Biggest Loser 11 Spring Team Challenge--for Losers and Maintainers

OH the day from hell is over!!!!!! Today was field day and for some reason the day took forever to get here and we had so many obstacles get in our way. Freezer pops wouldn't freeze, large walk in freezer died for the 4th time this year, principal "forgot" the water and gatorade at her house, it was misting all morning, I had to run out to Walmart and get everything we needed which meant I lost my parking space (there was not a single one left so I had to park in the lower field), the head cook got into a fight with the dad grilling, then I came home to the air conditioner leaking and now my carpet is soaked and smells musty! I might have to rip it up, which probably isn't a terrible thing but I hope it didn't ruin the hard woods underneath. I'm going to pull it up a little tomorrow and check.
Then I had to get DS9, take him to mom's, then go to the high school to watch DS10 run in the championship. It was bad!!! Our kids are literally 1/2 the size of all the other kids. A few of our fastest runners got medals for 3rd place but wow, we were grossly unprepared!!!
OMG I'm so glad today is over!!!

But on the up side I didn't eat much, did very little snacking and got in 10,636 steps!!!

Tomorrow is Friday! DH is coming home and is aiming for being home for 2 weeks!! And we have 3 weeks of school left!!! Come on summer!!!!

shoo! that DOES sound like the day from hell! at least it's over and today is a new day! and DH is coming home which has got to be a good thing :)

After school we went to visit my godparents, and on the way home, we stopped at the Border Cafe for mexican, where I thought of you, LTS, and how successful you have been this challenge, but I continued to eat the chips and salsa, and said tomorrow is a new day, but after I felt awful. I ate way more than I needed, and came home and went to bed early. But, yet again, today is a new day, and I don't want to be this weight or any more this summer, so it's time to get on track.

chips and salsa are the devil's food! i mean, why else would they have been invented but to have me sit and stuff my face with them?? sometimes i feel like if i go on a binge i can get away with some things but every time i eat a ton of chips and salsa or that cheese sauce of deliciousness i wind up with mucho pound-os on the scale the next day.

you're right though. today is a new day. i keep waking up, getting on the scale, and saying the same thing to myself ALOT lately. i'm using being pg as an excuse to eat everything in sight and i KNOW that i'm only going to pay for it later when the weight is so much harder to take off.

enjoy the day! bike ride sounds fun! it's beautiful here too :)

Good Morning All. We're camping this weekend so I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to check in again. Not sure if we have internet at the campgground or not. Enjoy the extra day :goodvibes

ooo! where is camping? have fun! my grandpa lives in PA and we go camping with him to gettysburg every 4th of july weekend. he is 87 and starting to lose it a little so i'll be sure to treasure this next trip as much as possible.

have a great time!!

tracey - hang in there. :hug:


good morning everyone! it is really beautiful out today and i think it's about time i get my butt off this couch and go for a nice walk. i think i will put my running shoes on and take thomas in the jogger but i think i'll stick to a nice brisk walk. i don't want to push too hard and wind up with some more cramps.

good news (i know everyone was wondering lol!) but thomas slept last night! woot! i took him to my friend's house and relaxed for a little (ok, well, i wound up mopping the floor and folding laundry too but at least i watched tv during it!). i walked back to her house about 2 hours later and nobody was home! i called and she said she kidnapped my kid haha. nah, they were just at the little league field b/c her son had all stars practice. i made my way over to the field and thomas was happy as a clam playing with all the kids. practically ignored me. and i was totally ok with that! we hung there for a while and walked back to my friend's house where we ordered italian. and god forbid i not eat my WHOLE thing of baked ziti. oh well, it was delicious. my friend gave thomas a bath in her sink and we didn't come home til about 8:30! he watched about a minute of tv and then i put him to bed. and he slept! :cheer2: got up about 6:30 this morning.

well, here i am still typing and slacking on my nice walk. better sign off now!

have a great day everyone! we don't have too much planned for today. maybe a haircut for thomas? and a trip to toys r us for two bday presents (neighbor's twins just turned 3).

I would like to challenge everyone this weekend to do two things--

1. Schedule some form of exercise everyday. Even if it is just a 15 minute walk. It will help you focus on your goals, give you a feeling of success for completing a scheduled task, and if you are dealing with family stuff this weekend help you to keep your head clear.

2. Delay the impulse eating by 5 minutes. Just 5 minutes. If you are at an event and the chips and dip are out and everyone is snacking away, delay for just 5 minutes. You might find that 5 minutes is enough to keep you from even wanting an unhealthy treat, and if nothing else that is 5 minutes less snacking!

