DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

What's up, Fellas? Finally Friday. You know, all summer it's been overcast, rainy/misty and/or just not summery on weekends here on the land of the Cape Cod. I was hoping that when I booked the family trip to New Mexico we'd have no problem flying out. Well, tropical storm, hurricane(?), Henri plans on making landfall Sunday, the day we leave for New Mexico. :headache: If we can make it out of Boston before the severity of the storm hits I'd be fine. However, a friend has offered to take us to Boston to catch a flight out of Logan Airport, and I'd hate to have him drive home in a major storm. So now we're waiting until Saturday to see what the official storm track will be, because anything at this point is pure speculation. (heavy sigh) It is what it is.


Bad mojo when folks go off the rails like that. Bad enough dealing with someone motivated by the classic mix of frustration and fear. Imagine where it'd gone had chemical enhancement also been involved.

Mhmm I'd hate to have seen what how that would have played out if there had been chemical enhancement, too.

We'll see. It'll depends on what extracurricular activities we get into. Otherwise we just basically sitting on a beach and watching the water in a typical commercial costal tourist town. Good for decompression, but not necessarily all that photogenic.

Enjoy your trip and decompression time, and if you get a good pic, bonus.

And right on cue, now they have introduced paid Fast Passes.


Yikes. I'm glad it didn't escalate!

So were we.

Brutal. My wife is a teacher and we've had a similar conversation. "Why do they give you 'personal days' if you're never allowed to use them?"

It's irritating when that happens, but thankfully I've not been in that situation. I have, however, known people who have been in that situation. I've worked with paralegals that kept having their vacations cancelled for one reason or another. Finally, one said that if she's not allowed to take her vacation then she'll quite. They let her take her vacation.

I acually like the planning and juggling, it's half the fun for me. It drives my better half crazy, but I will obsess over hours, times, rooms, absolutely everything. Then I let it all go and flow with the whims of The Wife and The Kid when we are there.

I love planning vacation, too. My wife? She hates it and gets stressed over it.

Always a joy when it comes to that. :sad2:

Just another day in the neighborhood with our friendly neighbors.

Yikes. Luckily it didn't reach the breaking point.


Happy Friday Eve Dads! Well the Genie is out of the bottle, we all new FastPass or whatever was going to go to a pay to play system. Not happy about it but not sure it is as bad as most reactions have been, Guess time will tell. Heck $15 is gets you 1.5 bears. Stay safe out there and remember, bacon, bourbon, cigars and Mickey bars!

I posted in Book Face post about that I was upset over it, and am still am. However, I'm going to do more research over this. Maybe this will make things move quicker, maybe it won't...that's some of the talk over this. Either way, I'll do more research.
Morning all. Another hot, sticky day up here in the Great White North. Got a run in this morning before it got to bad but the AC in the car did feel good on the way home.

Have a great Friday all.

It's not working. People are still going in droves.

The point is they are not going as often and if they do, they look for cheaper options like staying off-site.
What's up, Fellas? Finally Friday. You know, all summer it's been overcast, rainy/misty and/or just not summery on weekends here on the land of the Cape Cod. I was hoping that when I booked the family trip to New Mexico we'd have no problem flying out. Well, tropical storm, hurricane(?), Henri plans on making landfall Sunday, the day we leave for New Mexico. :headache: If we can make it out of Boston before the severity of the storm hits I'd be fine. However, a friend has offered to take us to Boston to catch a flight out of Logan Airport, and I'd hate to have him drive home in a major storm. So now we're waiting until Saturday to see what the official storm track will be, because anything at this point is pure speculation. (heavy sigh) It is what it is.

Good luck, I hope you are able to get out. We are camping the first of the week and it looks like it may be a bit wet.
Morning Everyone,

It's a beautiful summer day here in the Pacific Northwest. Highs in the 70's with just a little bit of heavy mist in the air. Maybe I'll go for a bike ride this afternoon.

