A ($XX) Grand Tour of Europe - a great excuse for a day at DLP

We caught a cab to Gare Nord to get the Eurostar to London. We needed to pass through security and immigration just like at the airport. You do both French and English there so that when you hop off in London you are on your way.

The majority of the trip is through the French countryside before the darkness of the tunnel and before you know it you are in London. It was funny seeing cars driving on the right side and being able to read and understand everything after three weeks of thinking really hard.

We arrived in London at 11.30am and got a cab to our hotel just off Kensington High Street. Our rooms were not ready so we headed to a small coffee shop called the Muffin Man for lunch, freshly made sandwiched and milkshakes. The breakfast menu had porridge, crumpets, toast and bacon and eggs so we ate breakfast here each day as it was on our way to the Tube.

We hit the High Street shops for a quick window shop. Back to our room and we changed and decided to take an hop on hop off bus trip of London for the afternoon to get our bearings and work out what we wanted to see. It took 3 and half hours to do the whole loop which was just fine. We had a great time.



The streets and stores were still decorated for the wedding and their were literally hundreds of port a loos at Hyde Park. We had noticed a pub on High Street called the Archangel that were doing Sunday roasts for 8 Pound and kids eat free - perfect. They offered chicken, beef, pork or lamb so two beef and two lamb it was with every vegetable imaginable and a yorkshire pudding. A couple of ales. Perfect. So was the dessert, I know the others had dessert but I had Lemon Meringue Tart that had a sliver of lemon jelly on top, and then like a cheesecake and in the middle was hard crunchy meringue, how this was made I do not know but it is my mid year resolution to find out.

Our next day we walked through Kensington Gardens, past the Palace to the Diana Memorial Playground where the girls had lots of fun playing on a pirate ship. We then went in search of Peter Pan and the Memorial Fountain. We stopped and had a coffee at the nearby lakehouse.


We headed towards Hyde Park corner and the Australian War Memorial, then Buckingham Palace. The roundabout and roads were still closed and the broadcasting booths were still in place however all the red carpet had been taken from the palace and it was actually a little disappointing.


We headed into the Royal Mews to see all the carriages which was fun. We then headed to Harrods - must do this again without DH and DD's who by now think that shopping is only for them. Damn - I knew it would happen one day. We caught a double decker bus from here back to the hotel.

Day Two - off to Madame Tussaud's after it was spotted from the bus, we had a fun couple of hours in here. We head to Leicester Square and Trafalgar Square, looked for some Harry Potter sights around the place before heading to Westminster Abbey. I had always wanted to see this since I was little, I could never quite get my head around the layout. The trees were still inside from the wedding and Catherine's bouquet was on the tomb of the unknown soldier. We spent a lot longer here than I had thought we would. It was really wonderful and beautiful.

Then back to High Street for some proper shopping. Had dinner at the hotel.

Day Three - We went to ride the London Eye which was better than DH and I had thought and no amount of trying to persuade DD2 this was her main thing to do. We then visited the London Aquarium, I have been to many an aquarium in my day and I am hard to impress but I really was pleasantly surprised. A good few hours of fun for us all. After a lunch at a cafe nearby we boarded a river ferry from the London Eye to the Tower of London. Again, I had wanted to see it and it so exceeded my expectations. We were all completely entertained for hours. It was a great day out.




Day 4 - Our last day, we had breakfast, came back and packed up and checked out but left our bags. It was a bit rainy so we headed for the British Museum to see the Egypt exhibit - DD1 is studying this at school this term and was a gun on the Rosetta Stone on returning. The kids had really hit we are going home and were hard to keep going today. We had a long lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe and then we headed back to the hotel were we sat in the lobby for an hour plating and braiding hair for the trip home. with a quick freshen up in the hotel loos we got in our car transfer for Heathrow and home.

The four and a bit weeks away were magnificent. The girls had moments but not any different to what would happen at home. Their confidence grew and they amazed us with what they enjoyed and the questions they asked. We are grateful for the time that we had just us. Being in non English speaking environments that even in the quiet times TV was not the main form of entertainment. We played cards, talked, played games, the girls wrote in journals and we had some amazing conversations. This is something that we are so glad that we have done. The cost was large yes, but as the Mastercard ads say the memories are priceless. The gift of four weeks alone as a family without the distractions of life at home were just amazing. We took no mobile phones, checked email every four or five days and did not phone Oz once.

