Christine & Erik's PJ: 12/4/08 Finally New Updates!

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OK so I'm not sure how long this post will be since I really should be heading to bed. However being the horrible Disbride that I am I feel terrible for not giving an update in days. Especially when I've promised certain really nice patient people that I would.

So I guess I'll start with colors. Here are my inspirations - though the colors don't come out quite true on here.

Now hopefully these pictures will show up without being huge like they were the other night. I apologize some of them are sideways! Anywho these three stones I happened to come across while shopping for supplies to make some mock centerpieces. The dark blue is a very deep royal blue, the light matches the Cinderella blue perfectly and of course silver. I have since scrapped the centerpieces for three reasons. 1st is that the location we hope to have our reception at up here in NJ, if I ever get the ball rolling on making those arrangements for some reason it's not as fun as dealing with the Disney part, have their own centerpieces I can use for free. Which is lovely because they're not bad, and their vase is silver which would go with our colors. So it's very convenient. 2nd I'm rethinking the making centerpieces to bring to Disney, largely because I'd get charged a set-up fee and then have to worry about getting things down there. This may be one instance where it's just easier to go with Disney floral. Finally they didn't come out the way I wanted. I have since found a pic of what I wanted so maybe Disney can help me find a reasonable copy within budget...:cloud9: I'll keep dreaming there I think. I seem to have lost my pictures of them, and the cat already destroyed one of them. But at some point I'll have more flower information. We've already decided to use the Disney boutonnières, corsages and possibly their flower petals for the flower girls. I've already bought supplies to make my bouquet and the one for my MOH.
Here some of the supplies, we haven't put them together yet.

These are for my bouquet with any extras to be for decor and such - there's a lot there I doubt it will all be used




These are the materials for my MOH's bouquet

Now for the flower girls, we'll have two, I made their baskets. OK so I've only made one but the other just has to be put together. Here are some pictures of the baskets before and after. I was so glad we got engaged over the summer because I knew I could get some great post-Christmas sales for things like faux-florals and such. And since we wanted a Cinderella Winter Wonderland Theme I knew some of the Christmas stuff would work perfectly. I had a friend a few years ago who made our bouquets for her wedding and they turned out so lifelike and beautiful :worship:. So I had faith we could do so too.:rolleyes1 The baskets like the florals above were from Micheal's and 50 to 75% off love those sales :dance3:! I can only imagine what I would have spent otherwise :scared1:!

Here's a couple of pic of one of our flower girls, my niece
with my favorite princess

With her favorite princess (they share the nickname of Belle

Our other flower girl lives in TX so I haven't had a chance to get a pic with my camera yet. The last time we saw her was 4th of July :sad1:. She's Erik's niece.

Here's the before pic of all the supplies,

Here are a few after pics




The ribbon on front has 3 silver jingle bells hanging from it. This is an idea that I realize I may kick myself for later if the only sound on our ceremony video is clanging bells! But it's so cute an addition I couldn't help myself! I was really really proud of how these turned out.

Here's a pic of the ring bearer pillow - I made this to match the girls baskets - minus the bells so far. I'm thinking of stealing a Disney idea though and instead of adding a ribbon to tie down some fake rings I'm thinking of getting a glass slipper to attach and put the rings in there. We shall see :confused: I've still got plenty of time to decide.


Top of pillow

Bottom of pillow

And our trusty ring bearer - a huge Car's fan - hence his Christmas present from us this year that he just couldn't let go off even at dinner

OK that seems like a lot for this post so I'm going to stop here and break it up a bit.

Christine princess:
You are not a bad disboard bride!

Those baskets are adorable... you're so crafty! Now I want a flower girl! :rotfl:
OMG you MADE those - that is amazing, the baskets look great. Ilove your colours and your whole theme I look forward to seeing more of your plans.

Oh dear and you are already having the dreams, let's hope you are getting them out of the way now ;)
Just beautiful - your baskets came out great and I love the ringbearer pillow. I am thinking of making my own also because I want a white pillow with claret piping around the sides and claret tassels hanging from each corner. We are also planning on going with the glass slipper on the pillow so you will have to let me know how that turns out.

