Come to the Dark Side...We Have Cookies...(updates 4/3)

Rumor Alert!

So more and more today I am reading rumors about a Star Wars land going into Animal Kingdom. That would be so awesome!! If there's any truth to this rumor, what kind of creatures would you like to see?

Wampas? rancors? kaadu? eopie?
Hey! I'm in! Nice to meet a fellow geek mom! We have made that Wookie birdhouse too! From Bonnie Burton's craftbook, right? Looking forward to reading along!
Hey! I'm in! Nice to meet a fellow geek mom! We have made that Wookie birdhouse too! From Bonnie Burton's craftbook, right? Looking forward to reading along!

:welcome: Yes, it's great to meet another geek mom!

Yes, that's the book! We have made so many fun things in that book. My MIL even taught me how to crochet over Thanksgiving and I made the R2-D2 hat. Dh and Anakin have made the soap, the tissue box covers (even changing things up and made a wampa cover), finger puppets, the Yoda doll, the marble magnets, Han Solo in Soaponite, and t-shirt throw pillow. The only thing that didn't work at all was the snow globe. Every one we made leaked.
We've made the tissue cover and the planter. There are pics in out trip report. I am so in awe of you! I would love to learn the crocheting to make the hat for my new baby boy. Was it hard?!? That's a shame about the snowglobe. I've chatted with Bonnie on twitter - she's lovely!
We've made the tissue cover and the planter. There are pics in out trip report. I am so in awe of you! I would love to learn the crocheting to make the hat for my new baby boy. Was it hard?!? That's a shame about the snowglobe. I've chatted with Bonnie on twitter - she's lovely!

Very cool! If you chat with her again, ask what the secret is to keeping the snow globe lid sealed properly.

The first hat was very difficult. But since then I have made 7 and it's easy now. I put a picture of ds on facebook wearing his and friends asked me to make them for them for Christmas. I can make a hat in 2 days if I don't get too many interruptions.

I loved all of the latest pics and you know I adore your hats!

We made snowglobes with our three year old class at church one Christmas (THAT was fun :lmao:) and we used baby food jars, baby oil, water, glitter and hot glue...and half of them leaked...our problem was the lids didn't want to go back on once they were opened and the food was eaten. I can attest to the soaps turning out well, thanks to JJ's gift to the girls. :thumbsup2
I loved all of the latest pics and you know I adore your hats!

We made snowglobes with our three year old class at church one Christmas (THAT was fun :lmao:) and we used baby food jars, baby oil, water, glitter and hot glue...and half of them leaked...our problem was the lids didn't want to go back on once they were opened and the food was eaten. I can attest to the soaps turning out well, thanks to JJ's gift to the girls. :thumbsup2

Thanks! We attempted a few of the baby food jars. Trying different brands and different sized. No luck on any.

Thanks for the kind words about the soap.
Very cool! If you chat with her again, ask what the secret is to keeping the snow globe lid sealed properly.

The first hat was very difficult. But since then I have made 7 and it's easy now. I put a picture of ds on facebook wearing his and friends asked me to make them for them for Christmas. I can make a hat in 2 days if I don't get too many interruptions.


Love Ani's hat... I didn't realize you made hats! Super cool!

Creative Cooling​

May in Florida can be hot and humid. It seems that every year we witness someone passing out. It's difficult enough for the average person to handle the heat, but for Anakin it's even harder because his body doesn't regulate its temperature. It's a mixture of his Cortical Dysplasia affecting his hypothalamus and the medications he takes. Seizures are the result of his overheating. Keeping him cool is a must.

In 2010, we tried a cooling vest that works by moisture. This was a big failure. The company who sold it to us warned us that it didn't work in humid climates, but we thought maybe soaking it in ice water before wear would help.

Here's Anakin in 2011 wearing the vest while in line for Darth Vader.


And a full view of the cooling vest


As you can see, it's a very ugly vest that looks like bib. It stays cool for about 30 minutes and he ends up soaked around the edges of the vest.

We looked into different sites that sell other types of cooling vests, but after talking to costomer service they suggested waiting until he gets taller for them to fit him.

We have tried cooling blankets, and pads, oh and those things you wear aroudn the neck that have cooling gel balls inside.

We have also tried frozen water bottles. Last year as I was getting him the frozen water bottles, I heard the clanking of plastic. Looked up to see Darth Vader and two storm troopers.


