DIS oldtimers (well newtimers too) where are you?

Hey Muushka! :wave:

I remember. :)

I think their sitter was Yasmine (or Jasmine?) and when DixieAmos was tired Yasmine would have to get on all fours so she could sit on her... or she would make the kids get out of the stroller & push her for awhile.

I loved her trip reports. :)

Hi Mary Jo :wave:

What a memory you have!:goodvibes

Hello! I am still checking in once in a while and still loving the sounds of those crickets at Wilderness Lodge! For some reason that is what got me hooked on the DIS many many years ago.

You know, now that you word it that way, those crickets are what got me here too.
Right now they are right outside our window. Ahhhh, it is good to be home.

Hi everybody. I havent been around much lately but wanted to stop by to say hi. :) Hope youre all doing well!
Hey oldtimers! Does anyone remember DixieAmos?

One of the funniest on these boards ever. I just remember the husband's name was Cuthbert and they were very snooty. All tongue in cheek and very humorous!
I remember! How I miss those days. The trip reports were hysterical. Does anyone know what happened to her?
Hi Dan, I think I'm an old timer. I know I've been around for a long time.
Stopping in to say hello.. Been here forever it seems. I now pop in and out.
guess I consider myself an old timer. Started going to dis 15 yrs ago. So much has changed with boards. disney and me personally. Guess that is what is suppossed to happen in life.
Well now I have a 16 month old granddaughter so I am once again lurking around these boards getting caught up to speed on what's been going on.

Hoping my next trip will be with my son in May 2011. He is getting out of army reserves Basic training this week...

And then next trip will be through the eyes of my granddaughter.
Looking at everyone else's posts I am a newbie ... but wanted to say "Hello!". Glad I found the DIS boards.
Ray, it is very easy to be sweet to a gentleman as kind and genuine as yourself. I remember hanging out with you that evening, and also having dinner with You, Dan, Helenabear (Elaine) and her Dad that same night at Marrakesh. Good memories. I don't come here much anymore but someone told me you had said hello and I couldn't not come return it. :hug:

I had to say hi! It has been so long since I have "seen" you! Hope all is well!!
Hi, Dan. I'm still here. And yep...I'm old as dirt.

I still live in Atlanta, Georgia, and I am still working night shift weekends at Northside Hospital-Atlanta. But I don't get around as well as I used to do. I use a cane all of the time at work and I bought my own mobility scooter for visiting WDW. I just turned 60 in June and I hope to be able to work another 6 years or more before I can hopefully retire from working full time.

About two years ago I stopped using WebTV for internet access. I am so behind the times.

I actually bought a Dell mini laptop and still used dial up internet access until two weeks ago.

I'm using AT&T DSL now, baby. I can see all the signatures here now and photos so much faster. Show me some of your WDW photos from DIS CON, Dan and some of your links to your other WDW photos. I can enjoy them now with faster internet access.

I just finished reading all 61 pages, and I was able to reconnect with different posts for all of the DIS names that I can remember. Everytime I reas a post, I remembered somebody else, or remembered another experience or remembered a real first name versus a DIS name. But I still have a terrible memory for names.

It seems like almost everyone I remember from this thread are from the old DIS-CON convention days.

I remember getting so excited about signing up for the DIS-CON meets and worrying if I would be online when the reservations would go online because there would only be a limited number of tickets to the conventions.

And I remember everyone helping me sign up since my old WebTV was so slow and had a hard time communicating with the sign up software.

And all of those wonderful WDW meets and conventions. I never smiled so much or laughed so much.

And going to WDW after 9/11 and everyone being so supportive.

I remember something about Big Dogs one night after Illuminations.

I apologize in advance if I don't remember your DIS name or your first name or remember meeting you in person. I always admire Dan Murphy for such a great recall of everyone's name that he met.

