
My BFF and her family, 2 kids 4 an6 yrs old are in at MK and are having a horrid time. She went with no plan, no idea as to what they were in for. I tried to get her to watch youtube videos (or the planning cd) and she thought she didn't need to. Now they are in MK, HOT, tired and grumpy and have ONLY met Merida. BFF is p'od that tehy had to wait 45 minutes to meet Merida. :lmao: My response was "yay! how was it". She said not...worth...it. BUMMED. This should be such a wonderful vacay. and it is turning into hell. She doesn't see the point in anything around her now. Burt, yet, she is calling me wanting to know what there is to do. I am trying to help, but, I get shot down.

We were at AK and DHS and could count the smiling faces on one hand. Very hot and humid today. Remember to drink plenty of water otherwise this heat will pummel you.
I tried to help a friend who was going this weekend - tried to explain rope drop - what a benefit it was etc etc. That shw should plan what rides she had to hit etc. She said they were planning on getting to the parks about noon each day :eek: I kept saying Rope drop - rope drop. She just smiled at me like I was crazy -

Then I realized that this weekend was also gay weekend. warned her against MK on Sat because it would be so busy. I'm gay and don't go on gay weekend - the crowds are crazy.
Still she just smiled - how bad could it be she said... I just smiled back and said I hope you have a magical time.

This made me LOL!!! People honestly don't realize how big of a deal WDW is and when there's big events--its even WORSE!! Nice to be there for big events like Gay Days or SWW weekends, or whatever each person is interested in. But when those really neat days get so crazy and out of control, sometimes no matter HOW interested you are, its JUST NOT WORTH IT!! :rotfl2:
Happy to report things have gotten better. Her tone of voice has changed... she is more positive YAY. and They are now having a good time. Took a while, but, now they are all having a good time. popcorn::
It never ceases to amaze me the number of people that go to WDW with no plan, no knowledge, and no patience- then complain about how bad a time they had and it is all Disney's fault.:confused3 It is an expensive vacation- you would think folks would do a minimum of research...

I have a friend who went a few years ago. I asked if she wanted advice, and she said no, they had it covered- so I didn't push. She came home afterwards and said her family hated it, and she didn't see why everyone raves about WDW. I asked her about different attractions and she said they couldn't find any of them. Couldn't find them? :confused3

Turns out, she was used to her local amusement park, where all the rides and attractions are outside. They didn't go to a single attraction inside a building (which is MOST of the attractions at WDW) because they didn't think there could be any rides inside. :scared1: They missed every dark ride, all the shows, and most of the thrill rides. She said it wasn't worth the $$ they spent because "there was nothing to do! Just walked around trying to find rides all day!".

I tried to help... :rolleyes1

I feel bad for them, but this is funny!
Happy to report things have gotten better. Her tone of voice has changed... she is more positive YAY. and They are now having a good time. Took a while, but, now they are all having a good time. popcorn::

Glad they are having a better time and some fun finally. It is sad but gone are the days forever when you could visit WDW without A plan. I miss those days.

Our first family trip was back in 1989 there were just 2 parks MK and Epcot we went Easter week it was very busy and yet we had a fantastic time. Long lines in miserable heat, No such thing as a "fast pass".

You could walk up and be seated at any TS restaurant No such thing as DP existed.

No Character Meet and greets, if you were "lucky" you might run into some one while in MK which was the only park where you found characters, we found Chip & Dale, Pluto and Minnie. Did not see Mickey our entire trip but it was still Magical.

The was only 1 place to find Cinderella, at King Stephens Banquet Hall which you did need reservations for but we called the day of and got in.

No such thing as EMH back then either.

So much has changed and WDW is just too big to no longer plan. :sad2:
Happy to report things have gotten better. Her tone of voice has changed... she is more positive YAY. and They are now having a good time. Took a while, but, now they are all having a good time. popcorn::

I'm glad everything has worked out for the better. And I'm sorry that you felt so bad. I've been there and done that and there's nothing like the feeling of helplessness.
I did feel bad. My love of Disney World is over the top.;) and I want everyone to love it as much as I do. My kids LOVE it, we have so much fun and I wanted that for her family as well.

PLUS, I drive my other friends and DH slap crazy with all my disney talk. I was hoping she would 'get it' too
Happy to report things have gotten better. Her tone of voice has changed... she is more positive YAY. and They are now having a good time. Took a while, but, now they are all having a good time. popcorn::

Did they get something to eat? That always helps.

First time I went to seaworld, everyone in my party (except maybe my then one year old) disliked it for the first half of the day. Just disliked everything about it. Then we saw the "pets rule" show (out in San Diego) and the whole day turned around. Sometimes it just takes a bit of time to settle in. :)

I have a friend who went a few years ago. I asked if she wanted advice, and she said no, they had it covered- so I didn't push. She came home afterwards and said her family hated it, and she didn't see why everyone raves about WDW. I asked her about different attractions and she said they couldn't find any of them. Couldn't find them? :confused3

Turns out, she was used to her local amusement park, where all the rides and attractions are outside. They didn't go to a single attraction inside a building (which is MOST of the attractions at WDW) because they didn't think there could be any rides inside. :scared1: They missed every dark ride, all the shows, and most of the thrill rides. She said it wasn't worth the $$ they spent because "there was nothing to do! Just walked around trying to find rides all day!".

I tried to help... :rolleyes1

I have read that same comment so many times. And when we went for the first time, back in '10, I took it to heart! But it wasn't necessary, because it was SO obvious! Of course there are things in the buildings...that's where the signs are pointing to! Sign, door, line outside the building...guess where the ride is?!!?!
I've been slowly (over the course of about 6 months) helping a friend plan. The first time we talked she looked at me like I was crazy, last week when we started talking about touring plans she looked at me like a deer in headlights. At least she appreciates that I'm trying to help, and she's willing to take some of my advice.

I know it's the "wrong" company, but when I have conversations with people that think I'm nutso, I hear the Madigascar Penguins saying "Just smile and wave boys, smile & wave".

OP: I hope your friend comes to her senses, read's your notes tonight, and shows up for RD tomorrow!

After helping (or trying to help) several friends and co-workers plan trips I think that's the way to go!

I did succeed in getting one first timer to use a trip planner app but she was highly resistant at first to the whole idea of following steps to see various things. At least the trip planner gave them a starting point and still allowed some choices. They didn't follow it closely but by day 3 of their 5 day trip she reported that everybody was enjoying the trip.


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