Biggest Loser 9 Spring Challenge -- thread closing -- see new thread Part 2!

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First of all I want to thank everyone for letting me in on the can't miss restaurants. That should be helpful when planning our ADRs.


Good luck with the training. I think you look wonderful. And so happy! I'm going to be running my first 5K in May so if you have any helpful hints or tips I'm all ears!

Good Morning Friends. I hope everyone is well. After a really bad week I had a great night out Friday with DIS friends from the podcast.

How fun to meet with DIS friends! Glad you had a great time. And way to go on the new clippie! :cool1:

Well.... I tried eating a bit more yesterday too... I ended the day feeling REALLY FULL and I did use all of my points plus a few Flex points. But I didn't feel GUILTY about it and that is a BIG change. And GUESS WHAT??...... After eating MORE than normal for just two days.... I got on the scale this morning and it showed me down more than a full POUND from Friday!! :woohoo: Go figure! Hopefully I can hold onto that loss and maybe drop a bit more before next weigh-in??

Sometimes our body needs a little wake up and eating more is what it takes. I bet it'll still be gone and I'll cross my fingers it takes a few friends with it!

Well - I got home late last night... it's been 2 weeks without a computer and when I weighed this morning I am up 3.5 pounds! I was thrilled--I was sure with the stress of the funeral and clearing out Gpas stuff, the driving and 2 days at Dland that I would be up more than that - so I gave up my 25 lb clippie til I once again have lost those pounds.

I'm pretty sure I couldn't survive that long without my computer. Pretty sad, I know. Way to go on only having a slight gain. Stress alone makes me gain bunches. I'd say you did good!

Funny story... well, funny now that the shock has worn off. :lmao:

I went to visit my grandma in the hospital today. My dad was there and told my grandma that I have lost 30+ pounds since Christmas. My grandma looked at me and said, "you have lost more than 30 pounds since Christmas? Oh Annie, you must have been HUGE!!!! Were you THAT big?? You must have been huge... you rollie pollie!"

At first I was a little.... sad... shocked... but then I laughed and said, "Yes, grandma... I was 30 pounds BIGGER then I am now!!"


It was great to see her and when she is gone, those words will play back in my head and I will giggle.

QOTD: Not really weight loss related but, what are your favorite Disney restaurants and why? What's your favorite meal there?

Sometimes people say the darnest things. I was told the other day I look amazing and the lady started listing off things she loved about my "new" look. I had to think, "what did you think I looked like before..jeepers!" :confused3 It's hard to take a compliment when it's said strangely like that. Glad you can laugh about it though!

I lost two pounds! I really didn't mean to and expected to be UP two pounds when I got on the scale.

When I started, I always wanted to avoid being last. Now, I am actually in the running for winning my age group sometimes - depending on the size of the race and who shows up. :laughing: It hasn't happened yet, but I am still hoping it does one of these days.

Way to go on the loss! I'm running my first 5K soon and my goal is also to not come in last. What's a good time goal to strive for for a first race? Should I just concentrate on finishing this first one and work on times later? And what a funny story about your mom! Glad to see your good habits rubbed off on her now!
ok, i seldom post, but i did miss you BL disboarders. when ever i need a motivational moment i just read a few entries and it helps SO much. thanks for being here.
after the trips for the funeral, disneyland and a get-away weekend with DH, i was afraid to step on the scale. i tried to make good food choices, but i didn't exercise and i still ate some yummy, fun, not-so-good-for-me foods. i was only up 1 lb. and i'm hoping if i jump back on program i will drop it quickly.

non-scale victory story: i live in a small town 100 miles from a mall or any other clothes store. i have lost a little over 25 lbs this BL challenge. while in san diego for grandpa's funeral i left my kids with DH and went to buy a new pair of jeans. i tried size 18 first, cuz that is the size i thought i still was. nope. then tried some 16s, thrilled to be back in non-plus size. nope. size 14!!! SO thrilled. the dressing room lady laughed at me cuz i started with 18s and needed 14s. it was fun and i shopped for much longer than i planned. it was a store i figured had vanity sizing, but i was still happy. then when in a different store this past weekend on my get-away with DH, i tried some jeans and i know this store doesn't do the vanity sizes. still a 14. ok, it is a tighter 14, but the 16's were a little too baggy. SO happy for this NSV that the 1 lb up doesn't matter much. :cool1:

monday's QOTD: i miss my flat tummy. that stupid "pooch". it has gotten lots smaller with the last 25lbs gone, but after 4 kids i don't expect it to ever go away completely. oh well, it was a good trade, cuz i love my kids and they were worth it. (maybe i'll feel differently when swimsuit season comes back :-)

hugs and thanks to all of you :hug:
Hello everyone, I hope you all had a great weekend.

