Canadian Buffoon European Vacation - 30/03 - Endings and Silver Linings

Rome is a must see! 2 other places we really loved visiting, the Amalfi Coast and Cinque Terre. Cinque Terre isn't far from Pisa or Florence. Oh and there is Tuscany. The hill towns are worth a visit. So much to see.
My older DD is very independent. Didn't phase her at all leaving for college or for France. My younger DD would be out of her comfort zone in a foreign country by herself, even though she is well travelled too. Two different personalities.
I can't say this is the first time a trip report on the DIS has made me cry, but it's usually adorable toddlers saying adorable things to Cinderella that get to me. Your heartfelt words about Venice, to say nothing of your wonderful photos, definitely had me tearing up. I've never been to Europe and am suffering from serious trip envy!

Someday when I win the lottery... pixiedust:

Oh, wait, you have to actually buy the tickets, right?
I can't say this is the first time a trip report on the DIS has made me cry, but it's usually adorable toddlers saying adorable things to Cinderella that get to me. Your heartfelt words about Venice, to say nothing of your wonderful photos, definitely had me tearing up.

Oh, that's not really me. I'm far to manly to gush like that.


No, really.


You're not buying this, are you.

Wow. I haven't made a woman cry since I dropped the giant suitcase of death on Ruby's foot.

I've never been to Europe and am suffering from serious trip envy!

Great! Now I can quit writing!
My goal was always, "If I can just get one person jealous... I'll be happy."

Someday when I win the lottery... pixiedust:

Oh, wait, you have to actually buy the tickets, right?

Oh, now that's funny.
I say almost the same thing.
"Someday when I win the lottery...
Of course since I almost never play the lottery, it's not too likely."

Indeed this was the number one thing to do on at least one travel website.
Wanna know what it is?

Get lost.

Love this. Sigh. :worship: The best choice in so many places. To simply get lost. (Well I guess there are some places where that wouldn't hold up - like getting just a little bit too far North in South Korea or something. ;))

It's an island.
Eventually you hit water and can't go any farther.
How lost can you get?

Are you setting us up? :rotfl2: :thumbsup2 (I'll pretend I don't know. popcorn::)


(picture from whyGo Italy -

The best. :smokin:

But every now and then, you have to stop and smell the roses...
Or in this case, take a picture

Oh man, I would have been pushed into a canal with all these photo opportunities. :rotfl2: In short order. :goodvibes Is your family patient with you? I have huge, massive fights sometimes. Just give me a second and I'll catch up are both on autoplay when I have my camera. I would have had to go out alone after.

Gorgeous shot, pkondz. Truly.

Entering Piazza San Marco is like getting the wind knocked out of you.
You snake through narrow, claustrophobic inducing streets
to suddenly enter into this enormous open space surrounded on all sides by beautiful, soaring architecture.

Understood. Perfectly understood. Beautifully described. Sighing.

The basilica is named for its most famous resident.
(If you've ever read a Christian bible, you've read some of his letters.
The Gospel of Mark is the second book of the New Testament.)
The body of St. Mark lies within the walls of the church.
In 828, Venetian merchants stole the body of St. Mark from Alexandria.
They covered the body with pork and cabbage leaves,
since Muslims are not permitted to touch pork.

Interesting. I love hearing the background.

The columns represent the two patron saints of venice and together have a somewhat checkered past.
Gambling was allowed in the space between the two columns...
at least when public executions weren't being held there.

Can't even imagine. :rotfl2: I shouldn't be laughing. But I am. I watched way too much of The Borgias in the last two years. Don't mind me.

If you look closely, you can see he's holding a spear and standing over a crocodile.
St. Theodore was said to have slain a 'dragon'.
Dragon... crocodile... close enough, right?

Of course. popcorn::

Oh man, I hope this is the one I love. I always think I remember the photos and where they fit in. About ten installments later I still have such optimism. Who the heck knows why? :lmao:

Let's just go with *This is a very pretty picture* and call it a day. :rotfl2:

An overhead view of Piazza San Marco

An overview of the city facing northeast.

Oh no, I have no clue what these pictures are of - well Venice - but you know. Is one of them the square? Like you can answer. I have no clue. Rambling is happening. :rotfl::lmao::rotfl: Not a good sign. I have to stop for the night because too many lovely photos to remember and place makes my head pound. ;)

That and my utter and relentless jealousy. ;) Fantastic update, will continue when I don't feel so *off*.
I was using my iPad to surf the web and have the Dis app. It always brings up the list of boards, I had time to kill and wandered over! Usually I am on my laptop which I have the photography board saved to favorites, I automatically go there. I've been a few times and just love Europe so when I saw your thread I had to check it out.

