Another lovely day in Oklahoma. . .

Kitty!!! That is terrible. My sympathy for sure, even though you asked for none. My goodness.

I could not imagine going through that, 47 years for us in same house here. Hoping the apartment experience will go smoothly. My best wishes for you and hubby. UGH!!! It will be worth it all when you return to your new home. :hug:s
Hi everyone! :wave:

OK here goes........I wasn't going to even say anything on the DIS. I actually don't even like talking about this in RL but this is my story in a nutshell......

The end of August we found out we had 3 feet of hot water spewing from a burst pipe all over our crawl space on the bottom of our floors. This had been going on for almost a month. Fast forward, the house is sinking as we speak and there's mold everywhere down in the crawl space.

Oct 4, we're moving to an apartment for 5 to 6 months because it's unsafe for me especially (with my lung disease) to be here while they gut 2 thirds of our house. There will be no heat or bathroom that whole time.

It has been a nightmare suddenly up and packing your whole house to a little 2 bedroom apartment but it's something we have to do.

Not looking for sympathy just telling you like it is........thanks.

Eta.......I do love you guys! :love:
Nope, not cool - cold!! :rotfl2: And where are my danged boots? I haven’t hauled out any of the winter stuff yet. :mad:

How long will you be displaced? Hoping the project goes as smoothly as possible. :wave2:

Let's put it this way I got the lease for 6 months as the contractor said up to four months......I've always estimated for more money, or time or whatever!! ;) Hey has your snow melted yet!!!?

Thanks Dan for the well wishes. :goodvibes

I've been fighting this move and packing now for a little over a month but within 48 hours Two Men with a hopefully really big Truck will come and take all our belongings 12 miles away. And Micca, I could pretend it's Florida as the apartment we're going to is 12 miles south of my house. I really think the temps are half to 1 degrees warmer in the winter!! :rotfl:
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10 inches of snow in barely October seems so wrong. Sorry about that, Ronandannette. Hope you're having a couple of mugs of cocoa - perhaps spiked with a little something special to take the edge off. It sounds like it's a good day to stay off the roads!

Kitty, good luck with your move and with unpacking. I hope you enjoy the apartment while you're there. Thinking of packing and unpacking makes me want to spend time decluttering our place.

Actually, I need to declutter anyway since we need to try to defend ourselves against the great brown recluse migration. Within a couple of days, I found one on the fridge door, one on a kitchen cabinet, a huge one in the bathtub, and a baby crawling out of the electrical socket by my bathroom sink. I guess they've figured out it's fall and have decided our home is a nice seasonal haven. First decluttering, then major cleaning, then dusting baseboards and all wall receptacles with diatomaceous earth. After that, we'll put out glue traps in every room. Hope this plan solves the problem. Our daughter was bitten by one about 10 years ago, and we'd like to avoid a repeat. Have I mentioned I don't love living in the midsouth?
10”. TEN INCHES! That’s how much snow we got overnight. :sad2: What’s the actual heck is going on here? There’s chaos in the streets as our city’s snow removal program is not in place yet. I can hear horns and sirens in the distance from my back yard. My flower beds are totally ruined and my tomatoe and herb harvest is beyond salvaging. :sad: I hope somebody’s having “another lovely day” somewhere because we sure aren’t.

Wow - I've seen snow in October before, but not that much!! Sorry about your gardens :hug:

Actually, I need to declutter anyway since we need to try to defend ourselves against the great brown recluse migration. Within a couple of days, I found one on the fridge door, one on a kitchen cabinet, a huge one in the bathtub, and a baby crawling out of the electrical socket by my bathroom sink. I guess they've figured out it's fall and have decided our home is a nice seasonal haven.

:scared1: O :scared1: M :scared1: G :scared1:

I'm squeamish around regular spiders. I could not live there.
Let's put it this way I got the lease for 6 months as the contractor said up to four months......I've always estimated for more money, or time or whatever!! ;) Hey has your snow melted yet!!!?

Thanks Dan for the well wishes. :goodvibes

I've been fighting this move and packing now for a little over a month but within 48 hours Two Men with a hopefully really big Truck come and take all our belongings 12 miles away. And Micca, I could pretend it's Florida as the apartment we're going to is 12 miles south of my house. I really think the temps are half to 1 degrees warmer in the winter!! :rotfl:

I too hope everything goes smoothly, and your home is great to return to. I admire your 'south of' attitude! :)
10”. TEN INCHES! That’s how much snow we got overnight. :sad2: What’s the actual heck is going on here? There’s chaos in the streets as our city’s snow removal program is not in place yet. I can hear horns and sirens in the distance from my back yard. My flower beds are totally ruined and my tomatoe and herb harvest is beyond salvaging. :sad: I hope somebody’s having “another lovely day” somewhere because we sure aren’t.

