Audrey's PJ Wishes Wedding ~ 2/16/2014 ~ WP/ADH ~ Be Our Guest!

Sorry you're feeling frustrated. It really is surprising how people are not responsible or considerate of others sometimes. Hopefully they will respond soon! BTW, I'm a new reader and I love your save the dates! Checking into Vistaprint right now. :)

Welcome! I've not been the greatest at updating this weekly, but I'm sure things will pick up as I get closer and closer.
Yes, Vistaprint is great and always look for an online coupon or special. I bought a Groupon last month for $17 worth $70 in Vistaprint merchandise! I think I'm going to make t-shirts. Oh, I just realized I didn't post a picture of a design I was working on. Some brides on the the disbrides FB page hooked me into it. It's a rough draft so I'm not sure if I'll use it or re-do it, but here's my first try:

I need to edit the border out and like I said, I might re-do it and add more words. Someone made a drinking around the world one so I might steal that idea too! Vistaprint doesn't seem to flag the copyright issue so I want to decide sooner rather than later how many shirts to make just in case they catch on...I have a feeling they'll be getting a lot of these orders! LOL
I'm happy to report that I've gotten quite a few more replies to my email. I'm feeling SO much better about the numbers. We'll definitely be fine for the ADH. I'm still rather annoyed that I had to reach out to some people. I'm thinking the "No's" just don't want to respond. Embarrassment? Not sure. I even messaged people on FB and they didn't reply. I know they saw it, because it says so. Really? I mean, how f'ing rude can you be? :mad: It's an honor to be invited on a short list and this what I get? Then there are more I have to call but they are mostly family. Nice, huh? I'm almost positive they are "No's" but I have to make sure.
On a MUCH happier note...I scored a great price on airfare this week and booked it for August. DF gave me the green light even though he hasn't asked for the time off yet. :yay: So this means we get to do our engagement photo session with David and Vicki Arndt too! :cheer2:
Feeling sort of deflated today. I had a bad conversation with my dad yesterday and it sort of got me not excited about wedding stuff.
I mentioned this mom passed away last year. We were close and she lived with me for the two years she was fighting cancer. I also lived with her growing up after they got divorced.
Anyway, my dad and I don't have an emotionally close relationship. I don't know that he has that with anyone actually. His mentality about the wedding has been confusing. For a while he kept asking what he should wear. I'm like...a tux?? It was like he had no concept that he was part of the bridal party. He's been driving me nuts with things like this. My stepmom has been great as she is now "mother of the bride". She's been super supportive - not our usual relationship - so it's been nice.
My dad got shingles last month so he's been extra ornery whenever I email with him or talk to him. So yesterday, being that it was Father's Day, I called him. The conversation quickly turned into him attacking me for my June newsletter. I sent it on Saturday via email. It's my second one. It actually has similar info to the first one, but just some updated room block info and also a heads up about making dining reservations in Aug at the 180 mark.
I also included some helpful Q&A sections with myself and also one of my bridesmaids who has traveled to Disney with young kids many times.
My plan was to highlight different people in upcoming newsletters to address all the different parties that are coming down to FL...many for the first time. So this newsletter had helpful hints for going to Disney with young kids. The August one was going to be hints for going with older kids and also all about dining options. In the Fall one, I was going to address going as an adult-only party and talk about fun stuff like that. Also maybe do a "meet the bridal party" section since it's nice to know who's who.
Well, my dad started going after me about how long it was. It was about 10 pages but with lots of pictures. I told him I actually scaled it down. Then he started complaining that it was TMI...why am I doing this. It's confusing and he doesn't understand why I am doing this. Then he started asking me questions that I had clearly explained in the newsletter...such as Magical Express and how to use Disney transportation (um..get on the friggin' bus?!). He got nasty about it. I asked him if he read my newsletter and he started going off like "why can't you just answer my questions. Why do I have read it?" I tried to explain that if he read it first, THEN asked questions, it would make more sense. And that yes, the ME and using Disney buses really IS simple. Then he started going crazy saying that he's been sick and blah blah blah and he doesn't want to do anything when he feels sick and he certainly doesn't want to deal with THIS wedding stuff. He's not in the mood.
I can't believe I didn't hang up. But, I knew that if I did, it would be worse. So I tried to answer his questions and then smartly changed the topic, which worked...I asked about airfare stuff. He used to work for American (he's retired) so when you ask him info that he feels useful for, he's all over it. He immediately changed mood and actually did tell me some helpful stuff. Then, at the end, he said he would read the newsletter this week and that yes, it would be easier to read it first and THEN ask questions.
So it ended okay, but I was left feeling really deflated and upset. This is the parent I'm left with. My mom would be SO involved and I know she'd tell me that he's an ******* and I shouldn't let it bother me. She's always hated the way he never puts me or my sister as a priority. More me than her.
When I sent the first newsletter I got a TON of positive comments and also some "omg this is a lot of info" comments. I did address this in this June newsletter and did try to scale back. But I also acknowledged that there's no way around it: there IS a lot to know. Bottom line.
So now I don't want to do any more of them. Why I am letting his comments (which seemingly are the minority) matter more than the positive ones, I don't know. I guess it's just old family wounds. Hopefully I'll hear more positive stuff from folks. I had planned on writing the rest of them (for the most part) this summer when I'm off from work. Then I'll release them every couple of months. Each one takes hours to do. I enjoy doing them. I really do. But I just feel so depressed today.
I've also had groomsmen drama this past week. One of them, who lives in Canada, springs on us that he is now bringing a date to the wedding. I need to say that I had to wrench it out of him, which pissed me off. I heard it second hand and then when he called me, I had to pretty much pull it out of him. I hate when people are wishy washy. I had to talk to him like a student. I had to make it clear that communication is essential and non-negotiable. Whatever. It's done now.
I've also decided to use Tim Herring as our officiant. I am going to fill out his paperwork this week. I looked over a few and based on others' reviews, I think he'll work out great.
My goal is to get the bridesmaid dresses ordered by Aug. 1st so that I will know with 100% certainty the colors, etc. I am also stressed about the PS because while I have pinned different ideas, I still don't have a vision for the wedding. I am hoping Disney can help me with this.
We booked our flights for the PS and one of my MOH's is coming too. So I'm looking forward to spending some time with her as well. Ironically we might go to Universal parks while she's there. LOL
I guess that's it for now. Hopefully I'll feel better about things soon. Right now I'm not motivated to do anything wedding related. :(
Don't stress about other people's opinions. It's impossible to make everybody happy. What's important is that you are. If you enjoy doing the newsletters and most people feel that they are helpful than keep going with it. My great-aunt actually flipped out when I chose my date. Said that I should've chosen the summer because her granddaughter runs a dance school and it would be a hassle If it wasn't in the summer. Really? Because that one second cousins schedule should change the date of my entire wedding? Crazy talk.

