A WDW Vet's Thoughts on First Ever DL Visit


Disney Freak
Apr 24, 2000
I finally managed to trek out to the West Coast to check out Walt's original theme park last week and I had a great time. Was everything perfect? No (see my previous Cove Bar post), but I still had a great time.

I'm sure that my allegiance lies with the East Coast Walt Disney World park -- It's where I've visited for three decades of my life...Where I grew up...Where I have so many great memories. I never felt those pangs of nostalgia when I walked through Disneyland. So, overall, I still find WDW more appealing to me. However, there are certainly some aspects of DL that I find much more interesting.

Here's Part One (of who knows how many) focusing on comparing some of the rides.
Note: Part 2 is post 14 of this thread and Part 3 is post 26 of this thread.

Better in DL
Indy beats Dinosaur -- Indy was fantastic. I'm thrilled that the ride wasn't closed for refurb as it was supposed to be during our trip. I thought it was incredibly immersive. When you get that first view of the gigantic room with the fire and lights all around, I think my mouth was agape in awe. Admittedly, I like Dinosaur more than most, but considering the two rides use the same ride system, Indy just provided a better ride. I will say that I didn't experience any "differences" in the two rides we had on Indy (other than the fact that the statue in the very beginning had different lighting in my second ride), but seeing as how I don't really know what the changes could be from ride-to-ride, I may have just missed them
Radiator Springs Racers beats Test Track -- While I like Test Track for its thrill ride aspect, the inside portion of the ride is weak, although it has gotten a little better with the recent redo. I hate the movie Cars so I was expecting to be rather blasé about the entire CarsLand, but RSR was a really fun ride. Great animatronics and enough of a thrill to appeal to adults and kids alike.
Pirates of the Caribbean -- This was most certainly better in DL (and better than DL Paris which is also better than the WDW version). I couldn't believe how long the ride was. Incredibly detailed in the caves and bayou sections.
Jungle Cruise -- Something about this one had me enjoying it more here, but that could be simply reliant on the good skipper we had.
Enchanted Tiki Room -- Although essentially the same now, at least this show had all its elements working like the fountain in the center of the room. (Plus, I got to see the famous Disneyland cast member Maynard who I'd read about).
Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters -- better animatronics and liked the ability to pick up your lasers and move them around.
Fantasyland Rides -- In general, I enjoyed the fact that Alice in Wonderland, Mr. Toad, Pinocchio, and Snow White all had dark rides based around their movies. In comparison, WDW's Fantasyland feels a little weak even with the new additions over the past year. I particularly liked the Pinocchio and Snow White rides. NOTE: We didn't do Peter Pan, Casey Jr., or Storybook Canal Boats (the latter of which I really wanted to get on, but it just didn't happen).
Animation Building -- Much better designed in DCA than in Hollywood Studios. The Toy Story zoetrope was really neat.
Grizzly River Run over Kali River Rapids -- GRR is longer, contains two drops, and doesn't try and tell a story about ecology. That's a win.
Fantasmic -- When the pirate ship was revealed, I was in awe. While the mountain landscape in WDW is more impressive than the cabin in DL, I enjoyed DL's version much better. There was also a more communal atmosphere sitting on the ground for some reason.

Better in WDW
Splash Mountain -- Although DL didn't have "smelly" logs (WDW vets will know what I'm talking about) and seemingly all the animatronics were working, I still liked WDW's version better
Haunted Mansion -- This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I thought the new addition of the interactive queue in WDW as well as some of the new rooms (MC Escher) gave the edge to WDW
Space Mountain -- I actually thought Space Mountain in DL was horrible (not as horrible as DL Paris, however, which is one of the worst rides I've ever been on). There were no drops. It was just gradually going downhill in a clockwise direction.
Treehouse -- I'll take the Swiss Family over Tarzan anyday
Tower of Terror -- More detailed and a better ride in WDW
Little Mermaid -- a much more detailed environment in WDW despite the rides being essentially equivalent
Fireworks -- While I appreciated DL's attempt at nostalgia, I thought the show was a bit of a muddled mess when compared to Wishes at WDW.
Innoventions -- If you really wanted to meet Thor and Captain America, I guess you'd love Innoventions, but Epcot's dual-sided science-themed Innoventions is better.
Monorail -- I can only loop over Autopia so many times before boredom sets in...

