Apart from houses , what is on your street?

Nothing. Residential area, zoning laws don't allow anything but houses.
Having said that we do have a a Residential Care Facility where 4 disabled adults live with 24 hour care. But it is just a house, no special building.
just houses on my street (10 of them).....but then across from the street you turn on is a walking area and lake.
I live on a busy road so there are lots of things. From my house, I can see an adult use marijuana store. There are actually three within 1.5 miles of house
No houses on my street. I live in Sunnyvale trailer park, LOL. Ok, it's mostly older retired folk. It's nice which is why I chose the higher rent vs. the cheaper trashed neighborhoods.

And that's all we have.
A school, school yard and playing fields takes up the entire other side of my block. There's a church across the corner and everything else is residential.
Our road is about 2 miles long. There area 10 houses, a tractor shed, a barn, and a chicken house that has several thousand chickens in it, cows and donkeys. We love where we live.
Only houses on my street, and only about ten as it is one block, t-boned at both ends. I like that as it keeps through traffic to a minimum. Just around the corner however, on my same block, is a small commercial building. It's some kind of concrete company, not a storfront. It's been there forecer, and it's possible that the neighborhood sprung up around it. When I was little it was very, very old, and did have like a small store selling snacks in it as well. The facade has been redone though, so it's jsut a corugated steel industrial style building. It's kinda strange where it is, but like I said, it's been there forever!
Funeral home. Used to be a little bar and a pharmacy at the end of the street, but both are closed now.


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