Thanks for reading along and letting me share with you all. I look forward to reading your trips, they make me feel like I am off somewhere else as well. I hope to share many more trips with you over the years.
RWeInDYet - Loved your trip report. Thanks for sharing it with us and I hope you make it back to the Farm soon.
Like you, I hope to be sharing more of your trip reports with us over the years. :hug:
Oh wow, thank you so much for taking me on this journey with your family. I have enjoyed it more than I can say and although I have already asked you a million questions, I have a millon more :rotfl2:

I agree that time alone as a family without too many outside distractions is a wonderful thing, such a blessing in the middle of our busy lives. Definitely worth every penny.

Now onto some questions :lmao::-

1. Are you able to share the names of the places you stayed in Paris and London, were they nice, good for the money?

2. Why did you select the locations of the accom in those cities? Was it due to proximity to tourist attractions etc?

3. In London and Paris, did you walk from your hotel to all of the places you mentioned visiting or did you need to use public transport to get everywhere? Sorry for my ignorance, I really don't have any bearings for how enormous these cities are and how easy it is to get around is.

4. How much Italian and French do you think a family would need to know to be able to navigate these countires without too much stress?

5. Did you think the amount of time you had in Paris and London was enough time for both of those cities?

Okay, well i have a million more questions hehehe, but will leave it there for now. Sorry if I am being too demanding, I just want to get as much information to help me for when we do this trip.
RWeInDYet - Loved your trip report. Thanks for sharing it with us and I hope you make it back to the Farm soon.
Like you, I hope to be sharing more of your trip reports with us over the years. :hug:

Thanks princess in oz. I am glad you enjoyed it. I have started a pre trip report on our Christmas Disneyland trip which I shall get back to. I hope you get a new trip to plan soon.
Oh wow, thank you so much for taking me on this journey with your family. I have enjoyed it more than I can say and although I have already asked you a million questions, I have a millon more :rotfl2:

I agree that time alone as a family without too many outside distractions is a wonderful thing, such a blessing in the middle of our busy lives. Definitely worth every penny.

Now onto some questions :lmao::-

1. Are you able to share the names of the places you stayed in Paris and London, were they nice, good for the money?

2. Why did you select the locations of the accom in those cities? Was it due to proximity to tourist attractions etc?

3. In London and Paris, did you walk from your hotel to all of the places you mentioned visiting or did you need to use public transport to get everywhere? Sorry for my ignorance, I really don't have any bearings for how enormous these cities are and how easy it is to get around is.

4. How much Italian and French do you think a family would need to know to be able to navigate these countires without too much stress?

5. Did you think the amount of time you had in Paris and London was enough time for both of those cities?

Okay, well i have a million more questions hehehe, but will leave it there for now. Sorry if I am being too demanding, I just want to get as much information to help me for when we do this trip.

Hi Ms Shuttergirl

Sorry I have been a bit busy for the past couple of weeks. I am more than happy to answer your questions.

1. Are you able to share the names of the places you stayed in Paris and London, were they nice, good for the money? In Paris we stayed at the Albany Louvre Apartments which are a part of the Albany St James. For a 2 bedroom apartment we paid around $2000 for the 5 nights. We had our own washing machine and kitchen which was great and would highly recommend. We stayed at a place in London called the Copthorne Tara in South Kensington. We had a family room which was cost effective. The room was fine, nothing spectacular, the service in the gift shop appalling but location wise just great. I lovely little coffee shop half way up the street cooked homestyle breakfasts where we ate each day and right on a tube stop and just off the High Street with great shopping. This hotel is used by a lot of flight crews. It was around $200 or so a night from memory.

2. Why did you select the locations of the accom in those cities? Was it due to proximity to tourist attractions etc?

In Paris I wanted to be central and feel like I was in Paris and this was just lovely. The metro so close was great but everywhere is close to a metro line in Paris. Family and friends recommended the London accommodation and it was in a really great location. I would stay again or somewhere close by. Felt like I was in residential area yet still very close to the centre of things.

3. In London and Paris, did you walk from your hotel to all of the places you mentioned visiting or did you need to use public transport to get everywhere? Sorry for my ignorance, I really don't have any bearings for how enormous these cities are and how easy it is to get around is.

We found London and Paris to be larger cities than those we visited in Italy. We used the tube in London and the metro in Paris a lot which the girls loved and became entertainment on its own. They loved working out which line and which direction train to catch. There was barely any waiting with trains coming often. We do love to walk and we did do a big walk in each place. In Paris we walked from the Catacombs back to our Apartment near the Louvre. We had caught the Metro out. By the last few days in Paris we would catch the metro to a point and then walk some more, for example instead of walking all the way to the Arc de Triomphe which was doable we caught the metro along the way a few stops where we had already been and started walking from about half way.

In London we walked from our hotel through the Kensington Gardens to Buckingham Palace and back to Harrods. From here we caught the Tube back to the hotel. For the rest of the time in London we caught Tubes to the area and walked to attractions from the nearest Tube stop.