I know this is hard sometimes. I wish I could tell you that you will hit your goal weight and you will miraculously not have to exercise anymore and the urge to eat unhealthy food will just disappear. But it doesn't. And I don't want to depress anyone. We can all learn coping skills and we all can have healthy bodies. We just need to keep swimming.:goodvibes

good advice! i like the delay 5 minutes thing. i'm going to do that this weekend. just wait 5 min.

and i'm off for a brisk walk right now! :)
Nancy - I'm so glad you got a break. Did DH get home last night? It was sweet of your friend to give you a bit of a break. :goodvibes

Rose - Those are excellent goals for the summer! I am really going to have to work on the excercise one. I've been slacking big-time.

CC - Glad you have set a realistic goal for yourself. We all have to be much better at setting ourselves up for success with realistic goals and smaller, interim goals, too.

I know I missed a gazillion people. Sorry! I am thinking of all of you and reading here for inspiration. I hope everyone has a good weekend. Tonight and tomorrow will be busy for us with proms, convocation, pre-prom hors d'euvres and photos, post-prom party until 3:30 a.m., and Jenn's university graduation and celebration luncheon tomorrow. All really fun, positive stuff. I hope I can keep my eating under control in all the chaos. :guilty:

Have a great weekend, my loser friends!
AHHHH! If only I had sent in my Saturday weight instead of Friday, I would have been the biggest loser of the week! Oh well, LTS you totally deserve it, you have been fantastic this challenge!

I've been MIA because the kids are now on summer break and I've been tackling a major organizational job on our extremely cluttered office (everything gets thrown in there!). It was the last room to finish when I started organizing and decluttering last year and it has been untouched the last few months. I'm almost finished and I want to surprise DH who has been out of town. I've been off my schedule lately and need to figure out how to balance everything with the kids out of school.

I had a great birthday and got a Garmin! I can't wait to take it out for a run today. I've had a big gain after being so off my schedule and going out to eat, but I am hoping to get back on track soon.


Lisa-Good luck on your half!

Deb-have fun camping!

Nancy-I loved your pictures, it looks like you had fun!

Buffy-Hang in there!

Tracey-I'm so sorry your mom is in so much pain. I hope they can do something about this soon.

Kathy-You ran a half, you can do anything!

Lindsay-Sounds like a fun field day. Our field day (our make up date-it snowed on the first one!) was 50s and raining. I think the parents were much more miserable than the kids, though.

CC-I'm excited for you at the prospect of moving out. Hang in there, you can do it!

P and Buffy-Your kids are so cute! You cracked me up with your exchanges. P I really enjoyed the trip report. We hope to get back to WDW someday!

Rose-I hope you had a great vacation! I've seen more and more GF products and menus here lately. I hope some local restaurants get on board! You are doing so fantastic with this lifestyle change! :worship:

karen - i need to go back and catch up on a ton of posts still because i'm sure you mentioned it but what kind of cleanse are you doing? also, i love chickpeas. i could eat them every day. oh wait i have been (hummus!!) lately :)

i'm posting quickly from an empty house. i started to lose it a little and dropped thomas off at my girlfriend's house about an hour and a half ago. i just walked home and laid on the couch for a little and then checked the dis. i feel bad that i can't seem to handle a 2 year old! how did my grandmother have TEN children?? the good news is that DH is coming home tonight from his trip instead of tomorrow! at least maybe i can give him the monitor and i can go sleep in another room for the night. i'm so tired!!
Hi Nancy! I'm doing a cleanse called the Ultra Simple Diet. It's not a "diet", I guess it could be though, but I am doing it to figure out if I have a gluten intolerance. This week I'm eating lots of veggies, veggie broth, quinoa, strange shakes made from soy milk, and grilled chicken/fish or chick peas. I've really enjoyed the chick peas with some seasoning from The Melting Pot on them. I can also have hummus, but only if I make it from scratch. Today I am having brown rice and chick peas for lunch with veggies. I found that I can't wait all day to have a substantial protein. I'm losing weight but I really hope I find out what hurts my tummy!!

Dr. thinks it could possibly be a bladder infection. Hoping it's that simple. She's sleeping every afternoon and having trouble at night.

I'm trying to hold myself together! I told them not to call me into work tonight. I just wouldn't feel right giving someone a massage with how I'm feeling right now!