We had a good weekend here. Friday night I went into my daughters room around 10:30 and told her to get dressed we were going out. She was so excited. I took her to Walmart for the release party for Twilight New Moon. I bought her a shirt and bag and necklace and the store had trivia and she won a metal Edward water bottle (which I want and she won't let me have lol). They also passed out Twilight postcards, a little poster, temp ta tattoos and stickers to the 1st 100 people in line so she got that as well. Then they had a big sheet cake and soda and chips. Gracie brought me back cake and I only took one bite! I would marry cake if it were legal, so I was pretty proud of myself. At midnight they released the movie and we bought it. She thought we were going home after that but I suprised her again and took her to Steak and Shake. I had a salad and gave Gracie my chicken, so I was proud of myself there too! Especially since the grilled cheese was calling my name! It was a great night and since we never do anything just the 2 of us, I think its something she'll always remember!

Saturday night was fun but I didn't do well on food. We had a Twilight Movie Party (no we aren't Twilight fans here:rotfl2:) and we made italian food. We had cheese ravioli and salad and garlic bread. I ate but didnt over eat. Then a friend who had came to the party brought cannolis and ice cream for dessert and I ate both! The party was fun but I wish I could have done better on food!

I hope everyone is doing great. I am off to go exercise. :)
Jenanderson - I forgot to say: You can definitely do a half marathon! Once you get to 4-5 miles (which you are at!) it is not so tough as it was to add on another mile to your long run each week and build that endurance.

I know of a few local half marathons - June may be coming up quickly for you to feel comfortable racing, but I'm doing the Heart of the City Half and the Team Ortho Minneapolis half. They are back to back so I am hoping to run each one with someone for fun and support.

There are bound to be some good local ones in the fall as well. Monster Dash Half Marathon leaps to mind. :)

Lynsey - Thanks! I am trying to maintain now, so a loss of 2 pounds is really...not what I meant to do!!! Still, I can't help but prefer it to gaining 2!

Your first 5K! There is nothing more exciting! :) The thing about finish times is that they depend on so very many things - weather, age, gender, body structure, weight, training, and even starting too fast, etc. etc.

Most people who run the whole thing finish a 5K between 20 and 40 minutes, so there is a wide range of normal. The fastest ones will finish under 20. There are always people who finish over 40, too. For me, getting under 30 minutes was a huge goal that took a long time and a lot of work to accomplish. Some people run faster than that their very first race!

For your first race, you really have no idea where you fall in this spectrum and there's so much new going on that really, the main idea is to finish! Whatever you do will be a personal record and you can try to be faster than your previous self the next time you race that distance.

Now I gotta catch up on the QOTD! Lynsey - would it be ok to poach your Favorite disney restaurant question for the WISH Monday Mixer? What a great question!

3/19 Friday QOTD: When it comes to weight loss, what works best for you? Counting calories, low carb, weight watchers....Why do you think this works better than the others?

Count me among the ranks of the Weight Watchers. It is a solid program that gets the job done for me. When I resolved to lose, I had been on WW off and on for years, and had been off for a while. I realized that when I follow the WW plan, I always lose. When I "try to eat less" it doesn't go so well or last long. The online tracking and community have been great this time around.

My dad and his wife did Nutrisystem and made a big deal about it, like they wanted us to all sign on as well or something. Well, they went off it and at least my stepmom gained back 20 pounds that she's trying to lose again. It's so easy to regain. I feel like I need a program I can follow for life, because I NEED to pay attention to what I'm doing for life.

3/20 Saturday QOTD : Have you been able to go along this weight loss journey without spending much money or have you spent a lot? I'm not talking food here, just in terms of ww fees, videos, garmins, equipment, that type of thing.

No, it's been expensive. Especially the running. But it's been worth it because my quality of life now is 100% better than it was 3 years ago. I'm not depressed. I feel energetic and happy most of the time. I feel good about my body. And I'm getting value out of the Y membership and the WW etools I was spending money on and using very little for a while there. :headache: Foolish not to cancel, but apparently I was holding onto hope that I'd get it together.

3/21 Sunday QOTD: Not really weight loss related but, what are your favorite Disney restaurants and why? What's your favorite meal there?

I'll second the Rose & Crown's vegetarian pot pie. Divine!!! We got the Scotch flight there and - wow, that was fun too!

I love the noodle bowl at Brown Derby and I think that Sci Fi is very, very fun as well, though the food....well, it's OK.

In Magic Kingdom, I love to go to the Plaza restaurant. It is small and cute and has Art Nouveau styling. Which I adore. Plus the meals there are not huge. I like the vegetarian sandwich and the chili.

We are also big fans of Boma.

3/22 Monday QOTD: Do you have what you would consider a "trouble spot"? Is there anything you are doing to spot reduce it even though we are often told that spot reduction doesn't really work? And if so, is it working?

