Controversial Topics Board

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I get so tired of the ad neasum of bathroom posts. The plethora of posts about bathroom gender, etc, are boring, pathetic, and out of line. Give me a ,,,which resort, which restaurant, which...blah blah blah over the same old I think only men should have xyz posts. And @ronandannette I love your posts if that matters
I would think the "which resort" and "which restaurant" posts would be better served in their respective boards.
Somewhat ironic since these are the types of words that can be quite inflammatory that people on this board cannot respond to. Hold onto your hat on the new board! Lol. Just sayin’!

Good point. I’m going to suggest that emojis be disabled on the new board since they can also be inflammatory.

If someone wants to disagree with someone, they should use words. JMO.
I agree, especially when someone goes up and down your posts and puts a "haha" or angry face. It's just immature. Use your words! I think they would need to be disabled on the new forums.
Maybe just me, but I would like hear from the OP what specific 'problem' this proposed change is intended to solve. It seems as if it is being suggested as a solution to something, but what exactly that is isn't clear to me.
Just a guess, but trying to staunch the exodus of people. Give them something to talk about other than Disney. I haven't been to the parks in five-six(?) years. My youngest just got back from a school trip and middle goes during spring break. Of course, they don't ask me for help.
Just a guess, but trying to staunch the exodus of people. Give them something to talk about other than Disney. I haven't been to the parks in five-six(?) years. My youngest just got back from a school trip and middle goes during spring break. Of course, they don't ask me for help.
And board traffic = $$, something any company has to be concerned with today.

I was sort of wondering the same thing myself last night @_19disnA.

That’s probably oversimplified, though. Disney is becoming unaffordable for some, and others aren’t liking many of the changes. Either way, maybe less people are going, hence less people needing Disney info. Or getting it other ways. This board also got some negative press not too long ago, not sure if that drove some away. I know lots of regulars here have left or don’t come by as much anymore due to content. It’s interesting to me, though, that this would be the type of board they’d choose if they’re trying to increase traffic, ie a controversial one. Maybe it will draw more people in, and others back, idk.
I would think the "which resort" and "which restaurant" posts would be better served in their respective boards.
They are. With limited response. Except that the curmudgeons ignore it for the threads that haven't seen Disney in 15 years. When were YOU last there?
And board traffic = $$, something any company has to be concerned with today.

I was sort of wondering the same thing myself last night @_19disnA.

That’s probably oversimplified, though. Disney is becoming unaffordable for some, and others aren’t liking many of the changes. Either way, maybe less people are going, hence less people needing Disney info. Or getting it other ways. This board also got some negative press not too long ago, not sure if that drove some away. I know lots of regulars here have left or don’t come by as much anymore due to content. It’s interesting to me, though, that this would be the type of board they’d choose if they’re trying to increase traffic, ie a controversial one. Maybe it will draw more people in, and others back, idk.
I agree with all of what you said but I would add in that traffic in general for all forums like this is WAY down. The reason I joined was because I missed online forums like the DIS. I used to be on so many that died and the members moved onto other platforms, one of which for some reason cannot be named on here?? I got a warning (not points) for naming it, which to this day I do not understand but it's fine.
I agree with all of what you said but I would add in that traffic in general for all forums like this is WAY down. The reason I joined was because I missed online forums like the DIS. I used to be on so many that died and the members moved onto other platforms, one of which for some reason cannot be named on here?? I got a warning (not points) for naming it, which to this day I do not understand but it's fine.
🥰 I took your points. Love you Erin
I know you're joking but this comment slightly hurt my feelings. You are more then welcome to ignore my soccer threads.
I think it was a lighthearted joke by a poster who has that sort of posting style. Likely not mean-spirited. Try not to take offense. But this is the sort of thing I’m talking about - people‘s feelings can get hurt here. No one comes here to get beat up. At the same time, we do need to try to keep a somewhat thick skin and take things from where they come.

Anyway, 👊 I’m not into soccer but if that’s your thing, then, hey.
This is key. Everybody needs to realize that being quoted by somebody isn't a summons demanding a response and an emoji-reaction doesn't need to be taken as a direct challenge.
You may not remember this, but not too long ago you called me out on a “Wow” emoji I put on your post. :laughing:

Point being that, yes, emojis can cause people to react. Someone could be having a bad day and it hits just right, etc.

It’s too bad we don’t have a thumbsdown emoji. I think that would be preferable for disagreements.
And why I ignore said curmudgeon that had no relevant current dis experience besides ad nauseum vitriol...good bye.
Wait, I'm being ignored because I post in the "non-Disney" related forum and I haven't been to Disney recently? HAHAHAHAHAHA
I don’t think so Dan. Back then I mainly participated in the Transportation, Parks, Resorts and Debate Boards. I didn’t discover the CB until the Debate Board was shut down.

My previous screen name was my real name which I wont share now. I was about to change it back then, and I got banned so I came back as The Mayor. Funny thing is I got banned by a mod from my hometown and I had coached her nephew in hockey.🤣
You're a real debater, Steve. Would have been a webmaster or admin, moderators can't ban. And how ironic, the connection there. To the banee though, same result. Glad you came back, as a mayor, or rather, The Mayor no less.
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