My DD24 lives in Lyon, France these days. She studied abroad during her junior year('10-'11) at Boston Univ. Grenoble first semester, Paris second. She came home and finished her senior year in Boston. During her senior year she applied for a temp assistant teaching position in France for the following school year, she got it and was placed in Lyon. She left for Lyon in Sept 2012, she was supposed to come home the following May. She has been home twice to visit........

Exciting. :goodvibes Good for her.
Love this. Sigh. :worship: The best choice in so many places. To simply get lost. (Well I guess there are some places where that wouldn't hold up - like getting just a little bit too far North in South Korea or something. ;))

There are definitely some places where you absolutely do not want to wander off the beaten path...
because it won't just be the path that gets beaten....

But, yeah. Wandering a little too far north in South Korea would be on on my To-Not-Do list.

Are you setting us up? :rotfl2: :thumbsup2 (I'll pretend I don't know. popcorn::)

Nope. Not this time.
Literally, "How lost can you get on an island?"
Eventually you run out of real estate and have to turn around.
Sooner or later, you'll get un-lost.

Oh man, I would have been pushed into a canal with all these photo opportunities. :rotfl2: In short order. :goodvibes Is your family patient with you? I have huge, massive fights sometimes. Just give me a second and I'll catch up are both on autoplay when I have my camera. I would have had to go out alone after.

I have a very expensive DSLR camera with even more expensive lenses to go with it....
And I left it at home.
I made a decision before we left that while I would take pictures,I wouldn't go overboard.
(I have a rabid fan base who apparently demand these things)

It was very difficult at times...

Gorgeous shot, pkondz. Truly.


Can't even imagine. :rotfl2: I shouldn't be laughing. But I am. I watched way too much of The Borgias in the last two years. Don't mind me.

Not minding you.

Then again, after reading who they were executing, and how, and how many...

Yeah. No. I couldn't make light of it.

Oh man, I hope this is the one I love. I always think I remember the photos and where they fit in. About ten installments later I still have such optimism. Who the heck knows why? :lmao:

Let's just go with *This is a very pretty picture* and call it a day. :rotfl2:

It's a day.

I thought it was a picture, but... whatever.

It's a day.

So does that mean a day is now a picture?
Because this picture is supposed to be a little warmer... but more snow.

I'm so sick of snow. We've had if for so many pictures in a row now!
I think there's only been three or four pictures without snow this canvas!

It's looking like it's going to be a loooooong canvas, too.

Oh no, I have no clue what these pictures are of - well Venice - but you know. Is one of them the square? Like you can answer. I have no clue.

This one is of the square. Or at least three quarters of it.
It shows the north and south sides as well as the Correr museum at the west end.

The other shot is just of the rooftops of venice, northeast of the square.

Rambling is happening. :rotfl::lmao::rotfl: Not a good sign. I have to stop for the night because too many lovely photos to remember and place makes my head pound.

Nighty night.

Wait... It's morning now...

Feeling better now?

(And why do we say "nighty night" but not "Morny morning"?)

That and my utter and relentless jealousy.

Excellent... my evil plan is working.


Fantastic update, will continue when I don't feel so *off*.

I getcha. Sometimes I feel off, off and on, often.
Photographs. Their location. I said "Lisa, think - THINK - come on, THINK - what are you missing here?". Usually I'm fine if the installment is on the same page just scroll down on the reply page. But yours is so popular that I hardly ever make it.

Light bulb flashing. And then suddenly it's on, brightly. Glorious moment.

This is so exciting for me. And maybe you'll think "it's about time, Einstein". :lmao:

Open another window! OPEN - ANOTHER - WINDOW. I can do that and go back to your page and follow along. No wonder I'm so happy. ;) These little things just make me feel like the sun is shining brightly and it's a spring day! :cheer2: :rotfl2:
Light bulb flashing. And then suddenly it's on, brightly. Glorious moment.

This is so exciting for me. And maybe you'll think "it's about time, Einstein". :lmao:

Open another window! OPEN - ANOTHER - WINDOW. I can do that and go back to your page and follow along. No wonder I'm so happy. ;) These little things just make me feel like the sun is shining brightly and it's a spring day! :cheer2: :rotfl2:


Ding! Ding! Ding!
I do this all the time when I'm commenting on TRs with lots of photos.
I find it's the easiest way to keep track.