Oh, I could go on all day about my trouble spots. I will try not to. :laughing: I have a mom-tummy, for sure. I am not sure there is anything that can be done. I have been very good about core strengthening - you can see my muscles under there. But the outerlayer is still soft. I always say it is like a jawbreaker wrapped in a marshmallow. :laughing:

I also wish I had more of a waist. My hips are not a lot bigger than my waist, so I look kind of straight up and down. I am just pleased that my waist is finally under 35" and that my hip to waist ratio is under the "abdominal obesity" threshold at last. Seriously, I don't know what else I can do. My weight is healthy, my abs are strong, my body fat is a fairly lean 18%. If I don't have a waist now, I don't know that I ever will unless I get it surgically installed. :rotfl:

The part I am working on most now are my arms and back. I see definite improvement in my arms - I have some muscle definition. I want my delts to be a little more defined, and could use some more tricep strength, but I am really feeling good about the changes there.
Lynsey - Thanks! I am trying to maintain now, so a loss of 2 pounds is really...not what I meant to do!!! Still, I can't help but prefer it to gaining 2!

Your first 5K! There is nothing more exciting! :) The thing about finish times is that they depend on so very many things - weather, age, gender, body structure, weight, training, and even starting too fast, etc. etc.

Most people who run the whole thing finish a 5K between 20 and 40 minutes, so there is a wide range of normal. The fastest ones will finish under 20. There are always people who finish over 40, too. For me, getting under 30 minutes was a huge goal that took a long time and a lot of work to accomplish. Some people run faster than that their very first race!

For your first race, you really have no idea where you fall in this spectrum and there's so much new going on that really, the main idea is to finish! Whatever you do will be a personal record and you can try to be faster than your previous self the next time you race that distance.

Now I gotta catch up on the QOTD! Lynsey - would it be ok to poach your Favorite disney restaurant question for the WISH Monday Mixer? What a great question!

Thanks for all of your help! I'm secretly hoping to be under 35 minutes but who knows if that will happen. I have no idea what kind of course it is or what the weather will do like you said. I'd LOVE to be at 10 minute miles by then but I'm far too slow for that. So, like I said, I just want to finish this one and we'll see what happens next time. IF there is a next time. :rolleyes1

And steal away! I'm glad people are liking the questions. It's hard going after so many other great coaches and still finding something new to talk about.
DH is using the mega men sport vitamin package, whey protein shakes after workouts and protein bars for snacks (32 grams of protein per bar)

Thanks for the info! DH is using the same vitamins. He's drinking Accelerade after his workouts. I'll have to check the protein in his bars.

Good Saturday morning everyone. The next 7 weeks are really going to be a big challenge. NJ is in a big problem with money and all the schools have been hit are with budget cuts. It is also teacher bashing week and it has really been upsetting for my dh and I. It is going to be hard to watch a lot of good teachers losing their jobs.

Throw on top of that in 7 weeks my 4 classes are taking their Advanced Placement test. After their tests from Wed I have no idea how they are going to do on this big test but I will be pushing them for the next 7 weeks.

Because of the snow my spring break is down from 10 days to 7. BUT anyone who has norefundable tickets to somewhere can go for the full 10 days if they take personal days or unpaid. We weren't going anywhere so I am stuck. We will be losing 4 people in our department for the break. I think the people who will be in will be very busy.

Last night I went back to my school to see their spring musical. It was "Pippin" from the 70's. I had seen it back when it was on Broadway and have the cd so I have listened to the music. I really enjoyed it. I think it could have used a little more rehersal. There were a couple of misteps but was a lot of fun. I had a smile on my face all evening. They did a nice job.

Nice weather here. Am going out with some friends for lunch today. The dh in this couple had a stroke last April. We have not seen them since Nov so I am wondering how he is doing. We have been trying to see them since Feb but with all the snow and crazy weather we have not been able to find a time. Dh and I are worried about how this meeting is going to go. He was upset about something the last couple of time dh spoke ot him and last week he yelled at dh on the phone. Dh didn't argue. He just told hiim I was serving dinner so they had to end the phone call. We think it has to do with the fact that he may be frustrated with his progress and taking it out on certain other things.

Well I am off to eat breakfast and get some things done. Dh left an hour ago to work on df's house.

Have a great day everyone.

Thanks for lettin g me vent this morning.

Dona :hug: Very stressful time for you and you don't have much control at all. Vent any time!!

Forgot to say Welcome Shortynbug and thanks for coaching this week!!:flower3:

Jennz- love that new clippie!!:banana:

Pjlla- Sorry you are struggling with those last few pounds. Listening to all the exercise you do, I would wonder if maybe you should be eating more of the activity points you earn. It might help if you tried to eat them as you earn them this week. Sometimes, like with that Wendie plan, the metabolism will increase as you give it more fuel, and continue to burn in the following days when you decrease again. Hang in there. You are doing so great. :hug:

Thanks! :hug:

Happy Saturday!