Thanks for the confidence boost - I do love those baskets so far they're my favorite craft. I'll keep everyone updated on the ring bearer pillow and what I end up going with. Thank you so much for reading and responding. It totally makes my day and encourages me to write more! So now on to the next entry...
Yipes I have a job interview tomorrow and it looks promising so I figure I better write as much today as I can since if all goes well I'll have even less time to post! That's something I'll miss terribly when I end up working - though I think DF will be doing a happy :dance3:to see me rejoin the working world. I don't think he realizes that most employers are not like his where you can be on the internet as often as you like. So that's my rant on that ;).

OK so I'm going to start by trying to add some pics from other sites so I don't know how well this will work.


That's the closest image I can find for my rings. The only difference is all my stones are princess cut and the stones on the wedding band will go all the way around. They're from local jeweler so I can't get pics from their site. And my pics didn't come out clearly at all. The best part to me is the fact that most of my sapphires are from my FMIL they were part of a ring she gave DF to sell, use or make into my ring. I gave DF a picture close to this when he asked what I wanted but told him he could go with whatever he wanted. He made a great choice!

OK now on to the dress. Possibly my second rant of the day so I've warned you it's probably coming.
Being the Disney obsessed bride that I am I of course was enticed when I heard about the Disney Bridal line. I found a local salon that was doing a trunk show and was super excited. This was my first real experience trying dresses on and I thought it's Disney it'll be great. WRONG! First off, I admit wholeheartedly that I'm overweight and need to shed more then a few pounds. However I've come to loathe a good portion of the wedding dress industry. The only dresses they had were size 6 to 10 - I'm a 24 and a large part of that is chest. Well I'm not exaggerating when I tell you they squeezed :crowded: me into a number of dresses that day. I swear I was flat chested more then once putting those dresses on! I don't know what I was thinking. It was not only horrible for my self-confidence but it was physically painful. And really how can you get any sense of what a dress will look like in those conditions? This was not the only store that attempted to do this. Though as time went on I really just had to say no. I will say the rep for the Disney Bridal line was super sweet and helpful but really that doesn't excuse the way things were. Personally I don't understand why they can't have more larger dresses. I realize that it would make it harder for smaller girls to get a complete view but hey at least they can pin back the extra fabric. When you have elastic stretched across your back (if they can even do that which on some dresses they can't) and nothing even begins to line up right there is no way you can see how it would fit. This is why despite my personal dislike of David's I highly recommend their store as a place to go try different styles of dresses on to see what looks good on you. While I'd buy other dresses from them I just couldn't see me buying my wedding gown from them but at least they had enough variety where you could see how different styles flattered your body. This was huge because like many brides I ended up with a dress in a completely different style then I wanted or expected. Going back my mom and MOH said they wanted to cry when I was being squeezed into dresses that they wouldn't let me do so again. :hug: But eventually it worked out and I found a dress that I love :lovestruc though I'm still tempted to add a small hoopskirt underneath to add a little more fullness. I just want to wait till mine comes in and see it on me in my actually size before I make that decision. I ordered and put down my deposit the week before Christmas and was told it would take about 5 months! I'm so anxious and couldn't believe it should take that long :eek:!
OK RANT OVER :hippie:

So here are the pictures

The original dress I thought I'd get but decided I needed some more princessy bling...
Style T8107

The dress I ended up buying because it was much more me thus I no longer had a pout like the girl in the first picture - however I have yet to actually try my dress on because it's not in yet.
Style 8218


Here is a pic of me and my MOH in the David's version of this dress

OH NO PHOTOBUCKET IS DOWN! Ok I guess the other pictures will have to wait till next time.

In the meantime I'll give you the dilemma about my dress. I'd appreciate any suggestions. Obviously, like the hoop skirt, I want to wait till I can see myself in one that fits. I originally wanted a lace-up back on my dress. The dress I chose didn't have one.