I have spent the morning emailing and arguing with my vendors about all my backordered supplies. It is extremely difficult to run a manufacuring facility without any raw materials to manufacture with. One of my suppliers has been backordered for almost 3 months! We have now used up our overstock and going to plan B (I'm making that up as I go). They tell me it should ship by today and might get to me by the end of next week. My other suppliers aren't as bad and I have been able to keep enough overstock to get through. Although, If my shipping supplies don't get here soon, I may be training carrier pigeons (or perhaps African Swallows 🤔)
The point is they are not going as often and if they do, they look for cheaper options like staying off-site.
And yet... availability for on-site is still low. They're still packing them in.
They know they can charge more and get away with it.
I have spent the morning emailing and arguing with my vendors about all my backordered supplies. It is extremely difficult to run a manufacuring facility without any raw materials to manufacture with. One of my suppliers has been backordered for almost 3 months! We have now used up our overstock and going to plan B (I'm making that up as I go). They tell me it should ship by today and might get to me by the end of next week. My other suppliers aren't as bad and I have been able to keep enough overstock to get through. Although, If my shipping supplies don't get here soon, I may be training carrier pigeons (or perhaps African Swallows 🤔)
ugh. Sounds... unpleasant.
Morning chaps from an overcast London. 12 hours drive down from Scotland yesterday, with a couple of stops to Falkirk and Hadrians Wall. I will do a trip report for this one.
So, how's everyone been? Anything happened at Disney while I've been away?

However, I'm going to do more research over this. Maybe this will make things move quicker, maybe it won't...that's some of the talk over this. Either way, I'll do more research.

Thats a sensible view, I think we all need to see what it really means. I for one was never a fan of having to plan my day 2 months in advance, and 6 months for restaurants. This is going to freak some out, but as generally happens with all these, people will react emotionally and then find a way to work with it. Would I pay 15 bucks to get up at 7 and guarantee RoTR for one day? Yep. But I'd only do it once, and then I'd take my luck with everyone else. I think it could actually be better in Epcot, as all the decent rides were tier one anyways, so you could only book one 60 out.
I think the fundamental problem of overcrowding was unsustainable, it was getting ridiculous. They have added far too few attractions over the years to cope with the growing numbers, so now the only way they have to drive revenue is through higher atv per visit as no CEO is gonna cap visits, you would be signing your own death warrant. In terms of Chapek, I seriously doubt this has been cooked up, developed and rolled out in 16 months while they were dealing with all the mess in COVID, so Iger has to take take some of this love.
Paid FP was always coming, I'm amazed it took this long.
The one that makes me more angry is the sacking off of all the entertainment in places like the WS, that's real penny pinching, as was DME, as that was stage 2 of the parking charge plan. Wait till you have to buy a monorail ticket, and upgrading the system is the justification. You know its coming.
Good to hear you have some time off to enjoy and sorry to hear about the BS handling of time off. Companies that do not support work / life balance are gonna loos good folks over the long term.
Agreed and they are going to struggle to attract talented millennials coming in. We are lucky over here, you got it, you take it. and there's nothing they can do about it. I'm sure some smaller businesses put the squeeze on, but anything over a medium and you are pretty much OK.
I think that is the last perk of staying on site, the 60 days plus 10 for ADR. Good luck checking day by day. Hoping you get your preferred reservations.
but was it really a perk? How many times did Le cellier (before it went to 2 dining credits,) or Be our Guest, or Beaches and Cream or whatever was the "must do" be sold out 6 months in advance, only for people to dump the reservations a couple of weeks out? I think this is actually more democratic, rather than the dominance of those who book 11 months out.
And yet... availability for on-site is still low. They're still packing them in.
Sorta, I think. Capacity is at 65% rather than the 93% they anticipated, I heard last week. COVID is obviously a factor in that stat. I'm with ya though, that number will come back. I see it in the smaller boards like the UK one, every time something like this comes out, you get the "I'm seriously considering going to Universal" or whatever, and then you see a trip report from these guys having a great time. People love it, and they will keep coming until they can't afford it. If there is a mass abandonment, it would take a day for Disney to sort this out and include it into the hotel packages either for free or at a heavily discounted rate. But I feel they know exactly what they are doing.
f we can make it out of Boston before the severity of the storm hits I'd be fine. However, a friend has offered to take us to Boston to catch a flight out of Logan Airport, and I'd hate to have him drive home in a major storm. So now we're waiting until Saturday to see what the official storm track will be, because anything at this point is pure speculation. (heavy sigh) It is what it is.
Hope you get out there mate.
You can actually make a good brisket without having to cook it overnight. There isn't really one right way to do it, just personal preferences. The longer the meat is in the smoker cooking slowly, the more time the fat has to break down and become tender. So for that reason, a lot of people like to start it overnight and just let it go slowly.