DD is feeling better today but the DH has the flu. Oy, what is it with men when they get sick. My hubby turns into a complete baby.

I'm feeling a little bummed today (my 93 year old grandma is in the hospital with heart failure and I can't go visit because of my sick family :( ) and it's snowing today so I spent the morning ordering clothes for Easter. I bought a skirt from Old Navy in a size 16. At Christmas, I was wearing a size 24.

I did the 5 Mile WATP boost walk or whatever it is called. Then I worked the resistance bands. It felt good to do a real work out again.

QOTD 3/20: Have you been able to go along this weight loss journey without spending much money or have you spent a lot? I'm not talking food here, just in terms of ww fees, videos, garmins, equipment, that type of thing.

I've spent quite a bit of money. I joined, bought a few Wii workout games, a couple WATP videos, Billy Blanks video, a watch that tells me how many calories I burn, new ankle weights and wrist weights and earlier this week, I joined the gym.

But, getting healthy is going to extend my life so it is worth every stinking penny I spend to get healthy.

Just think how much you AREN'T spending on doctors, hospitals, meds, etc (unless of course you injure yourself working out!)
Hi Everyone! Wanted to let you know I'm still around, but I've been SO busy and haven't had a chance to even read this thread and I miss it and all of you. I'm still OP, but it's been a struggle the last week and I really need to get back involved with the thread so I can get re-motivated with all of you. I've been hanging on by my teeth! I even forgot to send my weight on Friday to LuvBaloo!!! I'm off to do that right now and though I still have lots of reports to write this week, next week is spring break (woo hoo!) and I plan on doing lots of catching up.
The last few pounds really are the toughest. Seems like when we are at a weight our bodies like, they are very stingy with that "precious" fat! Seriously, Nicole and Pamela, you BOTH look gorgeous at your current weights! You may need to try a variety of things to kick the last few ounces to the curb - I know you both know that sometimes the answer isn't pushing harder or eating less. Sometimes it is, but not always. I have a new example of this from just last week:

I stepped on the scale and had seriously felt like eating the house all week long - I had even increased my daily points by +2 for the week, and used all the dailies, all the weeklies and a handful of activity points. I had not been working out hard. I was still taking it easy recovering from the princess, so shorter, easier runs and some but not a lot of weight training. I lost two pounds! I really didn't mean to and expected to be UP two pounds when I got on the scale. The trainer in my fit club says that if you're stalled out, you may need to spend more of your workout time in "zone 2" she calls it. It's that really comfortable level of exertion - the kind that has you breathing a bit but still feeling like you could do it all day long.

Pamela- hopefully changing it up with splurging less on the weekends and having slightly higher points values during the week will change things up so you'll finally see that loss you've got coming! :)

When I was preparing to run the 2009 Half marathon - this was when I was 45 or 50 pounds heavier than I am now - I knew I was looking at a solo trip, which made me nervous because of the race - I didn't know what it would take out of me, what I would do if I got injured and was alone, etc. etc. So I thought I might ask my mom to go with me. We live in different states and don't see each other too often. So I called her up and told her I was going to do this race in Florida (sussing her out before I asked her to go with me!) and she said: "What??? That's a long way." ME: Yeah, mom, I know. I'm training for it. Her: don't have a runner's body!!" I was shocked. I don't even remember what I said, but I sure as heck didn't ask her to go with me on that trip. I didn't need that kind of negativity in my room! If I had it to do over again, I'd say to her "They don't just hand out 'Runner's Bodies' for free, you know! They look like that from years of running and eating right!" So I talked to her the other day and you know what she says to me? "I've started running. You've had so much success with it, I figure I could try it." I resisted the urge to say "But Mom, YOU don't have a runner's body!!" :rotfl:

Thanks for the nice compliment and the words of encouragement.

Nice job biting your tongue and not throwing Mom's words back at her! But isn't it nice to know that you have inspired her to get healthier!

Good morning. I had a rough time getting out of bed this morning so I know it's Monday!

I couldn't get my computer to do what I needed it to for on of my assignments last night so I never got back on here. So sorry. I'll try to get back and hit the posts I want to comment on after I get things going here at work this morning.

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. It went by too fast like most.

QOTD 3/22: Do you have what you would consider a "trouble spot"? Is there anything you are doing to spot reduce it even though we are often told that spot reduction doesn't really work? And if so, is it working?

I consider my "pooch" my trouble spot. It's that area of my stomach right below the belly button. I think I've tried everything to reduce it but I don't stick with it long and that may be why it never works. It is at it's smallest in my (adult with children) life so I'm happy but would do sit ups til the cows came home if I knew that would take care of it.

How about you?

Have a great week!

