As the virus drags on, are you relaxing your own standards?

I think the one lingering negative from all of this is going to be the paranoia. 99.9% of the people you pass do not have CV. Except for parts of large, dense cities, it been that way from the start. But now that we are conditioned to assume that everyone is going to pass on CV, it's going to be a while before true civility returns, and by that I mean not crossing the street every time you encounter a stranger, the mask-shaming, all of that. It can't come soon enough IMHO.
We were told to act like everyone had it. It’s hard to get out of that mindset. I live in a large, densely populated city. Our county has 2.2 million people and 6,845 cases as of this morning. I clicked on my zip code today and we have/had…85 cases. The more I learn to look at the numbers in a pragmatic way the less scary it feels.

As I’ve said in other threads what has changed for me is that I’m no longer terrified of it. I have a healthy respect for it and I certainly don’t want it but I no longer let “what if” rule my day and keep me up at night. I’m still leery about going out and about because as mentioned above we’ve been trained everyone has it but I’m ready to start working my way out into the world again.
We are still staying at home as much as we can. We increased our bubble to include one friend who’s alone and social distancing too. We have not dined out yet but do take out. Dh is scared to get sick as he doesn’t handle sickness well and gets insomnia and doesn’t sleep when he’s ill. We’re not going on vacation this summer as we don’t want to fly anywhere and road trips are tough with kids, plus add that eating out fear and using public restrooms fear, it’s just easier to stay home.
Except for whipping over to Meijer's garden center (outside w/h mask) twice over Memorial weekend and pointing to DH all the flowers I wanted and leaving in my car as he went and paid.......I do nothing but my weekly infusions and now thanks to the nice weather getting a beautiful tan as I just sit outside most of the time instead of inside. :sunny:

BUT.....this weekend we're shaking things up when my middle DS and wife come from near Detroit to visit us this Saturday out in our yard. We will allow them obviously to go in our home to use the bathroom. That's a first, too.

THEN.....two weekends later my oldest DS and my two grand babies (3 and one in a half) will be visiting for the day! :woohoo:
For reference we have 101 active cases currently in my county of 470,000. Our county has had a bit of a spike the last few days. We have been very strict since mid March. This week we let our daughter ride bikes with two friends who have also been strict with quarantine. We got take out this week. Today we went to our neighborhood pool first thing in morning and one other family was there. Still doing grocery pick up and haven’t been in any stores.

I do hate how jumpy I am around people. Im mentally mapping out at least 6 feet when I see someone outside. Like today at the pool a kid drifted closer to my kid, and I’m herding my child away like the other kid has the plague. It is hard to get out of the mindset to treat everyone like they are infectious as we have been told to do by the health department. I always have a bit of health anxiety/ germ phobia anyway...this has certainly not helped.
Maybe just a little bit. Retired, so my only trips out have been a weekly grocery trip. Our small township had a large pocket of cases at a nursing home but also among the staff (about 76 cases/30 deaths). I was never wiping down all my groceries or worried about the mail/packages. My daily boot camp class is restarting Friday, I will not be there until I see how things go since our county is opening up more. Hair stylist called me yesterday to schedule, I declined. I have hit pony tail stage and am growing out my bangs. Will still be wearing a mask; I think most stores are still requiring it. Those that don't I will stop using.

My sister (lung cancer survivor) had me over for dinner last week. We sat at 2 different tables outside. Meals on wheels is starting back to daily deliveries but most folks still have tables outside to leave the food on, or just inside the front door so we are not in close contact. One woman told me today it is nice to see someone every day (even though I had a mask on). I will not be dining in at any restaurants or going to movies anytime soon. I declined to work the primary election yesterday. Fourteen hours in a poorly ventilated area with masks requested of voters but not required is not at all appealing to me.

It would be nice to go somewhere in driving distance, as we had to cancel our large family reunion. I emailed the guy who runs a B&B we went to last summer in the Finger Lakes region, he is not able to open yet and the wineries are not doing tastings, so I just looked up one of my favorites and ordered 12 bottles of wine.
Relaxing my standards now would be like stopping taking antibiotics because I feel better and not finishing all the antibiotics I was prescribed.
I'm not trying to be argumentative, but I am curious. Without knowing what your standards are, what will it take for you to feel comfortable relaxing some of them? A vaccine? Less cases? Zero cases? The health director saying it's ok? No judgment at all.
I'm ready to get back to normal (or something like it). After listening to Doctor Radio the other day (Sirius XM) and hearing one doctor talk about the virus, I'm more comfortable with things opening up. This Friday restaurants open for outdoor dining only (spaced apart of course). We will be dining at our local favorite place

I do wear a mask when I shop, and I always put on hand sanitizer when I get back into the car. I wash my hands before I eat, after I put away groceries, etc. I'm confident we are being safe.

Our state just gave the green light on schools resuming 7/1. Colleges will go back in August with large classes being virtual; small classes will meet in person. I believe masks are required. I'm excited for the kids to go back to school next year.
I've been to dentist, going to eye doctor tomorrow. Restaurants allowing outdoor seating now so we will do that this weekend.

Having friends/family over as now allowed gatherings of less than 10.

Wear masks when required.
We went to the playground today for the first time in 2.5 months. You would have thought we were at Disney! However, DS7 knows that Legoland is open now. If the weather holds, we may head over there on Saturday or Sunday.

