Bibiddi Bobiddi Boutique...princessy fun or pageant-y creepy?

then where can you be one? I have 3 daughters and they all had it done on our trip in August. They had 3 different fairy godmothers doing their hair. The make up was very light and they all got the princess bun and none of them said it was too tight (and trust me they would have) We brought our own dresses. They loved being a princess for a day. It was special and not like they do that every day! We had lunch in the castle and then went to the PPP that night so it was a very special day!
No judgments here on those who do take their kids...I am the OP and was just wondering what other moms out there thought about it.

I want my daughter to know that she can feel special and wonderful and beautiful without makeup, hair, and primping. I think society pressures our girls to go too far, too fast. Makeup on a 3-year old, or a 7-year old, for that matter, feels wrong to me. I was glad my daughter didn't seem at all interested in it...she got her sparkly Minnie Mouse ears and was happy with those.

(I'm also the mom who refuses to let my 5 year old wear a two-piece bathing suit, or go to parties at that Libby Liu place!)

:) Thanks for some interesting insights!
I think it's a great idea for little girls to experience this once in a lifetime magical way to dress up and pretend to be a real princess for that day.

I wanted to take my daughter last year, then 2 y.o., and thought I would wait a year, but then when we were waiting to be seated for our Princess Dinner at Akershus, my daughter wanted to make friends with these 3 little 5 y.o. girls who were obviously fresh from BBB and they were real princess and she was not, because she was not dressed in princess gear. My heart melt and I felt so bad, these little girls were nasty and that's fine, I told them that she was a princess too and that what they said was not nice.

So this year we are doing it for sure in MK. I want her to be able to be a real princess this year and when we eat at CRT she will be dressed and ready to go! I am not sure if we are doing the big package or just the hair and I will buy her a $20 dress from Wal-mart, it's just as pretty as the $60 ones at MK.

So my vote is - yes, and if you don't like it, that's too bad!
Ohhh, I forgot about that. The next morning, with hair still up, we ate breakfast at Olivias. When our server was walking towards our table she was looking at me and smiling and when she got to our table she turned and looked at DD4 that was coloring and noticed her crown and she immediately gasped and fell to the ground in a kneel and said "Oh my, I did not realize that I was going to be serving a princess this morning. I am so privileged to have this honor" and stood up and just kept talking to her. DD4 is the most shy kid you'll meet but she just ate it up smiling the whole time.


Aww!! That is so sweet!!! :)
I didn't read all the posts, but just wanted to put in my 2 cents. I saw many very cute little girls in princess attire, both from BBB and done by Mom's hands. They looked very cute, some much more fake and pagenty than others, but still cute. However, if my daughter had it done, which she never would she is 11 and more of a pirate than a princess, but if she did and it hurt her, I would let her remove it instantly. I can just picture many parents saying, we just spent $$$$, deal with it. Sad but true.

My kids had their faces painted in AK a few trips back and it made my son's face itch. It was like $30 to have it done and he had it wiped off within 15 minutes. lol At least I got a couple good pictures.
My 6 year old daughter just went to BBB last week for the first time. She loved it. We had to wait for an hour past our appointment time since it was overbooked for the P&P party that evening, but once she was in that chair, she was all smiles. The make-up was very light and as another poster mentioned, we have almost all of it left to play with at home. I'm also a mom who thinks kids should be kids, and in my opinion, BBB is harmless fun. She loved it for a day and then was more than happy to go back to her regular hairstyle and clothing.