Without a doubt, my trouble spot, like many of you, is my lower tummy area. Two pregnancies and LOTS of weight gained and a few added years, and that area will NEVER be the same (at least not without surgery). I think that is why I have lowered my goal weight a few times... just to compensate for the extra flesh around there. I guess I figure if there is less fat under the skin, it will appear flatter. I am doing core exercise in my circuit training class (not much on my own... I am wimpy) and hopefully that will improve the look of the area.... but it will NEVER be a bikini belly.... EVER.

I had a busy crazy morning. DS reminded me as he ran for the bus... "Mom... my camp form is due today!!" I went home and pulled it from the fridge and filled it out and drove to school with it. But of course, he hadn't given me the PHYSICAL form, which needed a doctor's signature! So I had to drive 30 minutes to the doctor's office (in my exercise clothes!!:eek:) to get what I needed. Then while I was in town I figured I had better grab the few groceries that we needed.... and a quick stop at Goodwill while I was next to it.... and my morning got away from me! Fortunately I had already folded and put away THREE loads of laundry before getting the kids off to school! So that wasn't waiting for me. But now I've put away the groceries, cleaned up the kitchen, had lunch, caught up on email... and STILL not done my exercise!! I'll get to it eventually....

It will be a fairly relaxing week around here, as DD has a week long break from swim training! I will still go to my circuit training class at the Y on Tuesday and Thursday, but I will exercise at home on the other days. No sense in driving 30 minutes each way if I don't really need to!

Looking forward to the start of Dancing with the Stars! BTW, if you don't know me very well, here is a fun trivia question.....

I share a full name (first and last) with one of this year's female celebrity dancers. What is my name??......................
Pamela--thanks for the recipe.:goodvibes

Qoftheday--my trouble area is my core.:lmao: Seriously, I have (had) terrible posture, no back muscles, no ab muscles. I have been doing strength training for several weeks, and I have noticed such a difference. I am almost able to get a flat back now during some of the exercises, I stand up much straighter, I find myself "tucking my abs, belly button to spine" a lot more, and I can actually tell it's doing something. I am doing the full body strength and have not had the courage to do the butts and guts class yet, but I'm thinking about it.:) My weight loss has slowed down, but I feel soooo much stronger, so I am not complaining!

Have a good day everyone!
ok, i seldom post, but i did miss you BL disboarders. when ever i need a motivational moment i just read a few entries and it helps SO much. thanks for being here.
after the trips for the funeral, disneyland and a get-away weekend with DH, i was afraid to step on the scale. i tried to make good food choices, but i didn't exercise and i still ate some yummy, fun, not-so-good-for-me foods. i was only up 1 lb. and i'm hoping if i jump back on program i will drop it quickly.

non-scale victory story: i live in a small town 100 miles from a mall or any other clothes store. i have lost a little over 25 lbs this BL challenge. while in san diego for grandpa's funeral i left my kids with DH and went to buy a new pair of jeans. i tried size 18 first, cuz that is the size i thought i still was. nope. then tried some 16s, thrilled to be back in non-plus size. nope. size 14!!! SO thrilled. the dressing room lady laughed at me cuz i started with 18s and needed 14s. it was fun and i shopped for much longer than i planned. it was a store i figured had vanity sizing, but i was still happy. then when in a different store this past weekend on my get-away with DH, i tried some jeans and i know this store doesn't do the vanity sizes. still a 14. ok, it is a tighter 14, but the 16's were a little too baggy. SO happy for this NSV that the 1 lb up doesn't matter much. :cool1:

monday's QOTD: i miss my flat tummy. that stupid "pooch". it has gotten lots smaller with the last 25lbs gone, but after 4 kids i don't expect it to ever go away completely. oh well, it was a good trade, cuz i love my kids and they were worth it. (maybe i'll feel differently when swimsuit season comes back :-)

hugs and thanks to all of you :hug:

Congrats on your new jeans!!! :cool1:

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a great weekend.

We had a good weekend here. Friday night I went into my daughters room around 10:30 and told her to get dressed we were going out. She was so excited. I took her to Walmart for the release party for Twilight New Moon. I bought her a shirt and bag and necklace and the store had trivia and she won a metal Edward water bottle (which I want and she won't let me have lol). They also passed out Twilight postcards, a little poster, temp ta tattoos and stickers to the 1st 100 people in line so she got that as well. Then they had a big sheet cake and soda and chips. Gracie brought me back cake and I only took one bite! I would marry cake if it were legal, so I was pretty proud of myself. At midnight they released the movie and we bought it. She thought we were going home after that but I suprised her again and took her to Steak and Shake. I had a salad and gave Gracie my chicken, so I was proud of myself there too! Especially since the grilled cheese was calling my name! It was a great night and since we never do anything just the 2 of us, I think its something she'll always remember!

Saturday night was fun but I didn't do well on food. We had a Twilight Movie Party (no we aren't Twilight fans here:rotfl2:) and we made italian food. We had cheese ravioli and salad and garlic bread. I ate but didnt over eat. Then a friend who had came to the party brought cannolis and ice cream for dessert and I ate both! The party was fun but I wish I could have done better on food!

