:laughing: :woohoo: :laughing: )

Honey, they are not calling you a putz... they are just calling all men that. :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

But, I believe UM said for you not to take offenese.:thumbsup2
:lmao: Too funny!

OK ladies! I may need help today! I can SMELL the MEATBALLS a coworker brought in! They smell DE-lish! :scared: I have been avoiding the back room (where the food is located), but I need to go back there for more water and some files. :scared1: I will assess the overall food situation, make a plan for what my small splurge will be, and I WILL stick to it! Freakin' food days! :sad2: Quick! Someone say something encouraging!

GET OUT RUN SCREAMING FROM THE BUILDING YELLING FIREWhen everyone else leaves throw the food into the trash noone will notice :teacher: (ok forgot about the police math seemed to work in my head)
Any peeps perform pilates?

Want to do something different at the Y tonight. Choices are water aerobics (bathing suit... :scared1: ), step aerobics (uhhhh... no), or pilates.

What do you think?
Dene (rhymes with Renee - love that name!!) Pilates might be good, (I'd check out those bathing suit aerobics too, just in case I'd fit in!!) A Loooong time ago there was this ballet dancer who broke her back, she did Pilates, but her name was Cala Picney (I think) and she named the exercises Callanetics - and I understand Pilates (named after Joe Pilate from France I believe!) is the same - slow movements, like Yoga (with no underlying religious themes!) so you will work your core - you will work hard, but with small movements -

worth a try...

there is always that swimsuit!! ;)

and mr. grumpy man - dh hears that - we used to have a saying about "ALL men are _______ > " Dh hated that, of course he never fit into those catergories!! LOL He'd high 5 ya tho... (but he doesnt do message boards, he's too busy writing the programs that make us able to use them!!) roflol!!

5 min left of lunch... My biggest factor is staying out of the Teacher's Lounge. No temptations if you stay clear - go on the internet, read a book, (and yes walk around the block, but gosh darn its like 5degrees wind chill outside!! BRrrrrr)

gotta run, here they are!! :eek1:

Go for the pilates, definitely!! It's a lot of slow movements that really tone you. I always feel really good and flexible afterwards. My DH really appreciates those classes as well.puckerup: (They really need an eyebrow raising smilie)
14 pages???????!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe how crazy fast paced this thread is. Incredible!

Twinks!:worship: I'm pretty sure it was you. There's no way I'm gonna read through 50 pages to find that. If I'm wrong please step up to get your credit!

The lemonade was the best advice I was ever given! I have a large water bottle filled with it and I just take sips throughout the day. I feel normal. Thanks!
OMG I got my heart rate up today

a GIANT BUG :scared1: (not really - well yes really) just fell out of the ceiling over my desk at work while I was "in the zone" working:surfweb: and I jumped up and screamed and ran jumping up and down around my office :scared: :scared:

Right now am fighting the urge to strip nekkid as I am itching all over and my skin is crawling....eeeuuuuuwwwww :scared1: :scared:

Thanks for letting me vent, now back to your regulary scheduled posting...

I will lurk til I get home late tonite

Harley...I am trying to sneak and check the thread at work...quick making me fall out of my chair laughing!!! People around here already think I'm insane!
Good morning all you skinny Minnies!

I go away for a few days and come back to 48 pages of reading!!!! OMG!

Congrats to all you losers!

Just checking in: Started Ediets on Monday and I'm already down 1.5 pounds this week. I love, love, love this diet. I need to be told what to eat, when to eat, and how much to eat. I can't do it alone.

I messed up my knee this morning putting DD's car seat in the car. Ouch!:headache:

UM- I just read your name is Wendy... that is so funny, b/c I read your TR and you said you loved the Peter Pan ride because of your namesake. I've been thinking all this time your name is Lily, as in Tiger Lily! :rotfl2:

Melinda- my b-day is June 6... celebrating the big 3-5 this year! Oh no!:sad2:

Twinkie- CONGRATS on your goal!

We all can be big ol' losers, too!
I've been reading and reading the previous pages and your guys crack me up!
I've got a great recipe for a wonderful dip called Tzatziki. It's lowfat, low cal, and very healthy. It's made w/ yogurt, cucumber, lemon juice. If anyone wants it, let me know. You'll love it!

Have a great day, everyone!
GET OUT RUN SCREAMING FROM THE BUILDING YELLING FIREWhen everyone else leaves throw the food into the trash noone will notice :teacher: (ok forgot about the police math seemed to work in my head)

Grumpysexyfavoritemanonourthread (or what ever it is we are calling you...)
You crack me up! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
go for pilates and give it a try, don't get discouraged if you don't "get it" the first time...took me about 3 classes before I could REALLY do the exercises and the breathing and all that correctly, I like to do some TM or elliptical before my class too...just to say I did my cardio...
and dont wear low rise pants or if you do wear a long t shirt!;) dont want yoru quarter slot peeking out!:lmao:
go for pilates and give it a try, don't get discouraged if you don't "get it" the first time...took me about 3 classes before I could REALLY do the exercises and the breathing and all that correctly, I like to do some TM or elliptical before my class too...just to say I did my cardio...
and dont wear low rise pants or if you do wear a long t shirt!;) dont want yoru quarter slot peeking out!:lmao:

Going for the pilates... thanks for all the advice from everyone... specially harleygirl and the pants/shirt :scared1: :lmao: :lmao:
Pilates is a great core workout to tone and tighten your tummy, butt and thighs!! Both Gaiam and Mari Windsor have great DVD's to do at home if you're into it, I have them both and I love them!!

However, make sure you also do a little bit of cardio as well, whether it's walking, jogging, aerobics . . . anything to get your heart rate up. Pilates is great for toning, but unfortunately you won't lose very much weight doing it because you need the cardio aspect to actively burn calories and raise your metabolism. To go easy and get started definitely try the pilates class and walk for at least a half hour a few days a week, that should get you going!!
Okay I had about nine pgs to read but I had to say ya'll are hilarious!!

IWANTMYDVC-Way to go on the loss!!:cool1: Keep up the good work..

Harley-EEEKKK!!:scared1: Sorry that happened and I hope there are no nightmares!!

Those of you going to WDW next week are making me green with envy.I am planning on the Jan. trip and then I am going to try tto take the kids on a short trip in May 08.Can't wait to hear about it when you get back.

Grumpyyoungguy-thanks for making me laugh.:rotfl:
OK, I got my totals...

3 pretzel sticks (yes, I ate 1 more when I went back to read the calorie info) to test the dip (37)
2 strawberries and 1 kiwi slice (15)
part of a broken cracker w/this cheeseball stuff on it (just enough to taste) (55)
2"x1" brownie (70)

So, 177 calories for a morning snack. That's not too bad, right? :)

You did GREAT!! Baby steps....
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