By the way, my 6 year old son also had a reservation to get the "Cool Dude" hairstyle with gel and confetti, but opted to go to the Lego store with his Dad and cousins. I think the boys style is about $10.
I don't think it's creepy at all, I just think it's all in good fun and part of the Disney princess fantasy. When I was little I loved to play dress up, and little girls love to experiment with make-up. I don't think there's anything wrong with it, I see it just kind of like Halloween. Dress up and wear some make-up for a little's not an every day thing.
My DD did it in December and it didn't hurt her. She often complains that I hurt her when doing her hair so I think she is sensitive to hair pulling. I found the makeup to be very light. We went swimming that afternoon and I was able to recreate the look easily when she asked. DD choose DIVA which is easy to recreate with the extension.
I've decided not to do it for my 4 year old, even though she saw it on the planning dvd and was interested. I don't allow a 4 year old to wear makeup!
What I'm doing instead is having her dress up as a princess (her baby sister too) for our dinner at Cinderella's Royal Table. I found a fancy dress on Ebay for $9, a cute little comb Tiara for another $9 and I will dress her myself. She's too pretty without that stuff to put that gunk on her! I bet with just the dress, tiara and a pony tail she'll look way cuter anyway, and it will have cost me less then $20!
I think its great... its a once in a lifetime opportunity for your little princess to truelly feel like she is belle, cinderella, sleeping beauty, etc... I think my daughter looks absoultely adorable... she loves to dress up and make believe to be a princess... serisouly I will be in tears to see her... :) its an opportunity for a little one to take a step out of the normal life... its THE MAGIC of Disney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One thing that amazed me on a recent trip were the people that were having this done. In many cases the families with little girls having this done did not appear as though they could really afford it. I understand that people are on vacation and may be a little more frivolous with there money, but really isn't it a good idea to show your children some fiscal responsibility? Granted it could be someone else paying for it as a gift, but to me it hardly seems worth it. This is not meant to be judgemental, just an observation.

On a lighter note, we were on the bus riding back to PC and there was a little girl that had been all Bibiddi Bobiddi booped. During the trip she noticed a dead bug on the bus floor and became very concerned about it. Anyway, I thought to myself how ironic it was that this little girl was all dolled up and was only concerned about bugs. :)
She's too pretty without that stuff to put that gunk on her!

I agree...they have their whole lives to be sucked into the makeup/beauty/hair/clothes/diet industries...why does it have to start now? What happened to appreciating the innocence and natural beauty of children?

Even the package names bother me...the diva? Is that what anyone aspires their little girl to be? :confused3
I think it's a great idea for little girls to experience this once in a lifetime magical way to dress up and pretend to be a real princess for that day.

I wanted to take my daughter last year, then 2 y.o., and thought I would wait a year, but then when we were waiting to be seated for our Princess Dinner at Akershus, my daughter wanted to make friends with these 3 little 5 y.o. girls who were obviously fresh from BBB and they were real princess and she was not, because she was not dressed in princess gear. My heart melt and I felt so bad, these little girls were nasty and that's fine, I told them that she was a princess too and that what they said was not nice.

So this year we are doing it for sure in MK. I want her to be able to be a real princess this year and when we eat at CRT she will be dressed and ready to go! I am not sure if we are doing the big package or just the hair and I will buy her a $20 dress from Wal-mart, it's just as pretty as the $60 ones at MK.

So my vote is - yes, and if you don't like it, that's too bad!

This is exactly why I don't like it! It's not about the hair and makeup to me. It is about teaching girls that if we pay some money to have their face and hair done they are better than people who don't have the same get up. Shouldn't every little girl be treated like a princess there (or a pirate if they choose :) ) not just the ones who paid to be treated that way.
I agree...they have their whole lives to be sucked into the makeup/beauty/hair/clothes/diet industries...why does it have to start now? What happened to appreciating the innocence and natural beauty of children?

Even the package names bother me...the diva? Is that what anyone aspires their little girl to be? :confused3

just had add to this comment... I am 30 year old mom - i dont wear make-up or do much more then brush my hair in the morning... its the choice of the child as they grow up to decide if they will live a lifetime in make-up... I dont need it and dont wear it.... but I have friends that wont let you in there house if they dont have thier make=up on... which I think is foolish... I feel if your child wants to do it WHY NOT... its not hurting them.... its DISNEY WORLD....

My daughter is a beauty in my mind (OF COURSE) and she is absolutely obcessed with everything princess... I dont think one day of a BBB make-over will RUIN her or her thoughts of life.... its the responsiblities of the parents to let them know this is Disney and this is a dream being fufilled for my daughter... and for many many other daughters... heck even moms do it... I say do what you want to do!!!!
Personally I think its a fun way for little girls to live out being a princess. I know I dressed up ALL THE TIME when I was little. I also really wanted to wear makeup, but it was strictly, strictly, strictly for dress-up. My mother would have never let me worn it on a ordinary basis. Even then, the most I ever had was a little lipgloss and glitter. princess:

I think in Disney World of all places, children should be allowed to live out their fantasies without judgement. Do the same people who find BBB creepy find the pirate-craze disturbing? After all, pirates are violent and rude among other things, yet little boys want to be them. Let children be innocent, little girls love princesses without going into society's views. Little boys love pirates because they're the "heroes" in POTC; they don't realize the other side to it, either.
One thing that amazed me on a recent trip were the people that were having this done. In many cases the families with little girls having this done did not appear as though they could really afford it. I understand that people are on vacation and may be a little more frivolous with there money, but really isn't it a good idea to show your children some fiscal responsibility? Granted it could be someone else paying for it as a gift, but to me it hardly seems worth it. This is not meant to be judgemental, just an observation.