The main reason I'm thinking about lace-up being that I figure I'll be wearing the dress on 3 occasions, wedding day, MK photo shoot (1 and a 1/2 weeks later) and home reception about a month later. Plus since the week before my wedding is Thanksgiving and my dress shop is 2 hours away near my parents house I probably will have my final fitting 2 to 3 weeks before the wedding. On top of all this, I have time in WDW pre and post ceremony and a Disney Honeymoon cruise where I know I'll be eating good tasting and probably bad for me food. I really don't want to spend the time after my wedding stressing about food of all things. Now the wonderful woman at my dress shop says she doesn't recommend changing the back on this particular dress because of all the beading on the top and the faux bottons that run all the way down the back. However she has said that if it's what I want her seamstress will do it for me. I know I've had dress shops tell me they can take a dress in or out up to two sizes. But I just feel like with a lace-up back I can make it loose if I need to or tighter if I stop eating from stress. I know I won't be able to pack on 10 pounds and be fine but at least I feel like I have a better chance of getting it to fit right over the two month span that I'll need to be able to fit into it. Plus since I put my down payment down I've seen lots of dresses that to me appear similar in beading and such where they have a lace up back and it looks fine. So I'm really leaning towards making that jump what do you all think?

OK still no photobucket I'll try to write more later tonight hopefully they'll be back up by then.

Christine princess:
I COMPLETELY agree with you on having more dresses for bigger girls thing. I'm a bigger girl myself, and I'm so sick of being told "well, when it fits right, it will look like this" or "just imagine this". It's so hard for me to get an accurate picture of me in any dress because it won't zip or it's bunching :headache:

I definitely want a lace up back, just because I think it's so pretty and it's something you can really only get away with on your wedding day... jmho :goodvibes
I just found your PJ. Congrats on your engagement and planning your DFTW.

You chose an awesome month to get married! We are coming up on our 2 month anniversary on Valentine's Day. (We were married 12/14/07.) Our colors were navy, lavender, and silver-- it all turned out great. December is a great month to get married at WDW.

I totally agree with your rant on wedding dresses. I did buy my gown at David's because it was the only stinking place that had plus size dresses! My dress is sort of similar to your's, but strapless.

Looking forward to reading more about your planning!
Ditto to all the comments on being a fluffier bride and trying on dresses LOL I remember trying on THE dress and it was only a US 10 LMAO I was just running around the shop with the back zip un-done and my bra showing and me not having a care in the world because I had just found THE dress LOL what an attractive sight that must have been... NOT!!

In hindsight I would have liked a corset/lace back as that would have probably saved me a load of cash - the dress shop made me order a size bigger and actually we ended up spending $250 then getting it tailored and taking it in so that it actually fit me ::sigh:: I guess this would be another reason for a fancy 10 yr VR LOL

I really wish I hadn't been bullied in getting a bigger size.

Good luck with your job interview Christine :)
Hi christine!!

love your engagement fun to do it with faith & tim singing!!!romantic!!!!!

your ring is beautiful!!!
the baskets & pillow your making are AWESOME...great job!!!

Congrats on the house!!!!

how did the interview go??

the link wouldnt let me view the i cant give my opinion on your question, but did they say how much it would cost to do a lace up back???it might be a TON!!!!

your furbabys are adorable!!!:goodvibes
Hi to all the new readers! Hehe I'm glad to have you! And thanks for the support on the trials of being a fluffier bride!;) Let's see I'm going to try to answer some of the more recent questions.

Helloirishkitty - YES that's exactly what I was talking about! I mean really for all we're spending shouldn't we know where the dress will line up on our body? I mean do they really want us to pick the wrong thing and be flashing our entire guest list :rotfl:and with us bigger girls we all know that's a possibility!

JaxTeach - I'm can't remember if I ever posted on your pj (got to love bridal brain I can remember every shade of blue but not what I did yesterday) but I know I read a good chunk of it. You had some wonderful beautiful ideas I could even be borrowing a few for all I know! I should probably state here for all the Dis-brides that like many I've seen so many wonderful ideas I know I'll be pirate: some! So thank you all! I can't remember but I'm thinking the sleeves may be removable. I like them though - the original dress had a single spaghetti strap and I had been planning on modifying that to three straps just because I wanted the extra support and liked the look better. I did like a few of the strapless dresses I tried on and didn't feel like they were falling off (except for the ones that were put on by elastic bands being pinned together to force it to fit). I can understand David's is hard to fight because of the convenience. Yeah I'm excited about Dec. I love that time of year! I'll bet your wedding was beautiful! I love your colors ;)!