Ding! Ding! Ding!
I do this all the time when I'm commenting on TRs with lots of photos.
I find it's the easiest way to keep track.

It was definitely a Ding! Ding! Ding! moment. I can not believe that it never occurred to me after all these years of following trip reports. :rolleyes1
Okay. Just taking care of some business elsewhere on the DIS then getting to work on the next chapter.
pkondz said:
Okay. Just taking care of some business elsewhere on the DIS then getting to work on the next chapter.

Understandable. Someone started a thread about how rude people can be on these boards lately. Its really starting to show. I'll send you a pm on that later so you can work on the next chapter.
Understandable. Someone started a thread about how rude people can be on these boards lately. Its really starting to show. I'll send you a pm on that later so you can work on the next chapter.

Yeah, that thing kinda took on a life of its own.
I got a chuckle out of it, though.
And no, I didn't pass on a lot of the suggestions!

Anyway. Chapter's not too long this time. Got about half done so far.
So yesterday...
We were invited over to my parents for dinner.
Five o'clock.
(Which is why there's no new chapter yet. But I'm working on it!)
It was now around four thirty or so.
The phone rings.
It's long distance.
I glance at the display... not an 800 number.
Hmmm.... should I answer it? Kinda busy... Might be Nebo!
I pick it up.
It is Nebo!!

Had a nice chat, but before you knew it, it was five... and I had to cut the conversation short.

It's always fun chatting with the big galoot. Lotsa laughs.
Some day I hope to be able to call him and have more time.

More... time... :rotfl2::lmao::rotfl:

sorry. got a little hysterical there.
Something for nothing

So where were we?

Oh, right.
Back at the hotel.

Shall we continue? Yes? All righty, then.

I don't remember how long we were at the hotel, but it couldn't have been too long.
Probably not much more than an hour.

Hello! Venice is just outside! Is this thing on? Hello!!!

There were a few things I was aiming for this afternoon.

Remember this?

The Rialto Bridge has shops on it, and just the other side of it is the market.
(Just out of curiosity. How many of you spotted the dove? How many are still looking???)

I also wanted to visit one of the best Carnivale mask shops in the city.

But first things first.

Approaching the bridge, the first thing I noticed is that it's a lot wider than I first thought.

Full disclosure. The above shot was taken earlier (I think it was even from the day before...)
That's why all the shops are closed up.


Pedestrians have three choices for crossing the bridge.
In the first picture of this chapter, you can see people walking on the south side of the shops.
You can do the same on the north side.
Or you can go through the center, and peruse the shops on either side.

Fading off into the distance, on the other side of the canal, are the awnings for all the various shops of the market.

What can I say about the market?
How shall I wax poetic about its wares?
Ah, 'tis but a simple task that can be summed up in one word.


Honestly? It was just okay.
Mostly it was an area chock full of what you would call 'tourist trap' crap.
We spent a little bit of time here, but not much.
On the outskirts, Kay did find a shop that was to her liking,
but most of the rest was cheap copies of poorly done glasswork and cheap masks.

Yeah. It was disappointing.

But let's not dwell on this Venetian failure. The day is young!

This was not a time that I wanted to get lost. I had my eye on the prize and would not be denied.

Tragicomica is arguably the finest mask making establishment in Venice.
One of the few places left that still hand craft their own masks.
Not cheap, prices range from thirty Euros ($40USD) to over four thousand ($5,500USD) for a full Carnivale costume.
(Compare that with the kiosks where you could get a 'paint-it-yourself' mask for one euro.)

But first, we have to navigate there.

We wound our way through narrow passageways...

With the occasional stop at whatever shops caught our eye.

We stopped in this shop for a bit, and one, if not both girls, wound up buying masks here.

It was kind of fun trying to find our destination.
The streets are so narrow and so twisty that every minute or two we'd have to stop to look at the map.
We'd turn in a full circle, trying to find landmarks.
Sometimes we'd find them, other times we wouldn't.
Those times, we'd continue on for a bit and repeat the process.

In hindsight, I'm a little surprised that we found the place at all.

But we did.

And it was pretty cool.
The masks here were obviously of better quality than any others we'd seen.
Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures.
Two reasons.
I couldn't take pictures outside the shop, because the lane was too narrow.
We were walking along and suddenly, "Here it is!"
And you couldn't take pictures inside the shop, because it wasn't allowed.

Guess you'll just have to take my word for it.
It was worth the walk.