On a lighter note, we were on the bus riding back to PC and there was a little girl that had been all Bibiddi Bobiddi booped. During the trip she noticed a dead bug on the bus floor and became very concerned about it. Anyway, I thought to myself how ironic it was that this little girl was all dolled up and was only concerned about bugs. :)

Love the bug story... cute... :)

BUT... I hate when people decide that someone else can or cant afford something... we are simple people that while at disney will be in shorts and t-shirts (probably with a disney character on it) hair in a pony tail and a smile on our faces... how in the heck would you (or someone else making this judgement) know the amount in our bank account or what we do for a living or how much we make... FISCAL RESPONSIBLITY... ok um you are going to DISNEY WORLD... in my opinion not the place to really try to teach fiscal responsibility... we are going on a trip that is going to cost us a HECK of a lot of money and its our choice to do that... just as its the choice of others to do it for waht they can afford... and for the time and the events and the hotels etc they want.... it just really gets me when others make judgements of what others can do... its their CHOICE.... not others choice to judge....
I needed to come back and repost.

I would have MUCH less of a "problem" with BBB if they just did the updo and a bit of glitter to make the little girls that come there into "princesses." ... although a lower price would help too. The make up is really my biggest problem w/ the whole thing.

Playing dress up is great...dd (6.5yo) does it all the time. She has 3 or 4 Disney Store dresses and then the "trunk" of princess "dress up" dresses along w/ the set of shoes (the shoes are only for wearing in the house and not going up/down the stairs). We also have a healthy collection of play silks that get used interchangably w/ the actual dresses. She plays w/ her dress up kit all the time

I don't give my dd make up to "play" isn't part of playing "dress up." ...and I find it inappropriate for her to have it at her age. Dd looks beautiful just the way she is and I want her to get that message loud and clear.

As I posted earlier, I gave dd the choice between BBB and a pirate cruise for our upcoming trip. She picked the pirate cruise, but I was prepared to allow her to do BBB if that was her choice. If she did it, I was going to be VERY clear about just using glitter for "make up" and refusing the make up kit that they give to you.

I'm pretty proud of myself for not pressuring dd in ANY way to not do BBB...the choice was all hers. But I have to admit, I'm thrilled she picked the cruise!
Personally I think its a fun way for little girls to live out being a princess. I know I dressed up ALL THE TIME when I was little. I also really wanted to wear makeup, but it was strictly, strictly, strictly for dress-up. My mother would have never let me worn it on a ordinary basis. Even then, the most I ever had was a little lipgloss and glitter. princess:

I think in Disney World of all places, children should be allowed to live out their fantasies without judgement. Do the same people who find BBB creepy find the pirate-craze disturbing? After all, pirates are violent and rude among other things, yet little boys want to be them. Let children be innocent, little girls love princesses without going into society's views. Little boys love pirates because they're the "heroes" in POTC; they don't realize the other side to it, either.


Also as the parent paying the $$$ if you dont want a lot of make-up on YOUR daughter tell the FGMT I am sure they will fufill your wishes as well... :)
DD did it on our MNSSHP day, she loved it! She chose the fairy tale princess (the bun w/ the mickey clip in back) and looked wonderful. She was beaming when it was done. (We bought the Jasmine at the Disney store before we left, she knew she was going to be Jasmine for MNSSHP, she didnt know about BBB untill I check her in. She changed and was princessed! Even Dh who gets upset when his Mom puts makeup on DD was smiling and happy. So the makeup was light!)

The fairy godmothers in training were wonderful! DD had simple makeup on and light fingernail polish on. When she was done she was dressed for the party! Its a vacation, it made her smile and was very worth the $.


DD when she saw herself in the mirror.


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