Other Ride Notes
- Winnie the Pooh was a more immersive ride I thought, however perhaps our honey pot wasn't working right as it kind of felt like we were in the "rain" scene forever in terms of our pot's movement. I like that in WDW you bounce like Tigger.
- The Matterhorn was painful and overall a HUGE disappointment.
- I really enjoyed Roger Rabbit's ride and Toontown overall was fun to see.
- Luigi's Flying Tires was MUCH more fun than I expected. I don't know why it made me laugh, but it was pretty darn enjoyable.
- Mickey's Fun Wheel swinging gondolas was much more frightening than I thought it would be!
- California Screamin' was a solid coaster (better during our second ride at night), but I'd probably give a slight edge to Rock 'n' Roller Coaster if I were comparing the two simply because I felt like the shoot-off at the beginning has a better payoff on the RNRC where you immediately head into a loop. That said, CS was really good.

I can't say that DL comes out ahead of WDW or vice-versa in terms of rides simply because WDW has more to offer with four parks.

I'll post more about the rest of our trip in the upcoming days -- food, atmosphere, WOC, key differences for the better and worse...
Glad to hear that you mostly enjoyed your trip to DLR. I have to admit that when I read your Cove Bar/Rancho post yesterday I was wondering how much that colored your perceptions of the rest of your trip. I've been to both WDW and DLR lots of times, so I love both resorts (sometimes for the same reason, sometimes for different reasons). I'm glad to hear as a WDW vet, you generally had a good time at DLR.

Pirates of the Caribbean -- This was most certainly better in DL (and better than DL Paris which is also better than the WDW version). I couldn't believe how long the ride was. Incredibly detailed in the caves and bayou sections.
Did you get wet? :rotfl: I really like DL's version of PotC, but lately I ended up getting wet when I go on it. Not something that happened to much in WDW. One thing about WDW's PotC...I like the addition of the mermaids to the start of the ride. I'm a little 'meh' about the mermaid skeleton, but I like the blurry images and water flips at the MK. I always look over the side of the boat when I'm at DL, but then remember that they aren't!

Fantasmic -- When the pirate ship was revealed, I was in awe. While the mountain landscape in WDW is more impressive than the cabin in DL, I enjoyed DL's version much better. There was also a more communal atmosphere sitting on the ground for some reason.
:rotfl: I love the Columbia sequence as well and I have to admit that I like the look of the new Maleficent dragon as well.

Haunted Mansion -- This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I thought the new addition of the interactive queue in WDW as well as some of the new rooms (MC Escher) gave the edge to WDW
Actually, I think this is a pretty common feeling, even here on the Disneyland section of the Disboard. I like the interactive graveyard at WDW and the library section of the ride. I do like the layout of the pet cemetery at DLR over the one at WDW (but that's because it's easier to see at DLR).
Someday I want to visit WDW - and I know that it will be hard not to compare it, however, I hope that I do not compare every.single.thing and I am able to take it for what it is and have a great time.

To have this extensive a comparison, with more to come it seems, I have to wonder if this did not impact the quality of your visit. I think Disney is a holiday where you want to just let yourself fall into the magic and not question things as much as this - but maybe for your this was a fun twist. I just would really hate to find myself at WDW and constantly comparing it to DLR, as to me that would seem stressful and not fun.

That said, since I have never been to WDW I can neither agree or disagree with anything other than CS is a great ride!!
To have this extensive a comparison, with more to come it seems, I have to wonder if this did not impact the quality of your visit. I think Disney is a holiday where you want to just let yourself fall into the magic and not question things as much as this - but maybe for your this was a fun twist. I just would really hate to find myself at WDW and constantly comparing it to DLR, as to me that would seem stressful and not fun.

Maybe because I'm very familiar with both DLR and WDW, comparing the two parks feels pretty "natural" to me. I don't necessarily mean in the "this better than that" way all the time, but certainly in terms of "this is different" or "this ride is a different place" way. Or perhaps because I like both resorts a lot, just because I like a ride at one park better, it doesn't mean I don't enjoy it at the other park as well (e.g., I like the HM better at WDW, but it's also one of my favorites at DLR).

I think it's generally worse when WDW vets come to DLR expecting WDW and DLR vets go to WDW expecting DLR. I agree that you have to enjoy the two resorts for what they are, but some level of comparison seems unavoidable when you're familiar with either DLR or WDW and going to the other one for the first time.
I appreciate all your comparisons. A couple things that surprised me though.
RDCT(which I have not seen yet) being a muddled mess, and Space being superior in WDW. I still very much enjoyed all the dips in WDW's Space, but that fact that DL's seems darker, smoother, and has a better soundtrack makes it the winner for me.