Fantasia Sam: I can picture the running around the store thing :lmao: the store I picked from was a little small for that! hehe! Plus I didn't actually get to try on my dress there - her version was too small. Well what do they expect but half naked women running around - if they had dresses closer to the size of the average woman this wouldn't happen! I'm actually - or was when she measured me right about where two sizes meet - so sort of in between. Well I ordered the larger of the two just in case though I'm determined to lose more weight between now and the wedding. I believe my saleswoman said that they do a flat rate for all the alterations. It's not x amount for hem, y amount for sleeves, etc. the way some stores do. So since I'll have to have it altered anyway I got the impression it wouldn't really affect the price. However if I wanted blue beading added- something else I considered because I liked the way the David's dress had blue embroidery and beading - then it would cost extra.

myprincessgirllisa: Thanks for all the sweet praise! I'll post the pics I do have for you now that photobucket is back. The job interview was not my greatest. I ended up being late because my alarm didn't go off though luckily I woke up on my own about 15 minutes later - thank god for the local rooster! Yes, we have a rooster, a flock (I think it's the correct term for them) of chickens and a Goose that wander what we have of a neighborhood freely. It's actually a grouping of about 30 houses that are clustered near each other surrounded by farmland. They are a pretty funny little group actually. Sorry guess you didn't ask for all that info :rotfl2:! Anywho I was late and then my interview - which I drove an hour and a half for roundtrip - was 15 minutes long. :headache: I'm not disappointed but I'm sure DF will be. I have a feeling this job thing may be the first real big argument we get in at this rate. Not much can be done about the situation now though.

OK I'm off to write the next pj segment. With the pictures I promised!

Christine princess:
OK now to where I left off.

Here's a pic of me and my MOH and BFF at David's. This one cracks me up - ignoring the expression on our faces - I love that I'm taller then Shell here at 4 foot 10 I don't get that feeling often!


This is the David's version of my DaVinci Dress. I really liked that the embroidery was blue and some of the beading too. However I wasn't crazy about the beads they used. This is what made me realize that I know David's copies a lot of other designers. So since the original dress I like was Davinci I decided to see if they had something closer to this. Which they did. Thus my dress that I picked. Now Shell, my mom and I had gone to like 5 shops that one day it was Thanksgiving weekend. It was crazy. David's was the only saleswoman who managed to get Shell into a dress! :worship: I had been asking her for weeks to try stuff on and she wouldn't do so for me - the bride! But she would for a stranger how wrong is that! hehe jk! I'm glad she did though she decided she liked the longer dress as compared to the tea length she was originally thinking she wanted. I think she looks great! Though she refuses to go shopping again until May cause she wants to lose more weight ;) I guess so many of us feel that way!

OK here's me holding the ivory version of the dress I picked

Close up of the train

Full length back of the dress

(since you can't really see the back on the website version anyway)

Beading on the top of the front

Full Front view of dress

The only difference is mine will be white with silver instead of like this one which was cream with silver.

Also for the rehearsal dinner/dessert party since we'll be having photography I decided I wanted to dress up a bit. OK I just wanted to dress up a bit but the photography gave me a reason! So here is the dress I'm thinking of - it's a David's bridal gown - I know I know I've said mean things about them, true but mean things about them, however since it's not my actual wedding gown I'm OK with it. It's style #81591 and in Blue Velvet which is approximately the color that my MOH will probably wear on the wedding day. Plus I figure I can use this dress on the cruise for the formal dinner.


I may add one of their slips underneath it in silver or a lighter blue - we'll see.

OK if I were to go with Davids for my flower girls here is the dress I would choose. I like the second dress better, it's not a David's dress but I don't know how comfortable I am with ordering them sight unseen online when the place will not guarantee color, size or anything nor will they send swatches. But the second flower girl dress is the first one that I saw that I fell in love with. I'm not sure but I think I'd go with the light blue option instead of the white as a way to incorporate my third color and to make the girls feel more like Cinderella.