4. How much Italian and French do you think a family would need to know to be able to navigate these countires without too much stress?

I speak very basic Italian, greetings, numbers, a few verbs and it was enough. My French is even more basic. I felt more comfortable in Italy with the language than in France. I find that if you atleast try to use the language they are more than happy to help you out. I would often ask if I had to use English what the word was in the language and then repeat. It is part of the fun. THe girls were saying please and thank you and could order gelati and pesca the (peach iced tea) in Italy before we left.

So you do not need to be fluent but some basics will get you a long way.

5. Did you think the amount of time you had in Paris and London was enough time for both of those cities?

London was enough, more days never hurt but we felt like we accomplished a lot. In Paris we kept coming and going so another couple of days there would have been good especially since we took a whole day out with Disney. We got there late on Tuesday, explored on Wed, Disney Thursday, it rained and we watched the wedding Fri morning and went to the Louvre in the afternoon, explored Sat and left early Sunday morning. There are still things we did not see so we will go back.

Europe was just a wonderful experience for the girls. Our eldest daughter learnt about the Rosetta Stone at school this term and we had been to see it while we were in London which was really exciting for her. She is learning French at school this term and was so excited because she knew some words already. She now wants to go on the school trip to France in a few years when she is old enough :-)idea:, I could chaperone). I wanted to open their eyes up to a big wide world with lots of things to discover. We have traveled Australia a lot, but it is also great to expose them to how others lived. Everywhere they went they looked for schools or for other children to see what they were doing.

Thanks for reading along and I am more than happy to answer other questions you may have. Can't wait to see your trip report when you plan. I will sit back and enjoy with envy.:lmao:
Like everyone else thanks for posting-loved hearing all about your adventures - and noted Tuscany farm down for future visit!! (Reminded me of a memorable stay in a Slovenian farmhouse in 2005 except there we had a total language barrier-but we managed!!) Our daughter is now grown but the confidence she gained from travelling every few years with us during her primary and early high school years was invaluable I believe and cemented as you said, that family closeness away from distractions of daily life and internet, TV etc. Happy future travels!!
Wow, I have just sat here, in the middle of my working day, reading your TR which I have never actually read before and can't work out how I missed it! How perfect for me to be able to read considering what I posted on the other thread so thank so much!:banana:

So, on this upcoming trip, are you and DH going back to the farm? :confused3
Wow, I have just sat here, in the middle of my working day, reading your TR which I have never actually read before and can't work out how I missed it! How perfect for me to be able to read considering what I posted on the other thread so thank so much!:banana:

So, on this upcoming trip, are you and DH going back to the farm? :confused3

Yes, we are staying there a week as our base for exploring the countryside. So many lovely little spots to go to, and then we are heading to Switzerland for a few days before finishing back at the beer garden in Munich. Lovee the Sofitel in Munich.

Glad you enjoyed it, I added it to my link the other day as I know lots of people are talking and thinking Europe. We stayed in apartments, farms, hotels with adjoining rooms, family suites to even get the four of us in, lots of fun researching though. Only thing I would have changed was one night less in Florence and one night more in Munich. But that's about it.

DLP was our coldest day and I think we should have gone and stayed the night and done two days. It might have changed our perspective. A touch of Disney was nice but was so glad we had already planned our Dec 11 trip to Disneyland. I would have been sad if it had been our only Disney fix for a while.
Yes, we are staying there a week as our base for exploring the countryside. So many lovely little spots to go to, and then we are heading to Switzerland for a few days before finishing back at the beer garden in Munich. Lovee the Sofitel in Munich.

Glad you enjoyed it, I added it to my link the other day as I know lots of people are talking and thinking Europe. We stayed in apartments, farms, hotels with adjoining rooms, family suites to even get the four of us in, lots of fun researching though. Only thing I would have changed was one night less in Florence and one night more in Munich. But that's about it.

DLP was our coldest day and I think we should have gone and stayed the night and done two days. It might have changed our perspective. A touch of Disney was nice but was so glad we had already planned our Dec 11 trip to Disneyland. I would have been sad if it had been our only Disney fix for a while.

It was great seeing this TR pop up again. Judging by all of the drooling comments I made above I clearly enjoyed reading along :rotfl2:. It was funny to read my questions to you re the trip and know that we now have a trip planned that is under 5 months away.

I did very much feel inspired by your trip, especially Italy. I'm sad it's not included in this upcoming trip but I have secret plans for 2014 that I haven't told my husband about yet. He can only handle so many trips at a time :laughing:
It was great seeing this TR pop up again. Judging by all of the drooling comments I made above I clearly enjoyed reading along :rotfl2:. It was funny to read my questions to you re the trip and know that we now have a trip planned that is under 5 months away.

