Can I use my band mom? A 4th birthday at the YC! Sept 13! update 7/3 x3 Completed !!


DIS Veteran
Apr 9, 2010
Can I use my band mom? A 4th birthday celebration at the YC. Sept 13

Welcome fellow Disney lovers!
We just returned from our latest Disney vacation. As you can probably guest from the title, we were able to test the magic bands which my DS really enjoyed. Thank goodness he did not have any charging privileges on that thing. He had to use it every chance he got from opening the hotel door to trying to scan it in the stores. I cannot tell you how many times I heard this question all week. He has even managed to keep up with his magic band since we have been home.


I have been to Disney world several times including a semester on the Disney college program. I spend my time running my home and raising my little one but I also have this little gig on the side called a full time job where I am a respiratory therapist. I am also doing this parenting thing alone so I really look forward to the time I can spend with the DS in our happy place.

The DS turned 4 the day before we left and this was his 8th trip to Disney. He is smart, full of energy, and loves Disney just as much as his mommy. He loves Thomas the tank, any type of train, going to karate class, school, and Disney of course. His favorite ride on this trip was test track. He also loves the roller coaster train, also known as Big thunder mountain, and the blue train, also known as the people mover. He has a big thing for trains!!::yes::


Our dates were September 11th - 18th to celebrate DS 4th birthday!

Our resort stay included one night at the all star movies followed by 6 nights at the yacht Club!
I got my first DSLR a few months ago so I have lots of pictures and I am still a beginner. I shot most of them in auto but I did venture out some and I apologize in advance for those awkward photos.
Chapter Links

September 10, 2013
DS 4th birthday. The day before disney!

September 11th, 2013
Its Disney day!
Downtown disney,All star movies, pool fun

September 12th, 2013
Checking into Yacht club....Better view than expected!!!!
Stormalong Bay
Garden grill, Soarin, Test track

September 13th, 2013
HS morning
HS morning, Hollywood and vine lunch
Jedi Training Academy
Friday The 13th Unleash the Villains

September 14, 2013
Animal kingdom
Animal Kingdom, Mickey's Backyard BBQ

September 15, 2013
Magic Kingdom, Pirates League
Pirates league
Columbia Harbor house, Fantasyland
Cape may Dinner, Monorail Birthday Cake, MK EMH

September 16, 2013

Epcot, characters, easy morning
World Showcase
World showcase and funnel cakes

Disney Video

September 17, 2013
Last day!Magic Kingdom

Be our guest Dinner


September 18, 2013
Departure Day
Can't wait to read your report. Your comments bring back memories. I too had a train lover! He ended up becoming a mechanical engineer.
Can't wait to read your report. Your comments bring back memories. I too had a train lover! He ended up becoming a mechanical engineer.

Thank you!
An engineer that's wonderful!
I could see my DS because he is always trying to see how things work. While riding the carrousel he just looks up and when he gets off he gets on the ground to look under it to see whats going on !Lol
September 10th, 2013

The day before Disney! This day could not come soon enough, yet it came too soon. I could not believe my DS was 4! He is growing too fast for my liking! :offtopic: I was getting flamed from my son's school because they take unexcused absences very seriously! :rolleyes2 I get that but my child is 3 about to be 4. Even my mom who has been in education for over 30 years thought they were extreme. So he went for a half day today Just cause I am his mom and I ca take him out . I had this tripped booked and planned before we even moved to our new home and I was keeping it that way.

Ok back to this day. I ordered a cake for DS but on his birthday I still got him a cupcake and a few things. We also went to chick fil a because they were offering a free kids meal with the purchase of a combo. At least that is what I found out when I got there! Pure luck!! I took his last photos as a three year old. I have a very silly boy!



September 11th, 2013: Were going to Disney world!!!

Today begin when I woke up an hour before my alarm because I was too excited to sleep.

Ten minutes later a little one followed me into the living room.

I had planned on us leaving around 5 am but we were up, ready, and excited so we left! We were out the door at 4:12am. :drive: We made a quick gas stop and my little one was sporting his Mickey hat. A gentleman saw him getting out of the car and asked if we were going or coming. He was excited to hear that we were going to Disney. He asked DS if he could come. He even offered the DS his trunk in exchange for his spot to Disney!

My kid chose Disney!!!:rotfl:

If there was a way I could have recorded that to remind him when he is a teenager and wants a car, that he was offered a free truck but did not take it! :crazy2:


Almost four and a half hours later, we arrived to exit 62, lake Buena Vista, a little before 9am. My plan was to do some shopping off site at the outlet on Vineland before parking my car on property. However, they did not open until 10. We were across the way from DTD and I saw the characters in flight balloon. So I figured lets go over there and take a ride. I have been trying to get on that balloon for a while. So we hopped over to an almost completely empty DTD. DS had this wow face when he saw the WDW sign!