I've had success starting it early in the morning (7:00 a.m. or so) and just adjusting the temperature of the oven as I go to have it hit the target (mine is an internal temp of 203 degrees) around 5:30 p.m. Then I let it rest in a cooler, cooking in its own juices for another 30 minutes so it's ready to serve at 6:00. It turns out really well. Most people just play around with cook times and temperatures until they find their own preference.
Its tougher with charcoal in a bullet smoker rather than a Traeger, to run a same day brisket, as controlling chamber temp is more variable in its success. Brisket sits happily at eating temp for about 4 hours in a not particularly expensive cooler, so I would rather set up overnight and be early, especially if we are having people over.
Saw a few pics on the other site. Edinburgh looks very cool. Someday I'll get there.
You better be coming via London, or I'm not gonna be a happy Danny.

Then again... I've been hearing some not so great things about 'Ohana. Hopefully you'll get an ADR and the meal will be good.
I never really cared for Ohana. Always got the feeling I was being rushed out.
I prefer Kona
I've decided on "pappy" in honor of the bourbon.
Only appropriate for a man of your quality and pedigree. I'm not sure I'd pay 30 quid a go for you though.

Have a great day fellas.
And yet... availability for on-site is still low. They're still packing them in.
They know they can charge more and get away with it.
I think several factors involved here...
I think folks are so pent up and feel cooped up because of covid, they're clamouring for the chance to get back to da world. Once that diea down and people realize how MUCH it costs now, I think(may be wrong) it will taper off.

I know, for me, I'm still debating if they're going to get my money again. I may not remember them all, but so many things have changed. I know the only constant is change, but when it costs more or takes away the magic or both...

Paying to park at resorts
Paying for fastpass
Paying for magic express
System for getting on RotR
Park reservation system
The way they treated FL resident AP -- darn near impossible to get a park reservation unless you pay even more and stay at a resort

This may sound trivial, but when they took away sorcerers of the magic kingdom. I enjoyed doing that on days when I wasn't in a mood for rides. No, it wasn't the game itself....I loved being able to help kids learn it or give them cards...loved the smiles.

As I said...more money, less magic. Disney used to be the gold standard and now, it seems it was copper all along, because it's definitely tarnished!

Yes, I can afford it...it's more a question if if I want to.
The way they treated FL resident AP -- darn near impossible to get a park reservation unless you pay even more and stay at a resort
Disney hates local AP holders mate, wherever they are, maybe slightly less in Cali. It was the same when I had the APs in Paris, and I honestly think at some point you are just another body in a queue for them. They only love resident AP holders when they can't fill the parks, as you spend way less than an out of town AP holder or a standard vacation package buyer. I get the whole long term thing, but if they can fill the space in the queue for the ride or the restaurant that is paying for hotels, eating on site and buying a sizzle pile of merchandise and the other nonsense, you know they are gonna chase that skirt.
Happy Saturday. An overcast rainy day here. Dropped the vacuum cleaner on my toe this AM, which goes to show that house cleaning is detrimental to your health. :lmao:

Hey, Gents! Interesting day at work yesterday. Almost had to call the police yesterday. The adult DD of an elderly patient went ballistic for reason, I wasn't there to see what set her off, but the other front desk handled it real well and got her calmed down. She later told me that she was just about to hit the panic button, but the lady calmed down and left. The moral of the story is, don't freak out on the people behind the counter....they can make your life complicated.

Can't wait to see some pics. And yes, raining on a day off is much better than a good day at the office.

I hate when companies do that. "Oh yeah, you have unlimited vacation, so use all that you want." Subtext: "Good luck in trying to use it."