I also like this third dress. And that it has some color with it so maybe with blue flowers for instance this would work as well. But again not sure how I feel about ordering from this site. I may bring these shots the next time I go to my dress shop to see if she has anything similar. I like that they are close to my dress but not exact miniature copies. However what I like about the online idea or David's is that it makes it easier on my Flower girl from TX to order or get her dress. So anyone who wants to weigh in I'd gladly take the feedback. Or if any of you used this site and had good or bad experiences I'd love to know.

OK since that's pretty much everything on dresses for now this seems a good place to start. Have to go feed the furbabies!

Thanks for reading!

I just came across your PJ... everything looks great, the dress is beautiful and the ring is just amazing... can't wait to read more.
Happy Friday all! Welcome to any new readers - thanks for posting camara381 and padisneyfour!

So now we have flowers and dresses covered so far. As some may know from a previous post in the midst of all our planning I decided I had to have a dessert party. Well I also decided that it had to be on the Italy Isola if I was going to go through with it and luckily I just beat the minimum for a Rehearsal Dinner/Dessert Party at that location! Pam, my sales planner, is amazing for suggesting this solution I absolutely loved working with her. So far, by the way while I'm discussing planners, I want to say having Meri has be great. More on that later though. OK back to the dessert party. There has been a lot of debate between me and DF on this topic. Originally over if we even needed to have one, as some of you may remember from earlier posts I made asking for help in convincing him. Lucky me my FIL thought it was a wonderful idea and since they have chosen to pay for it DF ended up going along with it! :banana:Gotta love when things go smoothly with the FIL's so far mine have been so wonderful and I know I'm super lucky that this is the case. They have all been in my corner on every choice so far and since I'm not even sure they understand why a Disney wedding was so important to me (Disney is not a big institution in their family so my fanatic tendencies probably are like Greek to them) this means the world! Sorry I digress and go on tangents a lot! hehe! Anyhow once it was agreed upon that we'd have a dessert party I then had to convince DF that it should be kept a surprise. The reasoning being everyone involved knows so much about the wedding, such as why we chose our reception location (Wishes fireworks and view of the castle) what my dress looks like (except DF of course) all those types of details. So I wanted to have a special surprise for them all since they've been kind enough to travel all that way. Well I've now sworn DF, and my parents to secrecy and asked DF to do the same with his parents. So hopefully things will stay quiet. Now the big dilemma is how to and when to reveal the surprise to everyone. I have a few ideas, and I think I'm going to start a thread with a poll because I'd love some outside input. So keep your eyes out for that because I'd love to have your help!

Last week DF was away on business - I hate him leaving but I do tend to get a ton of things accomplished.

1st and here is why I'm so happy to be dealing with Meri thus far. I had booked an upgraded room for DF and I at the Grand Flo. Even though our contract for the room block is for Garden view I figured we could upgrade and just pay the difference. I mistakenly got this impression from an early conversation with DFTW. Well the week of our wedding is also the week of the parade being filmed and the week after Thanksgiving. So I've been stressing about getting a MK view room - which to me was very important and one of the reasons I've wanted to stay at GF for so long. Well as soon as I could I booked our room and decided to deal with the repercussions later. Probably not my smartest move but something I felt was neccessary at the time. Well DF's response was if we don't get the discount I don't want the room. Pretty funny to me since when I first discussed this with him long before we got engaged he's like I guess I should plan on spending big bucks on their honeymoon suite huh? At which time I said I don't need the suite just wanted to stay at the hotel. And I still stick to that it's just if I can upgrade to a regular room with a MK view I wanted to go for it and it's a heck of a lot cheaper then a suite. Plus I don't feel like I can bank on getting the magical upgrades brides sometimes get because I know the hotel will be busy that week and that currently it doesn't even show any suites available! First off the woman at group reservations really didn't impress me she definitely wasn't being magical that's for sure. So I went to Meri after having booked and explained the situation. At first I didn't hear back from her for like a week so when I sent info about our planning session I also kind of nudged her with a reminder about the situation. Well she had it fixed within 24 hours, and got us the discount for our room so all we're doing is paying the difference more or less. And within 48 hours I had my new confirmation from group reservations.

