DD wants to go on camping trip


Jul 17, 2001
A group of 10-11 year old girls from a church group are getting together for a 2 night camping trip, they will be sleeping in tents and if it rains there are cabins for them to sleep in too. They will be staying at the local YMCA, where there will be lots of activities for them to do. There will be lots of adults there to supervise. My DD wants to go and I sure it will be tons of fun, but I am nervous about it. Especially with all the awful things that have been happening lately. I know that I shouldnt feel or think that way but I guess thats the "mom" in me. I just dont know if I should let her go. What should I do??????
She will have a great time. I went camping with my DD girl scout troop a couple of years ago and they had a great deal of fun.
If she wants to go, and you feel comfortable with the group she'd be with, I would definitely let her go.

I know that the tragic reports of these poor girls being abducted is very upsetting, and my heart goes out to the families, but these stories are being sensationalized by the media in a way that I think is totally irresponsible. The number of "stranger" child abductions has stayed constant for years and the likelihood of this happening to any of our children is virtually nil! What is much more likely to happen is a horrible car accident, or a bike/skating accident that results in head injury or worse.

Of course, we need to use common sense where the safety of our children are concerned, but there is not an "epidemic" of kidnappers out there, even though the media would like you to believe there is.

Good luck with your decision, and I hope if DD does go, that she has a great camping trip!
I would be nervous too, but I think I would let my dd go on the camping trip. Volunteering to be another chaperone sounds like a great idea :)
It sounds like a well-organized and chaperoned trip. Of course you have to do what you feel is right, but I think I would let DD go.


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