any special extensions of points?


Jun 15, 2000
We are due to arrive at BWV on 10/19. My wife and kids are afraid and want to cancel. Is DVC offering any kind of special extension under these circumstances. We are within 30 days of the ressie

Bob. nj
Yes. Call MS and ask them what your options are. If you email me, I can give you the details of what they were willing to do for one of my transactions.

A better idea for your wife and children (and you) is to teach them how to deal with life when things are uncertain. This will stand them in good stead for the rest of their lives because, guess what? Life is always uncertain. First-There is no added risk in going to WDW right now. None, zero, zip-probably less than zero -because the risk is actually lower, now that we have been put on notice. If you give in to these irrational fears, you not only play right into the terrorists plans, you set a horrible example for your children. I work with cancer patients every day- they live in fear every day of their lives- and yet they laugh and vacation and live and love and don't let fear paralyze them. People ask me how I can work in such a depressing field. Only someone who did not know the work would see it that way- this work is uplifting and inspiring, educational and engaging...because these people are living life the way it is supposed to be- to its fullest, since they have been put on notice- and they get their priorities straight. And they do it. It is a magnificent thing. And these people have REAL fears and REAL risks- not the ones you face going to WDW...I really suggest you get your family together and reconsider whether you want to live your life or coddle your fears.

None, zero, zip-probably less than zero -because the risk is actually lower, now that we have been put on notice. If you give in to these irrational fears, you not only play right into the terrorists plans, you set a horrible example for your children.

The risk is zero now that we've been "put on notice"? In the last 10 days we've found out that these terrorists have been living among us, blending into our communities while planning their evil and carried out a plan that killed over 6,000 people. While I agree that it's best not to panic, I would not call anyone's fears irrational.
I wrote: "First-There is no ADDED risk in going to WDW right now" (emphasis added for this quote) then the zip, zero, comments, etc....
You quoted my post completely out of context...Since you did, and you think these fears are rational,it seems you miss the point...there is no more risk now than there ever was when they were first planning to go to WDW...there is likely less risk now. What there is now is more awareness of the risk we all have, all the time, not just in WDW...that risk was very small (4 planes hijacked out of thousands-thousands killed out of hundreds of millions x years of no attacks. There was absolutely nothing special about these attacks that kept them from being done 20 or 30 years ago so the risk of them has been with us as long as there have been suicidal maniacs and airplanes and skyscrapers. ) Now that small risk is probably less than it was. If you fear the terrorists will now escalate to nuclear weapons or biological weapons I don't see WDW as any more unsafe than anywhere, maybe even where this family in question lives. The president has asked us to live our lives. Cancelling vacations based on the terrorists actions is not based on a reasonable expectation of harm... It is bad for WDW, it is bad for America, and as I said in my original post it is a terrible example of cowardice to set for the children.
I shall not fear, fear is the mind killer.
Fear is the little death, that brings total obliteration.
I shall face my fear, I will permit it to pass over me and through me
and when it has gone past I will turn my inner eye to see it's path.
Where fear has gone there will be nothing, only I remain

--- Bene Geserit litany (Frank Herbert, Dune)
I am not saying we should be fearful or that it is not safe to go to WDW. I have a trip planned to WDW the beginning of December and still plan to go. What I was trying to say is that after all we have seen the past 10+ days, I would not call anyone's fears irrational. Everyone is concerned about what the future holds as we almost certainly head to war. I would never say to anyone who decides to cancel that they are setting a horrible example for their children or showing cowardness. The original poster said his wife and children are afraid. So he should force them to go anyway to prove a point? He and his wife need to make a decision that they feel is right for their family. I hope they do decide to go. But their decision, either way, should be respected.
DebbieB wrote; "But their decision, either way, should be respected."

Posts like this really get me angry. Fortunately, I can edit out some of the really angry things I had written here, so if the following seems like a rant- remember-this is the edited version...

I cannot disagree more with this line of politically- correct- all -points- of -view- are -equally -valid reasoning. And using the word reasoning really stretches the meaning of that word. Suppose the poster said, "we are really scared. we are going to stockpile food and live in a bunker." Is that rational? Should we respect THAT decision? You don't agree that going is unsafe, yet you "respect" their decision based on their belief that it is unsafe. Either it is or is not unsafe. This is objective reality. Decisions founded on objectively wrong ideas should not be respected, but rejected.

He should not force his family to go. He should reassure them that it is safe. But, hey, don't listen to me. The leaders of our country have asked us to LIVE OUR LIVES-normally! I suggest that he and you take a listen to what the First Lady says we SHOULD be doing for our children now. Comfort them, tell them they are safe. That is good for our children. Cancelling the trip tells them they are not safe. It frightens them. It feeds irrational, unfounded fears. It is wrong. I do not respect the decision. I am ashamed of it...

And, on a lighter note, I actually have something to gain from people cancelling- I am on the waitlist for the BWV around the same date...unfortunately for me, but fortunately for the country - most of the BWV lodgers are not cowards.

(I regret that I have but one WDW vacation to take for my country!)
Paul, do you really feel that you are entitled to presume to call someone a coward because they do not subscribe to your way of living or thinking? For wanting to play it safe with his family's life?

Not everyone is required to live according to your values. And quite frankly to presume to jump all over this person because they want to cancel their trip is not only out of line, it's wrong!!

