Can anyone give me some ideas for work?


When you wish upon a star!
Jun 8, 2005
Hi everyone, i have already posted this on the DISabilities board, but since i think you guys have some amazing ideas i thought i'd throw this to you.

I work with kids with learning disabilities ranging right the way from high functioning autism and ADHD to kids who are non-verbal and in wheel chairs. I have been asked by work to do a childrens event which will give this kids and their siblings a good time, but with the main focus on parents meeting up and getting support from other parents.

I love the concept, but i am stumped for an idea! I tried to get hold of an African Drumming teacher, but he is out of the country. Can you guys suggest any ideas that your kids love doing that would make a good event that will work for lots of ability levels? It doesn't have to be too detailed, but pushing me in any direction at the moment would help! I really want these guys to have a good time for a few hours. Any ideas? Even if you don't have a kid with a disability, some ideas of what the siblings would like to do would really help!

Thanks for the help! :goodvibes
I like including music. Maybe some sort of dance party? You could include some simple instruments so that those who don't dance could could play along with the music!
Is there a local high school drama club that does short skits?

Art night is a big hit at my ds's elementary school. The art teacher has 3 or 4 different examples. She puts the supplies on the cafeteria tables and brings in high school art students to help the kids make their artwork. She always works around a theme. Last year it was animals. She even had the local animal shelter bring in dogs and cats for the kids to pet and learn about the shelters.

Have fun with it. :)
I grew up near a school for the deaf. They would come to our school and do skits (they had a speaking interperter for everyone in the audience, much like an interpreter normally signs for them) and at the end would teach some very simple sign language.

We also used to have icecream socials. Kids would get a dish of icecream and then go nuts with the toppings. Parents would mingle.
What about a mini carnival, a few games, fun snacks, face painting.......

this is what I was thinking a variety of games that could perhaps meet all the different levels, and some fun food (food always makes the day seem more special!) watch out on face paint!!! some kids skin could be too sensitive or allergic!!
Fellow Sp Ed Teacher here! What about some sort of group art project? You can use different materials tailored to different skill levels (i.e. fine/gross motor skills, sensory issues, etc.). You can put out a big piece of brown paper (they usually come on spools) and each child can have a section to create what they want. The project can then be hung in the school for everyone to see. You can use different materials like paint, cotton balls, crayons, markers, tissue paper. I used to do this with my sp ed pre-k kids because I had some who could draw and use a crayon and some who needed hand over hand assistance to glue.

Good luck and let us know how this turns out!!
I am a special ed teacher as well. When I worked with mulitply-disabled children, the hit event of the year was always the dance party with the live band!
I am loving these ideas!
I am probably going for ether art or dance.
Any more ideas for me?
What about making your own Pirate and Princess Party? The kids can dress as either depending on what they like - you can still have a dance party but choose music that is Disney themed.

Tons of other stuff you can do based on your time, energy and creativity level.

Ask the parents to bring food with a Pirate or Princess 'twist'.

And for the grand finale you can read transcripts from my segments on the podcast (ok, maybe that's a little too much).
If you have a dance party, you may also want a sit down activity for those that don't want to dance. If you don't want all the art supplies, then you could provide color sheets and just crayons. Have the color sheets to match your theme. If it is Pirate and Princess you could have Disney themed characters and non-Disney theme characters. You could show a movie in one room with popcorn. In another room have the dance party. In another room the art activities. In another room some games. Geez, I have no idea how big your place is. You could also have a storytime (someone read a story based on your theme). If you do have high school students put on a skit, there is another activity (which other have suggested).

Just remember....breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, and then out.

First pick a theme for your party and the other activities will fall into place. For example, John's Pirate and Princess theme idea. Movie "Pirates of Caribbean 1". Color Sheets - pirates and princesses. If you are able to find the chocolate gold coins, there is your booty. Have balloons. You could ask a local high school if any art students could draw you some pictures. For games, pin the bandana on the pirate head OR eyepatch OR parrot. Check out the Just For Fun boards, and someone might be able to help with drawings. Don't forget Best Dressed pirate and princess award. But of course all kids get a little bag of chocolate coins. Now is a good time to find face paint because of Halloween.

AND HAVE FUN!!!!!!! Let us know how it goes and what you did.
I vote for Karoke or a lip sync contest.

I used to run a youth program. We would have an annual lip syncing contest (but we would have to screen the songs so we didn't have "inappropriate" lyrics). The kids would come with "costumes" and usually have dance routines too. It was a riot! You might be surprised by their creativity.

Also, I think karoke would be a hit. You can find kid's karoke CDs at places like Cosco. It is very cute to watch a 3 y.o. do "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" for karoke in front of a crowd. We attended an event like this early this year. The kids lined up for it. And once they had their turn, they lined up again.:mic:


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