Casey Anthony trial- verdict is in!

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No matter how sad we are for the verdict reached, the law is the law. The jury found her not guilty. I will be surprised if their opinion changes after hearing the evidence that wasnt admissable.
It's a shame this world still has people like Casey in it. If you kill and do it just the right way even the law cant stop you, just guilt. That's if you have any.:sad1:

The evidence is inadmissable for a reason. It's a shame people who have nothing better to do are judge, jury any executioner, believing that they know better than the justice system.

Let it go, get on with your life.
Sounds a bit judgmental.:rolleyes1

And the rest of the people wanting to be judges aren't?

It's not a nice thing to think about, but kids die every day. They die from drowning, from car accidents, from abuse and from disease. Why is this death any different than any other? Because of trash tv. TV lives for cases like this, because it means big ratings. They play on your heart strings making you want to watch coverage 24/7 because they want to make you feel like you know the people involved.

You don't know the victim, you don't know the acquitted. If GKTW got the international TV coverage this trial did, Pete's million dollar challenge would reach its goal within a week.

If you want to do something constructive with your anger and frustration about this case, donate your time and/or money to GKTW or some local childrens' charity. Although these kids won't get the press that this case received, they deserve as much respect, dignity and hope for a future as anyone.
I just want to say I'm glad people are still talking about it. Although we can't do anything about Casey and the least Caylee is not being forgotten.
And the rest of the people wanting to be judges aren't?.

Yes.....judgement is judgement.

I was just pointing out that you were doing something very similar to what you were chastising others for doing.

People still talk about the OJ trial.

When people feel that there has been a miscarriage of justice, they will discuss it.

Seeing that this is a "discussion" board, it seems an appropriate place to do this.
Yes.....judgement is judgement.

I was just pointing out that you were doing something very similar to what you were chastising others for doing.

People still talk about the OJ trial.

When people feel that there has been a miscarriage of justice, they will discuss it.

Seeing that this is a "discussion" board, it seems an appropriate place to do this.

That seems more than a fair assessment. I'd still like people to use their frustration with the case constructively, as I suggested earlier.
And the rest of the people wanting to be judges aren't?

It's not a nice thing to think about, but kids die every day. They die from drowning, from car accidents, from abuse and from disease. Why is this death any different than any other? .

Because this child was murdered probably by her own mother. You don't recognize that that as more newsworthy than a victim of a car accident, as tragic as that is as well?
Because this child was murdered probably by her own mother. You don't recognize that that as more newsworthy than a victim of a car accident, as tragic as that is as well?

Actually, the child was murdered. Everyone's assuming it was by her mother, but the jury determined otherwise.

And no, I don't see it as more newsworthy. I think if you give 10% of the coverage the trial got to GKTW that the money that would roll in from donations would actually do some great things for these kids. The coverage of the trial is only doing good things for the networks' pocketbooks.

The only reason that TV doesn't give charities news coverage is because they can't get the ratings for it.
The jury actually decided that the state did not prove it's case.

I'd bet my last dollar that everyone on that jury thought she was guilty.
Actually, the child was murdered. Everyone's assuming it was by her mother, but the jury determined otherwise.

And no, I don't see it as more newsworthy. I think if you give 10% of the coverage the trial got to GKTW that the money that would roll in from donations would actually do some great things for these kids. The coverage of the trial is only doing good things for the networks' pocketbooks.

The only reason that TV doesn't give charities news coverage is because they can't get the ratings for it.

I agree with you that more attention should be given to charities, and that bottom of the barrel news shows are exploiting the death of a child for ratings, that much is for sure.

But the specifics of this case - the 31 days of partying and not reporting Caylee missing, the far fetched story that the defense cooked up, the web of lies that Casey told, etc. These all add up to a fascinating case and one that it was easy to get sucked into.
The jury actually decided that the state did not prove it's case.

I'd bet my last dollar that everyone on that jury thought she was guilty.

I like what one of the jurors said. "We did not find her innocent, we found her not guilty. The state did not prove it's case".
I like what one of the jurors said. "We did not find her innocent, we found her not guilty. The state did not prove it's case".

No jury finds anyone innocent. They are instructed to say guilty or not guilty. Inferring a "not guilty" verdict as "we think the accused is guilty you just didn't prove it" is disgusting. If that was the case everyone accused would be presumed "not guilty" until proven "guilty". Some people that go on trial are in fact innocent, whether you want to believe it or not.

I for one don't watch trash TV specifically because of incidences like this. It serves no purpose whatsoever. So much wasted energy that could be utilized constructively elsewhere.

I do feel bad for the victim, but I prefer focus my attention elsewhere, on things that make me happy or places I can make a difference.
No jury finds anyone innocent. They are instructed to say guilty or not guilty. Inferring a "not guilty" verdict as "we think the accused is guilty you just didn't prove it" is disgusting. If that was the case everyone accused would be presumed "not guilty" until proven "guilty". Some people that go on trial are in fact innocent, whether you want to believe it or not.

I for one don't watch trash TV specifically because of incidences like this. It serves no purpose whatsoever. So much wasted energy that could be utilized constructively elsewhere.

I do feel bad for the victim, but I prefer focus my attention elsewhere, on things that make me happy or places I can make a difference.

Everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty.

As for your feeling of disgust over the opinions around this case...well, you are certainly entitled to your feelings.

As for wasted energy....this seems to be a perfect example of that very thing.

You could certainly get away from your feelings of disgust and work on things that make you happy and make a difference by spending your time doing things besides trying to convince others that they should think like you.
You could certainly get away from your feelings of disgust and work on things that make you happy and make a difference by spending your time doing things besides trying to convince others that they should think like you.

Ooo, *snap* ! *ahem*

I mean... excellent point, well taken.

Look, most ALL of us are upset over what appears to be a total travesty of justice. (The defense celebrating and popping champagne in plain sight at a bar across the street really put the icing on the cake of disgust)

But, the bottom line is we all have to live with the out come. Casey may not spend the rest of her life in jail in the physical sense, but she will be imprisoned in her own mind and by society for the rest of her days.
You could certainly get away from your feelings of disgust and work on things that make you happy and make a difference by spending your time doing things besides trying to convince others that they should think like you.

I'm sorry, I spent a good part of the weekend volunteering down at Sick Kids hospital here in Toronto. I think I have a right to take a few minutes to show just how shallow others can be.
I think it is a good thing people can come here and discuss their feeling on the trial. It shows society has not become so blase' and that society does care about injustice.
Everyone will move on when it is appropriate for them.
Until then, maybe we should not tell them they are wrong for remembering an injustice done to a child.
I'm sorry, I spent a good part of the weekend volunteering down at Sick Kids hospital here in Toronto. I think I have a right to take a few minutes to show just how shallow others can be.

I don't know, I still think taking time to point out that you are better than others is bad form regardless of how much good you do.
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