We've been really strict but its time. Keep distant, handwashing and a mask but its time to emerge.
I'm starting to go out shopping now that stores are opening (dh has been doing all the shopping so far). I went to my stylist the second day the salon opened 😂

I'm so sick of being cooped up. Idk if I'm ready for anywhere too crowded, like a movie theater, and while I've ordered take out I haven't eaten in a restaurant yet.

We canceled our summer vacation to the Seattle area but are considering vacationing for a couple days at the beach or the mountains.
Today my parents busted out of their continuing care retirement community! They have been restricted to campus for 2.5 months, so they were able to go for walks outside. But if you exited the gate and then returned the requirement was (is) a seven day quarantine in your apartment. My dad would occasionally drive their car around campus just so the battery wouldn't die. They went to stay with my brother for two weeks and are just hoping that they timed it right so that when they return the restriction will have been lifted. If not, it's in the apartment for a week. But they feel it will have been worth it to be back out in the world! They are beyond thrilled to be out! Drunk on their newfound freedom, I told them not to get into too much trouble. Their facility hasn't had a single case, which is kind of miraculous given the population. Looks like their particular lock down rules worked!
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I think the one lingering negative from all of this is going to be the paranoia. 99.9% of the people you pass do not have CV. Except for parts of large, dense cities, it been that way from the start. But now that we are conditioned to assume that everyone is going to pass on CV, it's going to be a while before true civility returns, and by that I mean not crossing the street every time you encounter a stranger, the mask-shaming, all of that. It can't come soon enough IMHO.
and this is why I'm so unsure (read: anxious) about how exactly we're all supposed to 'relax'... Since the numbers tell us that most people are asymptomatic carriers,and thus mostly untested, how do we know when/if we aren't a huge danger to someones life who comes near us or in contact? (visits with Gramma,kids,etc) I have NO way of knowing at this moment what the real deal is regarding safety- the only thing I do know at this point is masks in store, only separate outside visits to lessen the chances of spread is all I've got still.
So I guess I'm not relaxed. All along my biggest worry has been that I accidentally kill a loved one. I can't live with that thought. Or if they don't die, they have to deal with the awful awful effects of having Covid 19....they survive, but it's traumatic. I wish I had clearer answers.
I haven't changed what I'm doing so much as I just feel more comfortable being outside now, and walk a little further from home when I do go out for walks. Prior, I had just been looping around a few blocks in my neighborhood, now I go over to the park on Sunday mornings (not very many there or on the route) to the river and the Manhattan skyline. I am not as concerned when someone is near me for a moment, but I still try to avoid directly passing people on the sidewalk. I go to the store twice a week, once to restock perishables and pantry items and the other to get "heavy" stuff like milk, cold brew, beer, etc.

My parents finally asked if I want to come to their house for awhile this summer. I do, but I live with a roommate who is a bit more cautious than I am (though she does leave to get her own groceries, is okay with delivery, etc.). My parents are being careful but my dad is working again (in his own office and social distancing) and my mom has been going for masked walks with friends who see their kids/whoever else, so I'm a little nervous to bring it up to her. Hopefully it will be a workable thing in a month or so.
So I guess I'm not relaxed. All along my biggest worry has been that I accidentally kill a loved one. I can't live with that thought. Or if they don't die, they have to deal with the awful awful effects of having Covid 19....they survive, but it's traumatic. I wish I had clearer answers.

This is why we haven't "relaxed" our standards as well. I don't want to accidentally kill a loved one - or anyone. I couldn't live with that.

We have followed our state's guidelines absolutely, which means not going out, always social distancing, etc. My children haven't seen another child since March 13th; I haven't been inside a business since about that time either. My DH is the person who is designated to go out, because his business is still operating so he goes to work each day (and wears a mask all day). But we do curbside pickup at the grocery store and Target 95% of the time, because it's safer.

I am guessing we will continue this way until the end of the summer, at least. I don't like it, but as a scientist and citizen I think it's the responsible thing to do.
I do hate how jumpy I am around people. Im mentally mapping out at least 6 feet when I see someone outside. Like today at the pool a kid drifted closer to my kid, and I’m herding my child away like the other kid has the plague. It is hard to get out of the mindset to treat everyone like they are infectious as we have been told to do by the health department. I always have a bit of health anxiety/ germ phobia anyway...this has certainly not helped.

This is how I never wanted to get. I never wanted to get to the point of being afraid of human interaction. I didn’t want to make that normal for my household.

People have started returning to work (I’ve been here the entire time) and some are very jumpy and treating everyone like they have the plague. One girl was on the elevator with me and was trying to hit buttons to open doors with her feet. There are signs everywhere to use your elbow but she was in panic mode. :(
I’m trying to figure out where I stand on this next phase of reopening. The original reasons why we shut down was to flatten the curve, reduce strain on hospitals etc and we seem to have achieved that for the most part so I should relax but now I feel even more cautious for some reason. My teens have been great about distancing in small groups but the more things are getting relaxed the more kids are getting together and the groups are getting larger. They have been my biggest challenge in finding a balance in all this. I guess I’m just feeling more pressure to relax things but not feeling that it’s safe to do so. At this point I’m doing more but with more sanitizer, hand washing and masks than when this started.


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