Bill Cosby’s conviction overturned - will be released today

Seems a bit of an overeach for Cosby to claim this is justice for Black America.
Yep -- definitely overreach -- and disrespectful of Black Americans.

This is justice in the upholding of Fifth Amendment protections for all Americans.

But I am sure the original victim who fought the hardest fight doesn't feel she got justice. She was denied justice by prosecutorial misconduct.
I believe Cosby got swept up in the first wave of the #MeToo movement. I'm not saying he's 100% innocent, but I also don't think he's 100% guilty as defined by the standards of the time. Drug and sex parties were a thing, especially in Hollywood. And power differentials were not a thing--my mom was a mental health therapist in a smallish town in the 80s, and her male boss, a licensed psychologist, used to chase her around the desk trying to grab her butt. She thought it was funny. So did my dad. When you look at the actual evidence as compared to the standards of when the behavior occurred, Cosby's actions were questionable at best. But forced testimony combined with a huge wave of public opinion against anything that could be considered a sex crime under modern standards, and there you have it.

NO. Absolutely not. Sexual assault was N.E.V.E.R. the standard of the times. The eighties were not the dark ages. Drugging women to rape them was NEVER ok, or funny. Except maybe among sexual predators.
Whatever discomfort he saves by leaving jail, I'm sure will be made up for by living in public. Not that he'll be leaving the house much, but he was safely hiding in prison he faces haunting by public.
I believe Cosby got swept up in the first wave of the #MeToo movement. I'm not saying he's 100% innocent, but I also don't think he's 100% guilty as defined by the standards of the time. Drug and sex parties were a thing, especially in Hollywood. And power differentials were not a thing--my mom was a mental health therapist in a smallish town in the 80s, and her male boss, a licensed psychologist, used to chase her around the desk trying to grab her butt. She thought it was funny. So did my dad. When you look at the actual evidence as compared to the standards of when the behavior occurred, Cosby's actions were questionable at best. But forced testimony combined with a huge wave of public opinion against anything that could be considered a sex crime under modern standards, and there you have it.

Oh, and for the record, I'm not anti-#MeToo. I'm a sexual assault survivor myself. That doesn't mean I don't think it can be taken too far--see Amber Heard destroying Johnny Depp.

Okay -That's kind of odd. I worked in the 80's and had a "secretary" ...never once did I ever consider it might be appropriate to chase her around grabbing her rear-end. And for the record, I like rear-ends.... a lot
As much as it pains me to say this, the PA SC ruled correctly here. What happened is a violation of the Fifth Amendment. As much as I hate Cosby and want to see him punished, I'm not for creating "exceptions" to basic constitutional rights on the books for prosecutors to exploit in the future.
Whatever discomfort he saves by leaving jail, I'm sure will be made up for by living in public. Not that he'll be leaving the house much, but he was safely hiding in prison he faces haunting by public.

I dunno. Some might consider him a hero like some do with OJ Simpson.
The victims should be just as angry at the prosecutor that appeared to have violated his right to due process. I'm no lawyer but the summary provided by the court (I'm not reading the whole thing) seems pretty straight forward. Had they not used the deposition against him he would still be in jail.

It is possible to think someone is guilty (I do) but their due process was violated (I do) and their verdict needs set aside.
Supreme Courts & our Constitution are established and there for a reason. Unfortunately the slipperly slope was that he was brought to justice years after the crime and not immediately after. Add-in an eager Prosecutor who violated his right too due process and code of conduct.