We spent some time in here, but we didn't buy anything.
Ruby and I talked about it, but we just couldn't figure out how we'd
a) fit it into our decor back home, and;
b) how we'd get the durned thing back even if we did buy it!

After half an hour or so of gawking, we reluctantly left the shop and made our way back the way we came.

As we were navigating, we realized that it was getting late and we were starting to get hungry.
We stopped at a restaurant with an outdoor seating area that looked inviting.

The waiter spoke English quite well and when I asked him what was good, he replied:
"It's all good!"

He was right.

Kay had the spaghetti bolognese.
Elle had spaghetti with a mushroom cream sauce.
Ruby had pizza.
And I had lasagne.

Is your mouth watering about now?

Gross! Geez! Here's a napkin. Drool much? Sheesh.

Oh, all right.

Sorry. (Gawd, I'm so Canadian sometimes!)

After dinner we headed back towards the hotel
But not before shopping at that quintessential of all Venetian stores...

The Hard Rock Cafe.

I know. I know.

But I snagged a nice shirt at the Hard Rock in Munich and now I thought it might be cool to get one from Venice, too.
Back off people! It's my shirt and I'll buy it if I want to!
Don't make me come over there!

Speaking of shirts.
Kay spotted a canal side vendor who was hawking T-shirts.
She liked one and bought it.
When she tried it on, later, at the hotel, she found that it was too tight.
I told her that she might not be able to exchange it, but we'd try.

I was very surprised when the vendor agreed to exchange it.
Unfortunately, he didn't have one in her size.
So instead of having an upset kiddo, who'd just spent a fair chunk of her souvenir money,
I exchanged the shirt for a larger size and "bought" it off of Kay.
She was happy to not be out the cash... and I had another T-shirt.
Maybe not one I would've normally picked, but it's okay.
Making Kay feel better was more important anyway.

Rotten little ingrate.

Whoops! Did I type that out loud?

Heh. I meant "Lovely young lady". :rolleyes:

So after I didn't buy an iconic Venetian mask at the best Carnivale mask and costume shop in Venice and instead bought a T-shirt at Hard Rock...

What? :confused3

Anyway, after that, we headed back to the hotel for a quick pit stop.
Well, it was a quick pit stop for three quarters of the group.

Once again, Kay decided that she had seen enough and elected to remain in the hotel while the rest of us ventured forth.
I understand it. I really do.
We had romance, excitement, mystery and all of Venice before us...
Kay had Wi-Fi.
A difficult choice, I know.

In any event, I had one more excursion planned for the day and I'd been looking forward to it since before we left home.

We left the hotel as the sun was beginning to set and made our way back to Piazza San Marco.
Once there, we threaded our way over to the lagoon.

The bobbing gondolas with San Giorgio Maggiore Church in the background took my breath away.
Really, the entire City did that I suppose.
We continued along the lagoon-side pathway until we came to the next bridge crossing a canal.

At the bridge's zenith, with your back to the lagoon, cast your eyes up the canal and see...

The Bridge of Sighs.

The Bridge of Sighs is constructed of white limestone and was built in 1602.
It connects the Doge's Palace to the prison.
Interestingly, it was built by the nephew of the man who designed the Rialto Bridge.
There are several stories surrounding the bridge and how it got its name.
The most common tale is that as prisoners were led from the interrogation rooms in the palace to the prison,
they would sigh as they gazed their last on beautiful Venice.
Another tale states that if lovers kiss under the bridge in a gondola at sunset they will have eternal love.

After gazing at a bridge while standing on another bridge for a while, it was time for our evening excursion.

We boarded a Vaporetto, or water bus.
We were going to cruise the length of the Grand Canal from one end to the other... and back.

Another view of San Giorgio Maggiore, across the lagoon.

Notice how your eye is drawn not to the soaring bell tower...
Not to the classic church dome...
Not to the classical renaissance style architecture...

No. It's drawn to that stupid, pink, plump, armless monstrosity of a statue.

To paraphrase, "I don't know much about art, but I know what I don't like."

Tomorrow, I plan to ignore it from a much closer vantage point.

As the vaporetto departed I started to snap photos.

The entrance to the Grand Canal with St Maria of Salute Basilica on the left.

I don't know the names or histories of all the buildings we passed on our cruise.
I just contented myself with enjoying the scenery and reveling in my ignorance.
So do as I did, sit back and enjoy the view.