Speaking of the planning session we finalized that as well. We'll be going on July 23rd and have our planning session on the 24th so that we have the whole rest of the weekend to play and enjoy the free AP's! I'm so excited because this will be our only relaxing vacation this year since while the honeymoon and wedding will be fabulous they probably won't be completely stress free and we'll have to wait almost the entire year for them. Also we'll be trying to get reservations for the California Grill that day since they don't do tastings and we want to have an idea of what to pick for the reception. More good news from Meri she's submitted a request to Epcot catering for us to have a tasting for the rehearsal dinner - which if they grant it would be a special occasion. From what she has told me they won't normally do this, I tried to convince her that since we don't get one for our reception, and since we'll be having everybody that's coming to reception coming to this party (plus have to rustle up a few more guests to meet Italy's minimum - which I may already have sorry fellow Disbrides but if we do have empty spaces I'll let you all know) then a tasting would be great. Also with me being such a picky eater it would help too! I'll let you know when I hear back from her once she's gotten Epcot's response how that works out.

Finally I've been having some design ideas on this as well. I don't want to go overboard - since it's not really a reception and my inlaw's are paying. However I know their tastes and I know mine and I want it to look classy. So I'm thinking about keeping the black chairs (they kind of blend in from the looks of it and I don't want to pay a fortune on covering them though a sturdier chair would be nice), and the black table cloths, but have the red and white (think Lady and the Tramp) style overlays and then maybe instead of the whole centerpiece that is listed for that theme in the wishbook maybe just the laterns in the middle. That way it's simple but not just a blank table. Plus it goes with being in Italy! Now the food is a different story. From the menus I've been sent the Lady and the Tramp does have the most choices I'd eat and a menu I think would work well for our group. However I'd like incorporate some of the food from Canada, since we loved it so much last time we were there. It was originally where we wanted to have the Rehearsal Dinner. So hopefully we'll get to compromise and have a mixture of the two. I haven't talked to Meri about this yet as it seems more like a planning session type of question.

Here's the other news from last week. I've been silently debating for a few weeks now about our photography and videography choices. We had planned on going with Disney for both as a matter of convenience. However after hearing and seeing so many wonderful things from Randy I was like well maybe I should check it out. Completely believing the whole time that it would be an impossibility because he's booked so quickly. Well when I saw his prices I just had to call and try to get him. And some pixie dust definitely came my way! Not only was he free for the day of my wedding but also the night of the Rehearsal Dinner/Dessert Party. I booked him for both and I'm so excited now! So that's my biggest change thus far. As for videography after the debacle so many of us read about this week, I'm even more against going Disney. The last thing I want to be doing on my wedding day is stressing and now if I went with Disney I would be. Like I said I had already been thinking of changing before all this because of the lack of enthusiasm I've seen for them on here. Now though I'm sure and it's all about changing DF's mind at this point. But I think he's coming around and if I can find somewhere that seems a good match we may jump ship.

Alright that's everything for now. I still have more on the welcome bags and such but I've got to go food shopping and start dinner. Hopefully my computer will cooperate and I can post my survey later on choices for the Dessert party reveal. Stay tuned :happytv::surfweb:!

Thanks for reading!
Christine princess:
Just wanted to say Hello. I've been catching up on your plans so far and I'm excited to read more :)
Christine, your dress is so lovely!!! And I'm not just being polite, those sleeves are some of my favorite! I'm so glad you finally found a dress that worked out for you. I'm not sure how anyone narrows it down to one, why not have ten? Money...right!:rotfl:

And I must say, you look SO tall in that picture!,ha 4'10? are you sure?! Did they put you on stilts?
Hehehe, Jules I'm on a stand in both pics! So not quite stilts I'd break an ankle on those but close enough! I find it so funny you picked up on that though!

M&M126 and Lov2b@disney thanks for tuning in. I do have more to come and I'm glad to have you along.

OK just wanted to reply to the new comments thus far. See you all tomorrow hopefully I'll be able to add a new addition to the journal then.

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