Also, please pray for redwalker's niece who is in the hospital with an unknown bacterial infection. Paige is a sweet little girl. She had an accident and hit her head last week and now she has a swollen eye. They are at Children's in Boston. I just spoke to redwalker a few minutes ago and she said all the prayers we can get will be helpful!!!!

Please someone share something positive with me! It's been a downer day all around and you know TIGGER doesn't like to feel that way!

Update: redwalker's niece has been discharged from Children's and they will see their doctor tomorrow and hopefully have a handle on this!
Lots of :hug: and prayers for all of you!!

  • I just paid for our cruise. :woohoo:
  • It is beautiful and sunny here and the pool opens this weekend. :woohoo:
  • I get to go and serve ice cream to several hundred high schoolers tomorrow. :thumbsup2
  • I got some inside information on the job I applied for and it is exactly what I want. Said they will be interviewing "later this month" but since it already IS later this month I hope they mean June (after school is out). Also hope my inside source perhaps mentions what a great candidate I am to the principal!
  • I cleaned out my purse.
  • Our humane society has just brought in several planes full of rescued puppies and they are sooooo cute! They showed them on the news. I am NOT a dog person but even I wanted to go and adopt one!
LOVE your list!! I need to clean out my purse..maybe even move to a smaller one since my friends joke that I have the Mary Poppins name it, I usually have it!

Just ate some Chinese food and watching The Tooth Fairy. I'm going to head to bed here in a little while. We are going to be up around 730ish. The shuttle will be taking us to the airport at 830. Our flight leaves around 11 and we get home shortly after 1pm. I can honestly say I had an awesome trip but am ready to sleep in my own bed :).
Hope you get home today!! Safe travels!

Today was a pretty bad day. But, my new plan starts tomorrow. I am going to WW and facing the truth no matter how ugly it is. I am going to re-commit to my goal of 2500 miles before my trip to WDW and see how far I can get. I have enough time to lose at least 20 pounds. I'd love to be at goal for my trip, but since I haven't even decided what my goal is...

Honestly, my totally unrealistic, not-going-to-happen-because-I-know-better-goal, is to be at 109 pounds for my trip. That's about 65 pounds in 3 months. Uh, I don't think so. The problem is that I keep thinking that I want that to really be my goal and to aim for that much lost in that little time. I know I need a real-as in yes, thats possible-goal, though. Okay, I've decided. My summer goal is going to be to lose 20 pounds. That's about 1 pound a week. That would put me at a much better weight for Disney!

I think I'll stick to 2 HH a week for the summer challenge. I like Cam's idea of one easy one, so I'll do that too. I have some surprises planned too. And prizes will be back as well!

Have a great night everyone! Thanks for listening to my vent.

Sending you pixiedust: that the beginning of your new plan is a good one! I think 20 pounds is a really realistic goal! It sounds like you are really committed to this and I know you will be sporting some awesome new clothes for Disney (20lbs can be many dress sizes gone!) I'm in it with you!

Hello to everyone else I missed. I tried to quickly catch up. Today I was off and volunteered at Ryan's field day. It was fun. Very hot here in the 90's but I would rather the heat vs cold and rainy. I turned on the central air today. Just couldnt take it anymore. I have no idea how I grew up without C/A. We just used box fans.:confused3 I spent the day with Ryan playing outside mostly spraying each other with the hose. Then he had tball tonight.

Tomorrow I have to go to a work meeting first thing in the a.m and then its parents day tea at ryans school.

I will check in again tomorrow. Mike is freaking me out because it has gotten really windy out and it lightening and thundering so I am going to get off of the computer. so I got to run.
I hope you survive the heat Lindsay! I miss hose spraying :( Just can't do that in a condo!

OH the day from hell is over!!!!!! Today was field day and for some reason the day took forever to get here and we had so many obstacles get in our way. Freezer pops wouldn't freeze, large walk in freezer died for the 4th time this year, principal "forgot" the water and gatorade at her house, it was misting all morning, I had to run out to Walmart and get everything we needed which meant I lost my parking space (there was not a single one left so I had to park in the lower field), the head cook got into a fight with the dad grilling, then I came home to the air conditioner leaking and now my carpet is soaked and smells musty! I might have to rip it up, which probably isn't a terrible thing but I hope it didn't ruin the hard woods underneath. I'm going to pull it up a little tomorrow and check.
Then I had to get DS9, take him to mom's, then go to the high school to watch DS10 run in the championship. It was bad!!! Our kids are literally 1/2 the size of all the other kids. A few of our fastest runners got medals for 3rd place but wow, we were grossly unprepared!!!
OMG I'm so glad today is over!!!

