Boma Or Donald's Breakfast


DIS Veteran
Feb 2, 2004
Not sure which one to do on the day we go to AK what are the advantages,disadvantages if any?

Were staying off site on I.D it will be our 1st day so we shall be up early because of the time difference.

We are going to other character breakfasts CP,CMand the Epcot princess one.

It's also our 1st trip to the U.S so is AK easy to find from I.D?How long would it take us to get there?

Thanks all
We do Donalds for breakfast and Boma for Dinner. We try to do Donalds for the last seating, but we stay onsite and do EE. For you I'd suggest a preopening seating at donalds so you can get into the park. Just check and make sure you aren't planning on being there on an EE day.
Thanks Sha_lyn for your input were going on a Sunday i dont think that's EEday.

Anybody else got any views:D

Well, if you do Boma's, I would suggest at 7:30am PS so you have time to eat and take the bus to AK for opening at 9am (non EMH). However, I think that Boma's dinner is much more "different" so I agree to do AK (Donald's - I like the 10:30am PS as a brunch) then bus over to dinner at BOMA (6pm).

Have fun!
Unless you really want another character meal. I would go with Boma. It has a much better selection and a lot less of the "character noise" With three character meals already I think a non-charcter meal would be good.

Having eaten at both, I found the food at Boma a LOT better then Donalds.

Not sure what I.D. is?
I've never eaten at BOMA for breakfast, but we did Donald's on our last trip in May. It was horrible. Terrible service, terrible food, and the characters spent hardly a second with us. Just enough to snap a photo and that was it. We won't be back was a waste of money. JMHO, of course!

I'd try BOMA!! (it was excellent for dinner, BTW!!)
Thanks everyone:D
I liked the look and sound of Boma for breakfast on Deb's site,the dinner did'nt look as if it would be suitable for our family:rolleyes:
i have a very fussy DH he's a vegi so he wont eat meat or fish,and my 2 DD's are not very adventurous when it comes to food.

So if we go to Boma for 7.30am and park at AK lodge will we be O.K to park there all day so we can get the bus to AK or will we have to move the car to AK parking lot?
We really would like to be at AK for park opening 20mins before if poss.
Sorry CarolA I.D is International Drive were staying at the Holiday Inn, the one near Wet 'N' Wild.

I havent eaten breakfast at Boma, but I would like to sometime, and since we had a bad experience at Donalds, I would definitely pick Boma over Donalds. Also, seeing how you already have 3 character meals, I dont see a need for another.
Good luck deciding.
We really love Donald's & we eat here every trip. We like to eat a late breakfast here to help hold us over until an early dinner. This trip we will be eating at Donald's again & also trying Boma on another day for breakfast. I am in the same boat as you - not sure how we would like some of the menu options for dinner at Boma. We are looking forward to the breakfast & checking out the AKL - I'm sure both places would be great for breakfast - good luck with your decision! :)
Donalds seems to have so many mixed reviews:confused:

Emily, i see your going before us make sure you let us know how you get on at Boma:sunny: i hope you have a Fab time


I'll definitely post some meal reviews when we return. I really hope we don't have any problems at Donald's - we reaaly enjoy ourselves there, but I've read quite a few poor reviews lately. Maybe they'll shape up before our trip in Sept. We are really looking forward to trying Boma & checking out the AKL - I'll let you know how it is! :)
Originally posted by sharon78
Thanks everyone:D
I liked the look and sound of Boma for breakfast on Deb's site,the dinner did'nt look as if it would be suitable for our family:rolleyes:
i have a very fussy DH he's a vegi so he wont eat meat or fish,and my 2 DD's are not very adventurous when it comes to food.


I've never been to Donald's, nor Boma for breakfast, but I had to comment on the Boma dinner.

As far as your dh being vegetarian, I've always thought Boma would be an excellent choice for a veg meal. My brother is veg. as well, and I intend to highly recommend it to him when he goes to WDW. Many, many, many non-meat foods to try there.

Also, my kids are very picky eaters too, especially dd7, but they all LOVE Boma. Plenty of boring kids food like chicken strips, french fries, mac n cheese, plus all the fresh fruit, and the huge variety of sweets for dessert. They think they're in heaven.

Give it a try! :)
Thanks momtotwinsgelsx4 (like the name,just noticed what it said):D

Thanks for your reply i'll have another look at the menu my 2 DD's 7&9 would be quite happy with fries,chick strips and mac&cheese
and they love their desserts:p

Im going to have to think again now;) !
I have eaten at Donald's twice, and had excellent food and character interaction. We have also eaten at Boma several times, both for breakfast and for dinner, and it is one of our favorite restaurants, though pickiness is not a problem for my family. I think the real plus to Boma is that it gets you into AKL and hopefully you'll have enough time to visit some of the public animal viewing areas, and see the animals. I'd go for dinner, rather that breakfast since you want to be at AK for the opening.
Since no one has addressed your parking question: normally when you visit a resort they give you a 2-3 hour parking pass so if you went to Boma's for breakfast you would have to plan on moving your car to go to Donald's Breakfastasaurus. There is a chance that the parking guard will be generous but I wouldn't count on it and yes, they will tow the car.

Isn't Wet and Wild near Sea World kind of? I don't know the I-Drive area too well but I do know that traffic will be in force during the time you are considering, everyone on their way to work/shopping/theme parks. I would take the number of miles times four minutes minimum. So if you are 7 miles away I would estimate 28 minutes to your destination. I know there are some short cuts to AK from I Drive and you may want to post that question on the transportation board.

The Animal Kingdom Lodge is breathtaking, I would recommend a visit over there whether you eat there or not. As others have mentioned, if you eat an early seating at Donald's you would have an advantage of being in the park earlier than the average guest and wouldn't have to deal with moving your car. For example, if the park is to open at 9:00 a.m. they will often have breakfast seatings starting at 8:00 a.m. so you will be in the park and breakfasted and ready to go when all of the attractions open. You could always take a bus over to the Animal Kingdom Lodge in the middle of the day to enjoy lunch at Mara . . . I know it's not Boma but I'm trying to help you get the most of what you want.

There really are plenty of things to enjoy at Boma even for picky eaters at dinner time.

I didn't think the food at Donald's was all that great. It wasn't horrible, but nothing special for the money you are spending. The characters were okay though. It was really nice to get into the park before opening, and then be right there in Dinoland when we finished.

If it's not too much of hassle parking and driving, I'd go with Boma.
Thanks every so much for all your input youve all been really helpful.

Brenda you've given me a lot to think about. The Holiday Inn were staying at is at the opposite end to Seaworld, towards Island of Adventure and Belz store.
I did'nt know about the 4min per mile very useful;) i also did'nt know there was a transportation board:rolleyes:

Thanks for trying to help me get the most out of what i want,you have certainly done that.

With it being our 1st trip to the U.S i want to try and make it special,im not sure if we will be lucky enough to do it again.

I would do Boma. I loved the breakfast there - dinner was only ok for me.

We did Donald's a couple years ago and will never return.


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