I hope everyone is doing great. I am off to go exercise. :)

What wonderful memories you have created with your daughter. I took my 13 and 21 year old kids to the midnight showing of New Moon when it came out at the theater. We went super early (like, 4 hours early) and sat amongst the teenagers (I would have rather sat with the women my age)... it was such an amazing time. And... I found out I am not the only person on the planet who is team Jasper (and team Alice). The 16 year old girl I was sitting next to was also team Jasper and I let her write on my hands with marker... to show our love for Jas. ;)

Thanks for the nice compliment and the words of encouragement.

Nice job biting your tongue and not throwing Mom's words back at her! But isn't it nice to know that you have inspired her to get healthier!

Without a doubt, my trouble spot, like many of you, is my lower tummy area. Two pregnancies and LOTS of weight gained and a few added years, and that area will NEVER be the same (at least not without surgery). I think that is why I have lowered my goal weight a few times... just to compensate for the extra flesh around there. I guess I figure if there is less fat under the skin, it will appear flatter. I am doing core exercise in my circuit training class (not much on my own... I am wimpy) and hopefully that will improve the look of the area.... but it will NEVER be a bikini belly.... EVER.

I had a busy crazy morning. DS reminded me as he ran for the bus... "Mom... my camp form is due today!!" I went home and pulled it from the fridge and filled it out and drove to school with it. But of course, he hadn't given me the PHYSICAL form, which needed a doctor's signature! So I had to drive 30 minutes to the doctor's office (in my exercise clothes!!:eek:) to get what I needed. Then while I was in town I figured I had better grab the few groceries that we needed.... and a quick stop at Goodwill while I was next to it.... and my morning got away from me! Fortunately I had already folded and put away THREE loads of laundry before getting the kids off to school! So that wasn't waiting for me. But now I've put away the groceries, cleaned up the kitchen, had lunch, caught up on email... and STILL not done my exercise!! I'll get to it eventually....

It will be a fairly relaxing week around here, as DD has a week long break from swim training! I will still go to my circuit training class at the Y on Tuesday and Thursday, but I will exercise at home on the other days. No sense in driving 30 minutes each way if I don't really need to!

Looking forward to the start of Dancing with the Stars! BTW, if you don't know me very well, here is a fun trivia question.....

I share a full name (first and last) with one of this year's female celebrity dancers. What is my name??......................

Pam Anderson?

I am a DWTS fan too!
Goooooood afternoon!!

*knocking on wood and whispering* I think the stomach flu had left the building. :)

QOTD 3/22: Do you have what you would consider a "trouble spot"? Is there anything you are doing to spot reduce it even though we are often told that spot reduction doesn't really work? And if so, is it working?

Ugh. The pooch... or as my 5 year old son calls it... my "mommy pillow". My oldest son was 10 pounds 14 ounces when he was born. He ruined my once flat tummy. Even at 105 pounds, a year after he was born, I still had my pooch. I used to do Kathy Smith Butt, Thigh and Tummy toner twice a day for a year... still had a pooch. 8 years later I had my daughter who weighed 10 pounds 6 ounces. Pooch was even more evident. My last two kids were not as big when they were born but I gained much more weight with them, was MUCH older and my last baby was a c-section. Pooch, pooch, pooch. My hubby told me I could have lipo when I hit my goal weight, but I wouldn't do that. My pooch, my c-section scar and my gallbladder removal scar are all landmarks on the map that is my body. Without those things, I wouldn't be the person I am today.
renewing my commitment again today.

I had just about given up but DH gave me the all clear to plan a trip to Disney for June!!!!!!!!!

I'M GOING TO DISNEYWORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And DS13 has agreed to do C25K with me. He does Cross Country and when racing his friends on the playground he found out he is out of shape! 3 sprints and he was exhausted. So we are going to start running soon.

I'm so excited I'm about to crawl out of my skin. But with the trip comes consequences that will be good for me. No eating out, no fast food, no extras. Trimming down the amount of food I cook at one time. And finding free things to do with the kids on the weekends, no shopping. So that will be walks, hikes, and bike rides. I am crazy stoked!!!
Hi Guys!

I seem to have lost my way -- will you take me back? I'm not even sure how it happened, but I seem to have stopped working out, and I'm not even trying to count my points's been a rough week, and if I thought it was an option, I'd quit. :rolleyes1 But, I just gave away all my bigger clothes and bought new smaller ones, so now I have no choice but to get my act together or go around nekkid! :eek: I feel like I need babysteps, someone to tell me today just do _____, tomorrow add_____, until I get it back together. Ridiculous, I know, but I seem to have that kind of mentality...

Maria :upsidedow
Hi Guys!