Not the best picture but I was driving..shh!

Dev asked if he could be like this fake man! His words!!


Making our way to characters in flight I was sad when we arrived and the sign said they were closed due to high winds! We never got the chance to ride this trip. Maybe next September! I let the little one run around after being in the car. I decided to go to our hotel for the 1st night and leave my car.

Before moving over to YC we stayed at a value for the first night! I added this day at the last minute!


I went to check in and the room was not ready but I wasn't expecting it to be. The cast member did try to find us one but had no luck. She made DS a balloon sword that he carried faithfully the whole first day!


Up next...lunch and shopping!
Joining in! I never get tired of Dev pictures, he is just so cute!! And he shares Paxton's train obsession so that gets :thumbsup2:thumbsup2 from me.

The picture of his face as you went under the WDW sign is priceless! I love that he shares your enthusiasm for Disney. :yay: I gotta say, I'm so jealous that your drive down is so short.

Yah!!!!Thanks for coming over!!

Im in! thanks for following my TR I love your little boys hat super cute :)

Thank you!
So glad you are here!

Joining! He is so cute!

Thank you

Joining in! I never get tired of Dev pictures, he is just so cute!! And he shares Paxton's train obsession so that gets :thumbsup2:thumbsup2 from me.

The picture of his face as you went under the WDW sign is priceless! I love that he shares your enthusiasm for Disney. :yay: I gotta say, I'm so jealous that your drive down is so short.

Thank you!
So happy you are here.
I thought devyn was getting out of the train phase but he wanted a new set. he asked if he could get one for Christmas and he really wants that special edition silver Thomas but you have to get like 12 sets to get it

He makes so many funny faces:lmao:

The short drive was a positive when I had to move here:)
We are back from our trip with 2 four year olds Sept 21-29 and I'm enjoying reading your TR. We went from Toronto so quite a bit further away but if we lived within driving distance, we'd be there 8 times too. Lol!
We are back from our trip with 2 four year olds Sept 21-29 and I'm enjoying reading your TR. We went from Toronto so quite a bit further away but if we lived within driving distance, we'd be there 8 times too. Lol!

Toronto ! That's so cool but quite a drive I'm sure! I am not use to being this close we moved from Atlanta almost a year a go and this was our 3rd time since then plus once to legoland! I just never get tired of going! Thanks for reading!
I thought devyn was getting out of the train phase but he wanted a new set. he asked if he could get one for Christmas and he really wants that special edition silver Thomas but you have to get like 12 sets to get it

We are holding on to a big metal Disneyland train set we got him last year in DL waiting for when he is old enough to really play with it without destroying it! It's just killing me to know it's up there in DH's closet waiting for the right time. :rotfl:
Toronto ! That's so cool but quite a drive I'm sure! I am not use to being this close we moved from Atlanta almost a year a go and this was our 3rd time since then plus once to legoland! I just never get tired of going! Thanks for reading!

Lol! We didn't drive. We flew. It is a 3 hour flight, not so bad but adding being at the airport 1.5 hours early plus customs, etc., and it's tiring for little ones. Luckily, my daughter's a seasoned flyer. It just adds to the cost since we fly direct from Toronto instead of driving over the border like some others do.
We are holding on to a big metal Disneyland train set we got him last year in DL waiting for when he is old enough to really play with it without destroying it! It's just killing me to know it's up there in DH's closet waiting for the right time. :rotfl:

You guys are the best parents ever!! That is a good idea. we got Dev the monorail train when he was 2 and it is a hot mess. He will be soo excited!

Lol! We didn't drive. We flew. It is a 3 hour flight, not so bad but adding being at the airport 1.5 hours early plus customs, etc., and it's tiring for little ones. Luckily, my daughter's a seasoned flyer. It just adds to the cost since we fly direct from Toronto instead of driving over the border like some others do.

:) I understand. I t was a hassle for an 1 hour flight with my DS but it is much better and faster than driving!
Pardon me as I rush through this day! Tomorrow we finally get to a park!!

Ever since we went under that Disney arch, my DS has been dying to ride a Disney bus! You may notice he not only loves trains but all modes of transportation, especially if Disney is on the side. So his dreams came true as we boarded a bus back to Downtown Disney.


It was not quite time for lunch yet so we stopped in the Christmas store. The DS and I both pick out a new ornament every trip. Devyn chose a goofy holding a turkey leg and I just got a 2013 ornament.

We had lunch at Wolfgang puck express. I ordered a pizza and a side of fries for us to share. It was good and He still had that balloon sword.


