Chuckie Cheese


<font color=purple>Come and let me show you my tat
Jul 23, 2002
I got an email in my junk mail folder telling me I had only a few more days to get to CC and then do the survey. This is the first communication I have had from them. Guess I need to scare up a couple of kiddies and schlep them over on Saturday to do the deed. When I signed up I was told they didn't need me, but would be in contact. I assume that this is what they meant? I did get a coupon to print for 35 free tokens, so some kid is gonna be happy.

Now where am I gonna find a kid for the day? Beanie, wanna come on down?
LOL Marsha! I would love too, but since DH dislocated his shoulder, I cannot go anywhere right now!!

My kids absolutely LOVE Chuck E Cheese and I think the place is okay...but the pizza sucks! LOL Well the one in Manchester anyway!! :rotfl:

Did you get the envelope with the red, blue and green cards in it? You're supposed to hand them out when you go to CEC.
I'm doing my shop on Friday.

I received that email also but was also told they didn't need me when I sighned up. I didn't receive any cards in the mail either. So what do we do? :confused3
I forwarded the email to the address listed in it asking what to do.

No envelope here, I thought that I had read that if you got picked you would get something in the mail.

Dang, Trish! We coulda had a NH Dis meet!

I will say this, in all my years of being a mother, I only went to CEC once, and it wasn't my favorite. Fortunately, it wasn't my son's either.

IF I get a response, I will post it here.
after I had been accepted and received my envelope...I got an email telling me they would like me to respond and be a MS for them???? :confused3

Anyway I did not respond to it. We have already done our shop, survey and received our gift card.

Maybe I should respond and see if we can do another one :rotfl2:

Quick update, nothing to report! No answer back from them, I think they must have some really bad data bases!
Got the answer

Thank you for your email. Your Chuck E. Cheese Secret Service Agent Kit has shipped and is on the way. Please keep watching the mail for your mission as a Secret Service Agent.

CEC Secret Service Agent Headquarters

Marsha Morlock <>
03/02/2005 04:32 PM
Subject Re: Chuck E. Cheese's Secret Shopper Savings

This is what I wrote:

This is the first thing I have recieved from you. I am more than willing to go to the CEC in my area, but I don't know what I should be doing as far a secret shopping, survey, etc.

Am I missing something?

I don' think they even read the attached email, the shop is supposed to be done by Sunday, there is no way I will get the kit in time! Well, maybe.
I finally received my letter in the mail on Sat. Alot of notice for a shop due on 3/13!
I havent seen my mail today, but so far I have nothing. And it is snowing so hard right now I can barely see to the end of the street! I don't know if I am going to walk to the mail box or not. IF I don't I am sure the mail will be there tomorrow!
Hi All!
Hoping you can help me.
I received my MSing envelope from Chuck E Cheese, but never got an email. Must be honest, I never look at my Bulk Mail. I get over 100 pieces in Bulk Mail daily.
So, I didn't get an email with free tokens.
Emailed the company....haven't heard back yet.
What are we supposed to buy?
What is the reimbursement?
HELP!!!! I was told they were full initially, so I don't remember what I am supposed to buy.

How do I know which location this is for? I have 4 CEC that are within 30 mins of me.
Well, I wish I could help, but I never got anything from them. And with all the snow that is coming down, I wouldn't have been able to get out anyway.
Boy was I bummed. :sad2: I love taking kids to CEC. I have as much fun watching them play as they have playing. I went to the same one I usually go to (haven't been there since before Christmas). It was awful.

We had to wait to be let in and get our hands stamped (there was no one in line in front of us). Then I went to order food and the guy says the kitchen is closed. At 7:00. I thought he was kidding. He said they were busy and were short staffed and trying to catch up, so they weren't taking any more orders for a while. Now granted, it was busy and they had a couple of birthday parties, but it wasn't PACKED! It seemed like a normal Friday night.
There were 3 people working the front area. Two of them were trying to handle the order counter, ticket redemption and the hand stamping. One guy was delivering food to the tables. That's all we saw. I'm sure people were in the kitchen cooking, but obviously we didn't see them.
Many of the games were either broken or wouldn't dispense tickets. I purchased some tokens for the kids to play and when they were done, we left and went to eat elsewhere.
I can't believe the place went that far downhill. :sad2: Even the kids said they's rather go somewhere else next time.

I was in the same boat. Signed up, was told they were full for my locations. Then got the email but no packet. The packet came THURSDAY but no specification of location. So I just picked the closest one.
How often will CC allow you to be a secret shopper? We had fun the last time and would love to go again!!!!



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