Anyone ever "traded" birthdays?

I'm not sure if this will un-confuse you any...but here goes :)

I LOVE birthdays. I always celebrate them for at least a week. For my DDs I mean ;) They have a birthday dinner with DH's family (15 people), a birthday dinner with my family (26 or so people) plus they each have a party with their friends, which is the Saturday closest to the actual day. Plus I take cupcakes to school on the actual day (if it's a school day - otherwise I do it on the nearest school day) and on the Sunday of their birthday week, they get to pick where we eat dinner (Within reason - no Mickey D's for Sunday Dinner! :p) We couldn't do all that in one day, even if we tried!

So this year we will be in WDW :Pinkbounc of course we will celebrate their birthdays the whole week! We are doing both princess breakfasts, the ice cream social at the Garden Grille, MNSSHP, plus maybe the 1900 PF Cinderella dinner. Surely no one thinks we should do all that in one day! Younger dd's actual birthday is on Thursday of our trip. She is a huge Cinderella fan. She ONLY wants Cinderella. She doesn't even care if she has a party with her friends after we get back or a cake or anything. She just wants to eat with Cinderella. If I can't get the PS for CRT on her *actual* brithday, I don't think it's dishonest at all to still say we are celebrating her birthday there. After all, it will be the truth! That is what she's getting instead of a party at Chuck E Cheese's! As for older dd, her birthday is actually before we leave, but we decided it wasn't fair for one to get a birthday princess breakfast and the other not, so we will celebrate her birthday at the Norway breakfast. Her favs are Belle, Snow White, and Aurora, so she is thrilled with the idea. I don't think it's dishonest - we aren't getting anything free. We're paying Big Bucks for it, in fact. And it is her birthday present from us. I don't think it not being on the actual day is a problem for either of them as they are used to having multiple celebrations over several days anyway.

BTW, we are doing the Ice cream social with my sister's family. Her two kids have birthdays in October also, plus it's her 9th anniversary. So we will all get re-hitched, plus celebrating the 4 kids' birthdays there :jester: Woohoo!! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

Laurie :)
I think "celebrating" your birthday or anniversary on another day is different than wearing the button that says, "today is my birthday".

Yesterday we had a friend's bowling party for my 9 year old son who turned 9 in April (I couldn't get the bowling party booked any sooner by the time I called). He had a great time, of course, but he kept making a joke about it not really being his real birthday. I don't think he would have felt right about wearing a button that said that TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY.

Just wanted to add my thoughts (again :rolleyes: )
I think I agree about the buttons. I was hoping they would be something the girls could wear all week, but I'm not sure I'd feel right about the "today" thing either. However, I've already ordered them both GOH badges so they can just wear those instead! :) Hmmm...DH's mom has a button maker - maybe I'll make my own "I'm celebrating my birthday this week" buttons :)

Laurie :)
My DS birthday was 2 weeks after our trip, but the trip was his B-DAY present. I made him a button on the computer that had his name in the middle and "This is my Birthday Trip" around the outside. That way he did not wear the "Today is my Birthday" pin and when CM ask about his B-Day he told them the date and said the trip was his best gift. He wore the button on his hat every day of the trip.
Here's my thoughts on this.... as long as they are not cheating Disney out of anything (ie: free gifts, free food, etc) and it's only to gain a little recognition and make the day special in the way of recognizing the child, saying happy birthday, etc- how is that ANY different than having children's parties on days that are not their actual birthdays?

How many of you have ONLY had your children's birthday parties on their actual birthday? I don't know about you- but our children and almost every party for other children we have been to- are celebrated on a weekend day (Saturday usually-but sometimes sunday) when the child's birthday is NOT that actual day. Is that sending the child the wrong message? Should they tell everyone- today is not my birthday so we can't celebrate it today??? Refuse to acknowledge "happy birthdays" and the celebration of the party because it's not the ACTUAL birthday?

So far with 3 children and 16 birthday parties- only ONE of those has actually been celebrated on the actual birthday- only because it fell on a Saturday anyway. It's always the Saturday before or after or something further off than that (once my oldest had chicken pox- had to wait awhile for her party). To me it's no different to celebrate it on a different date at WDW as it is to celebrate it at a different date at Chuck E Cheese, skating rink, McDonalds, the park, etc.

The day we celebrate our children's birthdays is the day we celebrate it- regardless of if it's the actual birthday or not. So I really don't see a huge difference in celebrating it on vacation to WDW as long as it's not trying to gleam something free or be sneaky about it/etc. If I did that- I'd just have my child say we're celebrating my birthday today or this is my birthday trip/etc. But then they are used to celebrating their birthday NOT on the actual day. I've never had a problem with them saying "today is not my actual birthday" on the day of the party. That's when we are celebrating it and that's all that counts to them. :)


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