Debt Dumpers 2021

I haven't stayed in the family suites, but the regular rooms are tight. I stayed there with a coworker in a two queen room and we both thought it was small. But we also didn't care because we only were there to sleep and shower. :rotfl2: (best business trip ever!)

I just looked up a few YouTube videos of the family suites and whoa. They're huge! 2 queen beds in one room, a queen in the other room, and a kitchen with an actual fridge/freezer, microwave, and sink. Plus the "living room" has the two queens that pull down from the wall over a couch and a table and chairs. I'm definitely going to book it.
Credit Cards got back up a bit with our Heat Pump going out, some renovations to the house, and bumping up our retirement by a huge amount for a few months.

But, we have been aggressive about paying them down and will be out of CC debt by next month.

Next up will be to put our savings account back up to cover a year of expenses, thankfully we are almost there with that. we were up there but had to borrow against ourselves for a couple of things.
End of July check-in

  • CC 1 - $2198.01 (balance 12/9/20 - one more payment to come out in December).
  • CC 2 - $2119.84 (balance 3/22/21 and 0%). Stimulus will pay the balance 4/6/21. Just ran into transfer max between banks.
  • Start deposits back into Roth no later than June. Still depositing $40/week.
  • Savings to stay above $1000 at all times. Work to be at $3000 by the end of the year (minimum). - Staying above $2k
  • Start a vacation fund for 2023 WDW trip ONLY after the credit cards are paid off - We still have our tickets to the Star Wars Convention for next year, so that's first now! Also have been given the opportunity to use a friend's DVC next year for a week for only $2k. That is on the table to consider.
  • Addition: save $2000 for a Christmas trip to the coast. This was decided yesterday after a rather interesting Christmas. Owner sold the house, so this is canceled.
  • Car purchase = payments. Loan rate is only 2.7% - Extra payment made in July

  • Finish the second book manuscript
  • Second bathroom painting update with leftover paint and create "frames" for the mirror
  • Replace flooring in living room and hallway (already purchased and delayed by surgeries) Done getting the LVP down! Now onto the trim and carpet edges.
  • Learn to be okay with my scars - give myself more grace
  • Continue to purge unused household items - It's easier to throw things away now, or donate them after watching my mom go through Dad's hidden "treasures."
  • Addition: learn to be professional with a coworker who is terrible to me. - Still polite and try not to talk with her after finding out she'd worked hard to try and get me fired. Good times.
  • NEW! - Save up $800 to file my own LLC. I'll be selling things and saving for this in cash. I have a business plan drawn up and have clients I can take. However, I need to get my LLC, business license, and E&O insurance before I start this side venture. Yes, this is another side venture, like my writing...and my cut flower gardens...but this is the first one where I'm going to be my own boss. I'd like to build up clientele to be able to work for myself in a few years. Might skip the extra payment on the car to make this happen sooner.
Remember last week when I said when it rains, it pours? Wasn't really pouring yet. DS20 came home from work yesterday and said the ac in their (his and DS18's) car wasn't working well. We know there is a slow leak but they haven't been able to find where yet. So we dropped it off and the shop called me early this morning. They haven't found the leak yet but the alternator is also going. We know from my car last week that we don't want the kids stranded anywhere, and that it's not cheap, but yes, do it now please. Waiting to hear back about the ac now.

Finished up the bulk of DS18's college shopping, we just need to put some money on his account (and probably add to DS20's account) for books. The tuition bills came in, so this weekend we're looking at that. Thank goodness for 529s. Yard/fence stuff is done for the time being, need some deck repairs and want to do landscaping but that will have to wait a bit. We did, however, book a long weekend at the beach for the fall after the boys are off at school. Won't be cheap but it should distract me from having an empty nest. Only half joking there! And please cross your fingers that my dentist appt. next week for the crown goes well, my patience has officially run out.
And my temporary crown just popped off. I got it back on but seriously, no time or patience for this. And I have a lot of work meetings tomorrow in case they need to glue it back on. Sigh.
Sending hugs and good thoughts your way!!
@Eureka My dentist has glued it back on when that has happened. It will have more staying power than you just pushing it back on. I am sorry that your irritating woes keep piling up!

@pblack Did your roommate actually leave and you got the extra room back the way you want it to be?
Hope so!
@Eureka My dentist has glued it back on when that has happened. It will have more staying power than you just pushing it back on. I am sorry that your irritating woes keep piling up!

@pblack Did your roommate actually leave and you got the extra room back the way you want it to be?
Hope so!
Yeah I went this morning for them to glue it back on. Let’s hope it stays for the next few days!
@Eureka My dentist has glued it back on when that has happened. It will have more staying power than you just pushing it back on. I am sorry that your irritating woes keep piling up!

@pblack Did your roommate actually leave and you got the extra room back the way you want it to be?
Hope so!
He did finally leave! I basically forced him to move out last weekend. He received his keys last Friday and he told me that he was off until the following Friday (tomorrow) and he would try and find someone to help him move during the week. I pretty much told him no, my husband and I will borrow his dad's truck and move you tomorrow. I was so tired of his lack of motivation to do anything. On Sunday I shampooed the carpets and then on Monday I painted the room. He grabbed the last of his things on Monday and dropped our key off. I'm slowly working on moving things into that room the way I want them. Yesterday I got the picture wall set up and our cube shelf moved in there. I also bought a new cat tree for our cat so she can hang out in there and look out the window....she's pretty much ignored it. <insert eye roll here> Slowly but surely it's coming along!