Tolerance of viewpoints is what makes this country strong!! Intolerance is what caused the tragic occurrences of last week. Give that a little thought before offering a derogatory comment about how a person is living their lives.
We have a trip planned for November and on September 11th I was terrified and told my DH the same. I have never been afraid to fly, but after what happen... for a day in my life I was terrified to fly. My DH being the understanding person that he is said "If we have to we will drive." (This coming from a man who hates to drive anywhere that takes longer than about 6 hours! We live in PA)

After a short time, my fear diminshed and my logic took over. We can't let the terrorists disrupt our lives and win. I have come to the conclusion that when it's your time, it doesn't matter in the big scheme of things where you are or what you are doing. My resolve now is that you NEVER know and everyone should live life to the fullest (which is the way it should always be) and let everyone who matters to you know that you love them and that they matter in your life, because anything could happen today, tomorrow or the next day. You never know. So don't stop living your life, but go on!

We are going and we will fly.
ripleysmom wrote: "Not everyone is required to live according to your values. And quite frankly to presume to jump all over this person because they want to cancel their trip is not only out of line, it's wrong!!

Tolerance of viewpoints is what makes this country strong!! Intolerance is what caused the tragic occurrences of last week. Give that a little thought before offering a derogatory comment about how a person is living their lives."

Oh dear, how wrong can you be?
Nowhere did I say anyone was required to do anything. Nor am I required to check my brain nor hold my tongue when confronted by this sort of nonsense. If you gave a little thought to what you wrote you would realize how wrongheaded and illogical it is. So it's okay "tolerate" their viewpoint, but it's not okay to tolerate mine?

Tolerance is not approving of what everyone else does, it is allowing them the freedom to do it. That is a huge difference between what I said and what happened last week. I did not advocate forcing anyone to do anything. I believe people are free to make the wrong choices. I am free to criticize those choices. I presume to call something cowardly because that is the way I see it. Do you presume to take away my right to call it as I see it? You make the same mistake in logical thinking that is too prevalent -that all points of view are equally valid, no matter how illogical and unfounded. THAT is the kind of tolerance that led to last week. After all, those terrorists decided what was best for them and their families, too. Maybe we should not make derogatory comments about how they chose to live their lives. That's what you're saying. Tolerance is not approval or acceptance of things that are wrong. I gave the reasons I felt it was wrong and I quoted the leaders of our country as evidence. I think they are right and you are wrong. I think letting fear run your life is cowardly. I undertand that you think it is wrong to voice such thoughts. I think silence and acceptance of that which you believe to be wrong in the name of tolerance is not a virtue.

PKS44 said
"So it's okay "tolerate" their viewpoint, but it's not okay to tolerate mine?" and "Do you presume to take away my right to call it as I see it?"

What viewpoint? Where did you you even get the impression that someone was expressing a viewpoint? He asked a question.

I also presume to ask who asked you to call it.

Read the question again Paul. Unless a part of the question is missing (and I don't believe it is) I don't see anything that could possibly be construed as asking your opinion on it. Nope...not anywhere.

Did he ask what you thought of it....nope. He just asked if DVC was offering special allowances.

Did you even try to answer the man's question? Where anywhere in your post is an answer to his question? Not that I can see.

You merely started to tell the man how to live his life and raise his family. And then followed up with a snide comment in a later post about cowards.

PKS44 also said
"If you gave a little thought to what you wrote you would realize how wrongheaded and illogical it is"

Right back at ya babe!! Go reread your posts. Unless you answered his question you were out of line at the get-go.
Please remember that this is the DVC Board. This thread has veered far from a DVC discussion. If anyone wishes to discuss the merits of traveling during this period in time we have a new Board expressly for such discussions.

Please visit the <a href="">Traveling During the Crisis Board. </a>

Thanks, Doc. I will continue this as a new thread on that board. I think I will call it "It started on the DVC board."

let's turn the discussion to DVC. If DVC does give out special extensions at this time what impact does that have on the system? Is this a small problem or a potentially large one as points which are not supposed to exist are extended an unnatural life beyond the original plans of the system. Will this cost DVC money and be passed on to us in increased dues? Or decreased service? The system is designed the way it is for a reason. Obviously they do allow that once in a lifetime banking thing to each person giving a little flexibility- I just wonder if this crisis which has already wreaked havoc on our economy, our stock market and our transportation systems can disrupt a self-contained entity like DVC in ways which are avoidable and unnecessary.

I have strong feelings about this because each little act of fear is having a terrible effect on our country. We all know one vote can count so each of these seemingly little decisions motivated by fear affect all of us. With regard to DVC- here is an analogy...the folks lining up for gas last week did that out of fear, not reason. That was their choice for themselves and their families. But collectively the lines created by the panic stretched out onto the street and disrupted traffic for everyone on those roads behind them. So even those of us who kept our heads suffered.

:smooth: Never in our recent history has Disney Magic been more needed. I suggest we all invite someone to join us at DVC and share the Magic. What better way to bring America back from these uncertain days, we can bring them to the most wonderful place on earth. Whether it's a friend, family member or neighbor down the street, bring them to WDW for a treat. We all know how much even planning a trip months from now helps us fell excited and the anticipation alone is worth the wait. Lets all head to our favorite DVC resort and don't forget a flag for your balcony. :wave: :smooth: :tongue: :earseek:


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