Are there any changes coming that you're in favor of?

This is a great perk for Deluxe visitors esp for night owls. Most guests understand that if you pay more, you should get more. That's baked into our social fabric. The unhappiness of veteran guests like me, is not that Deluxe is getting more perks in the parks than Value or Mod resort guests, its that the baseline of basic perks for all resort guests was gutted before plussing Deluxe. If WDW management had announced that the basic perk of extra magic hours was coming back for all onsite guests in recognition of their support and loyalty during the pandemic, but that Deluxe guests would get an extra late night hour over and above everyone else, then we wouldn't see the outcry.

However, I do understand this would be problematic at least in the next few months as WDW struggles with a staffing shortage to operate extra park hours for guests. The Oprah "you get a prize and you get a prize . . ." extra magic hours plus plus might be a logistical nightmare. But this argument may only stretch so far as we hope the college program will help fill the labour shortage gap. Like always, WDW guests talk with their credit card. If noodles of all things were a flashpoint, paying less for more in Value and Mod resorts should raise a red flag. Off site hotels and Universal should do very well capturing the $ of unhappy guests who either can't or simply won't pay Deluxe prices. Time will tell.

This is a dead horse topic I have no interest in beating any further at this point. I am a veteran guest and out of state AP that would stay Deluxe regardless because I like the resorts and the locations. If other people are mad then they can do what they want. :confused3
Evening EMH for deluxe is not an added perk. It is a reinstated perk which is not being reinstated for Value/Mod. We are DVC so we get the perk, but this is still a dumb move. Yes, deluxe "pays" more so it make sense deluxe "gets" more, which they do in the form of higher level accommodations and resort amenities.

What people are missing is EVERYONE staying in Disney accommodations is paying a premium over what they would pay for off-site accommodations. So when you take away perks, like Magical Express and now Evening EMH, you will drive many of those guests off site. If you think the majority of Value/Mod guests can afford to upgrade to deluxe, you really have a poor understanding of consumer behavior.
It’s not necessarily about staying in the park longer, but later. It offers more flexibility. I know because of this benefit we will be sleeping in more and maybe enjoying a leisurely breakfast at the resort vs. rushing to rope drop every park day.
Plus we’re from Oregon, so sleeping in and staging up works perfectly with our jet lag anyway.
Plus we’re from Oregon, so sleeping in and staging up works perfectly with our jet lag anyway.

I lived in AZ for a couple of years, before I started going to Disney again, and just coming back to NYC for holidays was rough.I don’t know how you west coasters do it!
I lived in AZ for a couple of years, before I started going to Disney again, and just coming back to NYC for holidays was rough.I don’t know how you west coasters do it!
We stopped trying to do rope drop years ago. I’d much rather enjoy life and not be miserable (and have miserable kids) by getting some sleep. That being said, my toddler can close out the park!
I lived in AZ for a couple of years, before I started going to Disney again, and just coming back to NYC for holidays was rough.I don’t know how you west coasters do it!
I think we are so pumped for our Walt Disney World visit we are ready to GO! It is when we get home that it all catches up to us. I usually crash 2-3 days after getting home.
That Disney adrenaline is real. Once I took a 5 am flight in from JFK and did the Xmas party the same night!
Once I did a 6am-12 am Disneyland day, with no nap, and was shopping on Main Street after the park closed. I was looking for a hoodie and kept saying “this isn’t soft enough, this isn’t soft enough” until I finally turned to my friend with realization “a bed, I’m trying to buy a bed. My brain wants me to sleep” 😂
I am happy for Space 220!! I really hope Disney continues to add "unique experience dining" options to the parks. Although these places usually end up being a "go there for the atmosphere and not for the food" type of restaurant, I still enjoy going to them. I don't go to Disney to be amazed by a steak dinner. I go to be amazed for the magical atmosphere of it all. I would rather have average food with a really cool dining experience, than have really great food in an average facility while I'm on Disney property.


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