Billy Hill & The Hillbillies

They use the same format pretty much every show I have seen. I have seen a different actor playing Billy though. They change it slightly for Christmas and add a joke or 2 depending on what season it is, but other than that I think it is pretty much the same.
Actually, no, they are not. There are 8 regular Billys divided among 3 teams (and these guys are mostly musicians, not actors, though most have abilities in acting or comedy also). Each team does a very different show. If you only go on Saturdays, then yes, you'll see pretty much the same show, but if you went on Friday, then Saturday, then on Sunday, you'd see 3 different teams performing 3 different shows. I've seen 5 shows in one day (as I admitted on another thread, yes, I am a Billy addict), and each is a little different. If you get a sub in, especially for the front man, then you'll see a very different show than normal, though in those cases, it is the same show throughout the day when a lead sub is there. When Saturday-Wednesday lead, Kirk Wall, aka Billy Elvis, is there, you can never be quite sure what to expect. He really plays off the audience. Anyway, here is their schedule:
Saturdays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays--Gold Team--Billys Elvis, Bass, Fiddle, and Bald.
Sundays, Mondays--Blue Team--Billys Elvis, Fiddle, Banjo, and Bow
Thursdays, Fridays, Green Team--Billys Bass, Bald, Little John, and Banjo II

My favorite team is the Gold Team.

I will say that Billy Little John is more actor than musician. In fact not only is he also a member of DL's Laughing Stock troupe, but he also has a reoccuring role on General Hospital as a maitre d'.


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