My nieces and nephew have been back to school in New Mexico for a couple of weeks now, I think, definitely a week. We don't go back to school until around the 6th of Sept.

Yeah we had the same training videos, but it didn't cover everything, and that's annoying. Just the basics.

We wear the responder badge, and sign into the assigned areas, which for me, is sometimes 2 floors. Apparently, if you hit the button, everyone comes running to your location. I didn't get to see it, but one of my co-workers accidentally hit it and was mobbed by security and anyone else in close proximity. I get threatened by a psyc patient every now and then. The patient wins a trip to sleepytown with a shot of haldol.

Three years minimum; eight if I'm forced to wait until my currently assigned age of full retirement.

Lord that sounds so utterly soul crushing when you say it out loud...

Bad mojo when folks go off the rails like that. Bad enough dealing with someone motivated by the classic mix of frustration and fear. Imagine where it'd gone had chemical enhancement also been involved.

We'll see. It'll depends on what extracurricular activities we get into. Otherwise we just basically sitting on a beach and watching the water in a typical commercial costal tourist town. Good for decompression, but not necessarily all that photogenic.

Go for the 3 years. Early retirement was great and works until you become a grandparent and your wife wants a new house ...

Happy Friday Eve to one and all,

I picked The Kid up from work last night and she looked absolutely defeated; apparently, adulthood is not for her. The Kid is 16 and started her first job at Dairy Queen about a month ago. At first it was all something new and she at least knows most of the people working there if she isn't friends with them from school. Training was easy and she liked the job.

Now, a month in, training is over and the actual work has begun. She walked out after closing, covered in ice cream and dirty dishwater. Head down, feet shuffling, she just gets in the car. I looked back, smiled, and said, "Adulting isn't easy, is it?" She was so tired she said Disney isn't worth it if she has to work so hard (definitely NOT my child. I guess being tired can make you delirious).

I think that is the last perk of staying on site, the 60 days plus 10 for ADR. Good luck checking day by day. Hoping you get your preferred reservations.

I acually like the planning and juggling, it's half the fun for me. It drives my better half crazy, but I will obsess over hours, times, rooms, absolutely everything. Then I let it all go and flow with the whims of The Wife and The Kid when we are there.

Sorry to hear your daughter had a rough go. Hopefully, she will learn from it.

As for the planning, I like it as well. We've been enough now that I don't struggle as much, and we try to maximize our time in the park. When our dds were younger, I had to coordinate all the character meals, especially princess ones. CRT was terrific to eat in the castle, but the food was horrific.

At Universal, we had a 3-day ticket and I think I calculated that the express pass would cost us an extra $450. We decided that was too rich and took our chances with the peasant lines. it worked ok, but that was also during the off-season.

If my family of 6 got a 6-day Genie+ at WDW, it would be $540 total. On top of regular admission for 6. Yeesh. Let’s face it, it’s another cash grab.

Of course, we could just get it for one day or something like that. But it’s a whole new strategic element at the least.

Oh well. They haven’t found the price point at which people will stop going to Disney yet.

I agree. The express pass was terrific with Universal. I was reading about the new genie, and some info posted was that it had similar time delays to FP+. FP+ locked you in for the day if you used an evening FP+, and limited you to 3, and then add what's leftover, while staring at your cellphone all day. Now, I have to pay to do that? No thanks.

Morning Everyone,

It's a beautiful summer day here in the Pacific Northwest. Highs in the 70's with just a little bit of heavy mist in the air. Maybe I'll go for a bike ride this afternoon.

I have spent the morning emailing and arguing with my vendors about all my backordered supplies. It is extremely difficult to run a manufacuring facility without any raw materials to manufacture with. One of my suppliers has been backordered for almost 3 months! We have now used up our overstock and going to plan B (I'm making that up as I go). They tell me it should ship by today and might get to me by the end of next week. My other suppliers aren't as bad and I have been able to keep enough overstock to get through. Although, If my shipping supplies don't get here soon, I may be training carrier pigeons (or perhaps African Swallows 🤔)

The European swallow is far more hearty. Well, that's what he said.