Enjoyed reading your thoughts and look forward to more...
RDCT(which I have not seen yet) being a muddled mess, and Space being superior in WDW.

Please remember that these are just one person's opinions and your's might be very different...in other words, don't forgo seeing RDCT just because one person didn't like it. While I agree with some of the things that the OP said, I do disagree with his comments about the fireworks. I do like Wishes and see it whenever I'm at the MK. It's a very stately fireworks show, whereas RDCT is meant to be fun and lively. It was developed for Disneyland's 50th anniversary, so it's meant to highlight all of the memorable rides and shows throughout Disneyland's history. It might come across as a "muddled mess" to some, but for DLR vets, it's like walking through the park and seeing all of the rides (old and new).
Thanks for this great comparison!!! We are also WDW vets making our first trip in May... We are so excited!!! I suspect that our trip will be much like yours. While we LOVE DW, I have no doubt we will find the joy in the experience of DL, as well. It's hard not to compare, but it seems you found great things in both!:)
wondering how recently you visited???
isn't Indy and Alice supposed to be closed??
wondering how recently you visited???
isn't Indy and Alice supposed to be closed??

Based on the reports here on the Disboard, Indy didn't go down for the refurb until yesterday (3/17). Alice might have gone down on Monday (3/10). I know both were running through the 3/4 at least. The OP indicated (in a previous thread) that he was there somewhere around the 10th.
I was there March 9-11 so I caught Alice on its last day.

And please, like someone mentioned, WDW vets reading this shouldn't forgo seeing something based off my opinions. I may have said the fireworks were a bit of a mess, but I did like them. The "all around you" aspect was especially good and Tinkerbell's flight was much better in DL than in WDW. I very much appreciated the "trip through the park" they were going for, but with the Wishes music at the beginning segueing into the "trip through the park," I just didn't think it flowed as well as it should have.

On another note to those visiting for the first time, we bypassed certain rides that I knew to be very similar -- Peter Pan's Flight, MuppetVision, Star Tours -- in order to see the things that were different. It was painful to skip Muppets, but with the more limited time, it seemed the right thing to do.

I'll post part two of my thoughts this evening if you're curious to read more...
Totally agree with you on many points! Finally went to DL last August.. I enjoyed the two parks being so close together and more options of lodging outside of Disney...
LOVED WOC and Fantasmic! Even though I wasted precious time (like 2hrs waiting and holding a spot for my family) I had THE perfect spot for Fantamic in the middle! Loved the pirate ship but never did see the crocodile chasing it:(I didnt have a chance to see the fireworks from the hub but from what I saw sitting down after fantasmic, Wishes was better (even though I loved seeing Dumbo)
Indy rocked! Rode it 3x!
I KNEW something was different with DL space mountain! Just couldnt put my finger on it!
Pirates- I did get wet! Never got wet on Pirates at WDW..
Monorail was a big let down even though the cabs are cooler looking... We did a loop from Nemo and I was like "thats it?"
Haunted Mansion didnt have the attic scense like wdw (if I remember correctly)
Glad you enjoyed!
Totally agree with you on many points! Finally went to DL last August.. I enjoyed the two parks being so close together and more options of lodging outside of Disney...
LOVED WOC and Fantasmic! Even though I wasted precious time (like 2hrs waiting and holding a spot for my family) I had THE perfect spot for Fantamic in the middle! Loved the pirate ship but never did see the crocodile chasing it:(I didnt have a chance to see the fireworks from the hub but from what I saw sitting down after fantasmic, Wishes was better (even though I loved seeing Dumbo)
Indy rocked! Rode it 3x!
I KNEW something was different with DL space mountain! Just couldnt put my finger on it!
Pirates- I did get wet! Never got wet on Pirates at WDW..
Monorail was a big let down even though the cabs are cooler looking... We did a loop from Nemo and I was like "thats it?"
Haunted Mansion didnt have the attic scense like wdw (if I remember correctly)
Glad you enjoyed!

The fireworks in August are not RDCT...- it's Magical or something like that and can't hold a candle to RDCT.
Haunted Mansion didnt have the attic scense like wdw (if I remember correctly)

Except for some minor differences, the two attic scenes are pretty similar. Both feature Constance, the black widow, with the photo and trinkets from each wedding and then the "bride" herself at the end.
All right...so Part Two of a WDW Vet's First Trip to the West Coast...