But on the up side I didn't eat much, did very little snacking and got in 10,636 steps!!!

Tomorrow is Friday! DH is coming home and is aiming for being home for 2 weeks!! And we have 3 weeks of school left!!! Come on summer!!!!
Nice job Buffy on the steps!! I'm so sorry yesterday was sooo crazy! I really hope that today is less hectic! Our last day of school is TODAY :) and finals next week for the underclassmen. Summer is soooo close!!

Good friday morning!!

After school we went to visit my godparents, and on the way home, we stopped at the Border Cafe for mexican, where I thought of you, LTS, and how successful you have been this challenge, but I continued to eat the chips and salsa, and said tomorrow is a new day, but after I felt awful. I ate way more than I needed, and came home and went to bed early. But, yet again, today is a new day, and I don't want to be this weight or any more this summer, so it's time to get on track.
If I get out of work on time, I'm going to do a Boot camp class with a friend tonight, and will run in the morning before we head out to my brother's for the weekend. We'll come back sun night for michael to walk in the memorial day parade with the scouts monday morning.

Weather here is looking good, so we'll bring our bikes out and hopefully get some exercise in over the weekend.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. :grouphug:Hugs to those in need and struggling.
I hear ya Kathy! Chips are my total downfall...they are just so good and go with just about everything Mexican...YUM! I hope you were able to get to boot camp and will have some time for bike riding this weekend :)


Mom just called and of course scared the crap out of me. They had to call EMS during the night to help get her up. She has a hospital appointment at 8am this morning. My sister said no more radiation. She said she has never been in so much pain.
TTFN :tigger:
OH, I would be scared too! I'm thinking about you and mom! :hug::hug:

I would like to challenge everyone this weekend to do two things--

1. Schedule some form of exercise everyday. Even if it is just a 15 minute walk. It will help you focus on your goals, give you a feeling of success for completing a scheduled task, and if you are dealing with family stuff this weekend help you to keep your head clear.

2. Delay the impulse eating by 5 minutes. Just 5 minutes. If you are at an event and the chips and dip are out and everyone is snacking away, delay for just 5 minutes. You might find that 5 minutes is enough to keep you from even wanting an unhealthy treat, and if nothing else that is 5 minutes less snacking!

I know this is hard sometimes. I wish I could tell you that you will hit your goal weight and you will miraculously not have to exercise anymore and the urge to eat unhealthy food will just disappear. But it doesn't. And I don't want to depress anyone. We can all learn coping skills and we all can have healthy bodies. We just need to keep swimming.:goodvibes
I accept your challenge and will be successful!!! As I type this I think about how this cleanse will end on Sunday and I can have a cup of de-caf coffee!! I miss the taste, not the caffeine!

good morning everyone! it is really beautiful out today and i think it's about time i get my butt off this couch and go for a nice walk. i think i will put my running shoes on and take thomas in the jogger but i think i'll stick to a nice brisk walk. i don't want to push too hard and wind up with some more cramps.

good news (i know everyone was wondering lol!) but thomas slept last night! woot! i took him to my friend's house and relaxed for a little (ok, well, i wound up mopping the floor and folding laundry too but at least i watched tv during it!). i walked back to her house about 2 hours later and nobody was home! i called and she said she kidnapped my kid haha. nah, they were just at the little league field b/c her son had all stars practice. i made my way over to the field and thomas was happy as a clam playing with all the kids. practically ignored me. and i was totally ok with that! we hung there for a while and walked back to my friend's house where we ordered italian. and god forbid i not eat my WHOLE thing of baked ziti. oh well, it was delicious. my friend gave thomas a bath in her sink and we didn't come home til about 8:30! he watched about a minute of tv and then i put him to bed. and he slept! :cheer2: got up about 6:30 this morning.

well, here i am still typing and slacking on my nice walk. better sign off now!

have a great day everyone! we don't have too much planned for today. maybe a haircut for thomas? and a trip to toys r us for two bday presents (neighbor's twins just turned 3).

WOO HOOO! I am so glad Thomas slept last night! Hopefully a sign things are getting back to normal ;) I hope you got out for a walk ~ so glad the weather has turned here and we CAN go outside without being rained on! Enjoy!