We eventually arrived back at the train station, where we had first set foot in Venice.
The Grand Canal does extend a little further beyond the station, but not much.
Plus, the train station (wouldn't it be easier to call it a 'strain-tation'? No?) is a convenient spot to catch a ride back.
While there, Elle was thrilled to be able to purchase some much needed Americana...

Hey. A girl's gotta have herself some chips from time to time, right?
I'm pretty sure Ruby and I grabbed some snacks too, so I shouldn't point fingers.

Probably chocolate.

We hopped back onto a Vaporetto....

I forgot.
Bunny boy's reading this.

We boarded a moored Vaporetto.
And why are they moored? Why not 'Moroccoed' or 'Algerianated'.

It's a short chapter. So I'm stretching. Sue me. (Or Liz me, or Angie me...)

The sun had set by now and the little moonlight there was cast a pallid glow upon the water.
(like that?)
The buildings were either bathed in light... or completely dark.
To say it was surreal would be an understatement.

I took a few more pictures in the waning light...

... before deciding that my little camera was not up to the task of capturing low light photos from a moving boat.
But as the night grew darker, a light came on.
I could still shoot video!

Fair warning! The following video (click on the picture) is four minutes long!
In it you will get to experience an evening cruise on the Grand Canal.
You'll see brilliantly lit facades, and dark gloomy exteriors.
You'll pass motor launches, brightly lit vaporetti and shadowy gondolas.
Hope you like it.

I've seen that video quite a few times, now.
I never get tired of it.

We... hmmm... you can deplane, but can you deboat?
We disembarked one stop early so we could stroll up to Piazza San Marco before heading back to our hotel.

Before we left Canada, I had read or heard warnings about all the dangers you could face as a tourist.
Especially a tourist in Paris... or Venice.
Pickpockets, thieves, confidence men, scam artists, lions and tigers and bears! -Oh, my!

Some articles I read made you think twice about leaving the safe confines of your home.
What? You're going to go outside?? Are you mad?

Take precautions.
Use common sense.
Know a couple of common scams.
Don't worry so much.

There were two scams that I'd heard about and was prepared for.
One scam is where a person approaches you and asks if you've dropped a ring.
When you say no, the scammer will 'show you' how the ring is very valuable.
He'll then offer to sell it to you for a fraction of its worth.
Of course, he'll sell it to you for much more than it's worth... or what he paid for it.

The second scam, I actually witnessed being carried out, near Sacre Coeur, in Paris.
The scam artist asks if he can demonstrate how he can create a beautiful bracelet out of coloured string.
You've probably seen these twisted, braided, string bracelets.
The scam occurs when the person ties the bracelet on you and then demands money for it.
Since it's tied on, you can't get it off and the scam artist can demand cash for it.
Unless you happen to be carrying a knife or scissors... or have the ba... fortitude... to walk away, you wind up paying.

We had experienced a third scam in Cologne. (Remember the lady who offered us a rose? for cash?)
We thought we were immune.
But we were taken aback at this one young man's persistence.

We had only taken a few steps when a smiling young man (more a boy, than man) approached us.
In his outstretched arm he held a rose.
He marched straight up to Ruby and said, "For you."

He said it again, "For you."

Ruby shook her head. Undeterred, our determined seller repeated, "For you."

Again Ruby shook her head and kept walking.
"For you."
Negative head shake.
"For you."
Ignoring him now.
"For you!"
"For you!"
"For you!For you!For you!For you!For you!For you!For you!For you!For you!"

I wish I was exaggerating. But I'm not.
We kept walking. He kept walking backwards in front of us.
"For you!For you!For you!For you!For you!For you!"

Finally, just to shut him up! I grabbed the rose out of his hand.


Immediately, he thrust his hand back at us, palm up.
We kept walking.
We ignored him.
He began to shriek.
(Again... not kidding. Not exaggerating.)
But as we walked, we were passing a cafe with a nice terrace.
With tables.
I dumped the rose on a table as we walked by and the annoying little urchin was forced to forego payment in lieu of rescuing his rose.
He didn't bother us again.
Probably went off in search of another victim.

We rounded the corner and were once again back in Piazza San Marco.
The square was awash in lights and vendors of cheap crap.

But it didn't matter.
It was still beautiful.
And if you ignored the hawkers trying to sell their wares, it still took your breath away.

It didn't matter anyway.
Tomorrow morning, I was going to get up early and return to take a picture of an empty Piazza. This will have to hold you until then.

One more day left in Venice.
What will we see and do next?
Understandable. Someone started a thread about how rude people can be on these boards lately. Its really starting to show. I'll send you a pm on that later so you can work on the next chapter.

