Cruise swelling??? Anyone else???

I actually thought I was imagining that my body (not just my ankles) were swelling onboard. Never to the extent that I couldn't close my pants but I felt like I was puffy all over. Is there any over the counter diuretics that can be bought? I already bought compression socks.

I actually thought I was imagining that my body (not just my ankles) were swelling onboard. Never to the extent that I couldn't close my pants but I felt like I was puffy all over. Is there any over the counter diuretics that can be bought? I already bought compression socks.

I've heard that citrus is a natural diabetic, so I have slices of lemon or lime in my ship water. I also bring packets of TrueLime with me to add to bottled water.
And a lot of times there is sodium in the tap water -- which is why we buy bottled water or use the filtered water at the drink station. My doctor prescribes water pills which make a drastic difference in how much swelling I get. I never leave without them now.

As far as I know all the water on the ship is the same; the drink station water isn't any more filtered than what's coming out of the sink.

Be careful with the diuretics. Weirdly you need to drink even more to make sure you don't get dehydrated. I sometimes take DH's triampterine (naughty me) and if I don't drink extra water it makes me feel lousy.

I eat a plant-based diet with an emphasis on fruit, raw veggies and clean carbs, so no dairy, eggs or animal products. I drink 2-3 litres of water per day minimum. On a 7 day cruise with my diet accommodated for I had severe swelling over my entire body by day two of the cruise. We spoke to the head chef and manager of food services to ensure there was no salt in my food as I know I have a severe intolerance to salt and thought that was the issue. We also had 2 cases of bottled water in our room from which I would exclusively drink, including at mealtimes. The swelling only increased over the following days. I drink no alcohol and remained active during the entire trip. Not only could I not wear my shoes but I could not close the waistband on any of my trousers. I wound up wearing loose, stretchy maxi dresses almost constantly as that was all that fit. My torso looked like I was very pregnant. It took quite some time for the swelling to go down after we returned home. We drove to the port from our home so there was no flying involved. We have searched for answers to prevent this from happening again as we would like to go on another cruise. I all of my reading about this problem I have not seen anyone with swelling to the extent that I had. Aside from body brushing, compression stockings and diuretics any suggestions? Than-q in advance for any ideas and input you may have.

I have no answers but I feel for you!!!

Well I have a question and a story to explain the question; do you take Aleve? Back in the days when I took it, swelling was the final straw that got me to the doctor. Well, swelling for no reason and staring at my sausage fingers and seeing the Aleve bottle in the foreground and having an aha moment. Read the very fine print and saw that and some other symptoms I'd been quietly having listed. Found out I had "naproxen poisoning" and I can never take it again.


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