DIS Unplugged Show Feedback and Suggestions

I always listen to the podcasts in the car so don't watch it and one suggestion I would have would be for when Pete introduces his good friends joining him at the table, they all say hello as it is just a bit of a blank pause when you are just listening.

Love them all otherwise and enjoy listening every week.
I enjoy the podcasts so much. I enjoyed the Dream park podcast from this week very much. I also would like to see a return of some dining reviews. Also would like to make a few suggestions to Universal. I have a tough time finding sit down restaurants that my family would like so I would like some sit down restaurants reviews maybe Finnigan's or Lombard's landings. Also reviews of counter service as well. I am having a tough time getting my family away from the Leaky Cauldron. (I adore the Leaky Cauldron but....)

You are doing a great job and am really enjoying the addition of Ryno, JL and Julie. Great job all of you.
I do enjoy your show very much. I am a newer viewer as I just discovered it on youtube this past fall. Because I enjoyed the show I went back and watched a lot of episodes from 2013. I did notice the show seemed to have a more laid back feel to it back then which I really enjoyed. I have no complaints about changing members of the team etc. Just as anything else people will come and go and things will change. Change is hard to prevent and for some hard to accept. I think you guys are in a bit of a growing phase right now between getting the new software up and running, adjusting to new equipment, new members trying to find their place etc. I think also you guys are a bit damned if you do and damned if you do not and I can empathize with that as I am a small business owner. I love the humor and honesty. I have a lot of laughs watching dining reviews etc. I loved the Disneyland videos and other adventures. However, Kevin gets called a food snob even though he is giving the honesty and humor some people are seeking and I am sure others are uncomfortable with the humor from other members of the team. You guys have a fine line of trying to figure out what direction to take your show. It is hard trying to please everyone. We are all so different. I think you guys will find your mesh so to speak. It will take some time. In the meantime I will continue to support the show. If I find an episode is not to my taste, guess what, I will stop watching that episode and my day will go on. Keep up the good work you guys. I know I have certainly gained a lot of knowledge from your shows and for that I am grateful!
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I really enjoy the show. I only listen because I attach it to me while cleaning toilets, treadmilling, folding laundry, etc. I actually look forward to those tasks (uh, maybe an overstatement) because I get to listen to a show!

I used to pass over any non-Disney World related segments but I learned that was a HUGE mistake. The Italy show was one of my favorites. I have come to love the shows that cover other destinations. Kevin and John are great storytellers. Their vivid descriptions take me with them and get the wheels turning on where I want to explore next. I hope they and the other team members continue to share their non-Disney adventures!

Thank you for sharing this great show.
Perhaps a re review of be our guest, I would like to know if it is still as good as last time you guys reviewed it when it opened.

CRT post refurb

I enjoy all the pics from the parks, especially interested in the construction photos from the hub... And all that's going on at ak. Trying to manage my expectations where all this construction is concerned.

I would like to see Kevin and john plan a few days at a resort and attempt to use mde fp+, I would love there opinion as if they were traveling for a vacation using this system as opposed to how locals use it. I know locals/ non locals approach fp + with different expectations.
Videos and reviews are great. I noticed some other Disney-related things I follow on FB have linked to some of your 7-in-7 videos, that is just how good they are.

I liked some of the episodes that highlighted the expertise of some of the crew:
-John and Kevin dining reviews
-Corey, Julie, JL doing things with their kids
-Teresa and Kathy doing their 101 segments on the different "lands" in each of the parks

Or as a PP said, just reviews of events (Pirates and Pals, food and wine, flower and garden). I understand Pete saying it can get repetitive, but I am a relatively new listener (within the last year-although I listen to old shows), and also things change.

Another suggestion, is get the DisUnplugged app to work better (for Androids at least). I have switched to YouTube now that it is too cold to go running, but I loved listening when I was running outside. If I needed to pause, the whole thing would start all over again. Also, some of the older ones just won't play.
Dustin: Let me first start out by saying how much I enjoy the work that you and the Team put out there. It is obviously a lot of work, and takes up a tremendous amount of time and effort, and can be thankless. So let me first say thanks. I begin in that manner because I do not want any "suggestions" that I have to come off as "criticisms". But if they do, know that they are constructive in nature.