After we ate we went into the best store ever. World of Disney and I spent way too much money!!!
Our last stop was at once upon a toy followed by Tren D. I luckily did not spend that much money at these stores but Dev got a monorail remote toy. He used his Disney gift card he got for his Birthday.

Before leaving, I had to let him ride his favorite thing ever!

A train! It was 2 dollars but it was his birthday!


Then of course he really wanted to ride the horses. Being the awesome mom I am I gave in and let him ride it too!
My child is very curious about how things work. He will watch roller coasters on you tube all day long if I let him. Anyway, as he rides this horse I have to yell at him to even look at me because he keeps looking up! At what?? I assume he is trying to figure out how the horses move.


Then when he gets off, my kid is on the ground! He is looking under the carrousel!!!! For what? Why? . . . I have no idea

We went back to the resort I put our bags in my car because I did not get a room ready text. We basically had a good ole time walking around the resort, going to the playground, arcade, and gift shop!





While in the gift shop. Someone wanted every train he saw here.


It was after 3 and still no room text. I finally went to the desk and was told my room has been ready for hours!!!! Just imagine one of those I’m not happy looks on my face. After being up all day I was tired but neither of us took a nap. We were in the mighty duck section and we went straight to the pool. We were there forever! I even got in the water which is why we have no pictures. Almost 2 hours later I had to drag my child out of the water so he would eat. Only after I reminded him we would be back after we ate something that he would get out.

After our bellies were full, we went back to the pool but this time we went to the kiddie pool. He loved it!!! He even started jumping in. He told me he was diving!!:rotfl2:
There were plenty of little kids there and they were running and splashing like crazy



Until a very bright cast member gave every kid a little squirt duck. Then they all ended up just sitting in the pool all calm!


Who knew all it took were a couple of rubber ducks.

So close to 8 I was trying to get my child out the pool but it was proven difficult. Who knew I would not have this much trouble at stormalong bay the next day!
After dragging my newly 4 year old out the pool, we were in bed by 9:30!

Next….WE moving on up!!(Moving on up) To the sky (moving on up). To the deluxe …. And the rest of the family gets here
September 12th

I woke up and it was 5:43am!! I get it, I am use to getting up at 5 for work but I thought I would at least sleep till 7 like any other off day. So I just got up and finish packing. The DS woke up on his own an hour and half later. As you can see below, he slept very well!


I was done packing and had even put everything in the car. Upon getting DS dressed I rushed even faster to get out when I saw the biggest roach looking like bug ever!!!!! I got my child quickly and ran out the door!

Our first stop though was to venture off site since my child and I go through a gallon milk every week, we needed to get some so we went to our favorite store! In case you all are wondering a gallon of milk did fit fine in the room fridge.



And yes it is our favorite. My child likes to go here more than I do!

We were on our way to my once in a lifetime dream resort stay! I was so excited!!! We arrived and were greeted at the gate.


I told the attendant that I was checking in. He gave me this look like he was surprised and he asked with a somewhat shocked voice, you’re checking into the Yacht club?” Why yes good sir! I am!!! He gave me a parking pass and I drove through feeling all important but even more important when I drove up and all these handsome guys came over opening my door and helping me with my luggage! Even more special when a lady with her touch pad comes up and knows my name!!!!! So this is what first class is like huh???:confused3

She was sweet and she took us to the front desk. Here we met two young ladies, one who was in training. I wrote their names down but I cannot seem to find it. These ladies were excellent!!!!! I loved them.
We had some issues with magic bands and card that they had to fix so we spent a little time with them. For future reference if you are doing a split stay even though they say you’d not have to do anything, go over and get yourself checked out. Turns out I was still checked in over at movies which is why my cards/bands were acting up. In the meantime, My DS saw me hold my band to the scanner and hence begin the question that would haunt me the rest of the week. He kindly got on his tippy toes and kept holding his band against it. I kindly told him not to do it and he asked again 3 minutes later if he could scan his band!!

They mentioned the pool and water slide to DS and it got him excited. Our room was not ready but they managed to find us one that was ready and they mentioned that we would like this one much better than that rooftop view they had set aside for us!! :thumbsup2My kid was getting restless with his sword balloon!


Once we got to the room, my son saw that lovely mickey near the door handle and was sweet enough to ask me, multiple times, if he could scan his band. So I let him do it and he felt like that was his job the rest of the trip. To open the door and he did a pretty dang good job with it.
So our room looked like this


Room 2077


I really want this lamp

And the view was beautiful! After all we booked standard view so I was expecting a roof but got this instead!:)






Although we were in love, we were out in no time! We had a pool to get to!

Next...Some pool time and finally our first park!


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