Anyone else feel a "difference" between DL and WDW?

Anyway, a couple of the things we noticed that were different between DL and WDW were that the CM's at DL were all FROM California it seemed. All the name tags were local. Whereas in FL all the CM's are from all over the world. We just noticed this on their name badges.

With SoCal having 20 million people to draw from, they do not need to reach as far as WDW does to hire staff.

I will say I'm ready to give WDW a second chance. (Not my partner, he still flat-out hates WDW after last year's visit.) But the next time I'll know better what to expect. When people say MK isn't Disneyland, they really mean it. In the past year I've tried a lot to wrap my head around how WDW vets derive magic from the place. I don't want to suggest it's a lower level of magic (although that has been my knee-jerk reaction.) I don't have my own answer about it yet. Hence wanting to go back and try again.

After 5 trips to WDW Epcot is growing on me. I have had two trips in May, and one each in Feb, March and June. I like going in May the best.

DHS is easily my second favorite park there. Epcot is gaining favor. Traveling with kids (my youngest just started college last week) changes things for sure.

Things I really do differently at WDW in kind of a stream of consciousness...

- On Father's Day we watched Finding Nemo outside under the stars at the Fort Wilderness campground. They also do this at Beach Club Villas.

- Music and street entertainment - I take way more time to listen to all of this at WDW. Off Kilter and (to some extent) British Invasion at Epcot - Mulch, Sweat & Shears at DHS - are things I usually do. Acrobats and street shows at Epcot World Showcase. Streetmosphere at DHS.

- Dining - at both the parks and hotels. Sci-Fi Dine-in, Beaches & Cream, and most any of the places in World Showcase. The dining at WDW is more fun than at DLR - although DLR is catching up. :)

- Storytellers - around the fire at the AKL

- Dinner shows - Hoop-Dee-Doo Review

- Time away from the parks to regain energy - around hotel pool, water parks and DisneyQuest (lots of fun!)

Not sure when you went to WDW but I seem to remember from a PP it was July? I have been to Florida a lot on business and THAT would be miserable to be at WDW in July. Go a different time of year next time. I actually found myself preferring WDW in March as the weather was so much better than DLR's typically is in Spring.

My family of 4 are So Cal locals and grew up @ DL !! It will ALWAYS be our easily
"GO TO" place for a Disney fix BUT we also fell in love with WDW on our 1st time visit back in the early Fall of 2005!!! We feel like there was SO MANY CHOICES of things to do within the Disney bubble compare to just the 2 DLR parks here at home that after our 2nd time in 2007 we bought into DVC @ The Beach Club to be close to Epcot and Hollywood Studios!!!! Our plan was to go for 2 weeks time EVERY OTHER year but that changed when The Villas @ Grand Californian opened up! We also bought DVC here as well and make our AP's work with our VGC time such as 5 weekend stays for this year!! Both DL & WDW are awesome and unique in their own ways that keep our family going back for more EVERYTIME!! No choosing sides for us just LOVE for both places!!!
I grew up on the East Coast and every single family vacation was to WDW, starting in 1976. Since I got married and moved to L.A., we still go to WDW but not as often.

I first stepped foot in DL the year we moved to L.A., 1995. I had been raised on the idea that "Walt and Roy made this little park in Anaheim, and it didn't work out so well, so they built WDW." Well, when I first walked into Disneyland I thought "I'VE BEEN LIED TO! This place is amazing!"

Having said that, I can't pick a favorite. There are pros and cons for each location and I could make a list, but for me, this sums it up:

When I'm in WDW, I feel like I'm on a grand adventure, I've been transported to another dimension, and I have no idea what's around the next corner, and I can't wait to find out.

When I'm in DL, I feel like it's Christmas morning, I've run downstairs, and my stocking is crammed full and stuff is just falling out of it and everything looks so awesome that I can't decide what to play with first.
Just got back from a quirky Disney trip to DL, all courtesy of my mom....or the kids DGM. (thanks mom). I seem to feel a great difference between the two areas (DL vs WDW) and I was wondering if anyone else "feels" the same way. I am not talking about the size, or rides...but that "Disney magic" feeling you get when you're at the parks. I keep comparing it to like if your hungry and go out to eat for say...steak. DL is sort of like going to "sizzler" but going to WDW is more like going to a four star restaurant and getting a nice aged cut of prime rib, or NY doesn't matter. Either way I get my fill, but the EXPERIENCE and satisfaction is different. Hey, I'm not knocking either place, but I can't help this "feeling". Anyone else? And if so, HOW?