I'm still planning a move to Castle Antrax, grail or no grail. I won't last long, but I'll have great doctor care and a smile when I do.

Morning chaps from an overcast London. 12 hours drive down from Scotland yesterday, with a couple of stops to Falkirk and Hadrians Wall. I will do a trip report for this one.
So, how's everyone been? Anything happened at Disney while I've been away?

Thats a sensible view, I think we all need to see what it really means. I for one was never a fan of having to plan my day 2 months in advance, and 6 months for restaurants. This is going to freak some out, but as generally happens with all these, people will react emotionally and then find a way to work with it. Would I pay 15 bucks to get up at 7 and guarantee RoTR for one day? Yep. But I'd only do it once, and then I'd take my luck with everyone else. I think it could actually be better in Epcot, as all the decent rides were tier one anyways, so you could only book one 60 out.
I think the fundamental problem of overcrowding was unsustainable, it was getting ridiculous. They have added far too few attractions over the years to cope with the growing numbers, so now the only way they have to drive revenue is through higher atv per visit as no CEO is gonna cap visits, you would be signing your own death warrant. In terms of Chapek, I seriously doubt this has been cooked up, developed and rolled out in 16 months while they were dealing with all the mess in COVID, so Iger has to take take some of this love.
Paid FP was always coming, I'm amazed it took this long.
The one that makes me more angry is the sacking off of all the entertainment in places like the WS, that's real penny pinching, as was DME, as that was stage 2 of the parking charge plan. Wait till you have to buy a monorail ticket, and upgrading the system is the justification. You know its coming.

Agreed and they are going to struggle to attract talented millennials coming in. We are lucky over here, you got it, you take it. and there's nothing they can do about it. I'm sure some smaller businesses put the squeeze on, but anything over a medium and you are pretty much OK.

but was it really a perk? How many times did Le cellier (before it went to 2 dining credits,) or Be our Guest, or Beaches and Cream or whatever was the "must do" be sold out 6 months in advance, only for people to dump the reservations a couple of weeks out? I think this is actually more democratic, rather than the dominance of those who book 11 months out.

Sorta, I think. Capacity is at 65% rather than the 93% they anticipated, I heard last week. COVID is obviously a factor in that stat. I'm with ya though, that number will come back. I see it in the smaller boards like the UK one, every time something like this comes out, you get the "I'm seriously considering going to Universal" or whatever, and then you see a trip report from these guys having a great time. People love it, and they will keep coming until they can't afford it. If there is a mass abandonment, it would take a day for Disney to sort this out and include it into the hotel packages either for free or at a heavily discounted rate. But I feel they know exactly what they are doing.

Hope you get out there mate.

Its tougher with charcoal in a bullet smoker rather than a Traeger, to run a same day brisket, as controlling chamber temp is more variable in its success. Brisket sits happily at eating temp for about 4 hours in a not particularly expensive cooler, so I would rather set up overnight and be early, especially if we are having people over.

You better be coming via London, or I'm not gonna be a happy Danny.

I never really cared for Ohana. Always got the feeling I was being rushed out.
I prefer Kona

Only appropriate for a man of your quality and pedigree. I'm not sure I'd pay 30 quid a go for you though.

Have a great day fellas.

I'm definitely not worth $30 a shot. The bourbon was though.

I think several factors involved here...
I think folks are so pent up and feel cooped up because of covid, they're clamouring for the chance to get back to da world. Once that diea down and people realize how MUCH it costs now, I think(may be wrong) it will taper off.

I know, for me, I'm still debating if they're going to get my money again. I may not remember them all, but so many things have changed. I know the only constant is change, but when it costs more or takes away the magic or both...

Paying to park at resorts
Paying for fastpass
Paying for magic express
System for getting on RotR
Park reservation system
The way they treated FL resident AP -- darn near impossible to get a park reservation unless you pay even more and stay at a resort

This may sound trivial, but when they took away sorcerers of the magic kingdom. I enjoyed doing that on days when I wasn't in a mood for rides. No, it wasn't the game itself....I loved being able to help kids learn it or give them cards...loved the smiles.