I like the direction that the podcasts have taken, and I am enjoying the increased level of professionalism that others may find to be "too scripted". I'd rather have structure than free form, most of the time. And I love the addition if JL. She brings an "everywoman" quality to the podcast packed in a "look" that every woman would die for! Personally, the more she interjects, the better the podcast. And now, for a comment/suggestion.

Over the past few years, you guys and gals have "lived the life". You have been to Aulani several times, been on multiple cruises, been to Disneyland several times, been on Adventures By Disney trips all over the world, have been to Disneyland Paris, and most importantly, you live in the WDW area and go to the parks and resorts with enviable frequency. But with all of that comes a "closeness" and familiarity with which most people cannot relate. The podcasts would truly benefit from the views, perspectives and opinions of more "typical tourists" as opposed to people who are immersed in Disney World. And I am not talking about an email show or a question and answer show. You need, (at least every once in a while) the viewpoint of a person who is a visitor to the area instead of a group of people whose experiences read like: "Well, I've eaten at that restaurant 7 times and the first 5 times were awful but my last two visits were great." Or: "We popped in to Epcot yesterday to check out the new beer that they are serving in the Pub". These are awesome things for you guys to be able to do, but they do not really relate to the way your listeners come and visit the area. I realize that you cannot divorce yourselves from the way you approach and consume WDW. That is the way you folks live, (and we envy you for it). But often times I get the sense that the "true visitor" experience slips through your collective hands. Little (and big) things that impact and/or bother a typical guest are often overlooked (or worse, dismissed as petulance) by some members of the Team. We sometimes hear: "I don't get it!" in response to an issue that is brought up on the Boards. And it is clear that this is so. Something that bothers a guest who visits once every two years may not bother the person who just flew back from their third visit to Aulani and who has 5 ADRs lined up at WDW over the next month and who can skip past the line at the Mine Train on Tuesday because they can always come back on Thursday and ride it when the line is shorter. That is not our reality.

I've been thinking about how to address this issue, and one suggestion would be to do an extension of what you folks did with your written submissions by listeners. But instead of a written submission, have listeners who are willing to join a podcast for an afternoon write to you with their expressed interest, and after vetting and selecting appropriate candidates, one person (per month maybe?) could join the podcast by Skype. Or if they are willing to give up an afternoon when they are in the Orlando area, they could actually join you in the studio. It would be a tremendous addition to hear the voice of the Disney guest instead of the Disney resident. I think that such an addition would move the podcasts away from the "Clubhouse of the Familiar" and more toward a roundtable where differing perspectives are presented, discussed and respected. I love listening to Kevin talk about his experiences going to WDW when growing up. His youth was my youth. We are the same age. We grew up about 75 miles apart. We went to WDW with our families for annual visits. Stayed at the same places. Ate at the same places. When he tells us what Disney World was like for him as a visitor, it brings an entirely different approach to the discussion. But through no fault of his own, (and instead, to his credit), he is now a local resident with a local's perspective. While it is great to hear about the visitor's perspective from trips in the 1970's and 1980's, we really don't get much, if any of that from the 2015 perspective. If I could make one suggestion, it would be to figure out a way to make that happen.

Keep up the great work!
As a fellow YouTube content creator, I have some ideas for you guys to try as both segments for the podcast and as stand-alone stuff on YouTube. I'd rather not put this information here, but PM me if you want to chat and I can explain what it is I do and share my ideas with you guys. (I'm not pitching any sort of business, I just don't really want to share my employer on the boards.) I don't presume to know your goals and strategy for content, so you may not care what I think, which is fine.
I really appreciate all the added visuals. I would love to see some of the visual style elements you guys do on 'The Trip' get added to podcast. I think we got a taste of that during the new 'Food Fight' segment.