I was having breakfast with Dh at a diner when the weather was being shown on a tv above our sitting area. The look of dismay on my face had the waitress ask me if everything was ok? My heart goes out to you. Have you found your boots? :)
I was having breakfast with Dh at a diner when the weather was being shown on a tv above our sitting area. The look of dismay on my face had the waitress ask me if everything was ok? My heart goes out to you. Have you found your boots? :)
Yep - and it's a lucky thing too. The snow was supposed to stop around noon and melt off this afternoon but instead it just.kept.snowing. By 5:00 pm there must have been a foot-and-a-half.
Well, I have some exciting news to share! On Sunday evening, my daughter got engaged! She and her fiancé have been together over 5 years. We really, REALLY like this guy and his parents- and we've met some of the extended family (brother, grandparents, aunts/uncles) and get along with them, too. We are over-the-moon happy for them! They are hoping to be married on May 25, 2019 (but maybe a week later, as many venues are a little cheaper in June)... short time to plan a wedding here, with a bride who lives out-of-state! SO EXCITED AND HAPPY!!

[GALLERY=]unnamed-2.jpg unnamed.jpg [/GALLERY]
Well, I have some exciting news to share! On Sunday evening, my daughter got engaged! She and her fiancé have been together over 5 years. We really, REALLY like this guy and his parents- and we've met some of the extended family (brother, grandparents, aunts/uncles) and get along with them, too. We are over-the-moon happy for them! They are hoping to be married on May 25, 2019 (but maybe a week later, as many venues are a little cheaper in June)... short time to plan a wedding here, with a bride who lives out-of-state! SO EXCITED AND HAPPY!!

[GALLERY=]View attachment 355640 View attachment 355639 [/GALLERY]

Congratulations! I love the setting of the proposal, the ballet twirl, and especially the surprise. :)
40cm's yikes!!
Seriously. If this stays (and it looks like it might) we’re in for a 7-month winter at minimum. :( We said see-you-later to several sets of snowbirds last week. Some of them accelerated their departures as they don’t usually leave until after Thanksgiving, but who can blame them? From this region they mostly go south to Arizona. My DBro relocated permanently this summer to the Okanagan from Northern Alberta, which is as close as there is to a year-round temperate climate in Canada. And yet here we sit...:cold:
Too soon, and too much, for sure. Yikes!
Yep - and it's a lucky thing too. The snow was supposed to stop around noon and melt off this afternoon but instead it just.kept.snowing. By 5:00 pm there must have been a foot-and-a-half.

Congratulations all around, leebee. That's great. Best wishes to the future bride and groom and all of you also.
Well, I have some exciting news to share! On Sunday evening, my daughter got engaged! She and her fiancé have been together over 5 years. We really, REALLY like this guy and his parents- and we've met some of the extended family (brother, grandparents, aunts/uncles) and get along with them, too. We are over-the-moon happy for them! They are hoping to be married on May 25, 2019 (but maybe a week later, as many venues are a little cheaper in June)... short time to plan a wedding here, with a bride who lives out-of-state! SO EXCITED AND HAPPY!!

[GALLERY=]View attachment 355640 View attachment 355639 [/GALLERY]
I could pretend it's Florida as the apartment we're going to is 12 miles south of my house. I really think the temps are half to 1 degrees warmer in the winter!!
Ooh, do you have enough sunscreen?:jester: Best to stay hydrated in that climate:smooth:
major cleaning, then dusting baseboards and all wall receptacles with diatomaceous earth.
Well I learned a new word this morning. Who knew there was a word for "death by tomatoes?":rolleyes1 I think if we started having spider issues I'd be living by myself, good luck with the process of getting rid of them.
The snow was supposed to stop around noon and melt off this afternoon but instead it just.kept.snowing. By 5:00 pm there must have been a foot-and-a-half.
:faint: This is just nuts, I don't know how you cope with it.:cold: If we had 1/3 that much snow the city would shut down for several days.
On Sunday evening, my daughter got engaged!
Wow, congratulations! Those are some nice photos in your post, it's cool that you like your future son-in-law so much.
:scared1: O :scared1: M :scared1: G :scared1:

I'm squeamish around regular spiders. I could not live there.