I did very much feel inspired by your trip, especially Italy. I'm sad it's not included in this upcoming trip but I have secret plans for 2014 that I haven't told my husband about yet. He can only handle so many trips at a time :laughing:

My husband is always scared of the secret trips I am planning.:laughing:
I cant believe we are going back again so soon, although DH told me last night he is very excited and it will be like a honeymoon. I said you could have had your shed and he went Oh well, I will get it one day.

This morning I am moving East Coast to late 14 early 15 and putting the Maldives and Singapore into early 2014. 2014 will have by DD2 school Canberra trip and DD1 class trip to Paris so thinking that just may be enough for 2014. Sadly 2013 may just have to be a trip free year unless:rolleyes1

You are going to have such a wonderful time. I cant wait to read along. I do expect a trip report!
More appropriately called - a bump to make the rest of envious of anyone planning a trip to Europe!! :rolleyes1
Since my next adventure is Dec 2015 I can only reflect. Have been reading your Hong Kong trip report for the last two days. Up to page 47. Loving it.
AWIDY, thank you, thank you, thank you!! For bumping this up. :) I hadn't read it before, and its the perfect TR for me, it reminds me of parts of our last, wonderful European trip and is a teaser for the next one :rotfl:

The reminder, - I get the chills when I think that your family and mine were both sitting in the cold, dark, haunting cemetery at Villers. It was one of the most moving experiences. :). We did do it ourselves, I.e. we drove and parked nearby but DH had researched all the road changes on the Veterans Affairs website and we also arrived at the memorial at 3 am so we didn't have to walk to far. It was worth the effort though.

Lovely to see your photos of Neuchwanstein and Munich too, we had a wonderful trip through Germany, it's such a pretty country and the roads are amazing. I really hope to get back there someday. Also great to see your photos of London, it's my favourite city to visit in the world, just so much to see and do.

The taster - I'm even more excited about the prospects of a trip to Italy now! I could almost just cut and paste parts of your trip into my plans :rotfl: can you please let me know the names of your hotels in Florence, Rome and Venice. I'm researching accommodation for all three currently so would love to add your hotels to my list.

We Will Also do a day trip to Pompeii from Rome, having the same time constraints that you did. I'm not sure yet if we will do it ourselves by train or will book a day tour ( have found some that get good reviews) .

Thanks again

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AWIDY, thank you, thank you, thank you!! For bumping this up. :) I hadn't read it before, and its the perfect TR for me, it reminds me of parts of our last, wonderful European trip and is a teaser for the next one :rotfl:

The reminder, - I get the chills when I think that your family and mine were both sitting in the cold, dark, haunting cemetery at Villers. It was one of the most moving experiences. :). We did do it ourselves, I.e. we drove and parked nearby but DH had researched all the road changes on the Veterans Affairs website and we also arrived at the memorial at 3 am so we didn't have to walk to far. It was worth the effort though.

Lovely to see your photos of Neuchwanstein and Munich too, we had a wonderful trip through Germany, it's such a pretty country and the roads are amazing. I really hope to get back there someday. Also great to see your photos of London, it's my favourite city to visit in the world, just so much to see and do.

The taster - I'm even more excited about the prospects of a trip to Italy now! I could almost just cut and paste parts of your trip into my plans :rotfl: can you please let me know the names of your hotels in Florence, Rome and Venice. I'm researching accommodation for all three currently so would love to add your hotels to my list.

We Will Also do a day trip to Pompeii from Rome, having the same time constraints that you did. I'm not sure yet if we will do it ourselves by train or will book a day tour ( have found some that get good reviews) .

Thanks again

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Hi Andona

It really is a small world. We so wish we had of driven. It really reminded us that tours are not for us. It was very moving the dawn service. We were amazed that we were able to get seats. We were based in Amiens for our stay there.

Hotels in Italy.

Hotel Rome. Hotel condotti. Have also used the hotel Colonna Palace.

Hotel Florence. hotel Casci

Hotel Venice. Locanda Sturion. Has lots of steps but so worth it.

Pompeii by train very easy. Take an express Rome to Naples. Follow signs for Circumvesuviana line which is a local train that stops at Pompeii Scavi which is right opposite the entrance. The earlier you get there the better as you miss the tour groups. It is big. Have been twice and til not seen it all. Been rain and. Heat and after about four hours it is enough. You can en take the train a further half hour to Sorrento for lunch before heading back to Naples for Rome. You can set your own time frame which is so nice.


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