As I said...more money, less magic. Disney used to be the gold standard and now, it seems it was copper all along, because it's definitely tarnished!

Yes, I can afford it...it's more a question if if I want to.

I guess that's what I mean by Disney pricing me out of the market. I can afford it, but why continue to take it. I know they are just perks and they can be taken away. But, when they were there, we went to WDW twice a year. Granted COVID made a hiccup, but we had already started skipping the double Disney trip for cruises or beach vacations. I could still use DVC to just stay at SSR and drive to Universal to give them my ticket money. Or, I a night at WDW and the rest at VBR. But, the cash grab is still more profitable for them the other way.
Last edited:
I hit a milestone yesterday. Last year I ran 464km. So far this year, in total (last year + this year) I just hit 1,000K! Never in my wildest dreams did I think that would be even a remote possibility.

12 hours drive down from Scotland yesterday, with a couple of stops to Falkirk and Hadrians Wall. I will do a trip report for this one.
Please post a link here! Would love to read it.
Anything happened at Disney while I've been away?

Disney Genie Service to Reimagine the Guest Experience at Walt Disney World Resort and Disneyland Resort | Disney Parks Blog (go.com)

Sorta, I think. Capacity is at 65% rather than the 93% they anticipated, I heard last week. COVID is obviously a factor in that stat.
For sure. No one (or very, very few) from outside the US.
People love it, and they will keep coming until they can't afford it. If there is a mass abandonment, it would take a day for Disney to sort this out and include it into the hotel packages either for free or at a heavily discounted rate. But I feel they know exactly what they are doing.
Precisely. Disney is not stupid. They know what they can charge and get away with. Free dining was in response to lower numbers in the fall. People came in droves.
Its tougher with charcoal in a bullet smoker rather than a Traeger, to run a same day brisket, as controlling chamber temp is more variable in its success. Brisket sits happily at eating temp for about 4 hours in a not particularly expensive cooler, so I would rather set up overnight and be early, especially if we are having people over.
I do understand that, but... I just can't justify spending the $$$ on a Traeger for the amount of cooking I'll do on it. I doubt I'd ever do a brisket, for example. There's only 4 of us and 1 doesn't eat meat and the other is mostly avoiding it. Just leaves me and the fussy kid who may not eat it either unless it meets her taste buds' approval.
I can see doing chicken, or salmon and maybe sausages... but meat? Not as much.

So spending (minimum!) $1,230 for the bottom of the line Traeger just isn't in the cards. But I can see spending $500 on the bullet smoker. It's just within the price range for the amount of smoking I'd do.
I never really cared for Ohana. Always got the feeling I was being rushed out.
I prefer Kona
They've since brought the old menu back since I posted that. I'd like to try it once, I've never been.
I think folks are so pent up and feel cooped up because of covid, they're clamouring for the chance to get back to da world. Once that diea down and people realize how MUCH it costs now, I think(may be wrong) it will taper off.
I don't think it will taper off. If it does start to slide... you'll see offers, etc.
Paying to park at resorts
This one really sticks in my craw. :mad:
Paying for fastpass
I have my thoughts on that...
Universal charges for that and I gladly pay it to minimize my wait times.
System for getting on RotR
I think that will be removed eventually. Right now, it's the "latest and greatest", when other things come on line (Guardians, Ratatouille, Tron) it might syphon off enough interest that they can stop doing that.
Park reservation system
Isn't that just a COVID thing? Thought that would be going away soon?
e way they treated FL resident AP -- darn near impossible to get a park reservation unless you pay even more and stay at a resort
Saw you posted about that. Yeah, that's not cool at all.
his may sound trivial, but when they took away sorcerers of the magic kingdom. I enjoyed doing that on days when I wasn't in a mood for rides. No, it wasn't the game itself....I loved being able to help kids learn it or give them cards...loved the smiles.
No, I get it. Not trivial at all.
As I said...more money, less magic. Disney used to be the gold standard and now, it seems it was copper all along, because it's definitely tarnished!
Well said!
Disney hates local AP holders mate, wherever they are, maybe slightly less in Cali. It was the same when I had the APs in Paris, and I honestly think at some point you are just another body in a queue for them. They only love resident AP holders when they can't fill the parks, as you spend way less than an out of town AP holder or a standard vacation package buyer.
Well...that might be true in general, but when I was going just about every night for F&W, I spent a bunch. The whole point is I was able to go often and spend money often. They got $0 from me last year and only once this year...but that's a different story.