Well I learned a new word this morning. Who knew there was a word for "death by tomatoes?":rolleyes1 I think if we started having spider issues I'd be living by myself, good luck with the process of getting rid of them.

Luckily, I'm not completely freaked out by spiders (or snakes). I like the good ones. And if the bad ones would stay outside, that would be great. Unfortunately, if you live here and have trees near your house, you'll have recluses. They become very numerous and active during the fall and spring. Treating the house like we're about to do helps knock back the numbers for several years, so hopefully all will be well again soon, but it would be nice to live somewhere that they don't.

Yep - and it's a lucky thing too. The snow was supposed to stop around noon and melt off this afternoon but instead it just.kept.snowing. By 5:00 pm there must have been a foot-and-a-half.

Love the snowman and his sign!!!! Perfect!

Well, I have some exciting news to share! On Sunday evening, my daughter got engaged! She and her fiancé have been together over 5 years. We really, REALLY like this guy and his parents- and we've met some of the extended family (brother, grandparents, aunts/uncles) and get along with them, too. We are over-the-moon happy for them! They are hoping to be married on May 25, 2019 (but maybe a week later, as many venues are a little cheaper in June)... short time to plan a wedding here, with a bride who lives out-of-state! SO EXCITED AND HAPPY!!

[GALLERY=]View attachment 355640 View attachment 355639 [/GALLERY]
What gorgeous photos, and such a beautiful couple! Congrats to your daughter and her fiance! Hopefully, you'll share stories of wedding planning with us. It's going to be a whirlwind few months, I bet!

Seriously. If this stays (and it looks like it might) we’re in for a 7-month winter at minimum. :( We said see-you-later to several sets of snowbirds last week. Some of them accelerated their departures as they don’t usually leave until after Thanksgiving, but who can blame them? From this region they mostly go south to Arizona. My DBro relocated permanently this summer to the Okanagan from Northern Alberta, which is as close as there is to a year-round temperate climate in Canada. And yet here we sit...:cold:

This makes me wonder if the juncos and white throated sparrows will arrive sooner than usual here. The hummingbirds left a little earlier than normal. We usually still see some stragglers at this time of year, but nothing for a few weeks now. And now that I think about it, even the geese have been moving along quickly - and noisily - the past couple of weeks. This area is usually a nice long resting spot for them during the fall migration, but they're not sticking around like they usually do. Or wait . . . do you mean human snowbirds? LOL!
This makes me wonder if the juncos and white throated sparrows will arrive sooner than usual here. The hummingbirds left a little earlier than normal. We usually still see some stragglers at this time of year, but nothing for a few weeks now. And now that I think about it, even the geese have been moving along quickly - and noisily - the past couple of weeks. This area is usually a nice long resting spot for them during the fall migration, but they're not sticking around like they usually do. Or wait . . . do you mean human snowbirds? LOL!
:rotfl2:Yeah, that's what you call Canadian seniors that migrate south for the winter.
Leebee....Congratulations to your DD. How exciting for you! :yay: one son lived in Oklahoma and dealt with recluses all the time. I swear that's why I only visited his house once and that's only because of my very first grandchild!! They promised profusely they had sprayed around the whole house before we arrived. :scared1:

Absolutely LOL at the pic of the snowman, Ronandannette even though the snow itself and it eventually making it to Michigan over our winter is soooooo not funny!:sad:
Leebee....Congratulations to your DD. How exciting for you! :yay: one son lived in Oklahoma and dealt with recluses all the time. I swear that's why I only visited his house once and that's only because of my very first grandchild!! They promised profusely they had sprayed around the whole house before we arrived. :scared1:

Absolutely LOL at the pic of the snowman, Ronandannette even though the snow itself and it eventually making it to Michigan over our winter is soooooo not funny!:sad:
:goodvibes That picture is one of my favourite things ever, but I confess it’s not from this most recent ordeal. It was the front page of our local paper and went viral after a similar gawd-awful storm here 2 years ago in September. That one caused chaos because it brought down hundreds of trees all over the city because they were all still in full foliage when the heavy, wet snow hit. It took weeks to clean it all up. It did melt off and we had quite a bit more decent autumn weather though. This time we are unlikely to be so lucky. I think Winter is here in earnest. :mad:


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