Bed Bugs?!?!?!?!

a bed bug is a micro bug and can not be seen by the naked eye. they live and thrive in mattresses etc that are older and have not been cleaned on a regular bases including sheets pillow cases and area around the bed. they live there because of us Humans shedding our skin daily while we twist and turn in the night depositing our dead skin into the sheets and subsequent mattress. Once there they they thrive on this. It is said that over the life time of a mattress; the matress can substantialy weigh more because of the mulitplying bed bugs living and dead and also from the fecis they deposit over the life time of the matress. That is why it is important to shange and clean your sheets pillow cases and matress. Which I'm sure Disney does. So not to worry. If you find you or your children are suffering from alergies etc especially during the night or early morning you may be alergic to their fecis and maybe you should think about getting a new matress or having it cleaned. :eek:
that's DUST MITES not bed bugs!!!!!!
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

:scared: Bawb do you think those french/spanish Si Si Monsieur bedbugs are The monsters under your bed?? :scared:

Between this and the nit one i was reading a week or so ago, i am itching all over!

I hadn't really even heard about bed bugs, and esspcially not how to deal with them! YUCK!

I feel a bit sick, and guess what?!?

Its bedtime! (1am in England!)


So goodnight, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite! :scared: :sick:

p.s just watching the msnbc video, he lets them EAT HIM!!!! i feel sick as!


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