I know I missed a gazillion people. Sorry! I am thinking of all of you and reading here for inspiration. I hope everyone has a good weekend. Tonight and tomorrow will be busy for us with proms, convocation, pre-prom hors d'euvres and photos, post-prom party until 3:30 a.m., and Jenn's university graduation and celebration luncheon tomorrow. All really fun, positive stuff. I hope I can keep my eating under control in all the chaos. :guilty:

Have a great weekend, my loser friends!
Hang in there Cam!! I know you have a crazy weekend but at least it's filled with happy occasions :) Enjoy your time with your family!

Sleep...I have had totally terrible sleep patterns this tonight I will sleep and then begin my relaxing weekend!! My cleanse is going well! I have realized that variety is the key for me. I have moved on to eating additional chick peas instead of those stupid soy milk shakes and I feel sooo much better! Last night I eat some before I went on my run (2.3 miles in the humidity was a killer) and I was able to do the hills without a problem. I think I am taking today off and just relax or maybe get some weight training in later at the gym.

So excited that they finally stained our decks! Unfortunately they do not ploy them and we end up with splinters :( I'm stopping by Home Depot on the way home and will poly both decks tonight so I can move the furniture back out and do some planting in the window boxes. I do not have a green thumb and seem to kill everything:sad2: I figure I can do some research before I buy the plants AND I have to remember to water them!! So excited to eat dinner outside sometime this weekend too!!

Well, I better hit the books and do my planting research :)
Happy Friday and Happy Weekend to all!
I wanted to let everyone know that even though I have the new challenge is up, I would like to keep chatting here until Tracey posts the final results. She is hoping to get to it sometime over the next couple of days. Thanks Tracey! :goodvibes
I'm here!!!! I will pop into the new thread

Rose and pjlla - I sent you a PM about the organizing, let me know if you go it.

Another busy day today. DS missed the bus so I took him to school at 6:30, came back to get everyone else ready (they were not happy about getting up at 6!). Then I forgot my camera for the Pre-K pic so I flew everyone to school, flew back here, then back to school again for the pic. Of course the PITA mom who's been asking me to take the pic all week ended up doing it herself. Whatever! Then I had to open up the school store for hottie dad to get his football stuff from yesterday, got a phone call from PTO Pres, in talking to her I forgot to take DS14 his homework he forgot on the printer, so back to the next town to the HS to drop that off.
Then back to the school to meet mom to drop off benches for our Immigration Day on Tuesday. Came home, ate breakfast/lunch, back to school to get DD, and now I'm back home. I called the dumpster people and that's being delivered this afternoon.

Left to do:
work out (yeah, don't know if that will happen)
haul AC unit down from loft to living room
call cable company
feed DD lunch
Clean the kitchen and living room
Help dad load, unload and reload the Model T at school (doing a Memorial day program with the WWI ambulance he's building)
go to school to help dad with above
get boys x 2
wait for DS14 to come home (may just send him to the Elem School)
dinner (I'm really thinking of taking them to an outside, hole in the wall burger joint)
fall into bed exhausted


Mom went to the er this morning and is undergoing another mri and more xrays and tests...this has been a long day...she had to call ems in the middle of the night to help her get up. They have stopped radiation...waiting to hear more. Going to take the kids to the park this afternoon for a bit to play with friends.

Had my cleaning this morning. Dentist is sending a request for a mouth guard to the insurance company as now I am clenching so he says it's necessary. I told him we can't afford another expense right now so he is literally going to beg the insurance company to cover at least 80%!!

Gotta get stuff together for the park!
Just a friendly reminder: The Spring Challenge ended last Friday. Tracey is working on finishing up the final results for us. Thank you Tracey! The next challenge starts NEXT Friday--June 3rd. Next Friday you will be sending in your weigh-ins to donac who has volunteered to be our weight keeper for the summer. Thanks Dona! Please let me know if you have any questions. :goodvibes

Lisa --is your 1/2 this weekend???? I hope it goes FABULOUSLY!!!! I can't wait to hear about it.:goodvibes

good advice! i like the delay 5 minutes thing. i'm going to do that this weekend. just wait 5 min.

and i'm off for a brisk walk right now! :)
I saw that you enjoyed your walk/run Nancy! And woohoo for sleeping through the night!

