Anyone Else Not Happy With The Big Brother Vote? (Spoiler)`

I wasn't too thrilled either but I'm not going to miss Toyna either.
I really dont care for either!
And what was that lace up corset outfit on her?
I wish it would have been Josh, but I will definatley NOT miss Tonya! She was so fake...literally! :rolleyes:
I couldn't believe it! This thing is going to come down to men against the women..and I have a problem with that!

Josh is NO good..and should have left! Amy should have left last week..instead of of Lori!

Roddy getting HOH is the best thing that could have happened..except it is only going to strengten the alliance.

My gut Jerri and Danielle are next...Possibly Marcelles again..but It won't be one of the beautiful people!
Dan Murphy! I don't believe you for a second. ;) Have you ever even seen Big Brother? :smooth:
Dan, you watch Big Brother??? NO WAY!!!

I was really disappointed too. So was my husband. I believe his exact words were, "They voted out the boobs!"

I really can't stand Josh.

Also, I LOVED what Will said in his interview tonight. "I think the winner should be someone tall, dark, hansome...oh wait, THAT'S ME!" He's still the same ol' Will :) Gotta love him.
I was surprised, but I'm not sorry to see Tonya go. Let's hope this was a wake up call for Josh and that he'll at least keep his big mouth shut for the rest of the time that he's in the house.

I think Gerry is in big trouble. Almost all of the other house guests are sick of him. But I don't think Roddy will ever put up Josh. I could see him putting up Amy again since Chiara is so jealous of her. I think Gerry is the most obvious to go next week, but then I was pretty sure Josh would go this week. :rolleyes:
LOL, Dan. You are a bonehead also. We know you would never watch this show. It is so not-Dan-like.:rolleyes: :p
Gerri and Danielle are my votes..

and I love WILL!!!!!! He crackes me up..and he is sooo just want to tame him.....!!

Sheryl sure looked different with out the hair huh...amazing!

Yep...the men in my house were sad to see the boobs go!!

DID any body else catch Tonya's boyfriend comment...about her being a SAHM...exactly how do you do that and be single too????

umm..maybe i should get divorced! lol(JK husband)
Well I have a feeling who ever is in the hot seat next week it won't be Roddy's decision, I'm sure that Josh will tell him who to nominate, just like he did when Lisa was HOH. Wish he was the one to go ,but not to upset with Tonya going. What was with Tonya and yelling at Amy tonight?
Hey, guys, what do you take me for?? This is my kind of show.......reality!!!!!!! Love these shows, BB is one of the best. Can't wait for the fall schedule to come out.
No way! I can't believe this. If Marie says it is true THEN I'll believe it...
Josh is a creep, but who would you like to be put up against?? Someone decent like Jason, or Josh?

I think they are taking Josh for a ride to get rid of him in the end. And he doesn't have the delightfully evilness that Will had. He was good at it. Josh is just a jerk.
Right Dan, you watch Big Brother and I have wings and can fly!
Did you see how STUNNED Josh was when he got to stay? :mad: Tanya... what an idiot! She signed her eviction notice when she started that fight. She was a little too secure with herself, I guess.

I admit that little segment by Josh's girlfriend made me think maybe he's not so bad after all, and it's all just a show. But I still think he needs to go! Do you ever wonder if the producers get the people to vote a certain way? If Josh were gone, there goes half of the entertainment factor.

I am wishing I saw BB2 now. I saw the first few and thought Will was such a hottie! I didn't even know he won until BB3 started and they were talking about it. I didn't see any of his evilness. :(

Katie... she probably had a rich husband (or parents?). Maybe he paid for the boobs. Now why didn't he get her some dental work too?


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