***Crocs Children's Injury Alert***


DIS Veteran
Feb 3, 2006
It was just reported on our local news that the Children's Hospital here in Columbus, Ohio is reporting some injuries from children wearing Crocs on escalators. It seems that the rubber from the Crocs can easily get "eaten" (no pun intended) by the grates of the escalator causing potentially serious foot injuries to children (and perhaps adults as well...).
Please be aware of this!!! :)
Having grown up in the 'elevator/escalator industry, I have heard so many horror stories about kids feet and escalators! My dad, then my ex-dh, and my brother all work in this industry. I have trained my kids to never put their feet close to the inside of the step! Don't know if this is still the case, but it used to be that if your foot or an article of clothing got 'caught' in the teeth of the step, you could bang the side of the escalator and it would stop. It somehow tripped something. But you had to really nail it...as hard as humanly possible. That was the case decades ago, I'll have to check and see if it is still the case.
But, please, keep your feet, clothing, whatever away from those teeth!! And don't take the strollers on with you...find an elevator!!! Oh, and don't let little ones on by themselves...they have no idea of what can happen and it can happen so quickly!!! Those little fingers and toes...oh,it just makes my skin crawl when I think of it.
This story came on my local news too...except I think this incident happened locally here.
But crocs were named specifically as being a problem because of how big they are on your kids feet..plus rubber too.

We don't wear crocs but I still will be alert with flipflops, etc on those escalators.
This was also on our local news as well. It said something about the rubber getting stuck in the escalator stairs and a variety of injuries so not so bad and some very bad (amputation) so we all just need to be aware.

It also said most of the injuries were children under age 8.
DD6 had on rain boots and one got caught and ripped the front of the boot almost completely off. WHen it caught against the side of the escalator, it made this strange rubbing sound and when I saw what was happening, I snatched her up. Thank god no toes were involved. But it took me away to stop shaking. DD was more concerned that her new boots were ruined! Now when we ride, they have to face front holding on.


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