I know I missed a gazillion people. Sorry! I am thinking of all of you and reading here for inspiration. I hope everyone has a good weekend. Tonight and tomorrow will be busy for us with proms, convocation, pre-prom hors d'euvres and photos, post-prom party until 3:30 a.m., and Jenn's university graduation and celebration luncheon tomorrow. All really fun, positive stuff. I hope I can keep my eating under control in all the chaos. :guilty:

Have a great weekend, my loser friends!
Have a fabulous time, Cam! Enjoy those kiddos.:goodvibes

I had a great birthday and got a Garmin! I can't wait to take it out for a run today. I've had a big gain after being so off my schedule and going out to eat, but I am hoping to get back on track soon.
I hope you love your Garmin! We love ours. And I hope you are able to get into a routine soon!

Karen--I hope you are able to figure out what is bothering you! Enjoy that decaf.:goodvibes

Buffy--I hope your day ends up being not as crazy as it sounds. I sent you a pm.:goodvibes


Mom went to the er this morning and is undergoing another mri and more xrays and tests...this has been a long day...she had to call ems in the middle of the night to help her get up. They have stopped radiation...waiting to hear more. Going to take the kids to the park this afternoon for a bit to play with friends.

Had my cleaning this morning. Dentist is sending a request for a mouth guard to the insurance company as now I am clenching so he says it's necessary. I told him we can't afford another expense right now so he is literally going to beg the insurance company to cover at least 80%!!

Gotta get stuff together for the park!
Hang in there Tracey.:hug:

I went to the Y today and did a mile on the elliptical, lifted weights and went to a zumba class. My knee is feeling pretty good.:goodvibes I think I am going to attempt 3 or 4 miles tomorrow. I probably should go to the chiropractor first, but I just don't feel like feeling beat up right now. Fingers crossed that it goes well.:goodvibes I am not doing as well as I would like with the food today--too much snacking. Following my 5 minute delay is proving to be difficult today!

If photobucket cooperates, I am going to attempt to start posting a trip report on my journal.

Have a great rest of your Friday!:goodvibes
We made it home okay. Now, I'm just sitting back relaxing waiting for Alan to get home. We're going to grab some dinner and probably just chill the rest of the night. Tomorrow I'm going to start unpacking and Alan will go to the vet and pick Taylor up. Nothing planned this weekend other then unpacking and getting the house in order.

** I'm going to try to get our trip report posted later tonight if not tomorrow definately.
UPDATE: Mom is home. They have added new meds and there will be no more radiation at least for the time being. The radiation was effecting the nerves in the area of the radiation. I called but she was either sleeping or couldn't talk when I called. I told Dad to have her call me either tonight or tomorrow whenever she felt like talking.

Thanks for all the good wishes. I'm going to do the FINAL RESULTS while I watch Game 7 of the hockey playoffs for the BRUINS! I picked up a Tim Thomas t-shirt this morning. It was too hot to wear during the day so I put it on when I got home.

The kids had a great time at the park with some friends. We got home around 5:30. Traffic on the local highway was starting to back up. We weren't on it but had to go over it and traffic in the center of town was being effected so we had to go a slightly different route back.

Going to get the acs in tomorrow. We have the blinds down in the living room. Girls are hanging out in the bedroom watching tv. They both got a bit overheated playing at the park.

Turkey enchiladas for supper and some nice refreshing drinks!

TTFN :tigger:
One of my good friends looked at me today and said "You have lost weight!" She was actually one of the 2 that DH and were betting would be the first to say something. It only took 45 pounds for someone to notice!!!!:rotfl: As soon as she said it I grabbed her and :hug: and told her that she had just won the "Lunch with LTS" contest, and I was taking her out to lunch!!! She was :confused3 but, well she is a good friend so totally understood my weirdness when I explained it to her. :rotfl2:

We went to Ruby Tuesday and when the bill came she said "Really, you don't have to buy me lunch." and I just looked at her and said "I have been waiting 5 MONTHS to take the first person to say something to me to lunch, I have been looking forward to this day!" :rotfl2: It was all pretty funny. She actually wants to lose also and we have talked many times in the past about it. I had actually thought about inviting her to exercise with me and we discussed it today. We will have to see how things go. She has a membership somewhere else so she isn't sure if she is going to cancel it or not. But she said I have inspired her and we will be spending a lot of time together this summer with swim team. It would be nice to have an IRL friend to do this with.

I also had a bowl of ice cream this afternoon :headache: but boy was it yummy! Tummy is not very happy with me so I am paying for it, but I think it was worth it.;)
Good Evening Friends.

Today was quite a roller coaster of emotions. Nothing as serious as what Tracey is dealing with so I am still thankful for my negatives to be minor in the grand scheme of things.