Actually, you are knocking it. "Disneyland is Sizzler and WDW is a 4 star restaurant." When I think about it, you aren't knocking Disneyland you are body slamming it.

My feeling is that Disneyland is "magical" but that's because size and grandiosity aren't the be all and end all for me. I love that Walt himself walked those streets and put his heart and soul into that particular park. To me Disneyland has a soul and while WDW is grandiose, it doesn't have that same soul.
Just got back from a quirky Disney trip to DL, all courtesy of my mom....or the kids DGM. (thanks mom). I seem to feel a great difference between the two areas (DL vs WDW) and I was wondering if anyone else "feels" the same way. I am not talking about the size, or rides...but that "Disney magic" feeling you get when you're at the parks. I keep comparing it to like if your hungry and go out to eat for say...steak. DL is sort of like going to "sizzler" but going to WDW is more like going to a four star restaurant and getting a nice aged cut of prime rib, or NY doesn't matter. Either way I get my fill, but the EXPERIENCE and satisfaction is different. Hey, I'm not knocking either place, but I can't help this "feeling". Anyone else? And if so, HOW?

Umm, no. In fact, I like the feeling at DL much better than WDW.
DH and I actually liked Epcot the best. Although we were disappointed it closes so early! And as someone who has only seen the big ball on tv for years, I could not get enough of it. I took a zillion pictures of it and I still love it.
And we loved staying at POFQ. It was so green everywhere! Who knew grass was supposed to be green, not brown? :confused3 That's what struck me the most about Florida- was the greenness. Even the parks had huge lawns!

Someone mentioned being told that Disneyland didn't work out so well so they built WDW. That was kind of the theme of the Keys to the Kingdom tour we took. And the tour guide also suggested that they were better off trading the Mr. Toad ride for Winnie the Pooh. I felt sad for them, but glad DL still has it.

Overall, I can't wait to go back to DLR this summer. I missed it this year even though we did have a blast at WDW.
As for the steakhouse comparison, mine is different than those already stated. To me, WDW is the buffet, it's a lot of fun and has tons of choices - but not much that is reaaaallllly great. DLR is the prime steakhouse that has a much more limited menu, but the atmosphere is divine and almost every main course is scrumptious.

This is exactly how I feel! I love WDW and how there is always something new. But I know I'll never get to experience it all. At DLR, I feel wrapped up in magic every moment that I'm there. There is just a charm and spirit to DLR (the light on in the firehouse, the Main Street windows), that is lacking in Florida. For some reason Disneyland seems like more of an "authentic" experience to me, while WDW seems kind of manufactured. I will keep traveling to both, but if I had to pick one exclusively, it would be DLR.
Someone mentioned being told that Disneyland didn't work out so well so they built WDW. That was kind of the theme of the Keys to the Kingdom tour we took. And the tour guide also suggested that they were better off trading the Mr. Toad ride for Winnie the Pooh. I felt sad for them, but glad DL still has it.

If that really is this case--CMs on their own (or even worse, from a script) criticizing DL and classic day-one attractions (albeit MK's version) in order to praise WDW in WDW's premier tour--that would be utterly pathetic. It would also say a lot about how Team Disney Orlando thinks about the Anaheim parks.
If that really is this case--CMs on their own (or even worse, from a script) criticizing DL and classic day-one attractions (albeit MK's version) in order to praise WDW in WDW's premier tour--that would be utterly pathetic. It would also say a lot about how Team Disney Orlando thinks about the Anaheim parks.

Hey Mike - do you have a link to your TR? I'd love to read it but search doesn't go back far enough to bring it up. Thanks if you do!

On this though - how TDO feels about DL. My own opinion is that it is not a reflection of how they feel about Anaheim. It's actually how they feel about their own parks. Regardless of size, WDW is the little brother and there's really no way around it. It's like 2 kids and little brother is a great guy and may be stronger and smarter but big brother has tons of personality and everyone just adores him. The parents love both kids equally of course but there's always a specialness to being the first born that can't be changed no matter how hard little brother tries. Little brother just needs to relax because people will love him for his own merits without it being a competition.
On this though - how TDO feels about DL. My own opinion is that it is not a reflection of how they feel about Anaheim. It's actually how they feel about their own parks. Regardless of size, WDW is the little brother and there's really no way around it. It's like 2 kids and little brother is a great guy and may be stronger and smarter but big brother has tons of personality and everyone just adores him. The parents love both kids equally of course but there's always a specialness to being the first born that can't be changed no matter how hard little brother tries. Little brother just needs to relax because people will love him for his own merits without it being a competition.

:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

I love all the analogies everyone is using to describe the differences between WDW and DL!!! As for myself, I grew up with WDW and worked there for a long time. My first trip to DL wasn't until I was in my mid-20's. Maybe it was because I was so used to WDW, but I immediately fell in love with Disneyland! Many friends and co-workers thought it was odd. "Why would you fly across the country to a park that's much smaller than the one you live 20 minutes from?" I felt bad for them because they clearly didn't know how wonderful DL is! :rotfl2: I converted my family to DL lovers and we've made several trips out there. Someone on this thread mentioned all the little magical touches that makes DL so great; things you can't find at WDW. Here are some of my faves:

1) The Evil Queen peering through the curtain in Fantasyland
2) The sounds you hear in some of the 2nd floor windows on Main Street, USA, like the dentist drilling (MK has this too, but its not the same)
3) Sleeping Beauty Castle Walk-Thru, Storybook Canal Boats and Casey Jr. Circus Train (it would be impossible to replicate these things at WDW for capacity reasons IMHO)
4) ALL of NOS!

For work reasons, the closest park to me now is HKDL. Though it's based directly on the original park, it's just a different feeling. I've now been to each Disney park around the world (I always wanted to accomplish that goal and finally did last year) and after doing so, DL is still my favorite (even after visiting TDR, which is pretty amazing!)

I'm planning on going back to WDW as an adult in the next few years, but Disneyland is my Disney place. Disneyland is Walt's park and that's special to me.
Whoever said "Disneyland didn't work out so good" is a fool. Disneyland was a success right off the bat. I feel for sure that there are some things Walt would have done differently if more money was there at the beginning, but that's just reality.

Walt was always looking to expand and improve, as evidenced by his entire career. WDW was an expansion of a great, successful idea, not a "re-do". Whoever implies that is ill-informed.

If you want a great read on Walt Disney and his company during his lifetime, read "The Animated Man" by Michael Barrier, which I just finished last week.
Let me say this, too. In just browsing about WDW, I get stressed out. There's TOO MUCH to plan for, consider.

When I planned my first trip to Anaheim, I was nothing but excited and it was easy.
Haven't read the responses yet. But my thoughts...

I find Disneyland to be more magical. I grew up going to Disney World and didn't go to Disneyland until I was an adult. So you'd think that WDW would be the more "magical" one to me. But it's not.

It's bigger, yes. And I love it. But it doesn't feel as intimate or magical as Disneyland. It seems more sterile to me.

To me, Disneyland is like a local "mom and pop" type store. And WDW is like Target. I like both but they are definitely different.
Is there a purpose to this type of thread? Why do people post that they like one place better than another and ask if anyone else agrees? For those who prefer WDW, great! There are doubtless valid reasons for that opinion for many. But why poke the hornets' nest with a stick? People will just get stung. I don't discount those feelings but I don't really see the need to air them since it's bound to cause some irritation on this board without providing any real benefit.

I kind of agree. And I feel like these threads always seem to attract random people who NEVER post in the DLR section. People who have been to WDW 4000 times and DLR once.

I dont understand why anyone would get "irritated" over someone asking for opinions on Disney Parks and posting their own experience and opinions on a DISNEY discussion board.

I think we can all reasonably assume the majority of people here love DISNEY - and love BOTH Disney parks and if given a choice between going to either Disney Park or say, Six Flags, we would take the Disney Park.

So whats the problem with asking about and comparing each park? If you take it as an OFFENSE that someone prefers something about one park over something about another park, you have serious issues imho. Geez I LOVE Disney! I have taken my kids to WDW and DL throughout their entire childhood- ONE time I took them to Universal and after that went right back to Disney.
WDW is a more expensive trip so we go there less often but when we do its a trip we all look forward to.
When we cant afford WDW- its long as its Disney my kids are happy and so am I.

Are there differences between the two? Things I like more about one than the other? Sure.