Hi, CDoobee, Debbie.
Hi, Barb. I still think that you managed somehow to ram the MK Splash Mountain log ride into a standstill. Just kidding.
Hi, luvdsny, Tia. Can you say Big Dogs? I can still remember your meet.
Hi, Smee. I loved sharing that Epcot margarita with you.
Hi, KimRaye, Kim. I love seeing all of those ornaments and meets that you always organized.
Hi, Buckalew11, Brenda. I remember to this day that you took the time to come over to me and say hello at Pop Century Resort when I was checking in.
Hi, jfulcer, Jeff. I remember a DIS-CON meet at MGM waiting for the parade with your little princess, but I think that you told me that she was dressed up as someone else from the Alladin movie.
Hi, AngieBelle. I remember when you said helloand talked with me and directed me to a spot to seat at the AK Lion King show.
Hi, KarenB, Karen.
Hi, Towncrier, John. It is amazing how many times that we see each other at WDW. Didn't we meet by chance at the DVC Christmas thing?
Hi, Mackey Mouse, Marsha. Were you the queen of DIS CON meets?
Hi, pumba.
Hi, NurseKim.
Hi, wdw4us, Denise. I still have your handmade pin that you gave me, and I always treasure the times that you would always take the time to come up to me at WDW and introduce yourself again and talk with me.
Hi, glo. I laughing so hard with you at DIS CON.
Hi, robinrs. I remember that Atlanta DIS meet that we first met.
Hi, PandyPaws, Donna. You were so happy and the very best AK Safari driver that I ever had.
Hi, TeresaNJ.
Hi, SideshowBob. Boy are you tall. I remember all of the DIS meets and the Epcot drink around the world meet fun and the excellent Dolphin Ressort experiences.
Hi, Patrick IL. I remember you as a moderator and I still get very excited about WDW.
Hi, Nancy. Little sister to Barb for Real
Hi, danny1649. What a wonderful DIS meet you and your DW gave at OKW.
Hi, figmentvi, Linda. I can finally spell your DIS name correctly because I can see the "i" at the end of your name using a laptop instead of my old WebTV.
Hi, UncleKyle. POTUS and super castmember.
Hi, pw2pp.
Hi, TennVolTony.
Hi, Princess Michelle. I remember how sweet you were to me when you and I were the only ones at a MK meet and we watched the parade up on the top level of the train station.
Hi, olena. I remember the great Atlanta DIS meet and when Dan came to the same meet.
Hi, WebmasterKathy, Kathy. I 'll never forget how gracious and kind you were when you shared your time with me at MK in December several years ago.
Hi, NancyIL I hope to see you again. I still have that gift of Mickey Mouse that you gave me after you won it it at a raffle.
Hi, RoutemanDan. You made my very first dancing Emo avatar. I was so impressed. I wish that I still had it. I lost the URL during the DIS change.
Hi, Carl. Long time no see at Tagrel. I hope to see you and other Tagrels at WDW this December.
Hi, ead79, Elizabeth. Yor are so sweet. There are still people at work that still talk about when you and your Dear Dad brought that camera and printer stuff for everyone to use at work to take photos of the babies in the NICU and when I played Santa with the premies to give to the parents. It sure beat that old Poloroid carmera.
Hi, goofy4tink, Diane. Miss ya a lot.
Hi , to everyone that has posted here and hi to everyone that hasn't posted yet.

If any one will be in WDW this December, I'll be at Pop Century Resort for nine days if any one wants to have a DIS meet.

I'll be driving a blud mobility scooter with a Mickey Mouse icon shaped christmas wreath on the front and back.

And just out of curiosity, does any one have any photos of the old DIS-CON meets. I don't have any photos at all. Thanks in advance.

OMG....Ray, I read the list of names and cried. What a wonderful group of people. We had such good times at the Dis-CONs.

I haven't posted here in years, but I've been feeling a little blue lately and wanted to stroll down memory lane.

Dan !!!! :flower3: Remember our wonderful night in Epcot in the POURING rain? We had the France viewing area to ourselves for Illuminations. I also remember a wonderful Illuminations Dessert party there during a DIS-CON.

With the exception of 1 day in Epcot last year, I haven't been to WDW since 2005. I miss it. Would you believe that during that one brief day in Epcot, I ran into NancyIL. (Hi Nancy !!!) I couldn't believe it. We sat and watched Off Kilter together. It was pretty surreal.

John (Town Crier) are you still in Ohio????

Gosh....I miss all you guys.

Anyway.....to the point at hand....I've been a member of the DIS since Dec. 1997.

Take care you guys....

"I remember something about Big Dogs one night after Illuminations""

Dear, sweet Ray!! I don't think Tia and I ever laughed so hard than after your comment!!!! So unbelievably funny!:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

Ray, I can't believe you listed all these people. What a fun blast from the past!!! Oh, by the way, it was so NOT me that send that log up over the walk way!!!!!!!!! :rotfl::rotfl:
I smiled reading Ray's post. A lot of good memories in there. :)
This thread is such a walk down memory lane:flower3:

So true!! I have been MIA for quite a while and it is good to come back and "see" some familiar names...........I will be lurking and catching up on things....

all my best....
Not sure if I am an old/young timer but left the boards for awhile to explore others... got yelled at... came back:rotfl:
I was listening to my old EPCOT Millennium CD. That brought back some memories :)
I stop by once a year now. It was nice seeing the list of names just a few posts above. Those were some great days, and chats!!! I just noticed the picture of my kids.........OMG, they are all 5 years older now. The oldest graduated this past June, and is almost done with her first year of college. My son graduates next year! I need to update that picture, and thier ages. LOL


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