The day started with a managers meeting on my day off. The beginning of the meeting our boss told us that the network has finally came up with a managers job grade and salary according to how many staff you manage, how much revenue your office brings in etc. In general he said none of us are above the salary range and there may be a chance at our evaluations for us to be increased to adjust into the ranges. I dont know exactly what that means for me but hopefully it means more money.:thumbsup2 The 2nd thing is they restarted the Manager incentive plan that they have taken away a few years ago. It will be for FY12 which begins July1 and ends 6/30/12. This could mean a bonus if I meet my goals of a few thousand dollars. So all great news. Then he drops the bomb on us that he is taking a new position in the network. Our boss has only been with us for 1 1/2 and in the 15 years I worked there he was the first person who I felt was in the position that really got it. He did so much for us as managers and I am very sad that he will be gone. I am also very anxious as to who will take his place.

Then I rushed to Ryans parent day tea at school. It was so cute and I was so proud of him. He got his kindergarten diploma.:goodvibes Then as I went up for punch his teacher told me the daycare needed to see me before I left. So I walked down and had to hear about how Ryan has not been listening and is talking back to them and being disrespectful. ugggh. So after a wonderful moment I then had to talk to ryan at home and punish him by taking away his DS for awhile until I hear and see him behaving. I honestly felt horrible but I know as a parent I need to stand my ground.

Otherwise I guess that was the majority of my issues today. Sorry to vent....just makes me feel better. Thanks so much for listening.

Tomorrow I am going to plant my flowers that I got today and we are going with my in laws to a local festival called mayfair. Its an music and art festival and I never really found it much fun but I will go and put a smile on my face. Ok maybe its because I am still a bit bitter at my MIL.:rotfl2: So no matter where she wants me to go I probably would find something wrong with it.:lmao:

Tracey I hope your mom is feeling better soon and they figure out how to get her treatment without making her so horribly ill.:hug:

Nancy- Glad you got some much needed peace yesterday and that thomas slept well.

Cam- Good luck with all of the festivities this weekend.

LisaH- Good luck at your race tomorrow. I will be thinking of you.

Hello- Pam, Rose, Karen, Kathy, and everyone else that I am missing.

Hopefully I will be back on tomorrow feeling much more positive.:rolleyes1
Just a super quick check in because I am still alive -- sending hugs to everyone who needs them! :hug:

I just sent dh to the airport to drop off BIL and SIL for their 3-week vacation in France. Nope, I'm not jealous, not me :rolleyes1....I'm still on the sugar high from the sleeve of thin mints I ate...sigh. Double income no kids = trips I can only dream of -- but ds is a pretty good consolation, at least when he isn't doing the "teen angst". Oh wait, that is his new personality :eek:

Anyway, back to the Memorial Day weekend plan -- we have to have a plan so we don't plan to fail, right? :lmao:

I did run 5M this morning, and I did intervals, which I haven't done in far too long.

I watched season 1 disc 4 of the Tudors. Henry Cavill is good therapy!

My favorite Pooh character is Tigger, my ds carried his stuffed tigger everywhere when he was small, so much so that he literally wore the strips off the tail. He was even baptized holding a bathtime tigger.

Maria :upsidedow
Today I realized something very important. I am gaining weight because that is exactly the opposite of what my mother wants me doing. Today she went on and on about how heavy I am and how "I'm blowing up like a balloon." She told that I needed to lose 40 pounds before our trip. She better be happy with 20. Not that she will be, but um, you are supposed to lose weight safely.

I spoke with the receptionist at WW today. I am going to start attending meetings. She is optimistic that that will help. I hope so.

I am exhausted so I'm off to bed. Sorry about the vent.
Biggest Loser 11 Spring 2011 FINAL RESULTS

:worship:Here are the TOP 20 Biggest Losers!:worship:

#20- tggrrstarr 8.04%
#19- poochie 8.11%
#18- Kanga+2Roos 8.27%
#17- missoutandabout 9.04%
#16- sparks19 9.43%
#15- dis-happy 9.49%
#14- KristiMc 9.51%
#13- Surferstitch16 10.0%
#12- TimonTracy 10.37%
#11- DisneylandEmily 10.69%
#10- karliebug 11.37%
#9- GoodMorningDewDrop 11.66%
#8 – disney1990 11.88%
#7- lovetoscrap 11.93%
#6- happymatt 12.17%
#5- PrincessNancy 12.43%
#4- ScubaD 13.6%
#3- pjstevens 14.22%
#2- Stinasmom 14.29%

AND THE BIGGEST LOSER for the SPRING 2011 Challenge is:

:cheer2:aamomma with an astounding 16.25% loss!!!!!:cheer2:

Congratulations to all of you! You all should be very proud of yourselves!