Not sure what you are using to fire your video clips. (Keynote?) - May I suggest 'ProPresenter' as an alternative? Its actually primarily used to control multimedia visuals and videos at churches and live events, but its fully compatible with the down stream keying and works with most black magic (I'm guessing that is what you guys do?) http://www.renewedvision.com/propresenter.php (I don't get paid by them... just a fan!)

It has the fastest video playtime I've ever seen, and may help with those extra lagging seconds waiting for the videos to fire before you cut to them.

Also - has some cool features like giving you 'Triple Head' options, so say if you guys ever wanted a 'media wall' of 3 tvs rather than just one - it could arrange whatever visuals you would like to put in that... I think that would look great behind the crew on the universal edition's buzz.

Playing video from the parks behind the news segments (or cutting to broll) may help the news segments a bit as well. Seeing the same picture of the castle with balloons looking down main street can get old.

Also - Keep Playing with the lighting. Maybe look at some basic Chauvet LED fixtures. I know most of the stuff is Hue from Best Buy, but adding some color splashes may help give a different look or theme to each show. The purple wash on the universal is appropriate. An orange for the podcast maybe... Pink for The Trip? I think Hue is fully controllable from your phone right? Try fading to 'red' during the food fight segments.

If you guys need any help or suggestions feel free to email me bchristian(at)wnct.com
Over the past few years, you guys and gals have "lived the life". You have been to Aulani several times, been on multiple cruises, been to Disneyland several times, been on Adventures By Disney trips all over the world, have been to Disneyland Paris, and most importantly, you live in the WDW area and go to the parks and resorts with enviable frequency. But with all of that comes a "closeness" and familiarity with which most people cannot relate. The podcasts would truly benefit from the views, perspectives and opinions of more "typical tourists" as opposed to people who are immersed in Disney World. And I am not talking about an email show or a question and answer show. You need, (at least every once in a while) the viewpoint of a person who is a visitor to the area instead of a group of people whose experiences read like: "Well, I've eaten at that restaurant 7 times and the first 5 times were awful but my last two visits were great." Or: "We popped in to Epcot yesterday to check out the new beer that they are serving in the Pub". These are awesome things for you guys to be able to do, but they do not really relate to the way your listeners come and visit the area. I realize that you cannot divorce yourselves from the way you approach and consume WDW. That is the way you folks live, (and we envy you for it). But often times I get the sense that the "true visitor" experience slips through your collective hands. Little (and big) things that impact and/or bother a typical guest are often overlooked (or worse, dismissed as petulance) by some members of the Team. We sometimes hear: "I don't get it!" in response to an issue that is brought up on the Boards. And it is clear that this is so. Something that bothers a guest who visits once every two years may not bother the person who just flew back from their third visit to Aulani and who has 5 ADRs lined up at WDW over the next month and who can skip past the line at the Mine Train on Tuesday because they can always come back on Thursday and ride it when the line is shorter. That is not our reality.


I doubt logistically they could often have listeners sit in on the podcast, but social media can help build that bridge. Using Twitter for conversations and reading tweets on the show would be helpful.

I'm loving what Pete talked about in having the listener voicemail. I would also have a 'question of the day' or something submitted over instagram.

Instagram is now the social media platform with the most engagement! Blowing twitter and even FB out of the water on the engagement factor.
I doubt logistically they could often have listeners sit in on the podcast, but social media can help build that bridge. Using Twitter for conversations and reading tweets on the show would be helpful.

Well. They do have guests every now and then. Like the wrestler guy. But that is just one suggestion. As "real time" as social media can be, it is a far cry from being conversational. And what I am suggesting is conversation, not Twitter snippets. That, in fact, has become one of the problems today. (Not specifically with the podcast, but with life in general). Facts and opinions are trotted out in drive-by, digestible McNuggets without actual conversation or dialogue.