I seem to have lost my way -- will you take me back? I'm not even sure how it happened, but I seem to have stopped working out, and I'm not even trying to count my points's been a rough week, and if I thought it was an option, I'd quit. :rolleyes1 But, I just gave away all my bigger clothes and bought new smaller ones, so now I have no choice but to get my act together or go around nekkid! :eek: I feel like I need babysteps, someone to tell me today just do _____, tomorrow add_____, until I get it back together. Ridiculous, I know, but I seem to have that kind of mentality...

Maria :upsidedow

I lost my way too. But those who were once lost, are now found.

today you just do what you can
tomorrow you will add to your mantra that today is a new day and you are going to ROCK IT!!!
I lost my way too. But those who were once lost, are now found.

today you just do what you can
tomorrow you will add to your mantra that today is a new day and you are going to ROCK IT!!!

Excellent advice! I've been feeling like it would take Indiana Jones to find me and bring me back to civilization (or at least healthy living!). :lmao:

Maria :upsidedow
My hubby told me I could have lipo when I hit my goal weight, but I wouldn't do that. My pooch, my c-section scar and my gallbladder removal scar are all landmarks on the map that is my body. Without those things, I wouldn't be the person I am today.

I love that attitude--and am thinking of how much the map that is now is different than the map you started with--but how true--without our scars and 'landmarks' we wouldn't be the people we are. I'll try to remember that as I start to get the saggy skin thing happening :)


Congrats!!! So excited for you--enjoy all the prep stuff that comes with a trip. Please share as you plan--I've got no trip in the works right now--so would love to share your excitement :)

Hi Guys! I seem to have lost my way -- will you take me back? I feel like I need babysteps, someone to tell me today just do _____, tomorrow add_____, until I get it back together. Ridiculous, I know, but I seem to have that kind of mentality... Maria :upsidedow

Maria - right there with you--I've been gone for 2 weeks and today was a REALLY hard day--I have had to make it through today 1 babystep at a time--eating a banana, drinking a glass of water, and, oh my goodness, putting in that WATP DVD and actually moving my body at the same time they moved theirs on the screen was just not a fun thing today--I was not energetic or up to the level of energy that I would put into it a couple of weeks ago but am pleased that I did it.
Take those babysteps--and if you need ideas--look at page 1 - go to the COWs for some good babysteps to take :) And just do what you can--if you keep coming back here - you won't have to worry about not fitting into those new clothes ;)
renewing my commitment again today.

I had just about given up but DH gave me the all clear to plan a trip to Disney for June!!!!!!!!!

I'M GOING TO DISNEYWORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And DS13 has agreed to do C25K with me. He does Cross Country and when racing his friends on the playground he found out he is out of shape! 3 sprints and he was exhausted. So we are going to start running soon.

I'm so excited I'm about to crawl out of my skin. But with the trip comes consequences that will be good for me. No eating out, no fast food, no extras. Trimming down the amount of food I cook at one time. And finding free things to do with the kids on the weekends, no shopping. So that will be walks, hikes, and bike rides. I am crazy stoked!!!

Wow.... if I didn't have my May WDW weekend to look forward to, I would be SUPER jealous! I hear you on the pre-trip budget "trim down". We are always scrambling before a trip to reign in the budget to save a bit more so we have it to spend at Disney!

And when you are exercising... remember to imagine yourself walking around your favorite park. What are you seeing, what building are you passing, what can you smell? How many steps until you get to ____________? Where are you headed? Is it crowded? Are you seeing characters? I TOTALLY play this game in my head when I am bored on the treadmill. I imagine myself power walking from Adventureland over to Tomorrrowland (the long way around) and grabbing Fastpasses for Space Mountain, then heading to the Railroad Station at the end of Main Street to meet the family... and then we hoof it to Splash Mountain and from there we head to..... who knows where... it is all in my mind! I try to remember every building and ride along the way of my path.... I try to imagine the food carts (that I am passing WITHOUT stopping at :rotfl:) and smell the pretzels and popcorn and TURKEY LEGS! I try to look down and imagine the different sidewalks and pavement of the different areas. I try to recall the background musics (or I play my Park CDs while I walk!). And I just remember how wonderful it will be to be there, walking all day, and NOT GETTING TIRED!!

Hi Guys!

I seem to have lost my way -- will you take me back? I'm not even sure how it happened, but I seem to have stopped working out, and I'm not even trying to count my points's been a rough week, and if I thought it was an option, I'd quit. :rolleyes1 But, I just gave away all my bigger clothes and bought new smaller ones, so now I have no choice but to get my act together or go around nekkid! :eek: I feel like I need babysteps, someone to tell me today just do _____, tomorrow add_____, until I get it back together. Ridiculous, I know, but I seem to have that kind of mentality...