I have enjoyed working with all of you! I have cheered you when you PMed me your losses and shared in your frustration when you had to post a gain!

It has been an honor to be your weightkeeper! Please treat DONAC well in the next challenge!

Thanks and TTFN :tigger:
Things just get more and more exciting at my parents house! My sister is staying there this weekend and passed out and fell last night! So the ambulance was there to get my mother up and check out my sister. Her blood pressure had dropped and she was dehydrated. She is running herself ragged taking care of my parents.

She just called and asked me to go down as soon as the kids get out of school. She and her husband are going on a well-deserved cruise to Hawaii that she has totally earned. It is for their 25th anniversary! The earliest I can get down there is June 23rd or 24th and I need to be back by July 1st for the Cars 2 event. I have to talk to my brother today about when we can both go down.

Well, gotta figure stuff out!

TTFn :tigger:
Today I realized something very important. I am gaining weight because that is exactly the opposite of what my mother wants me doing. Today she went on and on about how heavy I am and how "I'm blowing up like a balloon." She told that I needed to lose 40 pounds before our trip. She better be happy with 20. Not that she will be, but um, you are supposed to lose weight safely.

I spoke with the receptionist at WW today. I am going to start attending meetings. She is optimistic that that will help. I hope so.

I am exhausted so I'm off to bed. Sorry about the vent.

CC I am sure it is so hard dealing with your mom and all the emotions she brings out in you. I think going to WW meetings will help alot. :hug:

I just sent dh to the airport to drop off BIL and SIL for their 3-week vacation in France. Nope, I'm not jealous, not me :rolleyes1....I'm still on the sugar high from the sleeve of thin mints I ate...sigh. Double income no kids = trips I can only dream of -- but ds is a pretty good consolation, at least when he isn't doing the "teen angst". Oh wait, that is his new personality :eek:

Yes I agree the kids are definitely worth having. Just think of how loved you will be in your older age and you will have someone to take care of you. Your SIL and BIL will probably then be you will get them back dont worry.;):rotfl2:

Biggest Loser 11 Spring 2011 FINAL RESULTS

:worship:Here are the TOP 20 Biggest Losers!:worship:

#20- tggrrstarr 8.04%
#19- poochie 8.11%
#18- Kanga+2Roos 8.27%
#17- missoutandabout 9.04%
#16- sparks19 9.43%
#15- dis-happy 9.49%
#14- KristiMc 9.51%
#13- Surferstitch16 10.0%
#12- TimonTracy 10.37%
#11- DisneylandEmily 10.69%
#10- karliebug 11.37%
#9- GoodMorningDewDrop 11.66%
#8 – disney1990 11.88%
#7- lovetoscrap 11.93%
#6- happymatt 12.17%
#5- PrincessNancy 12.43%
#4- ScubaD 13.6%
#3- pjstevens 14.22%
#2- Stinasmom 14.29%

AND THE BIGGEST LOSER for the SPRING 2011 Challenge is:

:cheer2:aamomma with an astounding 16.25% loss!!!!!:cheer2:

Congratulations to all of you! You all should be very proud of yourselves!

I have enjoyed working with all of you! I have cheered you when you PMed me your losses and shared in your frustration when you had to post a gain!

It has been an honor to be your weightkeeper! Please treat DONAC well in the next challenge!

Horray for everyone especially aamomma. You are all so awesome and inspiring.

Thank you so much Tracey for being our weighkeeper and doing such an amazing job.

Things just get more and more exciting at my parents house! My sister is staying there this weekend and passed out and fell last night! So the ambulance was there to get my mother up and check out my sister. Her blood pressure had dropped and she was dehydrated. She is running herself ragged taking care of my parents.

She just called and asked me to go down as soon as the kids get out of school. She and her husband are going on a well-deserved cruise to Hawaii that she has totally earned. It is for their 25th anniversary! The earliest I can get down there is June 23rd or 24th and I need to be back by July 1st for the Cars 2 event. I have to talk to my brother today about when we can both go down.

Well, gotta figure stuff out!

TTFn :tigger:

OMG tracey yet another dull moment. Glad it was nothing to serious. Please remind your sister that she needs to take care of herself first. :hug:

Ok Im getting my butt moving now. On my way outside to do some gardening.:lovestruc


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