Oh....and enjoy your cruise!!
How about a 31 in 31? I would love to see Pete's review of Concierge service at
The Campsites at Disney's Fort Wilderness Resort! LOL!
I just started listening to the podcast last spring in preparation for my first trip to WDW in 7 years, and I went back and listened to/watched episodes for a few months previous as well.

Things you are doing "right" (IMO of course):
  • I love, love, love the dining and hotel reviews. 7 in 7 is a particular favorite.
  • Love the reporting on new merchandise in the parks.
  • Hearing about the goings on in Disney corporate is something I find very interesting and it's news that I don't typically come across in just browsing the boards.
  • Love when the attorney (his name escapes me at the moment) comes in to give his take on a legal issue.
  • I don't get to watch the video version much these days due to work, but I do enjoy them when I get the chance.
Areas for improvement:
  • I'm not digging the second hour roundtable as much as I used to. Something about it just seems too stiff and formal since Pete stopped hosting it. Maybe it's having every team member answering the same question? Or maybe I just miss Pete's input. It just seems to get a bit repetitive by the third or fourth person. I think it would be nice to have a general topic for discussion and then maybe assign each team member a different aspect of that topic. Everyone could of course jump in to elaborate and add their input, but I think this would help reduce the "me too" and "I had the same idea".
  • It seems like some of the team members are afraid to disagree or get into a lively discussion. A show feels kind of flat when there is no room for debate. I don't need screaming matches or name calling, but the occasional "I disagree and here's why" can be really interesting.
  • I'm not a big fan of the "one off" or "occasional" team members. I understand that sometimes not all of the regular team members can make a show, but just slotting in a random guest is jarring to me. One that comes to mind is the guy who was on a few shows over the summer (Scotty?). I feel like I "know" the regulars and their personalities. A new person is sort of like an intruder into my "safe space". On the other hand, I don't mind when guests come on to report on a specific issue or to be "interviewed" by the group.
  • This is kind of nit-picky, but is there any way that the show files can be named so that they can be sorted appropriately? I use Downcast for all of my podcasts, and I have not yet figured out a way to get the shows to sort properly with the News show appearing first and the feature show appearing second. Even if I sort by "date added", the shows still appear out of order.
But often times I get the sense that the "true visitor" experience slips through your collective hands. Little (and big) things that impact and/or bother a typical guest are often overlooked (or worse, dismissed as petulance) by some members of the Team. We sometimes hear: "I don't get it!" in response to an issue that is brought up on the Boards. And it is clear that this is so. Something that bothers a guest who visits once every two years may not bother the person who just flew back from their third visit to Aulani and who has 5 ADRs lined up at WDW over the next month and who can skip past the line at the Mine Train on Tuesday because they can always come back on Thursday and ride it when the line is shorter. That is not our reality.

I agree with JimmyV's whole comment, but this part in particular.

By the way, I think that this is an issue with many of the WDW podcasts and blogs out there staffed by locals, not just this one. I know that it is not easy to put yourself into the POV of a once-a-year or less visitor. Since the advent of FP+, I think this discrepancy has become more pronounced. I'm not sure what the answer is.
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Here's my 2 cents:
1. More dining reviews. Kevin and John's dining reviews were one of the primary reasons I originally fell in love with the podcast. Maybe other members of the podcast could do dining reviews as well since Kevin and John are not always available. Other points of view from other team members would be very interesting. Everyone has different tastes and opinions especially when it comes to dining. This would also give the team the ability to re-review restaurants that Kevin and John have already done with a different perspective.
2. Please no more remote guests sitting in for one or two shows. The technology does not seem to be where it needs to be. Due to the audio delay and other technical issues, the person not in studio seems to have a hard time following exactly what is going on. They often don't seem to get much of the humor that is going on around them and have to either repeat themselves or ask Pete or whomever to repeat themselves. It slows the show down so much.
3. More reviews and opinions in general. My wife and I love to hear the opinions of all of the podcast team whether or not we agree with them. We often find ourselves openly debating with the team (or each other!) as we watch. We frequently have to pause the show so we don't miss anything while we are arguing or agreeing with a team member. We love it!
4. Just keep being yourselves. All of you are amazingly talented individuals who bring something special to the show in your own way. My wife and I watch every dis episode religiously together in the evenings and it really brings us closer together, so thank you guys for that!
I agree with JimmyV's whole comment, but this part in particular.