I guess that's what I mean by Disney pricing me out of the market. I can afford it, but why continue to take it. I know they are just perks and they can be taken away. But, when they were there, we went to WDW twice a year. Granted COVID made a hiccup, but we had already started skipping the double Disney trip for cruises or beach vacations. I could still use DVC to just stay at SSR and drive to Universal to give them my ticket money. Or, I a night at WDW and the rest at VBR. But, the cash grab is still more profitable for them the other way.
I guess for someone who has saved up a long time for a trip to Disney, it's just more money to save before going, but personally, I think it's just pure greed.

I have my thoughts on that...
Universal charges for that and I gladly pay it to minimize my wait times.
As discussed...for you yes. For Mark, not so much. For CCT, maybe not. So...for a family that's been saving for a long time and can't necessarily afford even more for that, it means riding a only few things and standing in line most of the time vs having a magical experience.

I think that will be removed eventually. Right now, it's the "latest and greatest", when other things come on line (Guardians, Ratatouille, Tron) it might syphon off enough interest that they can stop doing that.
I disagree. Guardians and Ratatouille are EPCOT and Tron is MK. More likely they'll do the same idiotic system for those.

Isn't that just a COVID thing? Thought that would be going away soon?
Maybe yes, maybe no. They had eased it a little allowing park hopping after 2:30, but still doing it. Also, with the resurgence of covid...who knows? And as Dan mentioned, it's not as if they're that concerned about locals(like me). Part of the attraction of the AP (I had platinum so I could go without blackout dates) was to just be able to pop into any park as the fancy hits me. As of now, aside from not having to pay to park, there is NO benefit to having an AP.
I hit a milestone yesterday. Last year I ran 464km. So far this year, in total (last year + this year) I just hit 1,000K! Never in my wildest dreams did I think that would be even a remote possibility.
That's amazing Ponzie, well done mate. Be proud.
Part of the attraction of the AP (I had platinum so I could go without blackout dates) was to just be able to pop into any park as the fancy hits me. As of now, aside from not having to pay to park, there is NO benefit to having an AP.
I agree there is not a ton of side benefit, but I'm going (hopefully) 3 times for a total of roughly 18 days in 6 months. Off the rack that would cost me 1800+ bucks. Even with the UK special tickets it would cost me 1600. I can almost halve that with an AP.
I disagree. Guardians and Ratatouille are EPCOT and Tron is MK. More likely they'll do the same idiotic system for those.
I haven't experience the Cluster(expletive deleted) that is the RotR Q line, but I'm nervously agreeing with you that this will be the way forward.
As discussed...for you yes. For Mark, not so much. For CCT, maybe not. So...for a family that's been saving for a long time and can't necessarily afford even more for that, it means riding a only few things and standing in line most of the time vs having a magical experience.
I think this is all really interesting stuff, so I'm keen to keep the thoughts going, as we all have a different viewpoint....

As the only one from a socialist continent, I honestly thought I would not be the apologist for the big American Corporation, but here goes.
Fundamentally they are a victim of their own marketing success. Disney kept a lid on stuff when others were chasing premium spend. I think this drove the perception of value, and the view that guest experience trumps all, and is often what you see quoted in the rants in other places. Those are very difficult twin strands to keep in parallel. You add on to the fact that we all have an emotional attachment to the brand, and many of you guys spent a lot of time growing up in there, when it was within the reach of the working/middle class to go and have the full experience. This creates a fundamentally unattainable level of expectation from the brand to strive to keep going. Now they are shifting under the cover of COVID to a more tiered experience, which is absolutely their right to do, and judging by the past 4 years hasn't really tapered off demand. Does it suck? Course it does. But as others have increased pricing blatantly and Disney hid increases through offers and free dining, there was a value gap when looking at Disney and others. And this led to capacity being hit. And the raging about queues, no quiet times, restaurants being booked up, no spontaneity anymore, etc etc.