I did have one question for you. I've been calling up Disney group reservations and nobody seems to be able to give me an answer on when ill have a room block coordinator. But our weddings are the same'm a lil confused on that one.

(Ps I asked about sharing ceremony flowers and they won't let you do that. They move the ceremony flowers to the reception)
Thanks. I know you're right. I think I have to reallign my thinking about my dad and just accept that he's clueless. I talked to my sister yesterday and she was with him right before I called. She said he was in a fine mood. And he asked AGAIN if he was walking me down the aisle??? :crazy2: We're not super close but I mean, I've told him numerous times, yes, dad, you're walking me down the aisle. Oy!!!
That was so nice of you to ask about the flowers! Yeah, I can see them not wanting BEO items to cross in case there's a mix-up.
I was originally told that I wouldn't get my room block coordinator until August (the 6th month mark). But then shortly after, I got one. I was asking my wedding planner (well, more her assistant, Jessica) a LOT of questions about the block. I knew I already had to make changes to it. So, I'm not sure if they just gave me the room block person early because of that?? You could ask your planner.
I got my room block coordinator around the 7 month mark, I'm not really sure how that works either.

Museofire, I love the pens in your profile you know where they came from? I collect Mickey/Minnie head shaped pens and would love to have a set of the bride and groom.
Thanks, ladies! I'll never make it to a bridal showcase, wonder if I can buy a pair. Maybe I'll email my planner and see if they have any extra I can purchase.
Just joining in on your PJ and I am really enjoying reading it. You have some great ideas and love your logos! I hope since you last posted about the drama with your dad that things have gotten a lot better.

Congrats on your wedding being around the corner!! :cheer2:
Aww, thank you so much!
I've been terrible at updating this since the summer for a few reasons. First, I post regularly in the Disbrides page on Facebook so that's sort of become my soundboard for thing. Second, after my planning session in August, school started (I'm a teacher) and I haven't had time.
Yes, drama with dad did calm down, however new drama with sister took its place. LOL
Once I have a spare moment, I really should update this in case it helps anyone else. A LOT has happened since my last post. Too much to type right now unfortunately. Hopefully soon!
I guess I need to check that page out on Facebook...glad to hear that drama did calm down, but sad that it shifted to someone else. Lol

Great! I'm planning a 2014 wedding there so any updates from recent or soon to be recent DIS brides is greatly appreciated.


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