By the way, I think this that is an issue with many of the WDW podcasts and blogs out there staffed by locals, not just this one. I know that it is not easy to put yourself into the POV of a once-a-year or less visitor. Since the advent of FP+, I think this discrepancy has become more pronounced. I'm not sure what the answer is.

I recognize that I am different. I don't go once a year nor do I not go for long period of time. I usually go for a weekend or a few days at a time. I am not local to the Orlando. So there's not really a lot of the boards addressed towards that kind of weekend getaway for Disney. I don't think that's ever covered either. Lately I've gone to Universal because they seems to be catering to that kind of vacation. So I would love to hear the podcasters thoughts if you would just like to a quick couple days at Disney

I've been thinking about how to address this issue, and one suggestion would be to do an extension of what you folks did with your written submissions by listeners. But instead of a written submission, have listeners who are willing to join a podcast for an afternoon write to you with their expressed interest, and after vetting and selecting appropriate candidates, one person (per month maybe?) could join the podcast by Skype. Or if they are willing to give up an afternoon when they are in the Orlando area, they could actually join you in the studio. It would be a tremendous addition to hear the voice of the Disney guest instead of the Disney resident. I think that such an addition would move the podcasts away from the "Clubhouse of the Familiar" and more toward a roundtable where differing perspectives are presented, discussed and respected.

  • I'm not a big fan of the "one off" or "occasional" team members. I understand that sometimes not all of the regular team members can make a show, but just slotting in a random guest is jarring to me. One that comes to mind is the guy who was on a few shows over the summer (Scotty?). I feel like I "know" the regulars and their personalities. A new person is sort of like an intruder into my "safe space". On the other hand, I don't mind when guests come on to report on a specific issue or to be "interviewed" by the group.

Here's my 2 cents:

2. Please no more remote guests sitting in for one or two shows. The technology does not seem to be where it needs to be. Due to the audio delay and other technical issues, the person not in studio seems to have a hard time following exactly what is going on. They often don't seem to get much of the humor that is going on around them and have to either repeat themselves or ask Pete or whomever to repeat themselves. It slows the show down so much.

You can see where it becomes difficult to please everyone.
I still love the podcast, yes it's changed but it still keeps the magic alive and keeps me in the loop of what's going on at my dream home.

So this may be a bit crazy but how about we get the kids in to do a segment. Hear from them directly. What do they enjoy most, what drives them mad about parents on vacation. Maybe film from there level. Height wise is obviously different for kids and whilst we may be looking at the fireworks they could be viewing someones behind. I suppose something like cart cam was. (Without so much tape!) I'm booking my boy (5) on the pirate adventure cruise from the yacht club but there is very little information on this and clearly no video.
I am also a big fan of reviews. The more the better. I think it would be interesting to flip some things around. Think about Kevin & John doing a review of an All Star resort. In my opinion that would be podcast Gold! Stuff like that would be awesome. Bring back a drinking segment hitting up some of the new spots around town. Review the beers at the Big River Grille. I understand that it can get repetitive doing some of the same things over and over again but you seem to have an influx of newer visitors looking for information.

One thing I just thought of. Maybe when you guys do the round table Pete can ask what everyone did on the weekend whether it was Dis related or not. Now that I am a frequent listener I tune in for the "personalaties" & the Disney info second. I think this is very important. Its an easy way for the listener to relate.

Anyways keep up the good work.

Edit: How about an email segment?

P.S. This is for Kevin. I live in Detroit, MI & checked out the Shinola store since you sounded so impressed with their quality. Needless to say I did not leave empty handed. Thanks for the info Kevin!
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