Now, several of you have already seen my post about issues at the Cove Bar and Cocina Cucamonga in DCA. However, despite the disappointing customer service there, counter service food throughout Disneyland was better than I've experienced at WDW (although I will say that WDW is upping its game with the addition of Be Our Guest).

Admittedly, our trip to Disney was followed by a trip to Vegas so we saved our coin for a few nicer restaurants there, but we found all the counter service sites we ate at to be much better than expected. The Jolly Holiday Bakery's tomato soup and sandwiches were great. Flo's provided some great customer service (loved that they told me my "fuel" would be right up while waiting for our meals) and the food was a nice respite from the typical theme park burger fare. The Hungry Bear Restaurant's Fried Green Tomato sandwich was delicious.

Our one sit-down meal was at the UVA Bar (recognizing, I believe, that this wasn't a Disney location), but our burgers and salads there were quite good.

Traditional popcorn was just as delicious on the West Coast as on the East Coast and our beignet treats from the Mint Julep Bar were quite good.

I will say that overall part of the reason we didn't eat many sit-downs is that they weren't overly appealing. We were *this close* to eating a Monte Carlo at Café Orleans, but it didn't quite happen. Everything seemed a little bit pricier than we wanted to dole out -- the same thing can be said of WDW restaurants as well, though. I understand that Carthay Circle is loved, but prices just kept us away.

On the price front, however, I did really feel like the value was very good for counter service food and, I think, as I mentioned above, that the counter service locations at DL do currently have the edge over WDW.

(On a completely unrelated note, those of you heading to Vegas or San Diego [which is where we started our trip] should most certainly check out Hash House a Go Go for one of the best breakfasts I've ever had. Sure, I gained probably four pounds just eating the one meal and took in enough calories to last for five days, but it was worth it!)

I'll be back with probably one more round-up in a few days as there's still a few pros and cons to speak about.
:wave: Another WDW vet here, heading to DL in May. Thank you for these insights! I've heard so many people say "oh, you will be disappointed" when I tell them I'm heading to Walt's place out west, but I know the Disney purist in me will love it, and it's great to hear some opinions from someone like myself. Look forward to reading more from you and others!!
I would say this is a very fair review.

I was a WDW veteran who visited DL back in 2007 and completely fell in love with the resort.

I have to say for me that I completely disagree with the nostalgia factor you didn't encounter. I actually got goosebumps when I walked down Mainstreet USA. Seeing Walt's light in the Apartment and gazing upon Sleeping Beauty Castle (the castle I grew up seeing Walt's Wonderful World of Color on Sunday nights).

Disneyland feels like a storybook to me.

How did you like the Aladdin stage show? DL Railroad? Parades? Buena Vista Street?
I love that you posted this! As WSW Veterans ourselves, having gone at least 100x (as it's in our back yard) people keep telling me DL is not worth it, but I still insist on pit stopping there on our way to Aulani in 2015. I was excited to read your posts and comparisons.
I love that you posted this! As WSW Veterans ourselves, having gone at least 100x (as it's in our back yard) people keep telling me DL is not worth it, but I still insist on pit stopping there on our way to Aulani in 2015. I was excited to read your posts and comparisons.

I always worry when some says words like pit stop. Give yourself at least two days to dedicate a day to each park. It really needs 4+ to soak it all in. And YES Disneyland is worth it. Its the single best Disney park.
I always worry when some says words like pit stop. Give yourself at least two days to dedicate a day to each park. It really needs 4+ to soak it all in. And YES Disneyland is worth it. Its the single best Disney park.

Mike is totally right on this. From someone who has been to all Disney parks in the world except for the maligned Hong Kong DL, Disneyland tops all of them.

I love that you posted this! As WSW Veterans ourselves, having gone at least 100x (as it's in our back yard) people keep telling me DL is not worth it, but I still insist on pit stopping there on our way to Aulani in 2015. I was excited to read your posts and comparisons.


For those who have never been to DLR but just "heard" DLR is not worth it, then ignore them.

For those who went to DL 25 years ago, heck 25 years ago the only park at WDW was MK. Should we compare WDW today to what DLR was 25 years ago? Of DLR today to what WDW was 25 years ago?

For those who have been recently in the last few years and say this, I would say they are by far in the minority and/or went to DLR with a closed mind.

To those who love Disney at heart - not a specific location in Florida but the concept of what Disney is about - DLR oozes magic out of all of its pores.



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