He did finally leave! I basically forced him to move out last weekend. He received his keys last Friday and he told me that he was off until the following Friday (tomorrow) and he would try and find someone to help him move during the week. I pretty much told him no, my husband and I will borrow his dad's truck and move you tomorrow. I was so tired of his lack of motivation to do anything. On Sunday I shampooed the carpets and then on Monday I painted the room. He grabbed the last of his things on Monday and dropped our key off. I'm slowly working on moving things into that room the way I want them. Yesterday I got the picture wall set up and our cube shelf moved in there. I also bought a new cat tree for our cat so she can hang out in there and look out the window....she's pretty much ignored it. <insert eye roll here> Slowly but surely it's coming along!
Enjoy the room plans!
eah I went this morning for them to glue it back on. Let’s hope it stays for the next few days!
I had a temp crown fall off unexpectedly while eating, now that hurts it feels like that nerve is so close! Hope it's all well and fixed.
Not really a check in, per se, but my porch is finished and finally fully furnished! And my favorite part of it is this bed swing at the far end where we added on the sunroom.


This is the full length view of the porch looking down 68 ft of the 70 ft length from the other end.

Your home must be equally beautiful! I would love to sit out on a porch like that!
Thank you! My kids love it; they are out here every single day.

This was a very bare bones modular home when we bought it in 2016. It was only 10 years old but it needed a lot of love (and work) after having been vacant for 3 years and the family who owned it kind of just left it and moved away (which doesn’t happen too often in this area of CT). When we first saw it, my husband said it looked like a box with windows and a door. It was begging for a porch.
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Not really a check in, per se, but my porch is finished and finally fully furnished! And my favorite part of it is this bed swing at the far end where we added on the sunroom.

View attachment 593434

This is the full length view of the porch looking down 68 ft of the 70 ft length from the other end.

View attachment 593435
I am in love with your porch and that daybed swing. 😍😍😍 I feel like I need an invite to come hang out on the porch lol.
I am in love with your porch and that daybed swing. 😍😍😍 I feel like I need an invite to come hang out on the porch lol.
Right? Makes you want a patio swing. We could sit out side here. Morning in the summer is good, don't mind on the deck in summer for 20 minutes, outside at night is great to me in summer but only when mosquitos are not :/
August check in.

° AMEX balance $8125 in January- Current Balance $1320.75 almost there! Made a slight extra payment but not much.

° Start a Roth IRA for myself. I've check a few times and the account is growing slightly but I haven't made any extra contributions yet.

°Keep money in savings! Took another $2000 out. See below under "landscaping" and "other things on my mind".

°Purge the garage- work in progress. It's really been a hot hot mess in there lately. Not sure what went missing but it does look a bit more spacious lately 😂

°Eat better and drop a few pounds- Taking this off it's pointless.

° Disney August 14-22 at Copper Creek in a 2 bedroom villa for $6444. Still no real budget here as it is still coming together with several "maybes". Total paid vs. outstanding so far is $6755/$8165 $6755. Since DHs mother is now joining for some of the time it reduced my overall price of tickets and room (I think this math is right, but really IDK). I'm bummed that they reinstated the indoor mask policy and am really hoping they don't reinstate outdoor masks. Like I've said that is a deal breaker for me. But getting really excited as we are 2 weeks away now!

°Landscaping- Got a new guy that started this week. his price is $1500 and he is working quickly. Only difference is now I need to stain the wood myself when he is done whereas the other guy that was included. No big deal I just want it done!

Other things on my mind:
-New pay kicked in- Haven't really been enjoying the position so far so we shall see.
-Travel trailer for DH's mother is on hold because we live in an HOA and they don't allow them on the property where they can be seen from the street so we either need to build an enormous garage or store it somewhere. Still on hold for the same reasons above. She wanted to buy one when here last week but DH said to wait.
- We went to Port Aransas for the weekend when DHs mother visited. It was a nice little trip and we didn't spend much extra. Brought some food from home and got pizza one night.
-Going out to eat less and ordering less take out. Doing ok here still. I feel like we haven't really gone out lately at all.
-Cruise coming up in October 2021 final payment is due 8/2. Called and got the future cruise credit. I think the representative said I had to book by April 2022 and sail by September 2022 so this isn't really on my mind right now. I checked some prices and they were double what I paid for a grand suite so nope not happening right now.
- Spent $400 on a love seat for the kids playroom to replace their little chairs. DD threw up on hers a few months ago and she was always stuck sitting on the floor so it was time and I felt like $400 was a steal. It is a really comfy loveseat. Oh and I ordered a couch for outside but it's on backorder. It was $800 😬.
-Yesterday the garage door wouldn't open so DH messed with the wires some before calling in the professionals. Ended up being the motor and needed replacing. It was $638 but the one that was there was probably original to the house which is like 15 years old.

edited to fix some figures in trip section
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