At least he served 2+ years out of the 3 year - 10 year sentence, plus $$$ in damages to the victims that is remaining confidential. Some have already settled. Reality is that 99.9% of sexual assualt victims don't get settlements. Hopefully the settlements and time served eases the victim's lifelong pain and takes the sting out a bit of the overturned conviction.
NO. Absolutely not. Sexual assault was N.E.V.E.R. the standard of the times. The eighties were not the dark ages. Drugging women to rape them was NEVER ok, or funny. Except maybe among sexual predators.
Sexual assault was NEVER okay. But how sexual assault was DEFINED was different. And these women were basically groupies. They were SIGNING UP for drugs and sex. Shall we prosecute every musician who ever had a drug and sex party in their tour bus too? But I get it. We're in a moral panic. Ritual Satanic abuse was never okay either. Remember that moral panic? And then when the dust settled, exactly ZERO children had been locked in basements at their daycare centers and raped and sacrificed? But a lot of people's lives had been ruined during the panic.
Sexual assault was NEVER okay. But how sexual assault was DEFINED was different. And these women were basically groupies. They were SIGNING UP for drugs and sex. Shall we prosecute every musician who ever had a drug and sex party in their tour bus too? But I get it. We're in a moral panic. Ritual Satanic abuse was never okay either. Remember that moral panic? And then when the dust settled, exactly ZERO children had been locked in basements at their daycare centers and raped and sacrificed? But a lot of people's lives had been ruined during the panic.

Cosby’s victims were not signing up for drugs & sex. Nor were they groupies. I’m well over 60. I lived thru the 60s, 70s & 80s. No woman ever signed up to be secretly drugged & raped in any of those decades.
Sexual assault was NEVER okay. But how sexual assault was DEFINED was different. And these women were basically groupies. They were SIGNING UP for drugs and sex. Shall we prosecute every musician who ever had a drug and sex party in their tour bus too? But I get it. We're in a moral panic. Ritual Satanic abuse was never okay either. Remember that moral panic? And then when the dust settled, exactly ZERO children had been locked in basements at their daycare centers and raped and sacrificed? But a lot of people's lives had been ruined during the panic.
Oh so you’re saying that they deserved it. Or they wanted it. Or both.

Which one, I’m confused.
Sexual assault was NEVER okay. But how sexual assault was DEFINED was different. And these women were basically groupies. They were SIGNING UP for drugs and sex. Shall we prosecute every musician who ever had a drug and sex party in their tour bus too? But I get it. We're in a moral panic. Ritual Satanic abuse was never okay either. Remember that moral panic? And then when the dust settled, exactly ZERO children had been locked in basements at their daycare centers and raped and sacrificed? But a lot of people's lives had been ruined during the panic.
You come across as though you’re blaming the victims.
I believe Cosby got swept up in the first wave of the #MeToo movement. I'm not saying he's 100% innocent, but I also don't think he's 100% guilty as defined by the standards of the time. Drug and sex parties were a thing, especially in Hollywood. And power differentials were not a thing--my mom was a mental health therapist in a smallish town in the 80s, and her male boss, a licensed psychologist, used to chase her around the desk trying to grab her butt. She thought it was funny. So did my dad. When you look at the actual evidence as compared to the standards of when the behavior occurred, Cosby's actions were questionable at best. But forced testimony combined with a huge wave of public opinion against anything that could be considered a sex crime under modern standards, and there you have it.

Oh, and for the record, I'm not anti-#MeToo. I'm a sexual assault survivor myself. That doesn't mean I don't think it can be taken too far--see Amber Heard destroying Johnny Depp.

Sexual assault was NEVER okay. But how sexual assault was DEFINED was different. And these women were basically groupies. They were SIGNING UP for drugs and sex. Shall we prosecute every musician who ever had a drug and sex party in their tour bus too? But I get it. We're in a moral panic. Ritual Satanic abuse was never okay either. Remember that moral panic? And then when the dust settled, exactly ZERO children had been locked in basements at their daycare centers and raped and sacrificed? But a lot of people's lives had been ruined during the panic.

What a horrifyingly disgusting point of view. Sexual assault, as defined today, was NEVER okay, no matter how much perverts got away with it before. Recognizing that actions that people laughed at or excused in the past are and always were wrong on every level isn't moral panic. It's correcting how society sees and responds to abuse.
I'm not sure how old that poster was, but I was working in the 80's and nope, nope, nope. Does that poster understand there are groupies and drugs today too? It doesn't make what he did right or make him less guilty in any way at all. And, he is still guilty of the crimes, just exonerated on a legal technicality, not because he's innocent. Wow.


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