Airmiles Armchair Chatter

You have time! You'll likely get them within one week. I'm in NS and I typically get tickets no longer then 1-2 weeks. I know some in ON get them really fast

it's been a while now since I ordered tickets, but I'm in the West, and I'm pretty sure I've always gotten them within a week of ordering.

I would probably get the ordering in ASAP, spot, but with a month left I think there should be plenty of time for your tickets to arrive
Went to Sobeys and there's a printed sign on the shelf indicating that the Barilla pasta should be 2/$5 instead of advertised 2/$4. They didn't have very many, I'm guessing they'll all be gone before I get there tomorrow :-/

Darn it! Thanks for reporting this @bigscee
Went to Sobeys and there's a printed sign on the shelf indicating that the Barilla pasta should be 2/$5 instead of advertised 2/$4. They didn't have very many, I'm guessing they'll all be gone before I get there tomorrow :-/

Strange since the flyer has them as $2 each, not listed as 2/$4... I guess we'll see! I think my Sobeys gets their delivery in Thursdays so fingers crossed.
Yep no problem cash registers should switch over at 12:01 and they probably have the shelves stocked and ready to go . Have you ever noticed when you go to the store that they have been bins at the end of rows filled with food that's not in the current flyer? That's so they can be ready when the flyer does switch over you're fine have a nice time at the grocery store at midnight! One caveat though you have to report back and tell us how you did:rolleyes1

Let’s see if I have the energy to go tonight. I am half asleep now at work.
I was just coming in to share that I even took a screenshot that offer is good in Ontario as well at Sobeys I've had it before as a sample it's not bad not terrific but excellent Air Miles return. At that price I'd buy it if I ended up at a sobey's

View attachment 374403

I had high hopes for a similar deal for Thrifty Foods Blue Friday (even if the $ was a bit higher like it was for the oatmeal deal a little while ago)...but no, nothing even close. I would even be more than happy to buy a bunch of the pasta and donate them. :(

The best roi for us seems to be Lipton soup mix, $2.49 each, 50 AM when you buy 4.

Thrifty Foods
Confession time ... I get Blue Friday anxiety.:rolleyes:
I’m just sure I will make my lists and get there and everything will be gone. It’s weird to be feeling oddly competitive about ready made pasta right ? I’m such a weirdo. :rotfl2:

I hear you. I will have trouble sleeping tonight just thinking about my Blue Friday shop.:D Ok I have trouble sleeping most nights but that's beside the point. Ah the thrill of the hunt!

I get it... I'm leaving work early so I can go get groceries! how fun is that? And hoping pasta is in stock... I'll be watching this thread all morning until I leave too, just to see if any one mentions it. too. I feel like " I know we will eat this etc etc etc " I want ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the AM i can collect to offset any costs for a trip ANYWHERE...i just wanna escape our winters here. I find them harder and harder to get through each year. So there is a balance. I need to find.

I get SO much anxiety. People often post in the morning saying they didn’t have anything of it and then when I get groceries around 5pm they have plenty as they have just put it out! But you never know!

I don't think any of you have it as bad as i do :P I mean it's not Tuesday here ... it's FLYER day-eve, I simply can't go to bed before midnight and if hubby happens to still be up (rare but it does happen) he knows I'll be grabbing my phone and opening Reebee , gotta keep things up to date for my peeps!

List making for Blue Friday?!?! I have yet to go to one and yet i still make lists, dream about the miles i could be earning -- heck i did that before we had them in Ontario! I would study the flyer for the west and pout :rotfl2: We don't even have anything specific in mind that we're saving for anymore, perhaps an airport hotel as my siggy says but once the StB miles post that will be taken care of, so there isn't an urgent push to work the system as diligently.

My current absurdity has me pulling up Google maps to see how i could get from my appointment tomorrow to an actual Sobeys, not just an Urban Fresh, on the TTC and then deciding if 45 minutes both ways is worth it (omg i need an intervention!) All for some $5 pasta!! I can't even get the only other item that appeals because ... IT'S FROZEN!!

So I popped into my Sobeys in North Ajax and I think if they are lucky that there are only about 16 packages of the pasta on the shelf right now and the sign says it is $2.00. If they don't have any tomorrow then I will be getting a rain check. I have gotten rain checks on items before and it includes the bonus air miles as well. I may or may not walk over there around 8:00 but may not be able to spend the $100 for the bonus miles and carry it home. I can always get just the pasta and go back later when I have my brother to shop with me and spend my $100. Sobey's is my regular store so I am used to the prices and can probably spend $100 what with my regular shop.
OK this cold has me down but not out,,,if I can get up early enough to cough for a 1/2 hour to loosen all the congestion I will be out the door.
I am going to just go for the pasta before work and then decide if I am up to a shop after work.
So if my calculations are right (feel free to say no Mel you are wrong)
I need (want)
72 bags of Pasta
72x 2=$144.00
72 divided by 2= 36
36 x 50 AM= 1800 airmiles right?
Plus spend 100.00 get 100 right?
Plus my spend 140 get 35 airmiles
=1935 airmiles right?

OK this cold has me down but not out,,,if I can get up early enough to cough for a 1/2 hour to loosen all the congestion I will be out the door.
I am going to just go for the pasta before work and then decide if I am up to a shop after work.
So if my calculations are right (feel free to say no Mel you are wrong)
I need (want)
72 bags of Pasta
72x 2=$144.00
72 divided by 2= 36
36 x 50 AM= 1800 airmiles right?
Plus spend 100.00 get 100 right?
Plus my spend 140 get 35 airmiles
=1935 airmiles right?


Only thing i would correct is that the price in the flyer is perhaps wrong and the pasta is actually 2/$5 so ... i'm too tired & hungry to do that math :P
If I order Seaworld tickets through AM, how fast do you usually get them? I leave on Feb 7th...

I ordered Universal tickets Fri Jan 4 they arrived Wed Jan 9 (Concord, ON to Ottawa)

So I popped into my Sobeys in North Ajax and I think if they are lucky that there are only about 16 packages of the pasta on the shelf right now and the sign says it is $2.00. If they don't have any tomorrow then I will be getting a rain check. I have gotten rain checks on items before and it includes the bonus air miles as well. I may or may not walk over there around 8:00 but may not be able to spend the $100 for the bonus miles and carry it home. I can always get just the pasta and go back later when I have my brother to shop with me and spend my $100. Sobey's is my regular store so I am used to the prices and can probably spend $100 what with my regular shop.

Thanks for the reminder about the rain checks. I always forget about those. Worth a shot.
So our flyers still haven’t been delivered tonight, guess it’s too cold :rolleyes:
Will Sobeys accept a printed version in lieu of the actual flyer coupon (haven’t tried to print it yet)?


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