A DVC vacation worth just a few 1000 worlds...


DIS Veteran
Mar 3, 2011
1st trip report in DVC so lets see how I do ;)
1st day a Saturday:
UP + shower + dress + eat + pick up rental car + 10 am =
on our way to WDW! :cool1:

we live in Miami FL so just a 4-5 hours to get to the WDW but we hit a lot of rain at one time all I was going 35 to 45 MPH! But after the rain is the sun and WDW the one photo we all wait to see in a TR, you know the one ( OK so I have read a few OK more then a few TR's lol )

OK now I have to work on adding the photo's so you'll have to give me a few hours or days not sure how long I'll be but what b4 that I forgot to say who I am my name is Dawn ( HI DAWN) I am 40 but only a for a few more months Sept I'll be 41 years old so OLD I know and yet so young..... I have two wonderful daughter Tori my drama queen (really she is) Tori is 15 years old and then I have my little one Maddie AKA MAD! She is so strong will and I have no clue why I have a drama queen or a strong will child from :confused3 but I love them more then anything in this world!
I also have a wonderful man in my life we went to High school together but did not date until after high school and we did for a about a year.... then we went on with our life I moved from CA to NYC and not until last summer my sisters best friend ran into him in our home town they got to talking and for my 40th I went out to CA to see my sis and him and it was like seeing a good friend and you just feel like you never had time a part now a year after that we are together and planing a wedding for July 2015! :yay:
He was to go with my DD's on this trip but we got real sick :guilty: at the end of April and was out of from work for 20 days and used all of his vacation time... but he told me to still go with my DD's and have fun for him.... so this is how this trip was just my DD's and I and it was great!
we got to WDW about 20 pm and ck-in at the Boardwalk.... all my DD's wanted to do was get in the pool so they went down as I put our things up..... when I went down to the pool we saw the that soon the rain would hit us agian :(
so we got up to the room right b4 it hit and it hit hard...

so we got in bed to have a nap b4 giong to dinner at 1900 park fare......
dinner was good as always for years this is what we do the 1st night and I just love to go for the strawberry soup...after dinner went back to the room to for movie and sleep.... at 10ish we got up to breakfast at Cape May this was a 1st for Maddie and we had a great time......

after breakfast we walked about and shopped then the POOL....

we did not have lunch we just got Ice cream at the sweet shop

then for dinner got QS at the new Boardwalk bakery after dinner and pool time we did go to the campfire then up to bed had to get up at 6:30am!

AT 6:30am or so we got up and dress and out the door by 7:30 to HS! We had adr for Hollywood and vine at 8am we got to the gate and had to wait in the long line!

Play and dine was so much fun Maddie loved it also

ok this is going to have to do for night so until the next update have a great day!
the rest of the day at HS was great we saw the Little mermaid show then over to Disney JR I remember going to this when my teen was a little one and this time with Maddie she loved it just as much as Tori did at her age, we went and saw Mickey :goodvibes up next was the Great movie ride and then the ride of all rides lol Toys story manie! Maddie LOVED this ride she was so upset that we only got to go on it one time :( then we went and saw a few cars and the Muppet 3D.... we got a FP for Star Tours and while we waited we got ice cream and a BIG Pickle my little one loves those things.... after Star Tours we went back to the room to rest for EMH's so about 6pm we went back to HS got dinner at Pizza Planet then we went to see the Mermaid again and we went over to the dance party at Disney JR after that again on Star Tours and the great movie ride by that time is was time to go back to the room for sleep! But we did have a great time and did all we wanted to do... now a few photo's from that day......

Let's see we did not get to bed until 1am :eek: so we just did not care what time we got up.... but about 9am I got up then asked Tori if she wanted to get up and she was like "sure" so we got up shower and dress for the day..... today was Epcot day went down to the Boardwalk bakery for breakfast and sat out on the Boardwalk to enjoy our breakfast.... when done we got on the Friendship boot over to Epcot.... at this time it was just going on 10am and as soon as went got in Maddie saw the Little Mermaid .... then went into the world showcase and she saw Bella after that we got on the boot and went to get FP for TT but the time to go back was at our dinner time so never did get to go on TT b/c it RAINED also Maddie never got to see Duffy b/c of the rain let just say she was not happy :furious: remember I told you her she is AKA Mad! But I got her happy when we got in line for Nemo and Friends :) after that we went into Imagination and saw Caption EO love that SHOW! Then into the Land and on to Soarin' after that we went to lunch in Mexico love the love at Cantina de San Angel! after that went on the boot ride in Mexico by this time the rain was going away and it was time to go back to the room for nap (Epcot had EMH's ). After our nap and showers back to Epcot for dinner and on our way to dinner we saw Sleeping beauty then to dinner at Restaurant Marrakesh and the food was so GOOD my X husband is from west African so we have had African food b4 every Friday when we lived in NYC..... so it had been a few years and it was just as good as what I had in NYC! After dinner we went back on Soarin' and that little movie they have in the land and also went on Living with the land.... and the last ride of the night was Spaceship Earth.... all in all we had a great time and a good end to a mommy and daughters trip only :wizard:
the next day we went to DTD for lunch b4 going home :rolleyes2
now working on the next trip for June 2014! Not sure what we'll do but it's going to be Disney!



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