Can you trade WDW pins at DLP?

I have toand found that everyone was pleased to trade, i have also traded pins from the disney store before now and had no problems. I know that our local disney store has some pins on sale (about £1.30) (i think). My family tend to buy these pins and take them to trade. We have also done this at WDW and CM's were happy to trade as they didn't have any of the UK pins.

Here was a post I made after I came back from Paris

Ever try pin trading in Paris? I did.
First of all the hard core pin traders all speak very little English so it is really a matter of grunting and pointing. I thought it was so funny at some of the pins they had in their books. I saw a "Father's Day Out" movie poster pin. At one point I had over 100 of that pin. I couldn't get rid of them fast enough. They also went really nuts for the Pooh Santa pins (cost to me $.48). I mostly traded for Paris rack pins so I didn't have to spend my Euros on them. Each of the traders were really fixated on one character, if you had something they wanted they'd offer you half their book. After I had made a couple of trades they must have put an APB on me because everywhere I went I had people shoving pin books in my face. They also set up a trading board in the Emporium on Main Street in the afternoon where you can make up to 2 trades. I traded for a couple of Paris rack pins since there wasn't much else. Luckily I was there to buy 4 of the LE1200 Tink pins as well as a couple of Lilo and stitch as well as a couple of Tink rack pins for trade for the next time at WDW. I wouldn't say the overall European trading experience was good or bad just different. Just thought I'd share. Oh yes, and DL Paris really bites. I can't imagine going back.
I had a great time trading in DLP. The hardcore traders were very keen on my limited edition American pins, and it was a real joy trading pins with French children, who hadn't seen most of my designs before.

(And stock up on French pins for the next time you go to WDW. They turned out to be even more popular there :D )
I am VERY new to this pin collecting malarky. [I only have one, so far:o :o ]

Can anyone advise me if there are any Beauty and the Beast ones out there I should be keeping an eye out for? Obviously only having the one, I am thinking of pins to buy rather than trade.

I would particularly like to find a Beast one - my one lonely piin is of Belle.

Any advice anyone?


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