Did you ever take a WDW vacation that was too long?

I couldn't imagine going 15 days like some of you. Towards the end of my 6 day trips the crowds start to annoy me
The great thing about longer trips is that you can go at a very different pace. You don't need to be in the parks from rope drop until closing. You don't need to be in the parks every day. You can remove yourself from the crowds for a while. You can actually take time to enjoy your resort. You can take time to do things outside of Disney. If you get a place with a kitchen, you can escape the hassle, cost, and chaos of restaurants 3 times a day. As I said earlier, on a 2-week trip, we only do 5 park days. That's plenty to see and do everything we want to see and do.

At this point, honestly, we have trouble when we only go for a week because we're used to the longer trips and we need to relearn how to structure the one week stays.
We are trying to decide what kind of vacation we want to plan. We went to WDW in 2013 for 6 days, and while it was a lot of fun, we didn't get to do much. That was mainly because we vacationed with my senior parents, and even though we had a lot of fun, they did slow us down on touring. This time we are going to plan on just our family of 4. We were thinking about 2 weeks, but we have never gone on a vacation for that long. Is that too long?
For me, I don't think it would be possible to have too long a vacation in Disney World lol. We typically do about twelve days / 13 nights. I think our longest stay was 13 days / 14 nights. That trip included 10 park days, plus water parks fun and more. It also included everyone getting sick, a gout attack, and my car breaking down two times lol. We still had a GREAT time, and no, we didn't think it was too long.
We found this past June that 9 days 8 nights is our "golden ticket" so to speak when it comes to length of trip....but as I'm sure a lot of people have said this before...everyone is different and everyone will have different needs. To each their own. Just remember to have fun!
I only live an hour away yet I still love staying in the resorts! Staycations are the best :) I recently just did a 8 night/9 day trip and it was great. Wasn't rushed, didn't feel like over stayed. I honestly coulda stayed longer and been fine.
I tend to go to WDW about 2-3 times a year. I've been going since '99, with those multiple trips starting in '03. I do have a cut off point. I stayed for two weeks just once. I couldn't wait to go home!!!! It was about 3 days too long. It was the beginning of Dec, so lots to see and do, but I've done pretty much all I want to do. Yes, I still find something new to try on almost every visit.
Heading off on Sat to spend 4 nights in DL, then heading to WDW for a week. That should be just about perfect!!!!
We are just back from a 23 night trip and could have done another 23 nights no problem! We are dvc members and have annual passes so we don't really feel the need to be in the parks morning to night. We also travel around a little - Clearwater etc and do the other parks - Universal, Busch Gardens etc. I don't think we would like to stay offsite - love having the transport to the parks and resort hopping but always have the hire car so we can please ourselves. It's obviously a very personal thing but I've never been on any holiday at all where I've thought it's time to go home! Now counting down to our next trip which will only be 16 nights. Hope you have a blast whatever you decide :)
Seven days at WDW is my limit, no matter where we are staying. I have responsibilities at home that can't be left for weeks at a time.
Seven days at WDW is my limit, no matter where we are staying. I have responsibilities at home that can't be left for weeks at a time.
I think that's true for many people, but it isn't really the question being asked here. Assuming you didn't have those responsibilities back home, would you want to stay at Disney longer?

If I had the time and the money (didn't have to get back to work), my wife and I would be on the next moving van to Orlando and never come back.
I think that's true for many people, but it isn't really the question being asked here. Assuming you didn't have those responsibilities back home, would you want to stay at Disney longer?

If I had the time and the money (didn't have to get back to work), my wife and I would be on the next moving van to Orlando and never come back.
No, I wouldn't want to stay longer. Seven days at WDW is my limit. Money has nothing to do with it.
Only been twice. First time was 5 days, which was too short. Second time was 10, and that was a little too long. I think 7 or 8 would be perfect for me.
The longest I've spent at WDW was 2 weeks, years ago when it was one of the more affordable/best value vacations to be had and I didn't have a passport. Nowadays I prefer to spend my 2+ week vacations abroad.
I think it's really based on personal preference, and who you're vacationing with. I just finished a 7 day trip with my Mom, Dad, Sister, Aunt, Uncle, and Hubby. By day 7 I was so over it. Trying to get 7 clocks to chime at the same time sucks, and we normally ended up with one person being grumpy. Had it been just myself, DH, Aunt and Uncle, I'm sure I could go for at least 10 days.
Our limit is 6 days.

We're super excited the first two days and by about day 3 we start to get annoyed with the crowds and/or humidity. By the time we get to departure day on day 6 we're ready to go home. No Magical Depress for us! ;)
So true. With just my wife, I'd stay forever. With our daughter, it's more of a challenge. If either of our mothers came along, just shoot me now.

Don't get me wrong, I love my family to death, and would do anything for them. But we just do Disney differently. DH, Aunt and Uncle, and I are way more laid back. We're all APs so we know if we don't do it this time, we'll do it next time. But the rest of my family tries to see and do everything and it just stresses me out. So when we all go together it's like mixing oil and water.
I haven't hit that mark yet. I'd be curious to find out when I actually got ready to come home! 7 nights has been our longest trip. I'd love to try more, but work and finances haven't worked to my advantage yet!
I think that's too long, especially if you concentrate on the parks (you'll end up being tired of doing a lot of attractions a lot of times in a short span of time). I know that's how we would be. We've really never taken a long trip there but I know we would feel that way
We've been for 6 nights, three nights and nine nights. The last trip was 10 days though the first didn't count as we got in late and went right to bed. At the end my husband and I agreed we would want another four days if we could...and use them to rest more in between what we did on this trip. So for us 12-14 days with probably 4-5 rest or slow days built in would be perfect.i think we all cried when we left!


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