Dear you . . .


All you need is love
Jan 29, 2003
Post a letter or a short note to someone or something. Name or no name.

Dear tummy,
I already fed and watered you what more do you want?!?!?!
Dear Legs and Knees -

I'm sorry for what I did to you on the stairmaster
yesterday, but you're going to have to do it again

Dear cats,

If I wanted something up my butt, I'd wear thongs!


Your mother

(They follow me EVERYWHERE, all the time!!)
Dear Brain,

I'm so sorry you had to remember information about 24 essay topics for History and write 6 long essays in 2 hours. Just remember it's that evil Professor's fault. But at least the minorities stuff was pretty easy. I'm so sorry you had to remember a bunch of information about Human Development. Remember Brain, that we have to take that class to get into Graduate School. We have no choice, it's not my faulllttt!!!

Me. :crazy:
Dear Butt,

I'm so sorry I keep feeding you all those cookies, chips and doritoes. You'll need to take it up with Tummy because she just keeps demanding I eat it!

Dear Laundry,

I think it is time for us to part ways. You will have to clean yourself from now on.


Dear Monty Dog

I am never feeding you ziti ever again you dreadfully foul smelling creature. I think I need to go find the lysol spray...


You human
Dear Snow,

I live in Tennessee, why are you visiting me? I don't need anymore snow. That is why we are here, and not in new york, we don't want it cold, so please go away. with all due respect, thank you.

~south of the mason dixon line.
Dear Legs,

I'm apologizing in advance. See the weather is breaking for the better which means nice warm days. The torture of making you run 5 to 6 miles per day just breaks my heart. See, I'm doing this for your own good, we have a wedding to attend in June, then Disney in August oh and don't forget the Disney Marathon in January. You two must be in excellent form, you don't want to disappoint me do you? Thank you for stature, form and strength.

Dear Feet,

I apologize for making you wear those horrendous shoes with the built in arch supports that really make you sore and cranky. But sadly, nobody makes work shoes without built in arch supports these days, so I can't buy shoes without them. You'll just have to learn to live with it.


Dear Matt,
I like talking on the phone with you, but my ear hurts!!!
love you,
Dear "I'm a clueless idiot",

I'm sorry that you can't seem to understand that I like you. I'm sorry you're a guy. Apparently, guys just can't seem to process thoughts and feelings. You suck. But I still care about you. That sucks even more. Get a clue.

Veronica :teeth:
Dear Warm weather,
Why are you waiting so long to visit New York?
A chilly NY'er
Dear Walt,

Could you please float down from Heaven into my hands, 5 Lifetime hopper passes? It would be kind of you to do so. Thank you very much!

BTW, I love your "home"
Dear Tower of Terror,

Even though you aren't a person, I still love you. :rotfl:
Dear Time,
Could you please go a little bit faster? 95 days seems like forever until I go to WDW. And once I'm there, could you please go a little slower? I want to enjoy every moment. :) Thanks.


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