For a quick cool down we found an air vent at the writer's stop that worked beautifully. The air comes out full force under the vent.

One Man's Dream was the perfect place to spend time cooling down. Last year we spent alot of time playing I-spy in there. Recently, I found out from reading the blog The Adult Side of Disney that there is a trivia quiz you can ask for from a CM at the attraction. I'm sure we'll spend time doing that. This was also a great place for Anakin to catch a nap.

He took alot of naps during SWW last year. The heat took so much out of him.

Darth Mall was another great place to cool down.

We also took time to eat at table service restaurants. This took extra time out of any type of touring plan, but it gave our son the much needed airconditioning he needed. We made sure that he was indoors while waiting to be seated. Even if there was only room for one of us and him.

I'd love to say that we made it through SSW 2012 without seizures, but he didn't. There were some nights he had them in his sleep. And lots of times during the day where he had myoclonic twitching. This year we will take extra effort to keep him cool and hydrated. Also this year, we have emergency seizure medicine that we didn't have last year.

SWW is Anakin's favorite time of year. I know how important it is to him to be there and participate.

I gladly welcome any other cooling ideas.

Trying to decide if I should cancel our resort reservation for the 1st weekend. Now it looks like Anakin's play is going to be both the 16th and the 17th. I have resies for the 16th - the 20th. Either way it's going to be alot of back and forth those two days.
Acting classes started back up this week. I spoke to the education director and she said they are toying with changing the dates of the performances to Thursday and Friday of Mother's Day weekend. This would work out much better for us. I told her I'd be able to help in any way they need those dates, but if it is the 16th then I won't be able.

If it is the 16th I will be driving to WDW to check in, then driving to the theater for call time, then back to WDW as soon as the play is over. Last time I organized a cast party afterwards, and I'm not sure if they were counting on me doing that this time as well. But I gave the heads up that I won't be able to be involved in anything big like that on show night.
I'm subbing! I love Star Wars and am so excited to be reading a PTR about SWW! Anakin is so adorable! Hope Grumpy makes it into the Disney Cooking Program! I just loved looking at your family's pictures. Such a cute family!

I did community theater when I was younger so I now how big of a time commitment that can be. Hope everything works out for the best! :thumbsup2
I'm subbing! I love Star Wars and am so excited to be reading a PTR about SWW! Anakin is so adorable! Hope Grumpy makes it into the Disney Cooking Program! I just loved looking at your family's pictures. Such a cute family!

I did community theater when I was younger so I now how big of a time commitment that can be. Hope everything works out for the best! :thumbsup2

:welcome: So glad you posted and are following along!

It's all going to work out in the end, it just doesn't always go the way I think it should. I'm learning to be flexible though.
I'm back! hope your first weekend trip will still work out with Anakin's play he's thinking of trying out for the Aristocats - thanks my favorite Disney Classic movie!

do you guys have the mister/fan - would that help keep him a bit cooler, it does for us!

my vote for Star wars characters for the AK park would be ewoks, think they are so cute!
I'm back! hope your first weekend trip will still work out with Anakin's play he's thinking of trying out for the Aristocats - thanks my favorite Disney Classic movie!

do you guys have the mister/fan - would that help keep him a bit cooler, it does for us!

my vote for Star wars characters for the AK park would be ewoks, think they are so cute!

I am considering cancelling our reservations and commuting. I don't know.

We have a fan. Filled it will ice and water. It melts fast on those hot and humid days.

The ewoks are cute.

Maybe you'll figure out a good way to keep Anakin from getting overheated in the hot Florida sunshine and the humidity. I wonder if there's something that you could wrap around the mister fan to keep the ice from melting?.? Something like the koozies that go around a canned drink?

I also saw these on amazon:

That's an interesting idea, never thought of a Koozie. We did have a cooler and kept the fan in the cooler when he wasn't using it.

That fan is interesting. Says works best in hot dry environments, wonder how it would work with humidity?

Thanks for posting. And keep the ideas coming. I'll look into them.
That's an interesting idea, never thought of a Koozie. We did have a cooler and kept the fan in the cooler when he wasn't using it.

That fan is interesting. Says works best in hot dry environments, wonder how it would work with humidity?

Thanks for posting. And keep the ideas coming. I'll look into them.

Walmart had a small hand held air conditioner thingie last Summer and then had them marked down during the Winter. It looked something like an air mattress pump and it was about $30 if I am remembering correctly. I'll look when I am in there this weekend and see if they still have it.


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