That makes me sad - the DIS is the one forum where I don't feel someone will attack me (well, except for a certain thread I started and have been judged for an "opinion" that I never expressed, but I'm above the arguing, so I am through there.) I hope the mods dump these threads or ban the posters when they get mean spirited. :sad2: This is a DISNEY forum, it's supposed to be fun!
I will admit we got taken by the bracelet guys at Sacre Coeur. They were good, totally caught us off guard. Of course it was our first city trip so we were newbies to the scams. They took our fingers and immediately tied the string on, gotcha! They wanted A LOT of euros for each. It was at least 20€ for each. I gave them 10€ for all. I still have them as a reminder. The rose guy at the Trevi Fountain got us on our first visit to Rome. Live and learn! And never give them the price they ask for. I carry US $ just for those occasions, since they aren't worth as much compared to the euro. I find Italian cities worse than others for pushy street sellers. Rome being the worst.
Wow again! :thumbsup2 Venice is so incredibly beautiful! I was wondering how it got flooded, so I googled it. I guess they built it in the water on stilts on purpose. Maybe you posted that and I missed it :confused3
How cool that you found a gondola that you could take just as a family and have such a great tour! Your pictures are amazing - I just feel like you brought us along in your suitcase - That's it! That's why it was so heavy - :lmao:

Thank you for sharing the night canal video - and the night shot of the Piaza - OMG! I feel like I have to put this place on my bucket list!:thumbsup2

Your descriptions are so poetic, also. You are a great writer, Ponzi - thanks for the chapter.
I will admit we got taken by the bracelet guys at Sacre Coeur. They were good, totally caught us off guard. Of course it was our first city trip so we were newbies to the scams. They took our fingers and immediately tied the string on, gotcha! They wanted A LOT of euros for each. It was at least 20€ for each. I gave them 10€ for all. I still have them as a reminder. The rose guy at the Trevi Fountain got us on our first visit to Rome. Live and learn! And never give them the price they ask for. I carry US $ just for those occasions, since they aren't worth as much compared to the euro. I find Italian cities worse than others for pushy street sellers. Rome being the worst.

I'm sure I would fall for all of it. I had a guy come up to me in St. Thomas with a donkey and hand her rope to me - then ask if I wanted to take a picture with Marilyn Monroe. We took the picture and paid him, then thought, "Hey! what just happened?" :rotfl2:
I'm sure I would fall for all of it. I had a guy come up to me in St. Thomas with a donkey and hand her rope to me - then ask if I wanted to take a picture with Marilyn Monroe. We took the picture and paid him, then thought, "Hey! what just happened?" :rotfl2:

Oh yeah, in Rome a guy walked up to my dd and put a small bird, canary I think, on her arm. He wanted me to pay him to take a picture of her with his little bird. The things they will do! I don't recall what we did. We tend to be suckers for beggars. There was this guy in Athens that had this little black kitten on a short leash, he was sitting in a cardboard box, looking to be sleeping, with this kitten laying on the box, he wasn't hurting the kitty but it's not normal for a kitten to just lay there for hours on end. I felt bad for it. We had been carrying dry cat food for all the strays we ran into so we gave the kitty some food which it ate readily and the guy a few bucks. Oh and I had gotten an ice cream so I let the kitten lick a little off my finger. It really enjoyed it. Around the Acropolis there are stray cats and dogs everywhere! Just roaming where they please. The caretakers of the Acropolis make sure they have plenty of fresh water and they are well fed. I'm guessing the dogs and many of the cats are spayed and neutered. The dogs were all older looking and there weren't tons of kitten though there were some. I actually tried to give a piece of my breakfast croissant to one of the dogs, it turned its nose up at it!
Wow again! :thumbsup2 Venice is so incredibly beautiful! I was wondering how it got flooded, so I googled it. I guess they built it in the water on stilts on purpose. Maybe you posted that and I missed it :confused3
How cool that you found a gondola that you could take just as a family and have such a great tour! Your pictures are amazing - I just feel like you brought us along in your suitcase - That's it! That's why it was so heavy - :lmao:

Thank you for sharing the night canal video - and the night shot of the Piaza - OMG! I feel like I have to put this place on my bucket list!:thumbsup2

Your descriptions are so poetic, also. You are a great writer, Ponzi - thanks for the chapter.

:lmao: and :thumbsup2 on the bold.

Man, I have to catch up. I'm still not finished the last one but am very excited to come on here and see another update! :thumbsup2


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