Don't get me wrong, I am not oblivious to the penny pinching and the upcharging, but the scrutiny applied to Disney is unbelievable, and amplified in boards on here, obviously. People freaking out about noodles being taken off a menu in one of xx amount of restaurants in Disney World? There is also the fact that a fair few people game the system. Multi reservations on resturants, walking DVC ressies, multiple FP on bands that were loaned out, all drive scarcity and we all look at Disney to provide the answer. Some of them I totally agree with you are unreasonable (parking probably being the main one), but some of this is just good old fashioned capitalist "sorry, but there is money to be had".

I think social media has a lot to do with it as well, with the whole FOMO thing. We visited the world 3 times before we set foot in Toy Story land. Never been on smugglers run. Did I have a good time on all those vacations? Yes. Do I get to go on FOP every time I go? No. Does this impact my vacation? Not in the slightest. The Gram and YT have a pile to answer for, with all these must do's and la la which has driven demand through a small number of attractions, and creating a sense of failure if you don't get on the must do ride, or take a picture of a cake in front of a purple wall :oops: I would argue own most days you could hit Pirates, Splash, BTMRR, Carousel, Buzz, IASM (I know that's not your choice Doc, we will meet you outside my friend), Peoplemover, and maybe SD on a FP, plus a couple of others. That's a pretty good day.

Like I say, I think times like this are fascinating from a brand values/strategic play POV, so by all means rip me to shreds, you are all cleverer guys than me, so have at it.
Morning, Gents! Sorry I haven't responded to posts from yesterday/day before, but a lot has happened since Friday. I happened to buy trip insurance for this trip, not because of the storm, but because of COVID. Little did I know that it would come in handy with the storm coming. So with the storm on it's way, and the Mrs. off at a gig, my DMiL and I spent most of Friday evening frantically looking for flights out to New Mexico for yesterday, but nothing really seemed to work out, plus the prices were just a bit too much. So we were resigned to wait it out and to see what happens. With things still up in the air, I wound up spending yesterday getting ready for the storm, getting gas for the generator/car, extra money making a store run for non-perishable items, even got a new tire for my car and had enough time to take the family to a craft fair, one of the biggest in the area (love craft fairs). I kept track of the storm and was getting hopeful as the storm kept tracking west. Then I got the email from Jet Blue canceling our flight. I don't think it was because Boston was going to get hit with a lot of wind, but more because JFK in New York is pretty close to the storm. Out of curiosity, I checked Delta and United Airline's websites and found flights out for today. Luck was with us as I found a 3 tickets on a United Airlines flight this evening, and cheaper than what I was finding for yesterday...so we're leaving today. I'll call my insurance company that's holding my trip insurance and put in a claim for the original flights, so I'll at least get that money back. Maybe when I can finally get ahold of someone from Jet Blue, I've been on hold now for 3 hours, they'll give me a voucher for a trip in the future, which will force the Me and the Mrs. to take a vacation. :teeth: Did I hear someone say Disney?! (Anyone?) :teeth: Either way, gotta run. My apologies for not responding to quotes, but too much going on. Have a good day, and week, everyone.

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Maybe when I can finally get ahold of someone from Jet Blue, I've been on hold now for 3 hours, they'll give me a voucher for a trip in the future, which will force the Me and the Mrs. to take a vacation. :teeth: Did I hear someone say Disney?! (Anyone?) :teeth: Either way, gotta run. Have a good day, and week, everyone.
Good luck with your flight mate, stay safe and enjoy the trip. I hear January is nice for Disney :-)
Update to the Jet Blue waiting game: After 3.5 hours on hold, I finally got a hold of someone. Because I had a layover of more than 2 hours, something close to 6.5, I not only cancel my trip, but got a refund to my credit card. Wwweeeee! That was so nice to hear.

Good luck with your flight mate, stay safe and enjoy the trip. I hear January is nice for Disney :-)

Thanks...now that the refund has been secured, I now am able to relax a bit.


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