Maria :upsidedow

Oh my gosh.....:hug: I'm so sorry you are feeling this way. I wish I could send you a bottle of motivation. Honestly.... I think you should take it one step at a time (like you mentioned... baby steps). Start tomorrow with a PROMISE to yourself (and me if it helps) that you will journal every bite (or even just journal one meal if you are too far gone for a full day). Even if you eat LOUSY and OFF PLAN, at least journal it all. Do that for a few days, until the food journaling feels natural and normal again. Come on here and share you food journal if you think it would help keep you honest and on track.

Renew your exercise by just getting in a 20-30 minute walk (or run) every other day this week.... no pressure... just low key.

Head to the grocery store and shop JUST the perimeter... stock up on your favorite fruits and veggies and whole grains and lowfat/fat free dairy. Dig out some favorite light/healthy recipes and try them again. Find a healthy treat that you can have to look forward to. Head to Applebee's and enjoy a WW meal that you don't have to cook or clean up from! (That is, if you are SURE you can resist the smell of fries and ribs!! :lmao:).

Read (or re-read) some books about weight loss success, healthy eating, exercise, or something like that to help you renew your committment.

I'm sending you a PM.

Evening all! I STILL haven't fit in my stupid exercise today! :eek: I am going to do 30 minutes before dinner if it KILLS me! So I am off to do it NOW! Dinner is mostly done, so I can finish it up quick after I meet up with my friend Jillian.... YUP.... I'm hitting the 30 day shred tonight.... wish me luck!..............P-
Goooooood afternoon!!

*knocking on wood and whispering* I think the stomach flu had left the building. :)

QOTD 3/22: Do you have what you would consider a "trouble spot"? Is there anything you are doing to spot reduce it even though we are often told that spot reduction doesn't really work? And if so, is it working?

Ugh. The pooch... or as my 5 year old son calls it... my "mommy pillow". My oldest son was 10 pounds 14 ounces when he was born. He ruined my once flat tummy. Even at 105 pounds, a year after he was born, I still had my pooch. I used to do Kathy Smith Butt, Thigh and Tummy toner twice a day for a year... still had a pooch. 8 years later I had my daughter who weighed 10 pounds 6 ounces. Pooch was even more evident. My last two kids were not as big when they were born but I gained much more weight with them, was MUCH older and my last baby was a c-section. Pooch, pooch, pooch. My hubby told me I could have lipo when I hit my goal weight, but I wouldn't do that. My pooch, my c-section scar and my gallbladder removal scar are all landmarks on the map that is my body. Without those things, I wouldn't be the person I am today.

Hooray - stomach flu gone!:banana:

renewing my commitment again today.

I had just about given up but DH gave me the all clear to plan a trip to Disney for June!!!!!!!!!

I'M GOING TO DISNEYWORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And DS13 has agreed to do C25K with me. He does Cross Country and when racing his friends on the playground he found out he is out of shape! 3 sprints and he was exhausted. So we are going to start running soon.

I'm so excited I'm about to crawl out of my skin. But with the trip comes consequences that will be good for me. No eating out, no fast food, no extras. Trimming down the amount of food I cook at one time. And finding free things to do with the kids on the weekends, no shopping. So that will be walks, hikes, and bike rides. I am crazy stoked!!!

Girl you've had a rough time w/that Fifth's disease. Great job not letting it keep you down! Didn't I read something about you going to WDW to scrapbook? Have a no-grocery week, that might save $100 - pantry/freezer food only. :)

Hi Guys!

I seem to have lost my way -- will you take me back? I'm not even sure how it happened, but I seem to have stopped working out, and I'm not even trying to count my points's been a rough week, and if I thought it was an option, I'd quit. :rolleyes1 But, I just gave away all my bigger clothes and bought new smaller ones, so now I have no choice but to get my act together or go around nekkid! :eek: I feel like I need babysteps, someone to tell me today just do _____, tomorrow add_____, until I get it back together. Ridiculous, I know, but I seem to have that kind of mentality...

Maria :upsidedow

Go back to the COW grasshopper! :goodvibes
Funny story... well, funny now that the shock has worn off. :lmao:

I went to visit my grandma in the hospital today. My dad was there and told my grandma that I have lost 30+ pounds since Christmas. My grandma looked at me and said, "you have lost more than 30 pounds since Christmas? Oh Annie, you must have been HUGE!!!! Were you THAT big?? You must have been huge... you rollie pollie!"

At first I was a little.... sad... shocked... but then I laughed and said, "Yes, grandma... I was 30 pounds BIGGER then I am now!!"


It was great to see her and when she is gone, those words will play back in my head and I will giggle.

I'm glad you are giggling about it. Ouch! I wonder myself though, I don't consider myself small now, and yet, I'm 30 pounds less than I was last year.

QOTD 3/22: Do you have what you would consider a "trouble spot"? Is there anything you are doing to spot reduce it even though we are often told that spot reduction doesn't really work? And if so, is it working?

My hips and butt are disproportionately large, so I would be smaller if I could magically remove fat from there, but I don't mind my shape too much.
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