If someone offered me a free trip to WDW or DLR I would choose WDW hands down. That's my preference. Does that mean I DONT like DLR? No. There are many factors that would make me choose WDW...
It was my first Disney experience as a child
Its bigger with much more to do
We travel further (take a plane) and stay longer so it feels more like a "Vacation"
They still have the Electric parade which I grew up on as a kid
They have the Water Parks
Since they have more Disney Resorts and less expensive Disney resorts than DLR , we can actually STAY ON DISNEY PROPERTY and have the full Disney immersion vs having to stay at a Good Neighbor Hotel.

Are there things I prefer about DLR over WDW? Yes.

Benefit of DLR is I spend less $$$
Its closer
The Indiana Jones ride is actually and awesome RIDE - not just a "show"
Cars Land..Hellooooo
Matterhorn- mine and my sons favorite
Pirates ride- and it has the Restaurant inside :)
WALT DISNEY spent time there- his light is over the firehouse-it feels like "His Park"
Haunted Mansion looks cooler (exterior)
Its in California (My home-state,) and it always feels nostalgic coming home

But just because I happen to like WDW a little more doesn't mean I get angry when someone else says they prefer DLR or c think they are "stirring the pot" just because they respectfully share a different opinion than I have. That's so juvenile. If someone has a different opinion or point of view, I have actually LEARNED from it and can appreciate the new point of view- so far it has helped me relax about a worry I had about my upcoming in DLR trip and I'm very glad I got the different objectives and I realized I was being overly paranoid from a few reviews and a couple rare experiences and thanked the members who re-focused me and helped me get excited again about my trip:)

That anyone would be in a tiff over me even ASKING is silly to me. If I didn't LIKE DLR , I wouldn't have gone 5 times and wouldn't be spending my hard earned $$$ paying for 5 people to go in October. I'd go to six flags which is cheaper and right down the street.

Why do people try to force people onto "sides"? You have to be a DLR person or a WDW person and if you say anything good or negative about one park that doesn't jive with Someone's personal opinion, you automatically are an enemy or advocate of one or the other?

This isn't high school and it isn't politics. You shouldn't get categorized as one type or the other just from having a minor preference. You can like and dislike thing about each park and still be a DISNEY parks fan which is- I thought- our UNIVERSAL connection on this board right?

If we cant share and appreciate different experiences and opinions without turning this into an "Us vs Them" forum, we are no better than the YouTube commentators. which is pretty disappointing.

I didn't think that this being a DLR forum meant that it was only for people who preferred DLR and had nothing but glowing things to say or share? I thought it was for people who enjoyed both parks but were maybe getting ready for a trip to DLR (like me) and wanted advice or to share, or for people who wanted to share their experiences there- bad OR good-, ask questions about it, discuss it vs WDW, etc...

Lets keep the Disney Boards friendly and receptive --like DISNEY is supposed to be.

I feel like most people here have been stating their opinions in a very friendly manner and you seem to be one of the few who is getting a bit worked up. :confused3
I don't mind the stores at the end of the rides at WDW. I know they are there to provide guests with the opportunity to spend more money, but they also serve a non-monetary purpose for me. They're a great place to wait out the afternoon rainstorms in WDW! I've gone into a ride when it was clear and then came out and it was pouring rain. At least the shop at the exit gave me something to "do" and I didn't have to get wet exiting the ride and going somewhere to wait out the storm. :rotfl:

YES!!! I have spent a lot of time in the TOT and StarTours gift shops for that very reason.
If that really is this case--CMs on their own (or even worse, from a script) criticizing DL and classic day-one attractions (albeit MK's version) in order to praise WDW in WDW's premier tour--that would be utterly pathetic. It would also say a lot about how Team Disney Orlando thinks about the Anaheim parks.

Just to be clear-she never said "Disneyland didn't work out", I was just responding to a PP who grew up with that feeling. However she did spend a lot time pointing out how DL is small, there are too many hotels crowded around it, there are CMs walking through the wrong areas, etc. All of which are true, but it if I hadn't been to DL before, I'd be thinking wow, WDW sounds way better, no point in going to DLR. She did say quite a bit about Mr. Toad and why it wasn't very good. I wanted to protest, but they didn't pay for a tour to hear my opinion. ;) I do have to say that I did really enjoy the tour and learned a lot about WDW.


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